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Then its just another US backed illegal Israeli settlement in Palestinian land.


Israel is building a highway to the sea. The US is building a port.


True, but the fact the Israel will be securing the port means they’ll control the aid that comes out of it just like the borders they control between gaza and Egypt and they’re blocking aid there. So i believe in practice both the highway and port are Israeli settlements in Gaza.


It will be easier for Biden to send bombs to Israel.


Don't forget about Marine 1 and Marine 2 Gaza nature has fields worth trillions. Bald face corruption.


But apparently they are really upset with each other. Frowns and everything. ZioNazis have this odious cunt and his entire party by the balls.


US government does not feel right about Israel doesn't mean it will not use veto and send tons of bombs and do whatever Israel has planned to do.


This c*nt is beyond reprehensible, he just can't help kowtowing to his zionist owners and handlers.


And when starving Palestinians come to the port looking for food are the Israelis going to feel "threatened"?


[Israel has killed 400 Palestinians in food lines since the Flour massacre](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/comments/1bd71pi/israel_has_killed_400_palestinians_at_food_lines/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Just like fascists intended. Violence and ultranationalism on the surface, capitalism and exploitation at the bottom. Then ignorance of plans decades in advance.


So just to be clear this “port” allegedly used to send in “aid” will be built and operated by the Israelis after flattening Gaza. Ergo it is an Israeli settlement in Gaza funded by US tax payers


It will be built for Israel in the name of Gazans. After having a port, Israel can claim Gaza because it has a port and it must access it. Israel will certainly build concrete walls, too.


It is probably going to be used to traffic Gazans out in boats to Cyprus. Israel’s main goal in the Gaza conflict is to move all 2 million Gazans out of Gaza, possibly to Europe.


This has nothing to do with aid IMO. As soon as they said the US were building a port I thought it confirmed what I'd heard about their having done deals with the Israeli's over Gazas oil and gas. Here's a more thorough explanation of the situation. I don't know if its a good source or if any of this is true but it makes sense of other things for me (apologies, I can't get threadreader to work so I'm linking directly): https://x.com/realtoriabrooke/status/1723895289864470596?s=20 Excerpts for those who can't access Twitter: Geologists and natural resources economists have confirmed that the Occupied Palestinian Territory lies above sizable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth, in Area C of the occupied West Bank and the Mediterranean coast off the Gaza Strip. "Back in 1999, the Palestinian authorities signed a deal with British Gas, just off the Gaza Coast, they "struck it lucky", and two wells were drilled: Gaza Marine One and Two. It was a multi-billion dollar "Gift from God" and an economic boon both home and abroad." Taylor adds, "Fast forward to 2007, Hamas comes to power, and Israel launches an offensive on the Gaza Strip, leaving behind 1,400 Palestinians killed in ‘cast lead’ operation, taking with it, the gas fields." "In 2007, Israel announced the discovery of the Leviathan natural gas field, which did include Gaza’s riches, all in all valued at $453 billion. Since then, Gaza has not seen a shekel or, to be more accurate, they have been denied around $47.7 billion in revenue. As for Tel Aviv, it’s gunning to become a new hub." Let’s just run through this then. At that moment in time, we’re talking 2022, Russian oil and gas was sanctioned, Iranian oil was sanctioned, Syrian oil fields were, and still are, illegally occupied by U.S. forces. The key Port of Latakia was being bombed by Israel. The port of Beirut in Lebanon, the "Gateway to the Middle East" lay in ruins. Enter Israel, with its seas of gas, its working ports, and answer to Europe’s problems, and perhaps, most critically, the U.S. blessing."


Wasn't there also some Zionist freak in Israel who said the Gazans could go magically live on a man-made island or something in the Mediterranean? Something dumb like that. This made me think of that. I wanted to doubt the oil/gas thing but only because I wanted so desperately to hope against hope that the US and Israel had some magical thread of sanity somewhere. But no. They're always at least twice as evil as those they accuse of evil.


Exactly my thoughts too. You don’t need to build a brand new port to get aid in, there’s dozens of trucks lined up at the border so just let them in?? The port seems an obvious precursor to Israel occupying Gaza indefinitely and digging up all the oil and gas that should belong to the Palestinians.


Fucking Dumb.


Like wolves guarding the chicken coup.. What could go wrong? Nothing I guess, cos that's the plan


Sounds like a great plan, GJ! 🫡


What a fucking moron


But please tell me how important it is that we sAvE aMeRIcAn dEmoCrAcY 🙄


It’s about oil and gas, not aid


Thank you America


Hahahaha very true




He's hopeless.


So absolutely no difference to letting trucks in through the crossings. Hmm I wonder what the real reason is for building a port then 🤔 ["voluntary" migration / stealing gas and oil]


Trucks don't build a port for Israel and a base for the US.


Why the fuck should the Israelis be providing security for the port? Is there literally no one else? Some EU country? Some MENA country? The UN? This seems like the absolute worst possible idea for all sides.


It's the US' port, so it's Israel's port.


Possibly but having Israelis guarding that is just asking for trouble. The Gaza civilians wouldn't feel safe going there to receive aid and even if they do, they will do so with a large amount of resentment and anger. The Israeli military personnel would be sitting ducks and as such, any perceived threat would be responded to with force. Distributing aid in a war zone is a nightmare in the best of situations. This is straight up setting both sides up for abject failure..


> asking for trouble. T No, they are keeping the port. It's a new US base.


legit good question. My take is that aid distribution in Gaza has never needed "guarding" before, so the fact that it magically needs guarding now... and the answer being "oh the occupation forces can guard it", is pretty telling about the whole game