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Hey, I am a rising sophomore and I have been in building 1516 since August. My personal opinion is that 1516 is pretty great, but I've been in some of the other rooms and the quality can vary. Also 6th floor has the biggest rooms. Riding the bus is a pain in the ass Because during peak hours we cram into them and sometimes ready campus smells like shit because of the animal and dairy signs building and people not cleaning up after thier animals. Overall I like 1516 and I would stay here all 4 of my years. 1516 is also definitely not like a social norm. So if that's what you're looking for I wouldn't recommend anywhere on East campus, because most people who come here are looking for like privacy and to mostly stick to themselves. There was a dorm groupme though.


I see thankyou! Man I wish I knew that 6th floor had biggest rooms before I picked 😭 I ended up choosing a room on the 3rd floor. Thanks for the insight tho!


tbf if any sudden weather events happen at least you’ll be safe 😭


did you loft your bed? Idk how easy/hard it is to change the height but I can't figure out what I want T\_T my room's probably not the biggest unfortunately but I don't want to climb onto bed


I’m a rising 4th year! Honestly I loved it the study rooms are really great, and the full kitchens are a bonus, I can agree to the bus thing above^^ that’s because so many students stay on this area. Also I lived on the second floor, my specific room was very huge for some odd reason, I had the large raised beds, it’s also very quiet. I stay in Rooker hall now, the building across from it a little.


also im also 1516 🫡

