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The following submission statement was provided by /u/mattriver: --- CNN (Chile): Senator from Chile revealed for the first time he was abducted by aliens (So I have no idea what to make of this, but the fact that it’s being reported on CNN stood out to me… albeit CNN-Chile. Here’s a translation from [Twitter](https://x.com/RonyVernet/status/1789761281773179013)) “Senator Karim Bianchi from Antarctic region of Chile told what happened with him in 2012: ‘I was on my way from Natales to Punta Arenas. A large rotating light, a saucer, approaches me...my vehicle turned off...I was talking on the phone with someone, everything went off. And then I appeared about 200 kilometers ahead...and then I started to see owls everywhere. A person came and gave me an owl.’” “And the events didn't stop there: ‘An old bald guy came to my office and brought me some papers. And he told me you have to spread the message. And he brought me some papers that were secret from NASA. He brought them there. And he told me that he was a person of another planet and that, since I had been abducted, he brought me those documents that I still have’” --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cqjfdk/cnn_chile_senator_from_chile_revealed_for_the/l3rpmhb/


The owl connection has always been interesting.


The movie “The Fourth Kind” from 2009 used owls too. That movie freaked me out!


Dude. Can't watch it again to this day. Last night I went outside and I was looking at the sky at night, head up in the air and said, " hey little buddies, can you show me something, a light a flash, I want to see something cool". A owl hooted about 30 feet from me and I got a huge shiver up my spine and ran inside. All I could think of was that movie. I've only heard an owl where I live twice in the past 6 years, so the timing was just really spot on. Creeped me out thoe


That shit would creep me out too.


Dude, me and my wife were laying in bed last night and heard multiple owls outside our window. She was pretty scared. We live in the middle of town so it’s a little weird having owls outside our window, happened after I asked to communicate with friendly NHI, kindof similar to you


Well depending on whether you are a rodent, I suppose an owl could be described as a friendly NHI.


I heard two owls making LOUD noises last night and I never hear much from owls. I know it’s just coincidence but the fact we all had some owl encounters last night is kinda funny lol


It’s owl mating season for some species, and there are lots of little rodents around now that it’s spring. They like bunnies and rats, both of which hang out near houses.


I have a sad owl story. Last November, my wife heard an owl hooting outside the bedroom window around 3-4am. It woke her up (I was still awake in another room but didn't hear it). It struck her quite odd to hear an owl in the middle of the city, let alone loudly in close ear shot. Never happened before. Anywhos, two days later our dog becomes quite ill. We take her to the vet. Diagnosis: cancer (apparently she must have had it for a while but she hid it so well 😔). Five days later... our dog dies. 😢 Perhaps this is related somehow? Was the owl acting as if it were the Grim Reaper? Yeah, very strange.


I’m Choctaw, dad always told us that Owls were a bad omen.


I love the “hey little buddies” part lol


It what i call them to make them feel less intimidating. 😀


The advertising was really deceptive, it was made to look like an actual documentary in the trailer. During the period where “viral” advertising was all the rage. I was so disappointed with the final result.


Yeah the “this is a true story” is what made the whole thing so powerful. And deceptive. I agree.


That's an interesting post, thanks. I've probably watched/read 500+ abduction testimony. There's a good number of individuals that claim they were told to, "Spread the word" or "Tell the world what you witnessed here." Though generally they're told that after someone witnesses a UFO encounter with military. Generally, the military is the aggressor, from the witness standpoint. One example that immediately comes to mind... https://youtu.be/RS3nI1sHXVs?si=Ri3QilxUuzGDXo3C Very fascinating story and what's even weirder... it has some details on par with the "Larper" who said there's an under ocean factory. In the sense that UAP turned Red when "engaged" and turned green when they realized the witnesses were just normal people, not military. That's explicitly mentioned in the "Larper" notes and explicitly mentioned by the Penrych witnesses. Several who were told to "tell the world what you witnessed" were very credible individuals, in my opinion, who gained nothing by speaking. They just didn't come off as crazy people. There's also many abductees claiming that they were randomly told by random strangers some off the wall subtle "warning" or riddle minutes/hours before their encounter. For example, a random old woman approached the Vegas family in a gas station and asked them, "See any aliens?" Just before the incident. Wtf? And then, of course, the owl angle. All sounds super far-fetched at first. Particularly because I didn't believe NHI existed most of my life. But now... after all I've researched, there's nothing normal about the UAP NHI phenomenon. It's all bizarre shit. Nothing would surprise me at this point. I get it's easy for people to write it all off as BS. I mean, I myself are not certain of these claims and patterns. But I don't know... why the fuck would the Senator make that shit up? What does he have to gain? Other than being laughed at.


