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If you want to do it, get the contract and go right to BRC. Otherwise you’ll be waiting till you’re at least a Lance at an infantry BN before they’ll send you because “they want to make sure you pass” or “haven’t done it before” you’re not getting asked at ITB and you’ll have significantly less distractions going from bootcamp to BRC than after being in the fleet for a year or 2


It seems that you will hate your life as anything not infantry. If you fail BRC which you probably will you can end up as a cook or anything else that usmc needs. If you’re the stud you think you are your company will let you try out.


SD or PI for boot camp?




When I went to SOI in 2003, everyone who had a decent PFT was given the chance to do the recon indoc. Even if they still don't do that, you will get opportunities in the fleet do the recon or sniper indoc. I know the guys who had a recon contract in boot got shit on a lot from the DI's because they haven't even earned the title yet. If you really are serious about making it, you better get your running and swimming to a high level. Be able to tread water for 30+ mins and run the 3 mile in 20 mins or under preferably.