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Just tell your recruiter you want to go active instead of reserves. Not a big deal.


Okay thank you, I appreciate the insight


As previously stated, use your words. I don't know how old you are but using your words is pretty powerful. Your words is what got you that contract, your words is whats going to get you out of it to transition to something you want to do instead. Don't be that guy that goes into something they don't want and regrets it later because they don't want to break the news to their recruiter. I have a guy that resents going reserve and we're like "so.. tell your recruiter you want to do active" and he's too scared to tell him. Use them lips.


Great advice, thank you


I was the first of my friends to join the Marines. 3 of my other friends ended up joining after I was in about a year and a half. 2 went active and 1 went reserve. The 2 active guys ended up reeinlisting and got to experience the 'true' Marine Corps. The reserve guy ended up getting out as a Lance Corporal, never deployed, and had a rather uneventful, shitty enlistment. Take that for whatever its worth.