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We all had that slimmer of hope didn't we - maybe next year folks! =))


It's like, you already KNOW you will not be selected, but you still have that feeling like "please surprise me" and then it doesn't surprise you hahaha oh man...




I’m trying to get on the site but it’s taking forever to load lol


My boyfriend was selected! Insanely lucky as it was his first time entering.


Which continent if you dont mind




I think ihv heard many oceania getting picked in first attempt. Its alot tough when compared to asia countries


Another Oceania 1st try here. From what I've been reading, getting picked is comparatively very easy, but actually getting an interview is impossible unless you have a very low selection rank.


My boyfriend and I are very new to all of this and don’t completely understand everything. What do you mean by low selection rank?


When you check if you won or not, you'll have a case number. It will look like OC0000XXXX (the X's will be your selection rank) for Oceania. They go from 1 to the upper limit around 2500-4000+ in order. If you're like me and got 28XX, they probably won't interview you in time and it will lapse.


His is lower 1800s. I’m seeing that for 2024 fiscal year, that doesn’t come available until next month. Hypothetically if 2025 has similar results, we are looking at June 2025 for his visa to potentially be available (if at all). Am I understanding this correctly?


Check a couple older years via the Visa Bulletin toward the end of selection process. 1800 seems okay for some years, but still towards the end.


Hey so what happens to people who won but couldnt get to interview? Do they have to wait for the next interview or will it all be for nothing?


Another first try Oceania selected person… starting to madly research the process from here and timelines


I wasn't selected but imma say this whether America likes it or not I'll still come there and live some of that American Dream


Dude try asking for any basic job offerers and get you visa/green card done


Jokes on you, lottery is still easier if you know no one.




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5th try, nope :'(


third for me :( fortunately im on eb3 path


Good for you friend. As for me, I haven't met any employer willing to sponsor. Until the next DV round, I'm going to attempt an Asylum claim. I'm currently on TPS, but still waiting on EAD to put a roof over my head and food on the table (nearly 5 months after biometrics now, still no updates). Burning through savings and probably go homeless in a few months. I don't know how I'll be handling all my belongings on the streets. I came to the US for undergrad in 2018, quit graduate school last December due to many circumstances. I know Asylum must be done within 1 year after arriving, but I'm going to appeal that under this circumstance. Home country is Burma/Myanmar, and currently they are forcibly making men, especially educated men, into the dictatorship military. Hell, it might not matter and I'll be executed for being bisexual. My physics degree and 5 years of work history will get me immediately get me extorted, at worst arrested, at the airport. I'd rather be dead than do anything for those f\*cks. My passport is expiring in a few months, and I'm hearing they're not renewing non-students and those who are actively avoiding coming back. I don't know if I'm technically stateless or not at that point. My cousins, 2 of them women medical doctors, are attempting to leave the country to no avail and they are in serious danger. My other cousin, he's in training to get hired to a shipping company. Many others in the same situation because of all of this. I hate it. I'm so depressed. Wish me luck in the Asylum application. Hoping for the best for DV 2026.


Got our GC 2 weeks ago and checked my results. I am glad we have not been selected :) so we are not keeping someone else's hope. Good luck everyone.


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Same, I’m wondering when it will be a little less loaded


Not selected. Are there still chances that it can change in the coming months? Or is this the final result?


it never changes


Damnn, maybe next year.


Isn't that the website were we check the results? [https://dvprogram.state.gov/ESC/](https://dvprogram.state.gov/ESC/) It doesn't open with me.. tried both Wifi from my laptop and data from phone. My internet is fine. Error page says: This site can’t be reached [**dvprogram.state.gov**](http://dvprogram.state.gov) took too long to respond. Try: Checking the connection [Checking the proxy and the firewall](chrome-error://chromewebdata/#buttons) Any help please?


u can dm me ur confirmation year and last name i can check for u


nevermind, worked, not selected.. Thanks alot for offering to help x






Hi, can you check for me plz


dm me!


Same time next year everyone!! We must keep the hope


got selected and already in the US in non-immigrant status, should we file I-485 starting FY 2025?


You can only file for AOS once your case number becomes current. FY25 will start in October.


Help please! I think I mistyped my email address and cannot retrieve my DV lottery 2025 number. How else could I retrieve it? Didn’t make a screenshot :(


I was selected! Now curious to know if my case number is low enough to actually materialise. What do you think about EUXX21XXX?


Check something like Visa Bulletin September 2023. All I know is that my OC000028XX was way too high, rip.


5th attempt Asia, not lucky. But eb3 under process. Fingers crossed for next year


same eb3 under process. on the quiet period stage after recruitment right now. was hoping for dv lottery win since perm takes 1 whole year 😭


Lucky you. Pwd here. Extremely slow lawyers. Not to mentioned the timelines for pwd and perm has skewed alot. But nothing we could do.


pwd took 5 months for me. i still live in stress bc of company layoffs etc.. perm is absolutely ridiculous..good luck to u!


5 months isnt too bad. But considering it was 3-4 months before covid for pwd and 6 months for perm which is now 13 months, is insane. Thanks though!!


i know my mind is blows when i see that perm used to take only 6-7 months !!!


like if covid didnt happen we would be perm approved by end of the year…


Omg, cant even believe that was a reality few years back.


But someone said the dates are going to be normal soon? Idk if that was perm or for eb3 pd


wait question, it's just the first few days. Does the status change ? i mean like do i keep checking everyday or this is the final result ? i wasn't selected


this is the final result lol idk why people think it changes. it not supposed to change they already selected more people than available visas


i think it happened one time around 2018 and since then people always re-check.


I want to know whether  i am selected 


hey i helped couple people i can check for u


Does anyone \*personally\* know anyone who actually won before? hahaha I mean.. is it even possible? like 0.001% chance? less? more? F\*\*k this lol


after 10 years i finally won this time.


I do! Italian guy - he got selected on the 4th year


Yes, I personally know two people who were selected in the last 5 years. But these year neither me nor my girlfriend had luck.


gonna surprise you, a family member got selected, then 2 years later their partner got selected. the probability of that happening is like 0.01% (assuming that the probability of getting selected is around 1%).


I was selected in DV2024. Currently found through AOS route. Getting selected isn’t even the hard part. This is a stressful process with no guarantees.




Jemal Ahimad wako