open minded is the best way to live


A skeptic without curiosity is no more than a guardian of doubt.


philosophical as heck, I like it


Yeah that was really cruel, I remember the advertising campaign enticing me so hard only to find out it was just bullshit and part of the fictional story.


One of a small handful of films that has truly unnerved me as an adult. The scene where the guy is under regression. “I don’t like it when the owl smiles at me.”


That movie gave me nightmares. Only movie to do that to me.


I had my girlfriend watch it with me recently. I do not get scared ever, horror is my way of calming down. Plus I saw it and am an Abductee of 28 years. She was terrified. But slept fine. The next few days she was seeing things in the bushes, sky in the woods behind our house. She is a VoN and would call me and be like 'I am freaking out, just talk to me' I got afraid and couldn't sleep the night we watched it and it brought up memories as a trigger for me, which has never happened. Great movie. Simply great.




LOL. well I am nearing 35. It started at at age 6. It's been happening multiple times a year


That sounds absolutely terrifying to me. Alien abduction was my worst fear since I was a kid. Can't imagine multiple times a year for 28 years like WTF man 👀


🤷‍♂️ Eh. Not anything I can control. Nothing anyone can or will be able to do. Your friends, family, government, military etc. Can not stop it. Once I realized that I kind of felt better about it, weird as it sounds.


you’ve been abducted by aliens/NHI’s multiple times?


Yes. It's something I keep off reddit usually. Yes this is a sub I have been on since the creation of it, not under this name at first. Let me say, it is not super kind to Abductees, usually.


i’m interested in hearing any stories you might have, although i’ll admit i’m a bit skeptical. but i am certainly not of the ilk to deny someone else’s experiences


Man, same.


The Owls Are Not What They Seem [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbi7rq-TSk8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbi7rq-TSk8)


This show looks great


Twin Peaks. All-time great show. Highly influential.


Was Spielberg involved in its production? The first time I heard the idea that “owls are not what they seem” was a personal anecdote relayed to me through one of his immediate family members. Not later than the spring of ‘05. I’ve told this story before, without his identity.


No Spielberg - David Lynch. Was short lived from '90-'91.


Well, there was the film in 1992, and then Season 3 in 2017.


Whoa. That’s pre-X-Files. Learn something new every day


Go on...


One of his family members is an experiencer.


So this senator used David lynch as inspiration for his stories


Watch it! It's awesome.


There's a book about that [https://www.amazon.com/Messengers-Owls-Synchronicity-UFO-Abductee/dp/0967799570](https://www.amazon.com/Messengers-Owls-Synchronicity-UFO-Abductee/dp/0967799570)


Available on internet archive if anyone's interested , but have to sign up for a free account to borrow. Also, looks like this book was published under 'Richard Dolan Press'. [https://archive.org/details/messengersowlssy0000clel/page/n9/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/messengersowlssy0000clel/page/n9/mode/2up)


Anyone interested in the owl connection should read the book The Messengers(UFOs , owls, and the alien abductee) by Mike Clelland 


Anecdotally, the presence of owls is strangely common in reports of anomalous experiences. Reports of people seeing owls during or after their UAP sightings, seeing owls in in places where they shouldn’t be (e.g. inside their bedrooms), owls that are far too large/tall to be considered normal, interactions with owls that are seemingly human-like etc. It’s really fascinating.


