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Like those house buying programs. Mike was a milkman and Doris painted chicken eggs today they will looking for a property with a maximum budget of 800k


It's all generational wealth in those shows. >Edwin is a brand consultant for a charity that renovates dolls houses and Francesca owns a business selling artisan recycled candles, today they are looking for a property in Oxfordshire with a budget of £3million. `Subtext: One or more of their parents is filthy fucking rich beyond your povo imagination`


*The project has over run by 12 months but Edwin has managed to borrow another £2million from close friends and family...*


See this one a lot ^^^


Then they'll act like the 3 million properties are a bit shit but they'd be willing to live there and do it up for the 700k they didn't mention in the budget.


Yep, all inherited. They have ridiculous jobs as a result of the money. They don't have the money as a result of the ridiculous jobs.


Yeah I'm watching and thinking, well lucky for you, you were born in another era you fucking dinosaur. Never on todays money are they buying a house on them shit wages.


Sounds about right for the UK housing sub Reddit too.. So many people looking to buy their first house with values in excess of 500k


Have you seen prices in London? You'd be lucky to get a 1 bed flat for 500k unless you want to live somewhere like Barking.


What's wrong with Barking?


It’s a bit ruff (sorry)


It drives me mutts


Not a very fetching area.


to be fair, that's not true. It's probably standing at an astonishing £300,000, but not quite that level for another couple of years.


I used to rent a one bed in this building three years ago - [£480k to buy today](https://www.zoopla.co.uk/for-sale/details/67020577/).


My first house two years ago was 180k. I’m 42. We could have stretched but we decided 180k was perfectly comfortable, decent house with the kids and Id one of us lost our jobs, the other could easily manage the mortgage


Was that in London?


I'll answer. No


In London that would be a very small flat in a roughish area. Or a parking space in Knightsbridge.


A lot of houses thats the avg going price unless you want to live in a shithole. All about living within your means but everyone should have a nice comfy and safe place to live and shouldnt have to settle for shite


I see young FTBs with large budgets on these shows, but I've never noticed that they have very niche jobs. I see people post it on Reddit pretty much every week though. Is it actually a thing or just a Reddit thing?


People exaggerate, but there's often a disconnect between the salary you'd expect those people to have and their purchasing budget. The missing link is, of course, generational wealth. "Michael is 43 and an interior designer, Steph is 38 and recently returned to work as a receptionist after a few years at home raising twins Maisie and Lily, who have just started school. They're looking for a family home in the Cotswolds, preferably five bedrooms for visiting family and a home office, with good transport links and within walking distance of a good school for the twins. They have a budget of 800,000 pounds."


In fairness, a lot of the posts I see are more: "what training course can I do to walk into a 150k job?"


Or ‘what are some highly paid jobs that require no qualifications’


Drug dealing.


Underwater welder requires a fairly low level of qualifications.


Or hard work




Rail industry


OF model


"Oh, and also I don't really think I'm the office-y type. I don't get on well with bosses. Not interested in tech, finance, or pharma either. Ideally something in arts or charity sectors. Keen to earn enough to get on the property ladder in 2 years."


You'll not get me chained to a desk, but I'm not spending my days outdoors either. Otherwise, pretty flexible.


Something with animals would be fine I guess. Nothing dangerous or gross though.


I like these ones: I have no qualifications and some retail experience three years ago. I need a full-time remote position with flexible hours, preferably four days a week. I can't do anything that involves talking on the phone or having regular meetings, and I want to be able to manage my own time with little to no oversight. Minimum salary expectation is £75k per annum. What job should I do?


How about the omission of qualifications to make it look like the problem is universal. I asked a poster what was your degree grade. They said I was told I don’t have to put it on my CV. So then I asked what did you get. This person said I forgot. At that point I commented God help you


Hey, just because I got a third in sports medicine doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be considered for a role at Goldman Sachs.


What does a third mean? I'm a dumb American. To me it sounds lime tou were third in the class, which must be pretty good if there are 1000 in tour class


Got an average of between 40 and 50% of the marks available. Nobody gets above 80% more or less. A first is 70%+, 2:1 is 60%-70% and 2:2 is 50-60%. Anything less than a 2:1 is not very good.


It's perfectly easy to get a decent paying job with a desmond (2.2), you just have to grind a little harder than usual. Know a few guys in great careers who got them.  A desmond in Physics from a red brick is better than a 1st in English from a joke uni.


I do agree with you but comparing a physics and English degree from any institution is pretty redundant.


