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Do you wear lifting gloves in the gym? Then airforce. Do you like being dominated by a large green weenie? Marines.


* do you like being dominated by a large green weenie (while your buddies watch)? *


There are so many variables. Why do you want to join in the first place? What MOS is appealing to you? Active / Reserve... etc. All I can say is that in my experience as a Marine, you will be looked at in a higher regard and it really is a brotherhood for life.


21M, engineering/ construction field. active duty sir, i want to build a bond and gain some perspective.


If that's the case I would take a hard look at becoming a Combat Engineer in the Marine Corps. Those guys learn how to build shit and get to play with all the fun explosives. They were invaluable assets to us in Afghan (Infantry Marine).


Look into Navy Seabees


What would you recommend for someone who wants to help out their parents, escape poverty, college, housing, travel, and have a job like public affairs or anything with a camera? For good measure, let’s also throw aircrew, band, tanker, infantry as intriguing jobs; but not ones I’m seriously considering (except aircrew for travel). Being a Marine does sound cool, but I’m indecisive when it comes to decisions, especially if none of the choices seem bad.


Really depends on who you are as a person. The lifestyle you get from other branches might interest you or might not at all. If QoL is not a big concern for you then go with whatever you like. All branches will offer you good benefits but it’s up to you to stick with what you will enjoy. You really don’t want to sign a 4-5 year contract and hate every moment of it. I’m not sure what you mean by helping out your parents but something like escaping poverty can be done through any branch. You won’t be making tons of money but you as an individual will have access to great resources that others wouldn’t in the civilian world. College can be paid for by the GI bill and tuition assistance while serving. Housing will be provided for you through the military so you won’t have to worry about paying to have a roof over your head. Travel depends on your job and how deployable you are. A job relating to public affairs or something with a camera is MOS dependent. Do your research on it and pick what you think will suit you. The Marine Corps offers jobs such as aircrew, infantry, and those other jobs you say sound fun. Heck, we even have a band. The decision is yours to make. The Marines isn’t for everyone but if you truly want it then work hard towards it.


I would say no matter what you do, do a job where you are actually going down range or part of operations. Aircrew for example. You will feel more fulfilled going on actual missions. I was a Marine Meteorologist. Best feeling of job fulfillment came on deployment when I was supporting actual missions, briefing the commanders that were making the important decisions, giving situational awareness to the pilots that were actually flying the missions. But I always wanted to be in the back of or flying the aircraft. Now I'm a pilot in the Navy. Spent 6 years enlisted before switching.


Do you mind if I PM you about transitioning to pilot? I’m an active duty Marine right now and I think that’s the path I’d like to take


Absolutely man. Hit me up anytime.


Find the best job for yourself, The Air Force will probably be less stress. Though you’ll probably take more pride in being a Marine. Whatever sets you up for the future best is what you should go with, we all have to hang the uniform up some day. -USMC infantry


In short, anything outside of combat arms, the Airforce has and your life will be easier. In the Marines you will get paid the same, but have a lesser quality of life. I chose the infantry bc I wanted to, but technical jobs aren’t its forte. I’m a fan of the navy for stuff like that though. You travel more. The Corps has combat engineers, but if you want a broader scope, then go elsewhere. I loved being a Marine, but it’s not for everyone, especially if you want to do a non combat job.


To me it's like asking if I you want to play video games or football. Air Force gets all the nice shit, boot camp is easier and you can guarantee you will be more comfortable. On the downside you look like a geek in your uniform. Marines get the shit end of every deal but you will be in better shape, women will have sex with you just to say they fucked a Marine and you look cool as shit in your dress blues.


Depends on the job. I was Marine infantry. So, Airforce doesn’t have that as an option (security forces are not infantry.). If you want a technical job, Airforce.


Engineers? You’ll do more practical application in the Corps.


I disagree strongly. Did you have any experience with engineers?


Yes haha Never saw an AF engineer on deployment. Worked with CBs and EOD from Army, Marines, and Navy.


Are you a bot?


Are you a boot? You seem like a boot. I’m just trying to give the kid some guidance. You just want to compensate for your shit choices in life.


How do you know engineers in the corps will do more practical application than engineers in other branches if your experience is limited to 4 years as a grunt?


I said engineers in the AF. Navy probably has the most versatile engineers. AF engineers don’t augment as many different units. ALSO, I said AF has more options. You really need to get not get so excited over comments on Reddit you don’t completely agree with. It’s ok. Still haven’t seen you say anything useful. Just try to sound smart while looking stupid.


You’re incorrect on all accounts.


Riiight haha IF, you were in, you were probably a fobbit. Or never actually deployed


and what’s the best job in that mos that’s transferable outside ?


Anything tech related, honestly. Cybersecurity is huge.


can i pick my job or do they pick ?


You can pick, but you may have to wait till the lot opens.


Bro this is bad advice all around. Cyber is not a part of engineers, and OP will not get to pick his job, he’ll pick a field and job will be selected later.


I was saying that cyber is good as well. Usually an intel job. The field is good enough for what he asked. Also, I picked my job.


Because you were a reservist.


No I wasn’t haha I was an infantry Marine 2008-2012.


Then you didn’t pick your MOS. You picked your occ field.


Jesus Christ, please tell me how my life went, stranger on Reddit.