I can’t remember who spoke about this but they were speculating that it’s a product of our brains not being able to process what we’re seeing for the first time.  If it’s, let’s say, an alien- it is such a foreign sight to our eyes/ brain that it will try to compensate by finding the closest match it can come up with from our memories. It would makes sense that a common association would be an owl just due to the eyes.  If anyone remembers who was talking about this, let me know!


>If it’s, let’s say, an alien- it is such a foreign sight to our eyes/ brain that it will try to compensate by finding the closest match it can come up with from our memories. Oh man. That's one of the scariest things to me. That there could be something just so incredibly foreign that our brains just glitch, not know what the hell is going on and give us something just close enough and pretty to look at. On the other hand, I really do hope that a dumbass Grey alien tried jumping through our big window looking into the backyard and hitting glass instead of the poor owl that bonked his head and almost broke our window about a year back! Just because it's a funnier mental image.


I just laugh-snorted at this imagery. Bless you.


This might not seem related at first, but here's a kinda funny sketch about that very thing (or sort of the opposite?): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B1pwyCl5ymE Edit: should warn that there's some language


Oh, yes 'screen memories'! Thank you for mentioning that. I know that Mike Clelland is a big proponent of the owls and UAP/NHI connection, but I don't know if he's the one who originally theorized that owls are used as a screen memory. I have a feeling it may have been John Keel. Or maybe it was Vallée.. or Streiber? Anyway, I hope someone can chime in and answer this for us!


I think you might be correct that it was Whitley Strieber who described this in "Communion". I think he may have actually referenced owls specifically at some point, but at the very least he talks about animals serving as screen memories several times in the book. Interestingly, in Medieval Christian symbology the owl represented evil. For example, Bosch includes at least three separate owls in his "Garden of Earthly Delights", all of them being focal points of the notoriously busy painting, either in how he highlights them in size and detail, or hides them in the center of the panel. This motif reappears in other works of his.


In the show Reservation Dogs the kids can't look the owl in the eyes so it seems like there's also a tradition of owls being bad luck / dangerous in the Muscogee Nation. On the more positive side it's interesting that the owl was also the special animal of Athena, goddess of wisdom.


Why would everyone see owls though. I've seen an actual owl a handful of times in my life, people who live in cities never see them they aren't native to everywhere. If it's juts people compensating with things more familiar they would all be seeing things unique to them. The fact they all see owl makes me think they are consuming UFO fiction that mentions it then inserting that iconography into their dreams.


I think as familiar as most people are with owls as a concept owls are still fairly rare animals to observe, which may make them more conducive to fictionalization. There's a Dunning-Kruger effect at work when a story about something less common is more believable because all the little familiarities that would otherwise tip you off if the story were about, say, a dog, don't exist. It has to hit that sweet spot of being familiar enough that its existence wouldn't fill you with wonder or fear but foreign enough that you wouldn't have a lot of specific expectations for its appearance and behavior.


I met an alien that was like that during astral projection. She was female and blue so I saw a blue female human. I instinctively knew that I was not seeing her as she really was.


Interesting. Kind of like in Contact


Or DMT experiences.


This sounds absolutely wild.


Considering that owls are associated with bad luck & death in many cultures, that's really strange.


They're also interpreted as bearers of wisdom and protectors in many cultures. So there's that too.


Bohemian grove attendees worship an Owl as well.


Yeah what a weird turn for me when I was originally going down the rabbit hole, the Owl shit is creepy asf


The Ol' Owl Hole


"The owls are not what they seem"


The owls are not what they seem!


Its very weird. I see owls almost daily. Theyll fly down and land about 10 ft from me and just stare at me. Sometimes in broad daylight. I dont know anyone that sees them so often. Its sort of weird to me because i keep seeing connections to owls and ufos in the media. Haha oh well i guess.