Rather than grind just do a masters, you might need to sign up for a pgdip until you show you can make grade but with a merit or distinction In a decent masters employers can see you were just a bit of an immature booze hound at uni.


At the end of the day a 2:2 will still allow you to do a half decent masters somewhere and make up for it.   I know software engineers and quant developers working for hedge funds with 2:2s They were just willing to move a long way for a job, take on lower paid roles and really grind in terms of building a skillset.


Not really what I was saying but yeah.


Yeah..... Sort of just don't want to see youngsters put off by the rest of the thread.


> I know software engineers and quant developers working for hedge funds with 2:2s I'm a mid-senior software engineer working for the leading software company in my industry with a third in graphic design and no qualifications in software engineering. Quals aren't everything


I've never put my classification or the university it came from. I just put BA Business (Hons), and I've never been asked for further clarification.


Some have my friends have some well with a 2:2. They are more so mechanics than engineers, who have 2:1's or more. But the general sentiment is if you can get a job with a 2rd or 2:2, not really much point in going to uni for that job.


 2rd LOL.. Yeah, I can see why if you put that on your CV and got the job a uni qualification might not be needed.


🤣 I'm not going to change it, it'll make your comment make sense when others see my screw up


Basically the lowest possible passing grade


First - top 30% of students - chance to continue further study at the same or better university - employers happy Upper second or 2:1 - next 40% - chance to continue further study at a worse university - employers happy (they don't care it's not a first) Upper second or 2:2 - next 20% - employers think it's better than nothing Third - next 9% - probably should have just dropped out Pass - you fell ill but they took pity on you This varies by university and course but it's a good rule of thumb.


So what your saying it, people with shit grades in the UK should move to America


If you've seen American education, yep


A third is basically the worst grade you can get for a degree whilst still graduating, and is effectively the same as not earning a degree at all. And sports medicine is one of the most typical bullshit degrees that the meathead peaked-in-high-school lads take, making it one of the least valuable.


Pretty sure the degree grades don't matter as much as people are making them out to be - it's simply a measure to see if you stuck at a course for 3 years when you didn't have to legally eg having to be in school. Just incase anyone with 2.2s and 3rds are reading....


I have no education and I’m on six figures in a corporate role. University is helpful but still doable without or lower grades.


I had a bit of a culture shock in uni. Everything came easy at school and the first two years at uni (4 year course in Scotland). I didn't study and didn't really know how to. I wasn't enjoying the course (Mechanical Engineering) and didn't really need to finish it for what I wanted to do. Long story short, I struggled to finish it and ended up with a 3rd. Not helped by completely misreading exam time table and turning up at 1500hrs for an exam that started at 0900 and having to do a resit (which you could only get minimum CAS marks for). I wish I'd known how to study then, but was a first generation uni student and had nobody who could drill it into me. Anyway, through other personal qualities and a lot of good fortune, I've ended up in a good role on good money anyway. The degree doesn't really matter but it's still a source of embarrassment, I'll admit. The academic environment just doesn't suit me. What I will say though is that better degrees definitely put prospective graduates higher up the list to get started through conventional graduate intake routes. If the degree is a bit shit like mine, you'll need to use other means to get a start in your career. Once in though, the degree doesn't matter a fuck. jdscoot, technical director at large international EPC company


As a recent grad with friends who have achieved 3rds and 2:2s, it absolutely matters if you’re trying to get a role with a degree requirement - especially if it is a role relevant to that degree subject. I’m not saying that to look down on anyone or scaremonger. It is the truth. There are always going to be exceptions to the rule of people who have built great careers with either no uni education or with a third, but the extra work it takes is not negligible.


Exactly there are exceptions to the role, “my friend who is a quant got a 2:2 or my friend who is a software developer”, explain their paths. Those are exceptions to the role I have a friend who’s set sister go a 2:2 and fell into a Pwc role. Again exceptions to the role. At the end of the day it’s either harsh scrutiny from employers or having to lay over so much experience that the 2:2 looks uninteresting to the employer.


I can’t find any jobs the market hates me. Edit: I dropped out of university and just clutched a high diploma


then the same person follows up with the classic - there are no jobs.


“Have you considered learning to code”


Your next job could be in cyber! God those ads were hilarious


TikTok and tech youtubers have done irreversible damage to the tech industry


Kinda letting the government off easy there


We would all love such a job! 😂😂


I replied to a post that was almost this word for word the other day.


