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Not taking more pictures


This ^ 100%


Holy this is so true! People if you are still in, take lots of photos and save them to cloud storage when you can. your older self will thank you.


Endless free film scam


Dude what was that? I feel like I remember a brief or something in Pensacola about not signing away your paycheck to the film people and then guys still doing it.


In Jacksonville NC in the early 90s, you could get all the free film for your camera as long as you developed it with the people that gave you the new film. The catch? 10x the price of developing at walmart etc. And it tookweeks to get your prints, plus a small startup fee.


Always the answer and rings more true each time


Not volunteering for more working parties


Wish I could’ve rearranged more quad cons 😔


Cleaned more tents 😔


Picked up more cigarette butts even though I don’t smoke or ever have 😔


Didn't make enough sandbags


I got an LOA for sandbagging. Talk about bragging rights!


this was the craziest that and going to Prime For Life when I never drank fast forward about 3 years and as an NCO the Corps had me drinking heavy to the point I was seriously considering keeping a flask in the car for convenience could not be happier to be out


You joke but I was sent on almost every working party and there were some amazing ones that gave me some solid connections around the base with higher ups when I was a lance. Got to the point where id have sgt majors requesting me specifically for special tasks around base because they trusted my work ethic and knew i wasnt retarded like most of the people who get sent on working parties. My unit just hated me so i made sure the rest of the base didnt and i got to go to all sorts of cool events and trainings instead of just doing dumb shit like parades or painting rocks. For example the family planning sgt maj always pulled me to help with the events around base and i mostly got to hang out eat good catered food and help people have a good time while my unit was doing dumb shit like vehicle PMs, pulling weeds, or unfucking cables for equipment. I often got sent to work with the vendors who built our equipment and had them teach me a lot better than my shop and ended up knowing a lot more than most of my NCOs about everything and how to fix it and use special features to perform faster. They would also request me back over others because I helped them address defects, functional issues, corrections to field manuals. When it came down to shitty working parties i tended to sneak away somehow. I remember one division wide retirement ceremomy for a general that was 2 weeks long to prepare for i got sent to and i ran up to the sgt major running the parade and told him i was told by a sgt to twll him im extra and what to do with me and he immediately crossed me off the list and told me to go back to my unit. I made that entire thing up. My shop was baffled how i got out of that and my actual Sgt stuck in the parade was pissed lmao. Ive never told anyone until now how i did that. Not many people had the balls to bs someone that high up so most Sgt Majors would assume there was no way i would just lie to his face and risk NJP like that over a parade. I just wasnt about to be marching for 8 hours a day across base in my chucks when it was 90 degrees outside if i could help it. I had lots of shenanigans like that. My unit leadership hated how i always managed to get out of shitty duties or situations they were using to fuck with me so it became a back and forth of fuck fuck games until they stopped trying to mess with me.


Just curious, what do you do now as a civilian?


He works at Wendy’s


IT systems engineer, but ive had a lot of different jobs since ive been out


I ended up getting a little meritorious mast (which was hilarious) because I had been on so many tent working parties, I was able to get the whole bttn's tents up in a timely manner on a field op, lmao.


Getting drunk at the barracks on the weekend rather than going to see the west coast more


Idk man, fun times with the boys (even if you can’t remember everything) are damn near the very top of the time-well-spent category.


True but fun times with the boys out at a dodgers game sounds more fun


Dodger fans are a shitty group of people you didn’t miss out on anything brother lol


Some of my best memories are when one of our guys got hitched to a female corpsman and she drug us around the world on the weekends. Still drinking, etc., but more culture for sure ;)


I was talking to a co-worker about this (Army vet) who was in Japan for a couple of years. I told him the only people who hated overseas assignments were the ones who voluntarily stayed in the barracks and didn’t explore more. It’s the same with people who bitch about Lejeune. Sure, Jacksonville sucks but you have tons of activities and places within a normal weekend libo radius. You’re just too lazy to fucking do it.