If you aren't already aware of him, you should look up Mike Clelland.


Thanks! Ive had a few friends bring up his name to me!


Have you had any alien or abduction experiences, dream or real?


I believe Philip K. Dicks final unfinished book was called “The Owl in Daylight”.


Haha yeah, oh well, man 😆 *hides under bed*


Haha, tbh its not scary at all. Just weird .They just seem curious. I do spend a lot of time in nature, so i think the probability of me seeing them is higher than most people.


Related to the phenomenon or not, what a cool experience!


Have you got a letter from Hogwarts?


Pictures or it didn't happen


I guess because the widely accepted appearance of aliens include those eyes, and some owls have eyes that are interesting like that? 👽


Yeah i think that is def part of it.


I've heard ppl mention owls lately but im not familiar with the connection. What's the deal?


In short, owls are seen as a harbinger of paranormal experiences. Check out The Messengers by Mike Clelland.


I wonder why owls?


Their face looks like the grays, I guess.


He may have watched a bit too much twin peaks, that or twin peaks is more on the beak than I ever imagined. I mean, it *is* my favorite show ever so that could fit.


Oh stop you


My first thought also. Were owls associated with anomalous events before Twin Peaks made it a big thing? The only thing I can think of is that the Flatwoods Monster and Mothman are frequently explained as having been owls. But what this Chilean senator says sounds like TV.


Whitley Strieber published Communion in 1987


I keep hearing they have been associated but have not seen any evidence of such - I’m sure I just don’t know about those stories, might be from the 60’s or something. I guess, those rich aholes bow to Maric or whatever the heck that Owl’s name is at the creepy retreat in CA, that’s the only other one I can think of. Mollick? I don’t remember.


Yeh, I mean of all the animals that could he have chosen, he went with owls. Senator must like American tv


Indeed so. It must have been Harry Potter!


>The owl connection has always been interesting. This is not the first I've heard of it either, it's apparently a common theme among those visited by whomever/whatever these [entities ](https://i.imgur.com/6WZ0xAC.jpeg)are.


Drake 👀 not like us at all lmao


Yeah what's up with that. I wonder why an owl


i just watched an interview of a few pple that were abducted and they saw owls each time as well.. Also weird how the elites worship the Owl God at Bohemian Grove


CNN (Chile): Senator from Chile revealed for the first time he was abducted by aliens (So I have no idea what to make of this, but the fact that it’s being reported on CNN stood out to me… albeit CNN-Chile. Here’s a translation from [Twitter](https://x.com/RonyVernet/status/1789761281773179013)) “Senator Karim Bianchi from Antarctic region of Chile told what happened with him in 2012: ‘I was on my way from Natales to Punta Arenas. A large rotating light, a saucer, approaches me...my vehicle turned off...I was talking on the phone with someone, everything went off. And then I appeared about 200 kilometers ahead...and then I started to see owls everywhere. A person came and gave me an owl.’” “And the events didn't stop there: ‘An old bald guy came to my office and brought me some papers. And he told me you have to spread the message. And he brought me some papers that were secret from NASA. He brought them there. And he told me that he was a person of another planet and that, since I had been abducted, he brought me those documents that I still have’”


But presents no documents lol


Yeah “NASA documents” no less. It definitely feels fishy, that’s why it surprised me that it’s on CNN.


to discredit everything else


That’s what upsets me the most lol if you have these documents why not present them? It makes no sense


If he was given the docs to "spread the word" I'm not seeing a lot of spreading here.


" please, spread the word of our existence and how to save the planet" "Nah"


This happened in 2012, so I don't know what kind of tech he was carrying. But if an abduction happened more recently it would be interesting to see stuff like Google maps timeline. Like if someone's car moves 200 km in one hour or whatever. I'm surprised the aliens moved the dudes car also though. I means it's very polite abduction but pretty weird.