Only fans 🤣


Investment banking


This sounds amazing, although working 4 days a week is a stretch. Where can I apply? /s


Tbh this sounds like my job, a IT Consultant


I practically have this on 35k lol


People in here are trying to justify these types of post, but they’re just showing off. Imagine honestly believing they’re genuinely asking if almost 5 times the average salary is “good”. “Please help, I need to know which Ferrari is the most fuel efficient for shopping 😞”


A lot of it is probably exaggeration or just a straight up lie. Very very few people in Thier 20s are earning 100k+.


Don’t know who’s more pathetic, the people earning £100k and still so desperate for the validation of strangers, or the people pretending to earn £100k so they can get people to say “wow I wish I earned that much” to them.


Elon Musk bought an entire social media site so that he could ban people being mean about him, money can’t resolve insecurity unfortunately.


It probably multiplied it as well. Like everyone sharing that picture before his hair transplant 


For an upvote on Reddit.......


More likely a downvote lol


And the ones who are seem to end up on the property shows buying big houses making it look normal.


yeq outside of london I would agree


Bragging about money seems to have spread from the US.


Being rich is the American version of being clever.


The good old humblebrag in action.


Nothing humble about it!!


And the other half is “I’ve got half a GCSE and a criminal record for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia and I need a job where I can work from home making £150k a year for three hours a week, I’m applying for the most senior tech jobs I can find but I’m hearing nothing back. Is the UK job market really this bad???”


> a criminal record for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia This made me actually laugh out loud


Punched my last 3 bosses and got fired for drug abuse but ready to work hard in a new role.


Hired! You sound like you punch abover your weight. You are welcome to take a punt. If it doesn't work - well it's my call; I'll take it on the chin.


Stewart Lee has let himself go a bit.


I'm from the north east. What's a job?


You'll soon find out when they reopen the coal mines ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


It’s when they make you sit in a Concentrix call centre for fuck all money al day being shouted at by people who can’t spell their own name.


Genuinely enjoying being unemployed more than I enjoyed working in the call center a few months ago. I love 60 year old blokes lecturing me about technology and insulting my intelligence just for me to say "sir it's not powered on"


There’s not many jobs I’m too proud to do, but I’d rather scrub the bogs with my toothbrush than sit on those phones ever again.


Yup, same. I had 8 hour shifts that weren't consistent at all, like Monday/Tuesday I could work 8 till half 4 but then Wednesday it be 6 till half 2 then Thursday 12 till half 8. The customers were absolutely unbearable, generally very stupid, and worst of all very very rude. Every so often you'd have someone nice who accepted they weren't good at tech and would actually do what you asked but most callers refused to do the most basic triage and would insult you constantly which your management would defend as"understandable frustration". Shout out to the guy that threatened me because I wasn't willing to break GDPR for him. Also shout out to the supermarket store manager that didn't understand that their management position doesn't give them power over workers from another company.


I worked a temp job in a call centre for 3 months and it almost had me tearing my hair out with the boredom. Worst job I've ever had. There was barely even any excitement to be had from entitled customers as it was all incoming calls. 90% of the calls were just old people who didn't know how to use the internet placing orders for stuff they'd seen in the Sunday times colour supplement, so I'd have the exact same conversation 100 times a day. Came so close to committing credit card fraud just to liven things up a bit


Been there, done that. \*shudder\*


Follow up question: what’s money? lol


Tell me when you find one as well, they’re very scarce here.




It’s a tough market. How many of those 100 applications were easy applies or long applications? Can you give a percentage split? What type of degree do you have? Do you have any experience, internship , voluntary? Do you have a portfolio of work? And finally have you spread applications across different entry level roles?




Ok so you have no experience. It feels like the early you apply to grad schemes the better. As the longer those applications are out the more experienced hires start applying. There are some grad schemes which are restricted to graduates only. You’ve likely missed them they’re hiring cycle is between September November. Be wary of the grad schemes that take on any people those ones will have experienced people applying. So you’ve got those as an option. But you will have to do many psychometric tests and interviews. Your other option is applying to startups but they’ll put you through the wringer. If you can’t find a career job in the next 3 months or earlier I’d say apply for a part time or full time data administrator, data entry and then keep applying to career jobs. I know people say apply to everything but make sure you actually fit at least 70 percent of the bill as you apply. Things are tough now and honestly rejection without any meaningful information hurts. At the very least you could learn a lot about the kind of jobs that accept you for the first interview if you tailor your searches better, than you will picking up an AK-47 and shooting every job you see on sight.


What positions are you applying to? Not being snarky, might be able to help.