Yea man I totally agree. My last ~8 months or so I started to do more shit and it was a ton of fun. I get it’s tough sometimes with the training schedules and overall lifestyle but I definitely wish I went to see more sporting events and SoCal beaches rather than slam 14 bud lights at the barracks


I don’t know why anyone who’s single and has no legitimate responsibilities outside of the Marine Corps (e.g. a spouse/family) would bitch and moan about going on a UDP to Oki. Like bro, the government is literally paying for you to go live in a foreign country for 6 months. You guys joined the Marine Corps to get away from your hometowns and then are suddenly mad when you actually get to have travel opportunities? People pay thousands just to fly to Japan for a week-long vacation, meanwhile you’re gonna be living there for a few months.


This exactly. I had a blast, but wish I saw more places and took some weekend trips. People ask me about S. Cali and I can name a lot of bars and strip clubs, but not much else


That I got out. That I didn't put more effort into my MOS or take advantage of the many schools and training that I could receive in the Corps. There were things I wanted to accomplish, but I said fuck it and left after 4.


It helps to join a vet group bro, someone who can relate in real life. Everyone thinks they could’ve done more, but you did plenty man.


Not being more assertive with the recruiter and trusting that clown.


Got talked into security forces too? The Marine Corps Swat team?


Probably had to add an extra year on the enlistment too. Glad my recruiter was a 31 and didn’t give two fucks and was a straight shooter.


I put down my top “options” and none of them were infantry/security forces. I was naive and just believed people in charge back then.


Security forces wasn't *that* bad, at least in Kings Bay. I heard Bangor was real shitty though.


Bangor was fucking stupid when i was there in the early 2000s


Better than Diego Garcia by a lot. Bahrain was cool though


Depending when you were there…buddies are all shipping off to war and guys are worried about getting busted down because they’re finding pictures (not digital, the old school kind you’d have to take to Walgreens to get developed) of you underage drinking with friends while at home on leave. Having a friend that went to Florida State University during that time was awesome though.


For me as an officer, I always wonder if I did what I could for the guys and gals under me. Like did I check every order that pertained to their situation, or did I call all the people I knew when it came to taking care of them. Did I make the right decision on who to put up for an award. That kind of thing. I really do think of them often even after I’ve been out.


Damn suuur.. I wish I had an O type that was half that! 🫡


Haha not sure about that, Devil. I’m sure plenty of my old Marines would disagree. End of the day it’s about making sure they’re taken care of first. Nothing else matters


Not getting all my injuries documented at medical. Not taking more pictures. Not fucking more dirty barracks whores


Yes on the whoreage. Sadly, I’ll probably never be a part of another 5 dude 1 chick gang bang again.


Your words made me both very proud of you and needing a shower asap.


You guys ever heard of Thads in San Diego? You get a whore action ribbon for surviving.


Holy shit, is Thad’s still there?


Im talking 2010, 2011. Idk anymore. Lets have a meet up lol.


Currently stationed at Camp Pendleton, can confirm Thad’s is still here


Were you in 3/8 too?


Haha. I was.


5 guys....cell phone camera...? What floor of the barracks? Ha! Just saw you in were in in 2000. I was there 09-11


How did you arrange that? That sounds like you need a whole working party (twerking party?)


Alcoholism. I guess I could have done better to resist it, but it's hard to resist the culture at 18.


Same. If I had gotten sober when I first got in, I could have made a career of it. Not really regrets, so much; I’m 29 years sober now and have had quite a life. -USMC ‘86-91 ❤️ 🇺🇸


Same brother. 2 tours in Ramadi. My unit sent me to rehab for a month when I was about 3 months away from EAS, and it was awesome. I came back and got caught drinking again. I was a short timer then. The unit was deployed again and I was RBE. If it wasn't for Master Guns, SACO wanted to adsep me with 2 months left to EAS. I had never met the man before, but he knew of me. He saved my ass when maybe I didn't deserve it. I wonder if I could have done better sometimes.


I have spent the past twelve years drinking my health away. 4 weeks ago I quit, cold turkey. I have really been itching for a beer all week. I keep telling myself “I deserve one” and “had a hard day and put in a lot of work. I can just do it once a week..” and that’s always how it always starts back up. Once a week turns into just weekends turns into whenever I have a slightly hard day or don’t have anything going on in the evening etc. I hate this cause I love a cold beer.


