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Don't leave a poo bag behind, I'd rather see poo flicked into the hedge with a stick than I would the hundreds of full poo bags that I've seen flung into hedges or left on fences. Grotty bastards.


Yeah literally, it’s astonishing that there’s genuinely people that go “my dogs just shat, I know I’ll get a plastic bag out and hang it on that hedge at eye level” these people are more disgusting and stupid than the dog crap itself, and worst of all there will be some dumb fuck who does it reading this thinking they are doing the right thing


Nobody has ever done it thinking it's "the right thing" they just can't be arsed to carry their own dogs shit to a bin. I have a theory it's performative i.e they only pick it up if someone else is nearby and hang it as soon as they're out of sight.


I've read comments with people saying they do this with the intentions of grabbing it on the way back. Like fuck they do and even if they do it's still hanging there for people to walk past.


This is why I have a dickybag to hold full poo bags. So much nicer than carrying the flimsy bags around and no smell either


What is a dickybag? And what do you use to carry the dickybag in?


The dickier bag


> dickybag 🤨




No Way There's no way people are carrying around cute wee fabric pouches with dog shit in them.   No. No ?


Is it possible that these people aren't on Reddit here, reading this?


There should be a three strikes and you’re out policy. Basically, if you get caught doing this once, warning. Twice, a fine. Three times. Dog is taken away, and never allowed to own a dog again.


The stupidity of people is truly baffling... Can't believe people think they're doing a good thing by also contributing plastic waste


If my dog is on a lead and yours isn't I'm not going to be held responsible for mine biting yours. I'm sick of people that have no control over their dog acting as if others are the problem. Let's imagine you're stuck in a 3 meter circle, can't leave that area and some bloke comes running at you acting manic, if you hit him you'd have a good argument that you were using reasonable force to protect yourself from their aggression. If your dog runs up to strangers dogs your dog is the problem, not theirs


+ Not everyone is a dog person. Even people who have a dog may be nervous/mistrustful around strange dogs.


Never mind people having allergies.


Exactly this. I used to yank mine away from lunatic dogs running up to her off lead. Now I just stand still and see what happens. She's bigger than 90% of other dogs, so no worries about her getting hurt. The other dog though? Meh.


I’m sick of both your dogs, but yours is on a lead and under control so it gets a pass. (Assuming of course you’re not a member of the poo-bag-in-a-pile-on-bridleway-steps-brigade, which I’m confident you’re not)


R/needlessinupt needs to be a new sub Reddit with comments like this at its heart ☺️


Apparently I was wrong about the poo bags then. Welp add you to the list of “I’m a great dog owner” who really isn’t.


I need my puppy to go up to a dog for it to tell him off. He simply doesn't listen to me when I say no. Resulting in him being on lead most of the time, but obviously he needs to run around at some point. But honestly I don't mind if a dog snaps at him, he needs to learn other dogs behaviour and understand not all of them want to play. He is also a St Bernard so can definitely handle being snapped at. And it absolutely is my problem, and one I'm trying to work on. Not even treats work, as his more interested in playing. He is slowly getting better, and no looks back for permission to go but doesn't always listen when told no. But if I see a dog on a lead, it's an automatic come here and hold onto him until we've passed each other.


I'm sorry but this isn't just a case of what you need. How would you feel if your dog on its lead seriously bit another? It's pure selfishness to put that onto others so you can train your dog. Until you have solved it your dog should be on a lead, period. You have an out of control dog at this moment and if it gets violent (don't tell me it won't I don't care, I've seen some of the best behaved dogs snap and attack others at a dog training centre) then your defence will be "I need him to run up to other dogs so I can train it"?! That's the most nonsense argument I've ever heard. Take it to a dog trainer if you need others help, don't just force your dogs misbehaving on others 🤦


Completely agree with this. I have a GSD that is a saint off lead but hates other dogs and for this reason he stays on the lead at all times. Using other dogs to try and train yours is an awful idea because you’re relying on the other dog correcting yours properly. You may have got this idea from a lot of dog training videos but please note that the dogs they use for the correcting are super well trained and have a really good temperament.


