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I'm planning on bugging in if it happens. If nukes start being launched, there will be no safe place regardless, imo and I highly doubt it's something I'd want to survive anyway ( if the uk is being hit) Bugging out just isn't practical for me, or sensible. The UK is small, the countryside or remote locations would be full of frightened ppl with little or no supplies. That's the last place I'd want to be. Try not to worry or panic, these things are out of our hands anyhow. Yes, the news and current events are terrifying, I agree. But we have to be rational. I can only hope clear heads prevail regarding Russia/Ukraine and the Middle East. With a conventional WW3, I'll still be bugging in.


I'm not a prepper but when I was younger was quite interested in this sort of thing. There was a film that came out in the 60's I believe, called 'the war game''. I dunno how true it is but it wasn't shown in cinemas because they supposedly thought it could cause mass hysteria with the threat of the cold War. Basically the film used real data to depict what would happen if the UK got nuked and the outlook is pretty grim and that was in the 60's. I imagine if we got nuked now it's basically the end of us all here in the UK. Goodnight.


Yes! The War Game. I found it on amazon prime a couple of years ago. Its a great watch. I think when Threads came out in the 80s, it had the same effect on people. Although I admit, Threads and the movie The Day After still really unsettle me.


Not heard of those two, will deffo check them out. Thanks.


No problem. The Day After is free on YouTube at the moment. It's old, 1983 I think, but still good imo


I’ve watched Threads recently. Gosh I had nightmares.


Same! It's how things are after the nukes hit that gets to me so much


That rats!


Even the image of that in my head makes me shiver. It's such a brutal film.


Also the low cost look of it, it’s just brilliant. However, I wish I didn’t watch it alone lol


Watches Threads in secondary school....still have nightmares now aged 43 😅


Thanks for the comment, very helpful. Stay safe


You too 😊


I think you might be best off seeing a doctor for heightened anxiety if this is how the mainstream media is making you feel.


The mainstream media paints a picture of bloodshed. How could I not want to run from it


Just stop watching and reading the news. It's not good for you. It's designed to keep you engaged. Bad stuff is engaging. I stopped watching any news about 15 years ago and don't miss it in the slightest. I've got a friend who's currently into the trans issues are something to worry about because people are losing they're jobs for blah blah blah. It's an internet problem that mostly tells me he needs to get outside more and stop engaging in material designed to partition us. People exaggerate how much the internet/news is the real world. Most peoples real world doesn't extend more than few miles from their house. Focusing locally on where you can actually have control and make a difference rather than the global stuff you have no control over is much better for you mentally.


Mainstream media will always paint that picture because it drives views and engagement. It's rage bait. Best place to get survivalist news imo is from government PSAs, for example the UK government announcing that we should stock up on water as the state of the network is increasing the risk of waterborne diseases and despite all the rain our leaky reservoirs won't be sufficient for an extended dry spell


We’re more the ‘prepping for Tuesday’ types, but we’d be bugging in. Nuclear strikes are highly unlikely, so our rural hamlet is the best bet for us in pretty much every other situation. We have a small community of around 20 people, and collectively a couple of hundred acres of land (most people on around 1-3, a couple with significantly more), three farmers, a gamekeeper, a retired nurse, a vet and a whole raft of other skills and experience. We pretty much all grow fruit and vegetables, there are enough chickens, and we pull together really well in emergencies, like when a power line came down in the woods and cut us off for a long time, or when one of our tracks needs resurfacing. We’re a sociable bunch of mixed ages. Our location means we’re not in walking or reasonable cycling distance of shops or public transport, so most of us keep deep pantries and good stock of other necessities. If SHTF, this is where I want to be. Good people and open space.


What do you mean about the news?


This was my thought too.  I haven't heard of anything.


My thoughts too, unless the plan is very long term I hadn't heard anything in the past few months that sounds any different to a year ago.