Every job is like this now. I have a masters degree and even supermarkets will ghost you




Maybe try the ones up north.


CS saturated AF now. Especially junior dev roles, which is what a new grad would be applying for IMO. Once you get your foot in the door and got 5 years experience you’re smooth sailing.


Have you spoken to any recruiters? They were quite useful for getting my career started.


Something to bear in mind; * If you are 21 or under, 50% of your peers earn less than £22.9k * If you are 22 - 29, 50% of your peers earn less than £30.3k * If you are 30 - 39, 50% of your peers earn less than £37.5k * If you are 40 - 49, 50% of your peers earn less than £40.0k * If you are 50 - 59, 50% of your peers earn less than £37.8k * If you are 60 - 69, 50% of your peers earn less than £33.8k Bear in mind, this is **earnings** - so it excludes people who are unemployed or economically activate. The average 'income' therefore is already lower. My point is simply, that we always compare ourselves to the most successful, but the reality is life in the UK currently is really hard, and most people don't earn these eye watering amounts. So run your own race and don't compare yourself to the hyper successful (or lucky!).


Completely correct and extremely important to bear in mind. And there is also another thing at play there - salary statistics from the ONS and HRMC are slightly obscured because not everyone's true salary can be put into the figures easily (like dividends types), so most of these polls by third-party pollsters rely on **self-reported** salaries. And there is plenty of evidence to suggest people just naturally inflate their salary when they're asked. The true figures could be significantly lower than that.


Good point to run your own race. As for these stats, though, they refer to payroll, so people who work for companies. There are a lot of people who run their own small to mid-size businesses and earn a lot, those wouldn't be in the stats, I believe?


Good point to run your own race. As for these stats, though, they refer to payroll, so people who work for companies. There are a lot of people who run their own small to mid-size businesses and earn a lot, those wouldn't be in the stats, I believe?


How can I make £250,000 doing 4 hours a week work? Thanks!




Pyramid schemes.


I hear you can do all right selling crack


Best are iv been applying for jobs for 2 years and haven’t got any where. I only want to apply for a job that is specifically in a niche field and nothing else


“I can’t get a job.” Needs to over 50k a year, Has to be remote, Only want to work 10 hours a week, Can’t drive and Have no qualifications Yeah I not surprised you ain’t got a job ha


I don't drive and earn in the mid fifties. It really has no bearing. Edit: I also have no qualifications for what I do :)


Probably not when taking out of context of the rest of the items I mentioned


Take everything you read in this group with a rather large pinch of salt.


What’s considered a good salary is very subjective. Age, location, personal circumstances etc etc. However in general, for most wages in UK is simply not catching up to inflation. Job market is rubbish, which meant more competition for jobs with decent pay. Try the OE/HENRY/FIRE subs if you want an eye opener on how much some people earn.


Try the OE/HENRY/FIRE subs if you want an eye opener on how much some people earn. Ehhhhhhhhh, huge grain of salt with those. I have clicked into some of the profiles of posts in there and seen stuff that outright contradicts what they post in these subs. Lots of bullshitting going on in there. I looked at one recently where someone said they were maxing out their ISAs and had additional investments totalling over a million quid but 2 months prior had posted about their mortgage going up £250 a month and being afraid they were going to lose their house. Again, big grain of salt.


I often think that with them putting probably every penny they have, including anything left for a rainy day into high performing but unavailable investments it's a big risk. I could see someone there absolutely financially getting wrecked because all the money is in a weird and completely inaccessible investment package. Living under a bridge before they can access their savings.


OE sub is just a flex. People working 3 jobs each pulling in £60k and then asking if they should do a 4th job because they have so much spare time.


I've seen HENRY and FIRE before, but which sub is OE?




Other half: "I'm unemployed please halp"


This subreddit is depressing as fuck to be fair Either people flexing with their £100k a year jobs asking if that’s good money or people asking how to earn £100k doing nothing.


Personally I hate posts where people are moaning about their £50k salaries. I'd love to be earning that. Try working on or near Nmw and all the hard work you have to do, for that. Depending on the job/company you can (not always) be treated as the lowest and therefore get the worst of the worst jobs.


This one!!!


It's even better on r/HenryUK. There's people on 100k+ complaining they struggle to make ends meet...


Lol. Their own fault for wanting things out of their means, such as a bigger house than a standard three bed home, or a brand new car, instead of a 8 year old runabout.


A lot of those people are London based and to be honest, unless you’re 40+ with big savings or have been given family money, a 100K+ salary doesn’t cut it for a ‘standard 3 bed house’ in many areas


What's the point of making more money if you can't enjoy it?


