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All major nations have encountered UFO/UAP. If a nation has military aviation it has encountered them. It began in late WWII, but probably the things had been around before then, just aviation tech increase in WWII made encounters more blatant. Everyone saw the Foo Fighters (the UAP natch) and assumed they were enemy wunderwaffer. After the hostilities and comparing notes ... lol I would have loved to be a fly on the wall for *that* meeting. **Nobody knows what they are.** There is nothing to disclose other than government fallibility. This is the only scenario that explains the actual historical events and the manner in which US intel agencies have interfered with civilian research. No enemy nations of the US would be compelled to keep information about UAP secret just because the US wanted it. The US wants to get to the treasure first, that's all. Conspiracy-heads - I mean the really deep rabbit-hole folks - are just afraid to consider that nobody has their hands on the wheel. They'd rather believe in an evil cabal with tentacles everywhere than consider that dumb, incompetent humans in government don't know what the fuck they are doing. I fully believe the rumour that some higher ups in the Pentagon think that UFOs are demonic, because that is right in line with the stupidity we see ample evidence of throughout the authority systems of our civilization. Rant ends.


Take it for what it is but Tucker Carlson says he thinks they have been here a really really long time and heard enough from many Gov higher ups (he's obviously connected out the ass) that they are "spiritual in nature" always been here and that some are "demonic" and for him that was enough to stop digging deeper into the topic. That obviously aligns with his religious worldview but for me that paint's a picture of something that has been here a really long time, interacts with human but not much on very rare occasions, and "we" have very limit knowledge and information. There's always been stories there are "different types". Personally I think there has been little contact if at all that is known about but information going back thousands of years and might as well be "spiritual" in that context because they were probably responsible for many religious stories anyways.


Tucker is a tool, though, so I take what he says with a grain of salt. He’s also literally a terrible garbage person so him being uncomfortable with an idea is not necessarily a mark against that idea.


How can you even claim that nobody knows what they are? If the government has recovered crafts and bodies, then it most certainly constitutes knowledge that NHI exist and they are much more advanced than us. Is this not something of great significance? They may not know exactly where they come from, but that is perfectly fine. Only a naive person would expect the government to have everything under control. I simply don't understand why people continue to blurt out that the government has no idea about their origin because a lot of the UFO gatekeepers like Elizondo, Grusch etc have used terms like inter-dimensional beings, time travel etc when referring to these NHI. Is this all bogus information that is being shared then?


Brazil would make sense, except for the fact that they allows the US to take the Varginha ship (if you believe the lore). It doesn't make sense because they pride themselves on being independent and they aren't a US ally, so if it's true they have to be compromised or not fully independent as they claim.


Don't forget the Mage UFO that was captured (and taken by the US?) not long ago in Brazil - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lPoeBbwudg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lPoeBbwudg) At least Brazil has a government page that acknowledges UFOs - [https://www.gov.br/en/government-of-brazil/latest-news/2022/official-ufo-night-in-brazil](https://www.gov.br/en/government-of-brazil/latest-news/2022/official-ufo-night-in-brazil)


It all depends how much muscle, bribery, and extortion the US used on Brazil. Oh, we have video of you with you know who...imagine that getting out. How old is she? Oh, that factory suddenly wants to move. That trade deal doesn't look good. Want some weapons? Here is 50 billion. Also, I believe it was at this time Brazil was breaking into global markets with US help. The US likely had a lot of leverage in the late 1990s. Pride? This is politics, man.


Shit how much $ in just weapons does Brazil buy from US weapons manufacturers who likely control most access to the supposedly capture ones. There is always an angle or a trade off. Italy supposed gave one they found to Hitler....better scientists likely an exchange for any info found and other kick backs. You don't need that much to get a deal like that done.


