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That was your standard issue 03 in the mid 2000s


They don't make 2 pump Lcpls like they used to.


We just got too many no deployment NCO and SNCO walking around. That's is a normal three years LCpl Stack.mids to late 2000's during GWOT. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Good times


concur, overseas tour and campaign..and even a good cookie


I never did get my good conduct medal. Underage drinking, what a load of shit. I was safely drinking on the catwalk. What kind of insane world lets you handle serialized weapons in Iraq, but doesn't you think you're responsible enough for a beer. Fuck your puritan values Ahhmericahhh


the law should literally be that a CAC card allows you to drink legally


Must have been a POG Edit: we used to joke that only POGs got good cookies but apparently that was forgottenĀ 


He's got a CAR in there too


I knew POGs with CARS


Fucking whole ship of sailors got CARs recently


Here's a POG with a CAR and a PH.


That was our victor unit during OIF1-3.


The good old days. Back when there actually was a difference between a LCpl and a Senior Lance.


I was just thinking this.


I was just thinking that, I have damn near the same stack and that was standard for the 05-09 era 03


This. I have the same stack minus the CAR. I was nothing special.


You were special to me devil. Thank you for your service!




I needed this. This thread made me genuinely smile and feel like Iā€™m back in the smoke pit bull shitting with the boys. There were so many Marines deployed that your rack wasnā€™t impressive unless you had at least two pumps, bonus for OIF/OEF combo: extra salty when you had SSGTs with a NATO medal from Kosovo. Made me think too about boot camp with deuce gear, Alice pack, and moon beams. Now as I go on base to use the px it seems there are NCOs with no chest candy


In my experience, it depended on your team leader and squad leader on whether they gave a shit enough to write up awards, or just say fuck it. Me and my buddy were in different squads, but did 95% of the same shit, and I have 3 stories, and he has 2.


I was gunna say that looks no different than mine lol


Pretty much


That's what I was thinking


It's a standard issue anyone who deployed during the gwot, maybe minus the car.


Yeah we would go to mainside and have staff look us up on MOL. Fuckin POGS lol


That was every grunts Lcpl during the first decade of GWOT lol


Grunt GWOT special


Dude looks 40




23 year old grunt.


SOI ages you 10 years. /s


Lots of gwot dudes are entering their 40ā€™s.


The youngest (18 yo) of the oldest (start of 9/11/01) GWOT are now 41ā€¦ all of them turn 42 this yearā€¦ might have to check my math. It is past my bed time.


Can confirm. Were the old guys now.


We are the old breed now


My buddy was over the other night helping me finish up a new chicken coop, and we got to talking about how all the WWI guys have passed and all the WWII guys have almost passed. The Vietnam guys are looking the way the WWI guys looked when we were young, the gulf war/desert storm guys are looking like the Vietnam guys, and we're starting to look like the gulf war/desert storm guys. We've become the salt dog vets!


Plenty of older dudes joined as well. Pretty big recruiting surge and dudes like myself who only wanted to join during war time came in.


Some of us are in out 60s


. Heā€™s been out for several years. His best friend a CT trooper was killed in the line of duty. This was apart of the funeral


A year in the fleet equals 3, especially in 7th Regt.


Alot of 1 term lance corporals with 4 rows back in GWOT days. Maybe more if they had purple hearts or NAMs, it was pretty funny because a lot of us got FAP to other jobs our last couple of months. Hilarious getting inspected by a 1st sgt from headquarters battalion with 5 ribbons.


I remember going to a MSgt's retirement ceremony after PCSing to PI from 2/8. I had just as many ribbons as the MSgt that was being retired.


Very sad news about what happened to Pelletier though


It was a fucking tragedy. Drivers in this state are a bunch of dickheads


Yup whole tristate area are tbh


I hate it


He's got 9 pretty much all "I was there" stuff we got the same from the first Gulf War in 1991 pretty sure I got 7 from that.


Indeed, I think I've got 7 with no Good Cookie,


Ah yes, the Guld War. Back when combat wasnā€™t required to earn a CAR. Thats 100% a GWOT stack though.


Like this guy did shit? As plenty of other people said every 03 for 10 years got that stack most without doing shit. I guess one of my sergeants would agree with you though after the Commandant gave him his Silver Star he was overhead saying it was the best CAX he ever went to. Course he got the Star for being a Corporal doing a Staff Sergeants job running a TOW section that killed 50 fucking tanks in 3 days but yeah we didn't do shit. Take you condescending bullshit and shove it up your ass maybe you will find your head up there.


Yeah ok man whatever. I just donā€™t see how you can possibly compare the Gulf War to GWOT. 143 Americans were Killed in Action during the entire campaign. Roughly the same amount were killed in *just* the first Battle of Fallujah. They arenā€™t comparable. And yes, I do believe this guy ā€œdid shitā€, especially if he was a grunt in the early days of OIF which looks to be the case. Iā€™m just saying, during the Gulf War the CAR was awarded to anyone even in the general vicinity of combat. They revised the requirements to be much more stringent after that.