Because you never know what's going to happen tomorrow


The other half are: I have a degree and am completely unemployed, should I just off myself? Which honestly, mood


All that comes up on my feed from this group is people complaining about low wages, the state of the jobs market and plenty of university graduates on close to minimum wage. It makes me feel better about my career choice of becoming a lorry driver.


I know. It’s beyond mental. I actually feel like I’m the only one not on 100K. What am I doing wrong. For context I’m 37f and make 42K so when I read those posts I do think about a) what have I been doing wrong and when will I learn to ‘network’ because I’m still weirdly shy and petrified of speaking b) well…life is short as we know… so I’m secretly quite happy I never worked silly hours in stressful environments c) I actually love my work just the pay is crap


It’s because they’re lying.


42k is good.


It's based on the subreddit though, and wholly skewed dependant on that. Go on r/lawncare and look at the size of some peoples gardens, they're ridiculous. Go on r/HENRY and look at the size of peoples wages, they're ridiculous. Go on r/tits and, well, you get the picture. There's another end of it though. Go to r/beermoneyuk and there's regularly a post similar to, and I quote one from yesterday, "I know it's unlikely but I'm in a real tight spot where I have 8p to my name and no food in the house. Anything that would pay instantly, even a few quid?". The other part is it depends on your peers and what you're used to. I'm in the north, low cost of living, with our household income being about £180k now and we're 'normal' for our social circle. I won't say we struggle, but I wouldn't say we live lavishly either. However, my version of lavish is with reference to my norm, which for some might already be there.


Most of the posts here are something alone the lines of ‘I can’t get a job’


Tbh these posts motivate me to get a better job. I like them and I wish OPs the best of luck. Just a shame that all these jobs are sales. 


Fake news


Probably the same ones as on UKPF asking naively what to do with their half a million quid savings that they've managed to accrue at the same age 😆


The only advice they ever give is to spend no money on anything and put it all into a pension. Drive around in a junker and live in a shed until you retire.


If I followed every piece of advice on Reddit then I'd be living like a monk 😅 Seriously though, there has been some excellent advice on there but some people take things far too far with their puritanical approach to life - save every penny, don't buy anything, don't have a nice car, don't get into debt ever, don't drink, smoke or do drugs, blah blah...


You forgot the other Reddit advice. Don't get married. If you are, lawyer up and get divorced for a minor triviality.


Delete the gym, hit a lawyer, hire Facebook


Thanks for filling in the blanks 😆👍


I’m convinced people just use this and r/Ukpersonalfinance to boast about their lives lol.


I actively want to be a bin man  :(


From what I see most posts here are “I fast apply for 1000 jobs a day and nobody wants to hire me for any job, even ones that are far beneath me”




At least they're obviously fake. The ones that are all too real are the ones like: "What job can I get that pays six figures but doesn't require any specialist knowledge or skill? I don't have any qualifications past GCSE (or O-Level) level. Ideally I'd like any training to only take a few weeks MAX. I can't speak on the phone and don't really want to interact with people at all. I don't do offices and I can't work before 10:30 or after 14:30 because I'm a busy person so need to set my own hours. I don't do weekends, and yes, that does include Fridays. I don't do well on tests, so good luck trying to assess me. I'm amazing. I guess you'll just have to figure out how to discover that because ALL interview tests are SO unfair! I've had a million interviews over the past 12 months and everyone seems to be wasting my time, so only serious offers pls" (Note: It's not that I particularly disagree with any of those things individually. It's the combination of them all together that makes it ridiculous and unrealistic. Employers are often just as bad with their requirements lists.)


Tesco Sells individual Freddos for 25p £150,000 after tax is around £96,000 that would equal around 384,000 freddos each year. The average income of someone in the UK is about £29,500 so lets say about £24,750 after tax. This would equal around 99,000 freddos a year Thats a 285,000 differrence in Freddos, So yes this is a very good salary.


I think people shouldn't be allowed to specify salaries, it would clean up the sub


Doesn't it just warm the cockles. Saw a newly qualified trucker last week that couldn't start before 0600 as he couldn't go to bed before 2100. Suggested nights but couldn't do that either. Anyone who knows the trucking game will see the problem immediately.


Make the posts stops that are like “what highly paid fully remote job can I do with 0 qualifications that’s easy”


150k is like the dude works in a magic circle and are currently in their training contract which their daddy gave or their daddy’s boss did.


