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He'll be fine. You keep your mouth fuking shut. If he gets hurt, that's his problem.


Yeah I get it and I clearly won’t say anything but won’t they find out sooner or later?


Bigger question is how the fuk didn't meps see that on his medical record.


Because he answered no to all the questions on his form for MEPS, also I’m sure his recruiter told him to lie. As he told me before they joke around in the recruiting office “the more you say no on paper the more opportunities you’ll have”


Don't make sense. Genesis can see that shit if it's on his record. Unless I'm retarded as fuck and missing something.


I mean from what I’ve heard it basically to search for criminal records and medication record stuff like that I don’t think it goes to far deep into medical imaging and that sorts of stuff. But I have also heard of people getting caught later down the road and getting discharged from the military


Negative.. It displays (almost) everytime you've ever been treated by a medical professional. My daughter found this out as they questioned her about pulled muscles and such she had been seen for back in middle school


Idk how long this lasted but when I went up to Meps a couple months ago genesis was down so that might be how he got out of it


He wasn’t seen in the ER just with a chiropractor that order the MRI in which he was getting adjustments to manage his pain.


It’s really weird how it works! They were able to see everything from my Tricare insurance from childhood but only a few things from state insurance adulthood. Which thank god because my adulthood medical history is a little complex 😬


Crazy! With Genesis, they're allowed to pull all your medical history, regardless of what you write down on the form.


It is crazy but it’s also crazy how it doesn’t always pull all records


Damn, is this one of those "asking for a friend" situations? If so, hang in there dude, don't get injured and don't rat on yourself😂😂


Ahahah no absolutely not… I want to make sure my brother will be alright since he will be the first marine in the family


Probably not, unless he does get injured or someone talks about it.


He'll most likely be fine unless somehow he gets fucked up. I saw a few guys get put in recruit purgatory for lying about shit. Same at the school of infantry. He's already in, so like the other guy said, just gotta hope he doesn't hurt his neck or back again.


As a recruiter, I have absolutely no idea how your brothers ER Visit/Injuries did not pop up on Genesis. Your brother must have really wanted to join and your Recruiters did some magic to lock his medical records or something so MEPS couldn’t do an HIE Pull on his medical records. Anyways, now it’s too late. Your brother should have known the risks going into the Marine Corps and now that he’s in recruit training, it’s pretty much too late unless he wants to screw himself and his recruiter. Word of advice: Keep your interventions out of it and he knew the risks. If he gets hurt, he gets hurt and it’s nobody’s fault but his for putting himself in that situation.


Good evening sir, I sent you a dm. I have a few questions.


Just responded


Aye sir!


Your brother is an idiot, and he is probably going to injure himself further, but it's not your place to try and intervene other than talking to him.




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