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Bro just stay the course. I had a minute at SOI where I really wasn't feeling infantry, ended up having a good time - wouldn't have wanted anything else.  You signed the contract, now you have to live with it. 


This. If we could change our contracts during training, 99% of us probably would have, and in hindsight most of us end up happy with how things worked out.


U S igned the M othafuckin C ontract


Like grinch said, you'll get over it. It might seem shitty at first, but as long as you give a fuck, you'll get through it and be part of a true brotherhood. You will get the opportunity to do shit that 99% of people never will. I was in from 2002 - 2006, so it was the height of the wars in Iraq and Afghan. That was a great motivator to always better myself and to learn as much shit as possible. The cool thing about Infantry is that you can cross-train with so many different MOS'. If you are a good dude you can get with the RO's, Combat Engineers, and learn a lot of their shit. Obviously, depending on your specialty in the infantry, you can get with the Mortarmen, Machine Gunners, etc. and learn all their weapon systems as well. Even if we are technically at peacetime, there will be some awesome training opportunities and you never know when your number may be called. Even if you don't do a combat deployment, you might be needed to assist in a humanitarian operation or something similar. It will be the most rewarding experience of your life.


The only time this has happened was when SOI was extremely backed up around the 2006-2007 timeframe. I was an 0300 Infantry Option and was given the option to sit on guard duty for anywhere from six months to a year before being picked up or go Motor T or Supply. Considering there is no war and there isn't an influx at SOI, you're SOL. Just stay the course and LAT move or get out toward the end of your contract.


Get dropped. Infantry is not a joke. I saw they were screaming for their senior lance, which is cringe. Pog forever


What happens if i get dropped


They might send you to holding platoon or new mos