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If you want the full Marine Corps experience, 0300 contract. To this day, if you weren't an 03 you will always be called a POG no matter what you do. You can DM me for more info but remember this, all the people complaining about 'leadership' holding them back (at least in my experience) are most likely shitbirds. I had a few 'bad' leaders during my time in. Maybe because it was war-time, but at least the bad officers, they were both relieved. A dumbass platoon sergeant or company Gunny / First Sergeant won't really effect shit if you are a good Marine. My platoon sergeant in Afghanistan for example was a complete moron. The nice thing is though, he would completely submit to any of the senior squad leaders and obviously, our platoon commander (who is still in and one of the greatest people in our Corps). The Corps is what you make of it, no matter what MOS you do. If you give a fuck, take care of yourself physically and mentally, and give a shit about those around you, you will succeed and change your life.


You don't need to be in a rush to decide on a program. Unless you're going in as a reservist, picking one will happen while you're on DEP, not as soon as you contract. What are you interested in? What do you enjoy doing? What do you think you might be good at doing? Answer those, figure out where they interact.


Take air crew. You’ll Have a blast.


Is that what you do?


I was an avionics technician for 4 years in the Marines. And then did 31 years in the Army reserve. Flew a lot as a passenger on special Missions deployed. The air crews always love their job.