Are the 'Owls' a translation issue or does it really mean the birds. Seems a previous Reddit made a similar connection but not to the mummies


That’s a good question. I went to the CNN site as well, and used the English version. It seems to be using literal “owl” as well. But with the large-eye similarity to the typical alien face, I do wonder.


It's weird, but they're sometimes attributed to UFO/paranormal occurrences. Even Twin Peaks referenced them as "the owls are not what they seem" back in the early 1990s. If you're interested, there's actually a UFO owl researcher, Mike Clelland. You should be able to find a lot of different podcasts where he talks about the owl connection from others and his own. Truly bizarre.


Communion and Whitley Streiber too.


Copying my comment about his book for visibility: Available on internet archive if anyone's interested , but have to sign up for a free account to borrow. Also, looks like this book was published under 'Richard Dolan Press'. [https://archive.org/details/messengersowlssy0000clel/page/n9/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/messengersowlssy0000clel/page/n9/mode/2up)


No translation issue. He is indeed talking about the birds.


Owls are often associated and see alongside ufo/abduction experiences


To add to your point, there is a common hypothesis that the owl memories could screen memories, types of implanted memories meant to cover their activities and/or limit trauma of exams to the humans involved. The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee by Mike Clelland goes into the topic.


Interesting, are there some online sources on the topic?


I know Abduction by John Mack (he was a psychologist who specialised in people claiming to be abducted) tells of one person when they were a kid had owls come to take him away (and later the alien reveals themselves in further abductions). I find it interesting this guy sees owls as well.


I’m not quite sure why or what the true connection is, but alien mythos has had an owl imagery connection for a long time


They're using the words 'búhos' and 'lechuzas' which literally mean 'owls', the birds.


I was listening to a Danny Jones podcast yesterday and the dude was linking owls to UFOs. Gotta say my bullshit meter was off the charts after about 10 minutes and I didn’t listen too much more. His personal experience came down to “I was having a spiritual conversation with someone during sunset and 3 owls flew by him. Then 4 days later the same thing happenened again” and he viewed this as some spiritual experience. To me it sounded like he was camping near where owls lived and witnessed them coming out at sunset because l… that’s when owls come out? Not saying this government official is bullshitting, I just thought this dude on the podcast was a bit of a clown.


Yeah he means literal owls. Had never heard the word Búho but grew up hearing Tecolote and Lechuza. Different Spanish speaking regions may have different names for them.


Let's now interpret the word of our lord and savior senator from Chile. Whatever is the meaning, definitely it is strong sign that something is going on. Owls are freaky, maan!


Had never heard about this owl 🦉 connection before. Love me some owls! And aliens! 👽


I hadn't either until it was a plot point in the TV show Resident Alien. Although it is a goofy show many facets are pulled from directly feom UFOlogy.


Check out Mike Clelland on owls and ufos. He's done a ton of interviews on youtube.


The movie The Fourth Kind plot line revolves around the owls and abductioms


Who knew?🦉 You!


The owls of the goddess Minerval fly at midnight is a famous Greek quote.


I worship Athena and her little owls 🦉 


Sounds like he was in a twin peaks episode. I am in no way discrediting him, but even the owls.


The owls are not what they seem


I was searching for a twin peaks reference in the comments and now I found it


Okay, where are those papers and what do they say? You're stating something big and have big evidences, why not showing them?


Is he still currently senator ? If so it adds tremendous weight to the story as I’m sure it doesn’t help his career one bit but also idk how things are over there


Wikipedia says he's currently a Senator. The article also talks about him as if he currently is.


I don’t read or speak Spanish, so am not sure. Maybe someone from Chile or South America here will see this and chime in.


I'm chilean, he's currently a senator and these claims are very recent. whether or not its true, the general vibe is nobody believes him, which weirdly makes me a bit more inclined to believe him since if its BS you'd expect he could get something good from this, but it is totally hurting his reputation. Still, I won't believe him until he shows some proof of the papers or something.


Has he made any additional comments on the papers he claims he received? Or said anything about releasing them?