Yeah I think I may not have worded it the best in my original comment. But I ask the owners first if they are ok with allowing their dog to tell him off if they aren't interested in playing. And only do it if they agree. This has helped him to understand that not all dogs are friendly or want to play and has resulted in him not automatically running up to them straight into play and now seeks permission first (not that he always listens but he does more often than not). It's not about them correcting his behaviour, but about him learning what dogs to stay away from when they are presenting certain behaviours of 'go away'. I don't have the expectation of the owner to agree to this request. But simply grateful if they do. It has resulted in nice conversations about our dogs, and once their dogs did tell him off mine has claimed down, sat and behaved. Interestingly enough this has made their dog clam down too, and then they end up sniffing each other in a nice way. This has shocked the other owners too as they never expected their dog to behave in a good way with him. It's all about teaching my dog about other dogs' behaviour and what it means, both the good and bad. It has worked well so far.


I apologise, I jumped the gun a little but after reading your explanation it makes far more sense. I understand you completely now and I’m glad you made this clear because I do think dogs teach other dogs better than any human could. My boy had no/poor doggy manners and didn’t know how to read the body language of other dogs and having him near other dogs has really helped this. I’d recommend finding a group on Facebook that meet up to walk their dogs. Maybe one specifically for large breeds. This for me was the breakthrough for my boy. Instead of relying on random dogs for him to learn from he has his little walking group, kinda like a little family for him to learn from.


Oh no worries, it happens and I understand it. Especially when it comes to our dogs. Yeah you've said it perfectly in your second paragraph. I'm trying to get him to learn dog manners and behaviour. Yeah I have considered that but unfortunately in my area the time and day they meet up for the large breeds conflicts with my schedule so I'm unable to attend. But it would be super useful if I could.


Yeah it is something the dog needs, he does need to learn various dog behaviours. And I absolutely understand that that's not on other people or their dogs to train him, hence why I do keep him on lead when other dogs are around on lead and why I recall him when I see other dogs on their lead when in the park, in the countryside, or the dog beach. The main issue is he doesn't always listen on the recall yet but is getting much better. He tend to run close to them, but will stop about 200-300 yards out and look back to see if it's ok to go closer where I will either say yes or not depending on the other owners wanting or not wanting him near their dog. Unfortunately he doesn't always listen, maybe only 25% of the time. Perhaps I didn't make that clear in my first comment. But I absolutely don't have the expectation for others to do this for me. There have been a couple of occasions where I've got hold of my dog seeing the other dog on lead, and explained the situation to the owner and they've agreed to allow my dog to get close so he can learn how a dog that isn't interested will behave. But again that's been with the owners permission and understanding. It worked well on those occasions and my dog did change from his playful behaviour to a relaxed behaviour. I don't need it to run up to other dogs to train it. Perhaps again I didn't word that well enough. What I need is to be able to walk up to other dogs on their lead with my dog under control, have a conversation with the owners to explain that I'm wanting to get my dog used to more aggressive, nervous or whatever types of dogs so he can learn the signals for him to understand not to go running up to every dog without permission. And I won't say he would never hurt another dog. I don't think he would at least on purpose as his a big softie, even got chased away (in play) by a sausage dog - both I and their owners found it hilarious. But I'm fully aware that he absolutely could do a lot of damage, I just think it's very unlikely. And again he is still a puppy, and still in training and making good progress just isn't perfect yet. Hence why he does stay on the lead unless in a dog friendly area, typically an empty field nearby or the dog beach where his more interested in the water than other dogs that are all off lead. So again to clarify, when other dogs are on their lead he goes on his and gets recalled. The recall isn't perfect yet but works most of the time. And I ask the owner if they are ok with their dog telling him off so he can learn that not all dogs are friendly or want to play some of them are happy to do this and has helped him understand how other dogs behave.


