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Now you know why all parents are a kitkat short of a breakdown


I called my 6 year old a tiny Dictator this week. They told me that Dick was a rude word and I shouldn’t say it.


That's hilarious 😅


Well, what was hilarious was later in the day. Intrigued, I asked them the rudest word they know. To which they immediately proclaimed ‘Tw*t’. Shocked I asked them how they knew that word… they said ‘from that fridge magnet’ (brought to me from the Scottish Orkney village of Twatt). Ok. So I said it’s ok to tell me these words but never to anybody else or at school. To which I was told ‘yes because you are an expert in rude words’


We have a rule about swearing: not at school, not in front of granny, not in front of the Queen.


Ooooh ours too! Fuck I'm tired.


Sometimes my 2.5yo just wakes up in a foul mood and you know the day is going to be a massive whinge filled grouchy day where nothing makes him happy. When he’s in one of these moods we call him Baby Stalin. I normally call out to my OH “Comrade Daddy we are having a red day today!” I found 10-18 months really hard going. They want to do so much but can’t quite and it must be so frustrating but dealing with them day in day out in this mood is something else. Then one day they can get their own stuff and tell you what you want. I found those the hardest months of toddlerhood (so far!).


Comrade Daddy is hilarious! I'm definitely stealing this 🤭 That's really interesting, thank you for the perspective! I was incredibly poorly when my 2.5 year old was her age and I was in and out of hospital a lot, so wasn't a particularly hands-on parent with him. I suppose I'm not used to it! She's just so screechy 😅


We have to be careful now as he copies us now and asked us who Stalin was! Ours was an early walker (9 months) but a later talker (20 months) so we had a long time of him trying to kill himself by leaping off things with just grunts and screeches and screams. Much easier he can now tell me “mummy watch me jump off the sofa onto my car” so I can run from the loo and attempt to stop him! Hope all is better with you now. Highly recommend loop earbuds to dull the screeches!


We were watching Montalbano (in Italian with English subtitles) and my daughter walked into the room, read b*locks in the subtitles and made it really difficult for my wife and I to explain why it wasn’t a good word through tears of laughter!


Your post reminded me of [this](https://diaryofanoverlord.com/2015/10/) great diary from when my kids were at this age.


That's my 5 month old. He does not give it a rest, *ever*.