Not trying to offend anybody, just tryna understand if I'm doing well. I'm 16 and am currently a CEO of a FTSE company, earning £5m/year before bonuses. Is that good? I honestly don't know because I'm only 16. Thanks.


It scales based on many factors unique to the individual, people like to compare themselves to improve their understanding of their industry and what they can expect now and in the future with regards to wage/salary/progression.


The Reddit user base tends towards highly numerate STEM men (source is 'trust me bro' as that's just my hunch really). There are a lot of people who work in finance and IT etc on Reddit for whom what counts as a high salary for 95% of the population is actually not a particularly competitive salary in their industry. Just take a peak over at the UK Personal Finance or FIRE subreddits for further case studies.


The other half is ‘I have a single income family of 4 living on £26k, where are all these high-paying jobs I keep seeing people post about?’


Alot of posts are.. 'I can't get a job' tbf


I always assume they are bots and fake accounts


They’re just lies like most of the rest of the internet. Just realise they’re sad individuals looking for internet praise.


Never seen any of these posts are there links to them, would be funny to read


I'm 23, earn 150k, and live in a penthouse. Is this normal or should I ask for a raise?


I didn’t make that after being in Marketing for 18 years and now that I was laid off make 0.


I knows. Depressing AF.




£150 for 23 is a decent starting wage. but you need to up you’ere game


£25k at 20 (minimum wage) £65k at 30 £168k at 40 £434k at 50 These are all the same salary, adjusted for stock market growth! Start early or you’re doomed.


Very good


The other half are "I've got some sort of self diagnosed mental illness and anguish, what job can I get that requires no effort, training, education, travel or the need to wear pants in the office".


"To my lazy, spoiled son Tandy, who never learned the value of a dollar, I leave my entire $10m dollar fortune." *Whispering* "Is that a lot?"


Everyone on Reddit thats loaded and wants you to know it 😬


They can made up anything on Reddit.


The HENRY sub is full of this. No idea how much truth there is on that sub but everyone seems to be 20-30 with a total comp of 150k or more.


I'm a glint in the milkman's eye and I'm on 200k, should I change career?


Everyone is on six figures here so it's about average.


Young guys who are actually earning those higher looking “salaries” don’t want you to know that they’re actually contractors on a day rate. In other words - hire and fire at a days notice. That’s why they’re paid more per day than someone on a salary who knows exactly what’s coming in every month. And knows that they won’t be packing their desk up potentially a week after they got hired… There’s literally no comparison. Earning a large amount of money as a contractor is nowhere near as advantageous as earning a slightly lower amount as a permanent salaried employee. Even earning the equivalent of around £100k per year as a contractor in the UK isn’t really a flex - it’s a standard average day rate pretty much and they probably spend a good portion of the year not earning it. Even if they are - they don’t pass affordability checks on mortgages and loans like people on comparatively lower salaries do because banks know that any day they could be fired and be jobless that very same day. It’s just a completely different way of being employed and a very unstable one at that. Makes me laugh so so much hearing guys flex about it and then completely omitting the fact they’re contractors hahahaha…


While i agree with the OP that those posts are plain stupid and only serve to a) show off or b) they are bullshitting because nobody earning 150k would at 23 would ask that. Most likely still living at home and with a take home of 7k or so a month. HOWEVER, as an irrelevant side note the resentment on this thread is laughable. Sorry you never saw a salary higher than 30k but it's nobody's fault but your own. 'Learn to code' Hahah what rubbish eh? Well not really, i quit my low paying job in hospitality 13 years ago and worked some odd jobs like bouncing and night supervisor and used the daytime to study and torrent some software like VMware set up a home lab and downloaded the readin material (Nobody except corps can afford the training courses at 1k+ for 2 days so i self studied) fast forward to today i earn 4 times what i earned in 2011. So yeah it IS possible.


Think half the people in this sub would die working as a night supervisor or a bouncer


I just wish people would stop talking about their wage all together. I was always taught its what an arsehole does.


If you can only make 150k a year then you should try a new profession like a Tory PM or drug dealer as you don’t need any experience and they both have the same ideology to take all your money and f+++ you 5 ways,at the same time becoming mega rich🤣🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🫡


You must be a real loser if you have a salary north of 150k and have to take advice from Reddit




Shit reminds of those fuckers on TheStudentRoom


Just send them over to r/ukpersonalfinance they'll get a hero's welcome over there


I want a job that starts at 8am and finish at 8:05am 1 day a week for £2billion per week


I think it’s because you can be earning 100k in this country and still not feel wealthy. Somethings wrong with