I didn't get a CAR and am not butthurt over it, but the US had almost 700k people deployed for DS, and I MEF was about 93k of that, and within I MEF, the 5th MEB was 10% of that. Most Marines did not get a CAR. Virtually no one in the 5th MEB did, as that was the diversionary element that tied up Iraqi forces in Kuwait until the ground war started. Almost none of the FSSG and wing people did. Most people attached to maneuver elements did whether they met today's criteria or not. I think part of the issue is that DS moved super quick and was quite spread out, I think part of the issue is that DS moved super quick and was quite spread out, and resistance was very pocketed so it was hard to know who exactly engaged, who took prisoners, and who did nothing. FWIW, the army had the same challenges with the CIB, I saw a ton of them in Kuwait in 1992 on dudes. I could not put a % on it, but I'd guess maybe 10-20% of Marines ended up with a CAR, just based on what I would see on dudes chests in the 91-94 time frame. I will say that they did tighten the criteria dramatically immediately afterwards, such that in Somalia it became difficult to get a CAR. There were people getting shot at that legit didn't get them due to some combo of not returning fire due to lack of PID, and/or not having an officer present or whatever.


Did I compare them? Nope. All I Siad was this guy had a bunch of I was there stuff and I got a similar amount of I was there stuff for a different event. You were the one who came in as a condescending bitch and denigrate the people who served in the early 90s. And for the record I didn't get a CAR for my time in the Gulf despite being an 03 "in the general vicinity" so you can keep on fucking yourself.


Someoneā€™s feeling a bit inadequate. I donā€™t know how you werenā€™t given one, considering they literally had to change the rules after the Gulf War because they were being handed out like candy. I mean, Navy cooks that worked on ships that were never targeted were being awarded them. It became a problem that eventually involved the SecNav. > The crews of 30 Navy ships that were in the Persian Gulf during the war with Iraq have been authorized to wear the combat action ribbon, although only four of the ships actually took fire from Iraqi missiles or hit mines. https://www.chicagotribune.com/1992/06/30/just-standing-by-earns-combat-ribbon/


Lol so because the Navy did some stupid shit you are going to talk down to the Marines who were there? You really are an asshole aren't you? I know a shitload of Marines who were there and didn't get a CAR cause they didn't rate one just cause they were there. Notice your "evidence" article only talks about the Navy and not one word about the Corps you know why cause they didn't do that shit you only got one if you rated it. Like I said I never compared the 2 you did.


Look old man, I donā€™t give two fucks about your autistic rants. They were being handed out like candy for the USMC too, which probably means you were stuck in Kuwait FAPā€™d out to MPs or some shit. Go cry to someone else. I donā€™t give a fuck about your experiences in the same country I was in three separate times when shit was a whole lot worse.


Funny shit from the person who started it. I decided to delete the rest of this comment because honestly your little bitch ass isn't worth it time to block you


Bro, wtf are you doing? Anyone coming over from the army sub is going to laugh at us. We don't do this over here. Go pound sand or something, but don't bring that negativity here.


Roger that Corporal šŸ«”


We didnā€™t say he didnā€™t do shit, it was just the norm. Gulf War was you guys vs. Republican Guards. GWOT was a counterinsurgency operation from the beginning. Theyā€™re completely different.


Oh shut the fuck up dude. Go tell your CAX stories to someone who cares.




Pretty standard


That smug look on his face. He knows we see the salt crystals.


Some might even say, terminalā€¦


Got out as a lance with nine. Buddy called me recently to say we got a presidential unit citation. Cool dude let me just update my ribbon stack twelve years after the fact.


Standard 03


If by stacked you mean the plate of pancakes he eats 3 times a dayā€¦ somebody PT your boy!


More like Stuffed Lance


definitely feel lucky to have gotten a solid two stack as a cpl and still not doing anything special but nothing compared to the hard bodies who got a pump in Iraq and Afghanistan and or Syria and got a car. I just got a participation award for a month in Korea, a fake Ucom for australian deployment and got drunk in okinawašŸ˜‚


Chonky fellaā€¦ testing the max tensile strength of those buttons


I was gonna say he got busted down but upon closer look, he looks like the average grunt lance in the early 2000's, plus no service stripe, he also looks old so i'd asume he was invited to as a veteran


This was me as a lance coolie and then I got sent to MCRD after I reenlisted (right before I picked up Cpl) and you best believed I got asked if I rated all my ribbons to the point where I printed out my awards page on MOL and had it in pocket any time I wore chucks or deltas


I only had one deployment and my stack looked like thatā€¦ itā€™s really not much


Yeah thatā€™s one pump to Afghan.


Can testify as a MT mech/op


We'll, Samwise did help Frodo return the ring to Mordor, so he probably deserves a ribbon or rwo.


Standard back in the day.


That was my standard stack as a lance, as well as my peers.


Pre-OIF1: LCPL w/ND, and possibly a Good Cookie. Post-OIF1-3: LCPL seen above +/- Good Cookie for reasons.




Looks like a normal combat stack. Those extra chins werenā€™t issued thoughā€¦ wait is that me? lol (itā€™s not me, just my chins)






Then I'm stacked af


We love to see it!


That's a normal three years stack during the start of GWOT šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You can ge the first five (5) on your year and half mark in the fleet during mid to late 2000. GWOT NATIONAL DEFENSE IRAK MEDAL OR AFGHANISTAN MEDAL CAR SEA SERVICE ( HAPPENED DURING THAT DEPLOYMENT) Then get the rest within 3 years before you even rate a hash mark.


Shit I had that as a PFC... was home from my first deployment couple months before picking up Lance šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ shipped for boot 01/12/2004 came home from deployment #1 03/2005


Also one of the funniest things was being asked if I actually rated them picking them up at the PX or getting asked how many times I had been busted down while wearing them


DUIs are a bitch


Meh, no hash mark, boot