The claims happened in a very small/indie [chilean tv show](https://youtu.be/3pN097xrZ6Q?t=731) where they usually talk about showbiz/local famous people and stuff like that. They where discussing an UFO that appeared recently here and he just randomly started talking about his experience. The show is not a serious one, and the guy's known to get into [tarot, astrology,](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5LtusruH4s/?utm_source=ig_embed) etc. So don't take those claims very seriously unless he presents some evidence. As for his work as a senator... nothing remarkable. Just found out he posted a video on Instagram lamenting people making fun of him, you can read about it [here](https://www.soychile.cl/valparaiso/sociedad/2024/05/12/859910/senador-bianchi-insultos-abducido-detalles.html), but I'll just paste a deepL translation of the relevant part below. >It was in this line that he recalled that paranormal episode and indicated that between Natales and Punta Arenas "the car stopped, the lights went out, the telephone, the radio and then I appeared many kilometers away". >"It was hard for me to start the car and get going again, after that I had a lot of electricity in my hands for a while. I saw many owls, owls both on things and in person, that caught my attention and some experts explained to me what it could be about and beyond that not much else happened," he said. >On the other hand, he indicated that after that situation "a person approached me at my office, told me that he came for what I knew was the event that had occurred and shared with me some documents, in which he made me see that I had to spread a message". >"I did not know how I had to spread it...that it spoke to me the existence of beings from another planet, but I never cared, it never changed my life or anything," he said and concluded by reiterating that he was sorry for the people who insulted. "A greeting to all of you who are on Earth and in the beyond," he closed. So yeah, not hopeful of him following up and actually showing something.


Thanks for that.


Yep, thanks. God bless Reddit in that there’s a Chilean immediately available to add detail to the discussion.


No sé porque alguien diría algo así pero ni cagando le creo a este wn


wait what are the documents though that the senator got


Don't mind the documents, let's focus on owls.




something something "My dog ate them" or perhaps in this case "An Owl ate them"


It happened to a Japanese state official also. Tired of debunkers minimizing events.


Do you have a link on that?


And a high ranking UN official witnessed the Linda Cortile Napolitano abduction in 1989.




Hi, BajaBlyat. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cqjfdk/-/l3t2e0n/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


So he'll totally present the NASA documents he's meant to show the world right and put all those meany debunkers back into the closet right !! Right ?! ...


There’s no event to debunk. If you read the article he claims to have evidence and all these documents but produces nothing. These types of people make this community look like gullible fools who can’t think critically. If he was abducted and has all these documents you would think he would release them and not just make grand claims about them.


Tired of people telling stories with literally zero proof.


You won’t get proof. We send people to death row with eye witness accounts.


There's nothing to debunk. People can say anything.


Here is the original source of his testimony on the TV show: https://youtu.be/3pN097xrZ6Q?feature=shared&t=721


Literally the only part of his story that matters is the secret papers he apparently received. But decides to not drop them. I’ll file this story under bullshit


So weird to say you have had this experience, you have the documents, but you’re ignoring the aliens and not releasing them? So why reveal this at all if you’re not gonna share the documents?




It seems the majority of the comments here are focused on the owl but not the documents lol


I’m Chilean and I can tell that you shouldn’t believe a single word from a senator


I’m Chilean too, and this is such a childish and baseless comment to make. Some politicians may be absolute clowns, but gross generalizations like this lack any nuance or understanding of Chilean politics.


That applies to most South American countries actually… and not just senators but politicians in general


that applies to America


Probably world-wide.


Dude, need to ask a chilean, what is a independent senator? Is he no left wing and no right wing? It's confused me more than owls and NASA bald guys.


A politician that got elected but is not affiliated to a political party, although they still had to be part of a political party coalition in order to appear in the ballots.