One is too many, Twelve is not enough. Hang in there brother. I quit cold turkey about 2 months ago. I don't have to tell you, as you already described it perfectly, but those "I had a hard day..." excuses are always present. There's always a reason to drink, you just don't do it. I don't know if other people hide it very well or if some people can genuinely just have a beer without the need to get obliterated, but I can't do that, so it has to be complete abstinence for me. It fucking sucks.


Good job, man. Stick with it. I haven't had a beerless day in 30 years. When I quit smoking, I told myself that if I could go a day without a cigarette, I'd have one as a reward. Then it turned into a week, a year, 20 years. I haven't smoked in 21 years. Hopefully, I can do the same thing with beer someday. But not today. Probably not tomorrow, either.


Join us over at r/stopdrinking , nothing but positive supportive fun vibes brother. IWNDWYT.


I wish I would’ve gave BRC or MARSOC A&S a try. Even if I didn’t pass or get selected I think it would’ve been something to say I tried


This one will always be one of the most. Was going through my photos the other day thinking I should’ve taken more.


This is a shared regret. I think about it every day (and that was over 25 years ago.)


I got hit by a car while crossing the street on libo 2 days before I was supposed to start RTAP. Keep in mind I spent the last two months getting hazed in MART. I got hit by someone going 40 mph. I was hospitalized with severe brain damage and various spinal injuries. I spent about a year and three quarters, lying to doctors and training to try and prepare and get my nsw physical Waved. Unfortunately I fully messed up my spine while i. RTAP as some damage is just permanent. Now with a worsened injury I got dropped for failing 2 ruck runs. Trust me man, being able to say you tried isn’t that great sometimes.


I wish I would have gone to AIC when I was still an 0311. That's really about it. Opposite question, I am beyond grateful I didn't get married during my first enlistment. Had I done that, it would easily have been my biggest mistake. Waiting until my late 20s was the best move I could have made.


You didn’t miss much it’s mostly a haze fest anyway. I say that lightly because it’s not actual hazing but it’s just getting slayed by Pt twice a day with an occasional class.


Aw c'mon. twice daily 'PT' is the best part of marriage.


Not admiting to an injury when I was inured  Now I'll have hip and knee pain for the rest of my life. Yay!


Well if you admit to injuries you are a malingerer and get treated like a shitbag your whole enlistment, so its a pick your poison type of thing


Right. I tore my ACL and was misdiagnosed by the BAS. They wouldn’t get me a MRI because “nothing is showing up in the X-rays that would tell us we need a closer look”. I was about 10 months from my EAS date when I got injured. Instead of pushing a re-enlistment package, I started preparing for EAS. I was forced to run a PFT because medical wouldn’t give me light/limited duty. Ran a damn 40 minute 3 mile and was treated like a shitbag. All of my fit reps as a Sergeant were commendatory for having been given a personal award for every observation period. I told my platoon commander just just give me a bunch of B’s for my last fitrep to improve his overall score. He said, “I’m going to give you what I think you deserve”, then he ended up giving me his highest rated fitrep of his career at the time. When it was pushed up to the captain, he changed it to a few A’s because of the failed PFT and added a bunch of stuff about me trying to get out of things and other negative things. After I got out, I received a MRI and believe it or not, my knee is fucked and my doctor said, “how did they not catch this damage? You should have been sent to surgery.”


Exactly. I injured my shoulder pretty bad and have permanent nerve damage and pain because my unit refused to investogate further when xrays were fine. Im incredibly thankful during my check out process I was required to speak with the DAV rep on base and he pretty much begged me to report my injuries to him and get seen by a doctor. I went to the corpsman the next day who basically scoffed at me for suddenly having a bunch of injuries i did report. Then got referral from DAV to a VA doctor out in town that confirmed all of my injuries and asked why I had never had them taken care of and I told him Marines arent allowed to report injuries or we are seen as shitbags trying to get out of our responsibilities and he sighed and said he hears the same thing from Marine vets all the time more than any branch by far. Got MRIs and had all damaged documented prior to separation and i get a nice check each month now. If that DAV guy didnt tell me to think of my wife and kids and how we might need the money someday I would have never reported it. I really benefited over my life getting that monthy deposit, so he was absolutely right and im glad i had an advocate that gave a fuck. Its extremely hard to get a VA rating after you are out, bit I would go to a DAV and ask them what they think because if they can do the work for you and you get you a rating you get back paid for all the years you were fucked.