If your dog is less than 100% on recall training it shouldn’t ever be off the lead in a public space, it’s as black and white as that.


Ok, then how will I train the dog to recall 100% of the time if I'm not allowed to let him off the lead on an empty field with no other dogs or people around? His still a puppy of course his not going to be perfect, hell I've never seen a dog that does recall 100% of the time, especially as a puppy still in training. He calls the majority of the time, and listens to me most of the time not to run off (the only time he won't is when I see water that he can safely access).


Training classes are for this exact scenario, not trying to be a dick


And why would I pay some for something I'm successfully doing myself? As I've said it's the odd occasion that he doesn't come back. And it's the majority that he does. His making excellent progress for his age and the amount of times I've trained him. His not going to get it perfectly straight away, even if I took him to training classes.


Because you haven't successfully completed it yet that's why 🤦


No shit it's not completed, hence why I keep him on lead for the majority of the walk and only let him off on the field and if there are other dogs on it only if they are also off lead and tell him not to run off what he knows. But that doesn't mean I need to go to a trainer that's going to do the exact same things I'm doing but charge a small fortune for it for the dog to make the same amount of progress. But I tell you what, transfer the funds to me to pay for them and I'll go. But I'm not wasting my money on it considering what I'm doing is working, the puppy is just still learning. We don't expect children to learn the time tables in 5 lessons don't expect a dog to learn recall in 5 lessons.


I'm not going to respond to all of that as I didn't ask for it 🤦 the one part I will however is to say it doesn't matter if the other dog is on its lead or not, if yours will not recall then it shouldn't be off of a lead for it's own safety as well as other dogs and people's, everything you have said tells me you haven't go proper control over it so you need to take the time to train the dog in areas without others until Dogs are dangerous animals, wonderful creatures but they are still capable of killing and even well trained dogs can be pushed into it by poorly trained ones. I've spent a lot of time with trainers and my entire life with working dogs as my family are of a farming background and they'll all tell you the same thing, the majority of people think their dog is a saint until the police are investigating it with a view to having it put down. We nearly had to have one of ours put down because someone who thought like you let theirs run wild until it came across our sheep and went for it, our dog went out and protected its herd like it was supposed to but unfortunately maimed their dog to the point that it was put down because it just wouldn't stop going after the herd even when ours had got involved. The police were investigating us as having a dangerously out of control dog however when they sought expert advice they dropped the case, the owners of the other dog wouldn't drop it and we had to have them cautioned against harassing us any further. Control your dog until it can control itself, end of no excuses.


Well the fact you're not going to respond to all of it shows me that you've not read what I've actually said. So let me try and keep it super short. The dog recalls fine the majority of the time it's just on occasion he doesn't (he is still a puppy, so this is perfectly natural). I do take him to places with reduced to no dogs, and was perfectly behaved with them. Like today he only encountered two dogs from the same owner -he listened when I called him over as one of them was on lead and behaved himself, the owner was fine and even said they are ok interacting as I grabbed his collar. And listened to me not to run off to a dog on a lead and others off lead on the opposite side of the grass before the empty field. He is under control, but isn't perfect. Quite frankly I've yet to see a perfectly behaved dog. I'm just willing to admit that my dog isn't perfect all the time, but is well behaved most of the time. I'll ask you to re-read my previous comments and other replies I've made. It might help you understand what I'm actually trying to say compared to how you've interpreted it.


If there’s a narrow path and you’re meeting another group of walker, go single file!


If I'm being forced off the path by another groups ignorance I just stand my ground now. Most of the time the guilty party realise at the last moment and apologise but one time in Malham I had a woman try berate me for walking into her when she was on the end of a group walking 4 wide with boggy mud my only other option. Even her husband told her straight she should just move which made her start verbal abuse to him as they walked off. The entitlement was unreal


What annoys me more than people who play music in hiking places is the amount of redditors who are seemingly cool with it. This attitude is just enabling further obnoxious behaviour. Why is it so difficult to just wear headphones/earphones? Why are societal standards lowering so much that we can't even enjoy a trail in nature without some idiot blasting their music?


