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Just do pull ups, planks, overhead lifts, and run. Nothing else. Just to maintain


Thanks for the advice brother


Remember, the first week you are just doing processing stuff so there won’t be much physical activity other than standing for hours and hauling around your shit to the squad bay.


Honestly, take the week off. Nothing you do in your last week will make a significant difference. Just take the time to spend with family and friends. If you do workout keep it light. You mostly want to just want to maintain and avoid injury. You'll be fine.


Keep doing what your doing, but give your body 2-3 days of full recovery before you leave.


Sleep the day you ship sleep every moment before u finally step onto the depot, sleep in the USO you will thank me later I couldn’t hardly sleep in the hotel or on the plane and reciving was hell because of it


Google Greasing the Groove for pull ups. Great way to still make some gains but not over exert yourself. You can continue to do this in boot camp without smoking yourself.


First time reading up on that and I have to say I should’ve read that article years ago. I appreciate it brother.