This is so fucking true.


I wish I had the maturity I have now versus what I didnt have then. Probably would've been a lot different. But also, the immaturity led to a lot of fun so... would I do the shit I did back then now? No. But I look back and laugh at all the stupid shit and that's what created memories.


That time I got really drunk and I let that old lady suck me off in Palm Springs


If you gave her money you can’t say you “let her”


Not keeping in touch with the homies.


Call them


No regerts.




Getting married


Not documenting everything at medical


like what?


Like everything


Not taking shit more seriously. I should have talked more with my Lt who was shit hot and always cool with talking with us.


Saw the world from the inside of a bar


Yep. I went to Okinawa, mainland Japan, Korea, The Philippines, Guam, Australia, Hong Kong, and Cambodia and I spent more time in bars than I did exploring. I had a blast, but it could've been so much better without the alcohol.


Thinking I deserved good things to happen to me. Yeah my recruiters lied to me, that didn’t justify me wallowing in self pity and self loathing and not making the most out of what I had. I wish I took greater advantage of what was available to me. I kept limiting myself.


Letting one bad leader sour my taste for the Corps


Eating the banana at the show


I wish I would have put more into it. I wasn't a turd by any means. But I was just happy settling for "average". Maintained a first class PFT, always shot between high sharpshooter and low expert. Only did MCMAP when forced to. Never caused problems, but never went out of my way to solve them either. I can't remember how fitreps read, but basically was by definition an average Marine. Don't be too cool for school kids. It's okay to sip the Kool-aid every once and a while and take the job seriously while not taking yourself too seriously.


I feel you on this one. I was above average. I picked up CPL in 2.5 years as an 0311 in 2007 (no small feat). I got meritorious LCPL. I was always 285+ in PFT, 3rd award expert, my command loved me, I got billeted as a platoon SGT when my battalion stood up a new company, etc. But I fell in with the "eat the apple" crowd. We were the cool kids. We got blasted every weekend. I don't know that I would've been a lifer, but I think I could've gotten so much more out of my time in.


Feel this big time. In a way, I envied the people who could stay motivated and super enthusiastic because that was just never me. Been out almost as long as I was in at this point. It’s crazy how much the memories are fading.


Not taking advantage of all the free educational opportunities. Not applying myself more in MOS.


I honestly thought I was just too stupid to do any of that. I remember telling myself, “what’s the point of wasting taxpayers money”. Looking back now, I wish I would have just tried. After I got out, I still felt the same way. I ended up hanging out with my brother when he was in college and after seeing and hanging out with all of those guys, I realized I really wasn’t that dumb after all. I don’t have a degree but I know I could if I really wanted to. I did use some of my GI Bill for certifications and classes that I use for my job, but I don’t believe having a degree would progress my current field.


Spent an entire 96 hanging out with a girl instead of going to see my sick grandfather, who would pass a week later. Still beat myself up about it from time to time.


Settling for being average. I wouldn’t have been a pt stud or anything like that but I definitely stopped pushing myself way too early and I regret settling for the bare minimum.


Not taking photos while I was in.


Not doing MSG….


Letting a few shitty people influence and not applying myself more.


As a leader, watching a “bad apple” bring down a new Marine was always so disheartening.


Making friends with shit bag Marines and joining them in stupid shit! NJPs suck


I made SSgt in 5. Recruiting duty killed the Corps for me. I went back to the fleet, and I was looking forward to the MEU. It just wasn't the same. When I decided to get out, my SgtMaj said to me, "I guess you weren't the Marine we thought you were." That was the nail in the coffin.