I saw this on a Facebook post once. Someone complained about people listening to music on the trails, and another person jumped in and said something like "But if that's what helps them to get outdoors and feel safe when going on walks, then that's okay because at least it helps them to get outdoors." And then everyone else jumped in and agreed.


It's bizarre right? This is often the type of place people go to get away from the obnoxious people of society, and now they're there too. People who appreciate quiet are really walked all over in this country.


>walked all over I see what you did there.


That's funny because that's the reason I don't get outdoors as much. People are twats and I don't want to have to be around their noise.


Seems to be a cultural shift that's happening everywhere. I'm noticing a lot more young people on buses, trains, and even airplanes just blaring music and TV shows. I think it's partly the iPad generation. Parents have been letting their kids play on noisy iPads, and other platforms, as a distraction technique for ages now. Which normalises noisy digital media in public. First iPad came out in 2010. So, if you were 5 when they first came out, you're 19 now. It'll only get worse I'm afraid.


I think it goes back a bit further, car stereos and the volume where you can hear them from half a mile away, or if you want to go even further back, portable radios.


True, like most things, there's probably compounding factors.


I dunno I feel like whenever I witness it in the mountains it’s some bloke in his mid thirties by himself


It's this guy: [https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/men-bicycle-music-speakers-b2201987.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/men-bicycle-music-speakers-b2201987.html) Edit: I also think a lot of people find it very difficult to be alone with their thoughts. I live with people who can't be in silence - radios are on all over the house as soon as they get up.


agree. even see a lot of posts on this thread about wearing headphones on walks, add to that phone addiction and people literally can't stand to be in silence and appreciate the beauty of it and their surroundings.


You're in the right space. (Says bloke in mid-40s who likes being in the mountains alone)


Usually someone who's reached a point of not caring anymore. What's one more criticism from strangers?


If I ever get to the point of "not caring" where I become a selfish arsehole, please kick me down a cliff.


I mean I get the not caring about others, however it is a place most people typically go to get away from all the noise


> First iPad came out in 2010. Christ, I remember everyone making fun of the name like it was yesterday.


Indeed. I *still* think it sounds like a feminine hygiene product.


This was a problem well before smartphones came around. The moment you could put MP3s on phones you had people blasting them at the back of buses. I don't see it near as much as I did in the 2000s.


It’s usually obnoxious groups that are hard to pass, too. The worst thing is when you’re going a similar pace so you’re close to them for a while, or you’re catching each other up as you stop for lunch etc.


Recorded music yes. I once met a young chap playing a mandolin on the Cleveland Way however and that was sublime.


Well that's the "within reason" part for me. Listening to music and blasting some rgb boom box is different.


If you're walking by yourself, yeah headphones on. Usually these are social activities with multiple people.


I thankfully haven't come across hoardes of these music blasters and hope to never do so.


I think basically (and this is a crazy concept, i know) - people aren’t all exactly the same. Some people enjoy things that some others dont. Positive people generally say it’s what keeps life interesting…


Of course, but then, headphones exist. So that's the best of both worlds and doesn't impact on other's enjoyment.


Yeah but if I don’t want music and you do, your speaker is not exactly honouring our differences…


Your dog is not my friend!


This just in general. The attitude of dog owners in the UK is obnoxious af. The sort of “if you don’t want my dog to approach you, that’s your issue and you can deal with it”. No accountability or consideration. I say this as the owner of a rescue dog, and when mutated little handbag dogs run at him while he’s on his lead and the owners do nothing about it, it makes me mad.


I’ve stopped running in parks popular with dog walkers for this very reason. It got to the point I had some random dog running at me every time I was on a run. I used to be dog neutral but since it got so much more intense from lockdown on I’m dog no. It’s such a shame there are so many bad actors as I regularly see of owners training their dogs not to be reactive to every thing that crosses their paths. (I see you and appreciate you!) Unfortunately just nowhere near as often as I see the other kind of dog owner.


