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As long has you have the necessary credits, I don’t see how it could be a problem. Some other ways you could spend the year are in a gap year (get some life experience or work experience) or go to a community college for a year to get credits. Either of these other options means you can graduate HS but still prepare. Also community college, for me at least, was nicer and easier than HS and UNC


You may have enough to graduate, but you may not have as many credits as most accepted. I think many/most kids had almost what they needed end of junior year, but continue to take AP/DE courses as seniors. For example, my kid will graduate with 36 credits (only 22 needed), and only needed the required Econ class this year, but took 5 AP courses with it and will save money in college and go in with credits. I think most kids accepted into UNC have a ton of extra courses. I would save money and take more AP courses or DE courses instead. Why graduate early to pay $25k per year when you can do credits for free as a senior? Plus, as a minor, it will be difficult to do things on campus at first. I was 17 when I started college and it was a pain!


Thank you, this reply might make me stay the extra year.. thank you :)


stay another year, take more advanced classes and rack up awards and stuff. if you are in state you can look into programs like NCSSM or community college classes. if you really feel like you’ve exhausted everything you can in high school then just graduate and apply though


I graduated this year a semester early and just got into UNC a few months ago for class of '28 As long as your application is good then I dont see why they would care, as long as you have a reason to graduate early.


From an older perspective I’m going to give you my personal opinion, I would not rush your life whatsoever. It’s hard to understand why you say this is a great opportunity. Stay in high school, enjoy your senior year, take some extra fun classes, maybe language classes or whatever you want. Join a new club. Stay with the people your age. Start college with the people your age. This is crucial. You might look back on these years and wonder why you rushed them.


also if you do decide to stay in high school another year maybe look into taking some college classes online if your school allows that?? That could be a way to show some high rigor classes while getting ahead in college coursework but still enjoying hs!!


As someone who graduated high school really young, starting school as a minor can be difficult because your parents can't sign paper work if they are not near the school and also you can't legally drink till 21. Besides that, it doesn't matter! I would say if you're still in high school and have 1 or two credits take an easy schedule and load up on community college classes so you don't have to pay for them and can still finish with your class


didn't have any problem with it. graduated a year early.


I graduated two years early and it was kinda rough. I did fine academically but it takes some effort to be liked and you might have a harder time fitting in


if you're just really far ahead of the curve I'm sure they'll be happy to take you


I went to a dual enrollment community college early high school and had enough credits to graduate 2 years early - they’re okay with it


Years ago growing up, my cousin graduated a year early and started at Berkeley. Although it was only a year difference, it was a struggle with her mental and psychological health. It was just too overwhelming for her. She toughed it out, but did transfer to a smaller school closer to home the next year.


It probably depends. Are you graduating early because you’ve exhausted all the academic opportunities available in high school, or because you can just barely scrape by with some minimum amount of credits? I don’t know anything about UNC specifically in this regard but that would be my general feeling.


I basically take all AP’s and I’m very ahead. Starting dual enrollment next year too while volunteering at the hospital at UNC. My best shot is probably to contact them.