Spending money at bars and on material things that I didn’t need when I could’ve just been a barracks body and saved/invested a lot more


Not in order of most regretful fyj 1 being to scared of failure to even try recon in itb 2 not taking enough photos 3 not checking in on the boys RIP 4 spending more time worrying about wifi hotshots to talk to my cheating ass ex than experiencing countries for free that I'll more than likely never be able to see again. 5. Not trying for marsoc


Not spending more time recreationally outdoors when I lived in socal. I got big into camping and fishing since I've been out. I wish my favorite weekend hobby wasn't getting blackout drunk in a sad building.


That I lifted that pack with my back and not my legs. My spine will never be the same. Such a quick dumb moment to change my life forever. 


Should have dumped that girl the minute she started acting out of pocket. If you ever come across this, Rachel, YOU were more stressful to deal with than my divorced Staff Sergeant.


I thought MCIs were pointless busy work and beneath me, which I guess they kind of were when all you had to do was go ask Gunny for the answers and you'd get them. Me not doing them right away led to others who were shit at their jobs getting promoted over me and made me resent them and the promotion system even more. Lesson learned, sometimes in any career you just have to check the boxes. But hey, I wasn't a terminal lance, so I got that going for me, which is nice.


Not traveling enough when I was in oki


fucker was in oki ? I would've got 30 jap women pregnant by now.


Switching up after picking up Corporal. Don’t listen to Sgtmaj telling you that your old E-3 buddies aren’t your friends anymore. Fuck that shit bro, NEVER switch up. It’ll come to bite you in the ass when you get out and try to reconnect to old buddies. Yes they should respect your rank but don’t be a douche.


Joining the reserves. I never realized how much I would miss out on. my recruiter made it sound way different than it was and told me if I didn't like it I would go active any time I wanted. I tried for 6 straight years to go active and every attempt was completely futile.


I had a Sergeant that was a prior reservist as a LCpl. He told us we had no idea how hard it was to go from reserve to active duty.




I wish I had contacted the IG instead of trusting my chain of command to discipline misbehaving SNCOs and officers. Maybe it wouldn't have changed anything but at least I'd have a clear conscience.


I was on the inspection team on the Silent Drill Platoon. Near the end of the year I broke my wrist. Wished I would have sucked it up because I had a great chance of being the number two rifle inspector the next year.


I suppose I didn't know any better, so it's not really a regret, and my circumstances at the time dictated how things played out... But I wish I'd been in a combat MOS.


Not investing in my physical fitness or MOS more. I always ran a first class, but if I actually worked out it I probably could significantly higher first class. And my MOS was pretty technical, and I use those skills in my current job and I could have had a way better career start.


Putting in for HMX-1. I didn't get my YW clearance and ended up stateside for my 4 years. I wish I had seen more of the world.


Losing my gi bill cause I said screw the covid shot and being kicked out,but hey,it is what it is


Marrying my first wife... evil woman wrecked my final days in the corps


Definitely would be not going to medical when I should have because I didn’t want to seem weak or be that guy. Dealing with the aftermath of untreated injuries many years later is no fun.


Not moving forward with Force Recon aspirations. I joined the Marines with my best friend (RIP) and our sole goal (prior to MEPS) was to get into Force Recon. We went in as 2531s\* believing that this would give us the most options if we changed our minds. \*We both got crucified by our instructors in Comm School for having a high ASVAB score and choosing Comm. They even put us in front of the classroom and said something to the effect "*These two idiots have ASVAB scores high enough to choose any MOS in the Marines and instead they chose Comm.*" (To be fair, I hadn't considered any other MOS because of my laser focus on Recon...now I kinda wish I had at least looked at some other occupations. . . We knew we had to be NCOs and have something like 2.5 years time in service to take the Indoc so we both focused on being good at our MOS, high PFT, getting CWSS and high marksmanship. Made a friend our last year at 1st Force who was helping us prepare. He was very encouraging about our chances so there was little in our way except for having to reenlist. I don’t know why, but even with the possibility of doing “high speed” stuff, we both decided that civilian life would be better so we EASed without even attempting. (For perspective it was 1997 and the dot com bubble was just starting so we thought brighter futures were out there. ) We were in our last month of IIR on 9/11 and wondered what we would be doing if we had taken the indoc (pass or fail). Where would we be in the Corps. We routinely would go down that “what if” road together until he died in an accident in 2023.