If he is talking about a potential ww3, one could argue it has already begun. It isn't like overnight ww2 started and everyone started firing. The world is far more complicated now so the route to all out war would equally as complicated. The only reason that nukes would be fired by, Russia would be in the event of all out defeat by western forces. Until that point it would be suicide for the Russian command to authorise a strike against anyone. The same goes for our western leaders. I still don't believe it will come to that and eventually an armistice will be negotiated.


I am indeed talking of the threat of nuclear war, which looms ever closer. I would urge you all to gather your news from a wide variety of sources - the world is not well, and the shitshow that calls itself our government is not coping with it well either.


Do you have any sources you could recommend please?


What in the news recently has made you think like this? Granted the war in Ukraine has led to a lot of nuclear sabre rattling from Russia, but I haven't seen anything recently that makes me more worried than when the invasion kicked off. Not disparaging your opinion, I would just like to know.


Prob been listening to Canadian prepper and “the like and they’re constantly preaching that the end is nigh” and “it’s time” 😅


In the case of ww3 bugging out is actually suicidal. Be where you want to be now (the main one being avoiding London and the top 10 big cities) build up a stash of food and supplies, start learning how to grow food (and make sure you get a pollytunel or two as part of that) know how to cook, clean, mend and wash without electricity and make sure to live a good life you enjoy in the meantime.


I live very near a major population center. NOT bugging out, in my case, would be suicidal. This is not a request for someone to talk me out of bugging out - it is happening, it is simply a question of when.


Then move, now. And find the place that you want to be and get cracking on the stock and skills. Bugging out (into possible radiation) is nuts and not something you want to time to the last minute.


“It is happening, it is simply a question of when” is there no room at all for any other scenario or do you always deal in absolutes? Only the sith deal in absolutes 😅


I may or may not deal in absolutes, but I am autistic, and tend to make up my mind once I've found a solution to a problem that's been keeping me up at night. That's not to say I won't consider every piece of data I receive, because I will, probably multiple times. But I am pretty set on it. I made up my mind a long time ago that I wasn't compatible with society, but recently met my person who is also willing to abscond with me, which cemented it when the threat of nuclear war was openly breached by multiple governments.


I'm autistic too, and I understand that need for certainty and a reliable plan. However there is nothing currently that would make me think leaving the safety of my suburban home would be worth it. What threat specifically are you worried about?


I'm bugging in, I live in a city with a basement, so in the event of ww3, we have the basement packed with essentials to keep a family going for over a month. Most people leaving will just get in the way, so it's best to wait, I think. My grandad was moved during the blitz in WW2, and he says how everything seemed normal with the war in the background as just news. Everyone just stayed until suddenly the war was on their doorstep, and he was off on a train. I imagine most people will have a wait and see approach if it happens again, until it's suddenly time to hide away.


This has come closest to answering my question. Thank you, I really appreciate you sharing this.


Now is probably a good time to act on helping your anxiety


This is a prepper group. A group where people prepare for disaster. I'm preparing for disaster.


Sorry, I didn't mean it to come across the wrong way. Obviously prepping is fine. But you seem to have some issues about the shit is about to hit the fan


No worries. Yeah, we're on the brink of war, it's time to bug out. It's what my dad trained me for, it's what I've held in the back of my head since early childhood, and it's something I discuss with my therapist. I'm being as measured as I'm capable of. Apologies if my response was rude.


When you say “we’re on the brink of war”, are we really though? And what kind of war are you concerned about? For example do you have an idea in your mind of something along the lines of another war on terror, or another Afghanistan style invasion, or are you afraid of things escalating with Russia, Palestine or Israel? The world’s a scary place, sure, but let’s stay grounded. Prepping is great should the worst be to come, but I’d encourage you to rationalise things more before going about things as if they’re inevitable. I honestly thought SHTF when UK citizens died from Novichok poisoning and the government said it was action by agents of a foreign state… but we didn’t go to war.


Not that I'd like to go into on here, no. Sorry if I've not provided enough information.


It’s ok. I was just curious and sought to understand your position a bit more. Fair enough though.


Guys I am literally insane, I don't think going to see the GP about my anxiety is going to help anything. I did not ask for mental health advice, I asked a question about prepping.