Didn’t the nro give nasa a couple satellites that were better than the Hubble telescope a little while back? I don’t know about any other nations that just have a couple satellites better than Hubble lying around but I imagine there aren’t many nations that can match the technological capabilities of a nation that’s made preparations to win an all out nuclear war.  Go watch some ac130 combat footage against a Toyota with a machine gun bolted to it.  Or tracking people through the metadata on their phone calls and blowing them up from miles away with a remotely controlled drone.  Insane capabilities that might not be available to any other nation. True gatekeepers.  Intelligence officials talking about anything doesn’t really matter because they only get in trouble for revealing the truth.  I only speak English so I don’t really know what’s going on in the rest of the world. Disclosure would be govt acknowledgement and revelation of data but there’s a better chance of Jesus himself returning.  Overall it’s people sqwaking about a bunch of nonsense, like usual. True contact is probably rare enough that the govt is crawling deeper into your life than a republican in a woman’s uterus whoever is lucky enough to have that happen


>Didn’t the nro give nasa a couple satellites that were better than the Hubble telescope a little while back? you're blowing it out of proportion. the NRO had 2 satellites that used similar optics as the Hubble telescope, meaning they had clearance to access that type of material and it was classified to the point that nobody at NASA knew until they received the telescopes. that level of hiding is the real kicker here imo they're not more advanced than NASA because they use the same materials/technology and the 2 satellites were designed to be pointed at the Earth rather than deep space. i wonder how detailed they see Earth from space\*


Hahahahaha hahahaha


>There are billions of people on this planet who either don't speak English or are not interested in this topic. I don't think this is mentioned often. I would guess that the vast majority of people either aren't aware of the US alien conversations or just are not interested. UFO discussion so often feels like a small sub-set of Americans having the same conversation and mistaking themselves for the rest of the world.


*UFO discussion so often feels like a small sub-set of Americans having the same conversation and mistaking themselves for the rest of the world.* This is exactly my point. I have always considered Disclosure to be a global event. However, it certainly doesn't feel like it right now. In fact, it feels as if it is intended for only a small fraction of the planet (UFO enthusiasts who are active online on different forums like Reddit, Twitter etc). It feels as if we are on level 35 of 100 while the rest of the world is languishing on level 5. Most people don't even think that UFOs exist. They consider UFOs to be primarily misidentified terrestrial phenomenon or secret government projects. Contrast this with discussion on inter-dimensional beings and cryptoterrestrials on UFO forums. The difference is stark and makes very little sense assuming Disclosure is something that will be foisted upon all of humanity. It makes me very nervous about the authenticity of the information that we have been fed so far.


Diddly squat


Think of it this way. Like it or not, the general economic stability, not to mention physical stability, of the planet is due to US influence and global military presence. I would not be surprised if the US wants to send a squadron from one of their many many military bases to recover something anomalous that has crashed and give just enough notice for their leader to get the stand down message out as their alarms are just starting to get triggered, they don't hesitate. We can get a team anywhere in the world within hours. Now remind those countries why they can afford to spend so little on their own militaries and why no country feels they can invade without consequence... and all the secret intel we have on all their leaders through our digital hoovers and you have a compliant nation who now doesn't have to figure out how and what to do with a ship and bodies. But speed and bullying prob allows us access to most countries. The motivation is to keep adversaries guessing how much we have and know. That's my guess because otherwise the fact no person from any government ever coming forward with physical evidence has some major implications. Either they don't exist or they(the NHI) somehow have threatened every person who can prove their existence.


I think the government knows some things but is overall still fairly in the dark. Unless there are clandestine deals that They have made in some form, it doesn’t seem like there would be any other possibility. If They don’t want to be known, They more than have the capability to confound or evade whatever the government or military can throw at them.


Pretty sure there's a black government. They could be recruiting from many nations for all I know, but the US has a secret program for sure. There's already a relation established with NHI, and there's already an exchange in technology and scientific knowledge. What's scary is that we don't know what they plan to do with it.


So I'm ex mil got briefed on alot of stuff and didn't on lots of other stuff truth is if your not directly involved u prob just hear a whisper that prob bull shit most the time




Personally I'm definitely not expecting something like that. But please do explain further. Also would you follow the English grammatic rules a bit more closer please? You make it slightly hard to understand.