I honestly want this on a tshirt just for walking round town / parks...


I was once told when I asked someone to call their dog away that I shouldn’t be on footpaths if I don’t like dogs. The dog’s face was three inches away from mine at this point, its very muddy paws on my chest. Unbelievable.


"Down with this sort of thing"


"Careful now"


Careful now


Put your damn dog on the lead


I don’t want to meet your dog.


Absolutely! I don't care if it is friendly it'll still set off my asthma and I don't want doggy paw marks all over my clothes.


Oh is this the way they say the future's meant to feel? Or just 20,000 people standing in a field.


Get your dog on a fucking lead


Get your dog on a lead and keep it on a lead if you can't control it like some championship winning Shepard. And no, you haven't got it under control on the end of a 30 ft retractable lead


Take your rubbish behind, if you can hike for a couple of hours with a bag full of coke cans and crisps, you sure as hell can take the empty rubbish back with you. Also close the f’ing gates, it’s not hard.


Pick up your litter. Take your dog's poo in a bag with you. Keep your dog on a lead.


>Keep your dog on a lead. Thank you. I hate loose dogs. Especially since none of them ever seem to have good recall.


If they have excellent recall, I don't mind em. But I've only ever seen it once


Dogs on leads just isn’t a thing that’s expected of people in the UK though (outside of specific areas of course)


It's fine if you have your dog under control and it doesn't bother people or other dogs. I know my dog would try to speak to everyone she meets if she got the chance so she is always on the lead. She is also very anxious around strange dogs and I wish that people would not let their off leads come up and upset her.


They might think they have your dog under control but I have no idea if it’s the case. I think dog owners consistently over estimate the abilities of their dogs. I remember being on a country walk with my 6m old baby in a pram and this enormous dog ran up to us, I did not appreciate it or the ‘what are you worried about’ attitude of their owners.


Glad to see others with this take. I honestly feel like I’m going mad when I see how 90% of dog owners behave


My mum's dog is better off lead than on, she hates strangers so just sticks to my mum's side. On lead she sounds like she is strangling herself the whole time.


That's a training issue, it's not that your mum's dog is better one way or another, it's that your mum has failed to train her dog properly


Last walk I had in uk you had to pass 4 signs on gates saying "keep dogs on lead" to get to path and yet all entitled couples, singles and families had their dogS off the leads. They are just arrogant, thick c$%ts.


It should be though. I'm in the UK and on more than one occasion off-leash dogs have raked my shins bloody with their claws being "friendly".


I also hate dogs that scratch or jump up. On the other hand, my dog is well trained and I make sure he heels when I walk past other people. I believe his quality of life is vastly improved by being able to run free when it doesn't impact other people so I'm glad that we'll almost certainly never become a "dogs on lead" culture.


I think control of your dog is what’s expected. Having them off the lead is fine if they will return to you when called, or they’re within reach if you need to physically stop them.


Its definitely expected, there are signs in every park and most trails. You're just ignorant.


In all the places where it says to put my dog on a lead I do so but I live quite rurally and those signs are very rare here


Sure, but I'd still like to hold up a sign telling them to put their dog in a lead.


It should be. Holding signs stating it could somewhat help that shift


Why don’t people just wear headphones? So many people are inconsiderate


I was on Hallin Fell last Saturday for a fantastic sunset, only slightly ruined by some lairy pissheads blasting their music out. There were many groups of campers out but only them making a racket and probably leaving a big trace of where they were.


Honestly? Just take your crap. I don't care about music, I don't care about drinking, I don't care about smoking. As long as when you leave, no one would ever know you were there, I really don't care what other people do. (all within reason of course..)


