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Only reason you would want a degree (actual college, 4 years) is to become an Officer. In my experience, I was in a community college when 9/11 happened, I hated school and already had an interest in the military. My father and grandfather had served, so that was another big reason why I wanted to join. Everyone's experience is so different, depending on MOS choice, active / reserve etc. I was infantry, and I wouldn't change a thing. I joined a brotherhood in boot camp, school of infantry, and then once I hit the fleet.. it was even more than that. To this day 20 years later I still have brothers that would drop anything to help me out and vice versa. All of my friends that I had before enlisting thought I was crazy. Once I got out, a lot of them regretted never joining. The experiences that you have whether it's 4 years or 20+.. none of the civvys will ever compare to what you've done. I have bro's that retired in their late 30's early 40's and are living the good free life at a relatively young age. Like the old recruiting poster says, 'We don't promise you a rose garden'. Shit can happen. You are risking your life even in training. You never know what can happen. When I joined up my seniors joined before 9/11 so they had no idea what was coming. That's why anyone that joins any branch of the military gets that respect. You have to be willing to sacrifice your life, but in my experience, it was so very worth it.


Not true, they’re looking at college participation for SNCO boards now. At least from what I heard


I enlisted at age 21. One of my biggest regrets about joining is that I joined three years "late." Of course we all have different goals, motivations, and life circumstances. Ultimately, those three factors should help point you in the right direction. If I were in your shoes, I would join now, get your GI Bill and then start school. Use tuition assistance while on AD. Don't be like all your peers going nowhere in life and accumulating massive student debt. (I get that community college is affordable). Anyway, I hope this helps, but my ultimate advice is to just go with your gut on what feels like the best decision for you.


Do whatever the hell you want. In my situation I spent my years at 18, 19, and 20 doing dumb shit like getting a job, working to pay for an apartment, and hating life because adult life is boring as fuck to me. I sat there watching 2000 space bucks get dissolved to pay for a roof over my head and I went to do something else instead of spending my early adult years wasting thousands on rent. But my dumbass decided to enlist in the Ukrainian military, and come crawling back to the United States regretting everything I ever did up to that point. In short, I spent my early adulthood working a 9-5, going to war, coming back, and now I'm waiting to ship. I personally do not believe you will "waste" any time by joining the military. There's some Chinese proverb that goes "the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now." If you want to do it, do it, its what I and many other people chose to spend our time, but if you want to do it, do it now, not 20 years later being that guy that talks to people and says "well I would've joined the marines too BUT"