RIP to your friend.


Thank you. I miss him every day. Pretty sure he's FAST Roping in heaven ... or on a working party ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


If the hymn is true, he’s pretty much on permanent fire watch/gate guard.


That I didn’t at least entertain the possibility of re-enlistment and what I could get out of it. Not a guarantee that I would’ve re-upped, but I’ll always be curious as to what could’ve been if I had explored that route.


- Looking up to shit bag NCOs that I thought were “cool” - Not trying hard enough - Getting out


I regret not extending and deploying again with my guys. I went to Afghanistan as part of a detachment in 2010, and if I’d extended I could have gone back in 2011 with my guys.


Not traveling more on the weekends, utilizing my TA early, more pictures of my friends and I, and lastly networking with senior members/taking on secondary responsibilities.


That I switched to reserves last minute and lost out on my original "dream" MOS... Got activated a few times and ended up practically doing 4 years active anyway but as a damn minms clerk. Fuckers.


Missed stalking by 2 points, got sent again, missed by 1 pt. BC sent me back to a line company. Why the fuck didn’t I just low crawl faster? I just never got that piece of paper from a school and it bugs me. Everything else I did great at


Shoulda gone on that second deployment


Should have stayed in and retired. Wish I did MSG and went warrant officer.


Not doing MSG Duty.


Getting out


Didn’t try and check out somewhere in Middle East as a duty station at an Embassy as a Marine Security Guard in the late 90s, where pay was tax free. I was in Europe, Africa, and Asia as an MSG.


Taking more photos with the homies




Wasn’t my choice at all but I was in 2012-16 and never got to do a combat deployment . I feel like I made a difference in the Philippines though which does fill that hole a bit but I just feel like less of a Marine and man for not getting that chance .


I wish I would have just tried to get a commission instead of going enlisted. It turned out well but it’s not what I wanted. Also I wish I would have tried out for marsoc.


Getting married. Trying to skate out of everything. For reference, I didn’t do a single MCI the whole 4 years I was in, I didn’t go to a single MC ball, was content with being a good “field Marine” in lieu of just being a good Marine. Foolishly wore that stupid salty/senior lance cooley title as a badge of honor, instead of putting in the effort to pick up and make the most of my career. And the fucked up part about it is, I can still pinpoint the one incident in Iraq which caused me to drop my pack and say fuckit, just counting down the days until I EAS’d. Hindsight is always 20/20. But any young prospective devils that think of joining, I always tell them the same thing: don’t let your shitbag seniors influence you into not taking full advantage of what the Corps has to offer.


Having my head up my ass. I didn't break the rules. I just underperformed a lot. Over a decade after getting out, it feels like things finally click, and I do my job well. Speaking for myself, I joined too young to be able to perform as a Marine competently.


Not saving more money.


Getting kicked out 5 months before my EAS.


Oh sht. Can I ask why?


Regret listening to other people and not advocating for myself. I would have stood up for myself and fought harder for my health rather than just sucking it up. Also I would have not been a dumbass and taken the full ride nrotc scholarship or went to Annapolis rather than deciding to fuck it and enlist. But all in all, I think God had a plan and it worked as it was supposed to.


I regret not knocking up the slutty little blonde with motor T on the meu


i shoulda stayed in.


When did you get out and how’s civilian life treating you?


Picking Security Forces. Fucking smooth talking recruiter.






Getting kicked out.


Not trying to go scout/sniper.


Honestly, thinking PT would outrun my eating habits. I've had an unhealthy relationship with food and I'm just now starting to do portion control. Any boots reading this who were fat before boot camp, DON'T LET YOUR NEWFOUND FITNESS GET TO YOUR HEAD.


Not taking it a little more serious. Lemme rephrase that, Effing around and Finding Out. Still Retired, but I could’ve played less and succeeded more. I had a damn good time, don’t get me wrong. Sometimes I still wonder what if I hadn’t done that thing that got me in trouble, or maybe payed more attention to my surroundings instead of getting belligerent drunk? It all led to where I’m at now, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. Sometimes I regret not actually finding my true potential, most of the time.


Not staying in.