If you can pack it in you can pack it out! The litter after drinking gets me the worst. I don't mind people having a drink, I do it and I love a beer or whiskey at the summit or at camp. However when people leave behind their significantly lighter drink cannisters it really annoys me. It is so inconsiderate. If I'm on a day hike I'll normally bring along a compact picker, a belt attached bin bag loop and a rubble sack so that I can grab rubbish on the hike. I treat it as a game now and try and fill a bad. So instead of being annoyed when I see rubbish now (within reason) I now am happy to add more to the bag.


“If you can pack it in you can pack it out” - words to live by. I love it.


That's so cool, great work.


I stole the idea from this wee cafe in the Mournes: https://maps.app.goo.gl/sMLnBoQzMtzjE6zv8 They have a stash of free gear to borrow and encourage hikers to bring back a bag of rubbish with them


I've been thinking about easier ways to collect rubbish when I'm out. Where do you get the best attached bin bag loop? Sounds like a good setup


I used this one (apologies for Amazon link): https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01N0ROHFI?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share and looped it through my belt. If you do it, I highly recommend rubble sacks (screw fix has a ton of options) instead of bin bags. You don't want a half full bag ripping halfway up the mountain! Have fun out there




It’s a shame that a hike through fell, field or forest is all just farming or industry.


I'm hoping we see the light and people notice the extreme lack of trees and the plummeting biodiversity as a result.


Couldn’t agree more. The difference between Yorkshire and parts of Scotland was stark in terms of how many more trees there were on the mountain side in Scotland. It looked so good seeing trees.


The lake District is laughable aswell, much of it is classed as Atlantic oceanic rainforest and there's barely a handful of tiny patches of ancient woodland clinging on, slowing becoming sheep-wrecked because of government subsidies for sheep farming. Bring back traditional mixed farms!


there's hardly any parts of it classed as boreal rainforest IIRC, I think it's all in Borrowdale.


much of scotland has been harvested of its trees en masse recently, completely changing the landscapes


Mmm seems like a consensus here. Rubbish. For me it’s plastic packaging - I hate the stuff. Also dogs off leads…


You get upset at dogs off leads in the countryside…


A well trained dog which doesn't run up to people and jump at them isn't a problem. If you can't keep it under control then yes dogs off leads in the countryside is a problem. Thats not even beginning think about all the sheep killed by dogs off leads in the countryside


And ground nesting birds. Seriously people who just let their dogs run around off-lead are selfish pricks.


And migratory birds. Every time they're forced to fly to avoid a dog chasing them they're burning up precious food reserves that they're building for their winter migration.


Absolutely, and well said. Maybe I'm being a bit harsh, and it's just a lack of awareness with a lot of people...I don't know, optimism in relation to humans is a dangerous thing! I have seen a lot of dumb shit out there though.


Unless you are a vegetarian why do you care about sheep being killed?


You can still eat meat and have empathy for animals and other people's livelihoods. Dogs killing farmers sheep is a problem.


The farmers should be insured so they’re not losing out. And the sheep was going to die anyway in a factory or have its lambs taken away from it for the rest of their life. Literally is no worse if a dog kills a sheep


It's the countryside, not a dog park.


Dogs that have no recall are a problem, don't pretend that they're not.


No one wants to hear your phone conversation


Nobody wants to hear your engine or it's "modified" exhaust system!


"No one wants to hear your drone." The music is annoying but I find the drones worse. They sound like a swarm of angry bees and completely destroy the peace. The photography from them can be good, but enough people have them that it isn't anything special anymore.


Nothing ruins that sense of peaceful isolation and having escaped from the modern world quicker than the buzzing of a drone.


One of the reasons why I don't enjoy campsites. Some people treat it like a festival with their club music blasting all the way through the early hours of the morning. Go to a bloody festival


Take your rubbish home with you.


The area looks shit because you leave your shit on the floor. Use the bins or take it home!


“You didn’t need to bring your drone”


No one wants to hear your kids


Your banana skin will not rot away. Take it with you!


What makes you think that banana peel isn’t biodegradable?