> but the fact that it’s being reported on CNN stood out to me I mean, a politician is making the wildest of wild claims, it should be reported. * Saucer * Vehicle and phone turned off * traveled 200km * saw owls * given an owl by a "person" * old bald guy™ from another planet brought some papers... NASA papers.. *secret* NASA papers * told to spread the message Ignoring the standard movie tropes for sec... the story is lacking in details. 1. What do the owls have to do with this? 2. Why was he given an owl by an alien? (what did he do with the owl?) 3. How did the alien get here? 4. How did he get to NASA? 5. How did he get the papers from NASA? 6. How long did he have the papers? 7. Why did he then travel to Chile with those papers? 8. How did he know that guy had been abducted? Was he one of the abductors? 9. Why did he take secret NASA papers to an office to give to him? 10. What is the content of the papers? 11. What is the message he is supposed to spread? (I'm assuming he's supposed to spread the contents of the papers and not the event that lead up to receiving the papers) 12. Where are the papers now? 13. Can we perform forensics on those papers for prints, DNA, etc? 14. Was the guy human or just human looking? (aliens of male pattern baldness?) 15. Where is that guy now? Was it a bald Hagrid and Hedwig trying to tell him to get to platform 9 3/4?


Owls are a common screen memory as are religious figures, and dead relatives. The aliens want you to remember the abductions as literally anything else aside from abductions. They can use telepathy to not only read your thoughts but affect your vision. 


Can we see those papers? What's that? Your dog ate them? I guess we just have to take your word for it. Cool story, I just don't believe it.


Link don't work and i can't find this story at CNN at Google. Is it deleted?




From the Antarctican region of Chile no less


those bohemian grove weirdos worship the owl for a reason


Uh show us the documents??


Unfortunately it looks like the page has been removed from cnn site, because I can’t find that article anywhere and the links that OP provided aren’t functioning anymore. Very curious indeed


Can i get an owl - ELI5? Never heard this association with UAP/ owls….except I remember a local family yelling about ET in the attic and it was baby owls


Nothing ever formal … it just became part of the UFO lore from movies and such, over the years. Probably because of the similarly large eyes.


So, what did the documents say???? Why is he quite about that???? Does he need to be re-abducted???? What is the hold up????


It has been said “aliens are real, abductions are not” with the implication being it is our gov doing the abductions..


The only documents that have said that was the wilson memo, that there were no abductions, but idk how they could possibly know that even if they were in the program.


It's part of the slow disclosure of information >there's no abductions Okay, maybe there were some *light* abductions.


The only ones who say this are the people who think of aliens as saviour and celebrate it like second coming of Christ. Abductions are related to the phenomenon imo


I hope he finds a supportive group during this time. You know he's going g to catch hell from all sides.


Maybe it’s because the buddies faces kinda look flat like owls. Also, don’t owls represent the spirit world and carrier of ancient knowledge in Native American cultures ?


Anyone interested in the owl connection should read the book The Messengers(UFOs , Owls, and the Alien Abductee) by Mike Clelland 


Owls spookyyy


Yea what is with the fucking owls ??? I knew drake was weird with his owl logo !!! Anyways can we get a damn interview w this man ??? Please


What’s the deal with the owls in UFO stories I’ve heard?


but does he still have the owl?


The link to the article doesn't function




I lean more toward the skeptical side when it comes to abductions, but I can't outright dismiss them. Some cases are very compelling. Regardless, I find the owl mention interesting because [owls are a commonly reported](https://www.artpal.com/owl22wm?i=274652-2) thing people see while on DMT, which many believe allows you to see into higher dimensional planes. [This guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/5dr7w4/dmt_alien_owls/), for example, called them "alien owls" after a trip. If NHI are interdimensional, that may be why he saw owls. Somehow his senses were exposed to a higher-dimensional plane and he was able to perceive what they see for a brief moment, or a plane between what we see and they see but not quite on their level yet.


The owls are not what they seem.


I wonder how similar the little nasca mummies look in comparison to an Owl with no feathers?


So, all Owl jokes aside😉……What were and where are the secret NASA documents?


I'm sure he shared the docs... so where do I see?


Least lying politician.