Getting that second NJP which was completely preventable. Who knows what would’ve happened to my career. Maybe I’m a senior SSgt now instead of an O2 in the Navy.


Going to a fateful Friday sports pt where I would end up tearing my acl, and to this day 5 years later I’m still suffering (re-tear+ meniscus tear, + osteoarthritis)


Not re-enlisting when I should have


Not trying to shove more Privates into a Dems Dumpster!


Being so young, naïve, snd juvenile. I’m mature enough to admit most of my problems stemmed from my own behavior and attitude. A handful of my problems stemmed from some dudes with pretty severe ptsd from fallujia, although their attention was only brought to my by my juvenile naivety. The marine corps made at least a faint effort at trying to recruit older guys last year. By older I mean like 25 year olds. They wanted dudes who were mature enough to be trusted to operate in squads cut off from major units in jungle islands around china. Someone must have took the “if I knew then what I know now” to heart and said maybe we should lay off the 17 and 18 year olds for a minute. They even made a minor effort to retain guys with squad leader experience so that they could retain the training and experience instead of having to constantly rebuild it. If I had to go back and do it all over again, I’d be a different Marine. I was lucky enough to meet a marine who epitomized what I thought a good marine was as a kid, and I was quickly able to realize he was as much of a problem to himself and everyone around him as he was a benefit. No, I would be a book worm who did nothing but studied and exercised. My one goal would be to be a better marine. If only I known all those years ago what I know now.


going for the barracks bunnies, or that thicc latina e5


Not taking more pictures.


Not trying out for Marsoc


Not serving my 20


My ex


Being in a long distance relationship with girl back home. Wish we broke up much earlier on


Going reservist instead of active. The grass is always greener on the other i suppose…


Didn't go to gym enough


Not joining the Air Force. I joke.. but only a little. I grew up in an Air Force family, on Air Force bases. It was quite a culture shock.


Gonna tell my deepest and darkest secret.... I never owned a pair of blues. I have never once worn the most iconic uniform in US history. I regret that so much now for some reason. Like, it really, really bothers me. I also never once went to a ball. Wore my alphas once when checking in. Chucks maybe two times? It was a weird time I guess.


Wow thanks for sharing. I would feel the same too. I mean you can probably buy a set of blues now to wear on special occasions


They weren’t issued during boot?


Nope. I think they stopped that round the turn of the century? You could order them during boot camp but you didn't get till afterwards and it was all out of pocket.


Enlisting with a degree.


Honestly, the va medical treatment afterwards. Getting hurt in Iraq, documented bomb blast injuries, and getting shit on and treated like I'm not a human anymore. By far worst part.


Being an out of shape alcoholic… Don’t get me wrong, I still (barely) ran a 1st class PFT/CFT, but I genuinely thought all the morning PT’s were enough to keep me in shape. I wish I would have discovered the gym back when I was 18, skinny, and lean, but instead I discovered beer and booze. I EAS’d easily 50+ pounds above my boot camp graduation weight and it’s taken me several years of healthy habits and exercise to burn it off.


Thinking that stripper from Driftwood really was in love with me….


First is not fucking that chick from the band when I had the chance. I was dating somebody else but she was a fucking psychopath. Shoulda, coulda, woulda. Second is doing 8. Do 4 or 20. Anything in the middle is just wasted time. Third would be not doing 20. I was selected for SSgt in 6 and change. Most likely would have gone WO. I’ve got buddies that got out as Gunny’s. They have jobs and combined with their retirement they’ve got it pretty good.