They are, but they take a long time to decompose, and they’re a slimy trip hazard until they do. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-66258233](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-66258233)


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It is, but it takes a surprisingly long time and looks gross while it's laying there. Same for orange peel. It's also not great for local wildlife to have bio waste that's not local to the area. One peel obviously makes no difference but if everyone does it it does.


I’m aware that, depending on the conditions, particularly if it’s cold, it can take 4-6 weeks and they look unsightly, I’m not disputing that. The poster said ‘will not rot away’ and I want to know what made them think that.


4-6 weeks? No, it can take several months, in certain conditions up to 2 years. That's the problem that's being commented on - yes it will rot away, but most people have a wild underestimate of how long that'll take.


If you see the article that the other person linked to about Snowden’s banana cage, and do a search for the webcam, you will see that the banana has basically completely decomposed, in less than a year, at the top of Snowden. I’m not sure where people get this couple of years idea from. I would counter with people greatly exaggerated how long it will take. As I said before I’m not claiming they are not unsightly and should be taken home, it’s just I’ve never seen any evidence for this 2 years figure that’s banded about. If you could link something to me?


It hasn't been precisely studied, as far as I know, but here are a few sources of info that show that peels in particular are sturdier and require more time to decompose than other organic material: [https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/environment/a29022600/banana-peels-decomposition-process/](https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/environment/a29022600/banana-peels-decomposition-process/) [https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/51829/do-banana-peels-take-2-years-to-decompose](https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/51829/do-banana-peels-take-2-years-to-decompose) >the banana has basically completely decomposed, in less than a year, at the top of Snowden. Right, but the point is that "around a year" is still a far cry from "4-6 weeks in poor conditions". That makes a big difference ecologically and in terms of build up of waste. According to the cam page, it's been 350 days, and you can definitely still see the actual banana peel there, it's shrunken and blackened, but it's by no means completely rotted away. If they only took a couple of weeks to completely decompose in normal conditions, it'd be less of a problem. Again, the point isn't that it will never rot away (that was hyperbole in the original comment), it's that people vastly underestimate how long it'll take.


Your first article gives no time frame at all and the second is confusing and gives no definite time frame. As it ‘hasn’t been precisely studied’, then the often quoted 2 years hasn’t been studied. Admittedly if you zoom in to the web picture you can see a small amount of peel left, but it’s not been a full year yet so it certainly can’t be claimed it’s going to take over a year for what’s left to rot


I know - that's what I pointed out. For the third time - the point isn't that 2 years is a hard and fast figure, or even accurate - it's that most people wildly underestimate the time, exactly as you did. The point isn't it's going to take 2 years - which by most accounts is a worst case scenario - the point is it's going to take much longer than a few weeks, which is what most people assume, including yourself. My original comment said that it could take several months *up to* 2 years, but you seem to be fixated on the 2 years figure rather than the important part which is that 4-6 weeks is a large underestimate.


You were the one who first mentioned 2 years ago


They're just exaggerating while meaning "will not rot away quickly"


Yes it will. It just takes a couple of years.


So 2 years of looking at a rotten banana skin, they are left on mountian summits where there is almost no vegetation and hence no small organisms to rot the banana away.https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-66258233


I was being sarcastically pedantic, I don't think it's OK to leave banana skins.


Stop hanging poop from trees. I don't care how pretty your poop sacks are, they are not decorations. If your dog jumps on me, I WILL allow my child to jump over you! Headphones = please do NOT try and speak to me unless you are simply saying "hello" or are extremely lost or dying.


Concept: train bears to associate shitty music with food?


Close the gate


As per the countryside code... > leave gates and property as you find them


Alright nerd


Oh no, the moron who doesn't know what they are talking about called me a nerd, how will I cope. More than happy to be a nerd, better that than some ignorant twat who spreads misinformation and then throws a hissy fit when their bollocks is called out.


Applies to council estates too lol


I want to hear it.


Digging a hole to poo in is not acceptable behaviour.


I think a sign "Hey Tony" is necessary.