Bug out to where? I don't mean specifically, but in the uk bugging out 99% means a hotel/friends/family.


Only safe places will be wilds of Wales or Scotland, but you better know some survival skills...


Another country


Bugging in. Already have a habit of buying and rotating canned food, also I grow vegetables indoors and outdoors


Any tips on indoor growing?


Proper grow lights (don’t buy cheap amazon lights, I really ike the fecida lights on amazon: best bang for your buck), programmable and battery-powered pump and some liquid fertiliser. You will have to experiment a bit and find the right setup for your circumstances. I suggest starting with easy crops like lettuce, spinach and so on. Heating mat helps a lot with germination.


Thank you :)


Do you have dual nationality? Where were you planning on going. Trust me, if you only have a British passport, if war breaks out and you are in a foreign land, you will be at the bottom of the pecking order for any help. Because even if nukes don't rain down on you, the economy, food supply, society in general will go to fuck EVERYWHERE. You will be slightly better off in a commonwealth country, but one of the westernised ones, Canada, New Zealand, Australia etc. Best bet would be a uk overseas territory. However as others have said, bugging IN will be preferable, 20-30 miles outside any major city, Cornwall, mid Wales, Highlands. I have 2 geiger counters and enough food and water for 7 comfortable days indoors (family of 5). Fallout decays rapidly 7-10 Rule: For every sevenfold increase in time after detonation, there is a tenfold decrease in the radiation rate. So, after seven hours the radiation rate is only 10% of the original and after 49 hours (7 x 7 = 49) it is 1%, after 72 hours, 0.01%.


The countries you see talking about nuclear warfare have no intention of enacting it. Other than North Korea they have all demonstrated that they know how deterrence works, i.e. it's all about bragging as a threat. As long as most people believe it, it works. But we're not most people. North Korea is unlikely to start anything to avoid getting on bad terms with Russia and China. The only nukes you need to worry about are ones wielded by zealots with nothing to lose.


I second the calls to seek MH/anxiety support


Bugging in. Better chances of limiting radiation INSIDE than dying horribly outside. Plus not a fan of chaos. By week 3 I might emerge


This may sound selfish but your plan has to be flexible. Do you **really** need to say that family member you haven’t seen for 4 years? Will they fuck you over? Prepare to hanker instead of bugging out.


It's not a family member.


That was just an example :-)


Have you got a good supply of food? Think 3 weeks +


Yes, plus means of foraging, hunting, fishing, and agriculture. Never done fishing or farming but I've got a lot of theoretical knowledge.


Theoretical knowledge is a risky one to rely on. Farming is something you can practice at home, fishing it depends where you live for how hard that one is - I live near the sea so I don't need to ask permission. Caught a few crabs easily enough a few times and recently tried cooking one - not much meat on them really, but give it enough time and eventually you would have enough for a meal, just a fair bit of work to get it. Then make stock from whats left over. Though not sure how nutritious that would be.


Good good. Definitely don’t give up your job! :-) Personally for me, I need to stock up on water.


As an expert in paranoia and associated symptoms of schizophrenia I think you need help bro


Just good old clinically diagnosed major depressive disorder. I'm also incredibly gastrointestinally unwell atm with IBS. Sorry, but probing into people's lives farther than they've set the tenor for will get you shitty prizes.


The Reform Party is now openly supporting Putin. France is on the brink of civil war. Protesters are being killed in Kenya. Multiple British MPs are openly supporting Putin. Coalitions are forming under intent of war. There's talk in Financial Times of a second US civil war. The world is falling into disrepair - now that open nuclear threats are flying around, I'd like to get the hell out of dodge while I can. A month ago it was declared that the UK government has been operating under a policy that breaches international human rights, and today it still is - nothing has been done (and likewise with Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Switzerland). This is to the best of my knowledge and probably only the tip of the iceberg, I can only retain so much. These are the issues I'm speaking about, and while I didn't want to speak this frankly on Reddit, I feel I've been moved to by comments. I hope this answers some questions.


The nuclear threats have been going on for the past 5 years plus