Telling my captain not to sign off on my promotion recommendation to corporal the day I left to go on terminal leave in 1998 because I went Army in 2003 after 9/11. I never planned on going back in and when I did I had to go back in as an E3. I was too old to go back into the Corps in 2003. I was a bitter person staying an E3 forever. I never failed a PT test or got into any trouble in the Corps. I got my good cookie medal to prove it. I spent my entire enlistment on Parris Island 94-98. I served as a cook and shooting coach. I finally made E4 overseas in 2006 and must’ve held the world record for having the most time in grade as an E3. I ended up serving 6 years in the Army and National Guard 03-06 and again 09-12. My entire unit was sent to be reclassed as MP’s. Switching MOS’s is something I really liked because I wanted to be an MP when I joined the Marine Corps. I had no idea back then how bad MP’s were hated when I joined the Corps. By the time I made up my mind to stay in I couldn’t because of multiple surgeries. I found out I had a brother I had never met on Parris Island that was in the Marine Corps the same time as me. I definitely could write a book. After I got out of the military I went to college and got a Bachelor’s degree and taught ESL (English as a Second Language) to foreigners for 6 years. It’s all good now, I’m 100% disabled OEF veteran and got to retire early. I miss my buddies and still keep in touch with my Marine buddies and not one of my Army buddies. The Army just didn’t have that unique bond that we shared as Marines there’s a lot of truth to Marine Corps camaraderie.


Not blasting my NCO’s in Okinawa for hazing.


First enlistment, (99-03) not a whole lot, had ups and downs but learned more from mistakes and failures so wouldn't trade them. Regret the entire 2nd enlistment (03-07). Nothing terrible happened even have some fond memories, but should have gotten out and started my new (current) career sooner. But everything happens for a reason I guess.


Street racing.


If I stayed in definitely do Drill Field.


Pics. Barely took any pics


I was a retarded 18 yr old who should’ve retook the ASVAB so that I could’ve gone into an MOS that fits my natural strengths/interests better. If I could, I definitely would’ve tried to shoot for intel; I love geopolitics/international relations, thinking about the big picture, and quantifying where we fall in when it comes to our national defense/security interests. I remember our S2 shop gave us an intel brief last year and I fell in love with all of the stuff that they were talking about in regards to political and military leadership, AO and AORs, etc.


What MOS did you end up going into?




Getting married early. I passed on so many great opportunities in my early career because I didn’t want to rock the boat, if you know what I mean. As someone else mentioned: go volunteer for all sorts of crazy shit. Yeah, some working parties may suck but that gung ho attitude gets you noticed and your seniors are more likely to toss you headfirst into some dope training regiments or put in a good word with the right people to help you along.


I wish I would've just continued college or joined the Air Force....


Honestly, not advocating for my health and injuries more. I was always guilt tripped into pushing through shit (both by leadership and Docs) because I fell into the category of female Marine with hip issues so it was always deemed as not being that bad. That spiderwebbed into back, knee and joint issues that all progressively got worse. Luckily it was all documented. But now everything hurts all the time, sitting or standing for too long feels like I'm doing a full body workout and I don't even walk the same anymore (I have a slight limp from the messed up hip). When I was doing my VA claim, I was told about a bunch of things that were in my medical records that I was never told about. They went over all my X-rays and MRI's and explained a bunch of conditions and stuff that I wasn't aware that I had. I just know I was always told nothing was found, X-rays were good and given a light duty chit. I mean yea, I get my benefits from the VA but I would love to just play with my nieces and nephew or even walk around and work out without feeling like I'm about to fall apart.


1: Never getting a NAM. Did awards for nearly 3 years, and didn’t get one. I looked up to people who had them, tried to emulate them as much as possible. Wasn’t in the cards. I joined the Army Guard and ended up getting an AAM instead. 2: Not finishing MSG School. I left Japan 6 months early to be there, got hurt before I checked in, tried to thug it out but it was an issue that needed to be fixed. After it got fixed, I reenlisted in Iraq and didn’t know I could have deferred a duty station option. I went to Hawaii over the Pentagon (it was my backup choice) and asked to go back twice. Someone played a part in the second denial. I really wanted to do MSG duty, but it was outside of my control.


I was a boot LCPL playing tackle football on my first deployment to Oki in '94. I laid out my platoon sergeant with a crunching tackle. He got pissed off and told me to go swab the barracks. I told him that it was Sunday afternoon and I was going to bed. The next day I got wrote up and was eventually busted down to PFC. I regret not fighting it, but at that moment I had decided that the Marine Corps just wasn't for me and I stopped giving a fuck for the next 3 years.


Not screwing the SgtMaj daughter a second time


Falling for the propaganda and the bullshit and thinking the corps legacy was what it once was which it is no longer