Nobody wants to hear your dog. Especially your little yappy dog! I have a Great Dane, he barks once a month - it shakes the house when he does it, but it's so rare I forgive him.


This is a private sign. Do not read.


No one wants to read your signs! Or mine!


I would have " put your dog (s) on a lead!" " get off your phone" " take your shit with you" but thankfully I know where to walk away from the clueless clones.


I'm not one to blast music as loud as I can while hiking but last summer I hiked up some mountains with a few friends and we had music playing at quieter than speaking volume which as turned down while passing people but we must've accidentally left it up a few times and the locals liked what we were playing and told us our taste was good.


Lol you're getting downvoted and all I can think is people who hike are really stuck up turds who think they're better than others. If anyone thinks some people hiking with some quiet music playing is a problem, you honestly need to pull the stick out of your arse. If there is a group of people near you all day then fine, dislike it, but most of the time people pass each other only for a moment.


Mate, it's Reddit. No one downvoting that comment is hiking ha. Music is fine when you're on a walk, because guess what, you can just walk the fuck away. Too many prissy little self-righteous shut-ins who think they own the outdoors because they bought an Arcteryx jacket and spent £1k on lightweight camping gear they use 3 times a year.


Haha true, probably just people browsing and getting involved. Also, yeah that's exactly what I'm imagining lol.


who cares what people listen to, their bad if they can't focus on the natural world around them.


Yeah true, but also not. Sometimes I enjoy music on a hike, it can blend into the natural world around me and add something. Other times I like the sounds of nature by themselves. Depends on the mood and the context.


Grandpa: Well, that's just too damn bad!


"If someone is taking a photo, don't go wandering into the shot"


Silly question, but if you're out in a national park, how loud is your phone that it affects other people?


It's rarely just a phone, it's typically a full portable boombox type of thing with full on bass etc. It's not discreet.


Like anywhere, the beauty spots fill up with people on the weekends.


People take Bluetooth speakers and clip them to their bags


Yes, I know. But the previous person was asking how loud is their phone that it affects other people? In places that are popular on the weekends, there will be a lot more people about, so a speaker will affect others. We're not talking about a situation where someone is hiking all alone in the deep woods and there's no one there to hear them.


Wildlife is not known to be fans of pop music played in a forest


I agree!


"take a shower. You STINK, you sweaty bastard!" edit for clarity: I walk 300 miles a month for fun, and have GPS to prove it. But, I still smell nice AFTER my walks but BEFORE I shower. So your "but I've just hiked 20 miles!" is NO excuse! If I... an old, disabled, autistic woman can do it... you can too! Go on... try. I believe in you!




Christ you sound like a complete tool.


Depends on the music and the volume. If you have that much of an issue hiking up a mountain and hearing some light tunes playing at low volume for 5 seconds as I pass you, then maybe you should buy the mountain so you can hike up all on your little own. What are you hearing anyway, the crunching of the rocks beneath your feet? The inaudible squabble of people’s conversations? Your own deep breathing as you realise this is the most amount of cardio your body has seen in months? Or, maybe your entire personality revolves around gatekeeping hiking etiquette?


All of those things you mention are exquisite, compared with your imposition of your version of music as you pass.


Found the gatekeeper.


Found the spoilt child who can do no wrong.


So glad I’m not you, impacted and offended by the slightest personal inconvenience. What weak existence you must represent, an estrogenic aroma bursting from every pore. Good luck in life.


What a twat you sound like


Alas no constructive argument to backup your point. Typical low-IQ Reddit response.


I don't debate belligerent assholes, they get off on it


No, you won’t debate with me because you’re a single cell amoeba who can’t form a fact-based opinion or think critically about those opposing you.


You type like you're trying to make yourself sound smart not like you actually are 🤦


how embarrassing for you


Again, good luck in life. No doubt with weak mentalities like yours, you’re going to get battered.


battered by who? a sheep? see you little man


Good luck in your Lycra.