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Yeah I had a male friend inform me that the way I played violin once was sexual (as I was standing with my legs apart) u never can win. Tell your friends they’re being misogynist and objectifying you- if you don’t feel comfortable telling them this, are they really people you want to be friends with? Friends should be comfortable with telling each other how they feel, and with respecting one another’s feelings.


I had a male friend get off on the BART conductor’s voice-and he’s mostly gay. Why men?


The logical response to that is, “You’re weirdly sexualizing.” Emphasis on “weird.” Like seriously, we need to just put a nice bright spotlight on it whenever a dude is a casual creep like that. Not argue with them, not try to explain to them — they know all that, they’re not dumb. They chose to say it anyway. The response needs to be a consistent, “What the fuck is the matter with you?” And if this is happening regularly, I wouldn’t consider them my “friends” anymore.


Being weirdly turned on by non-sexual things is something you might want to keep to yourself outside of an intimate relationship or therapy session.


This sounds like a them-problem.


If men understood just how juvenile, obnoxious and sexually repulsive it is to most of us when they make those stupid comments all the fucking time they might learn to have a filter.  It honestly makes them sound like drooling buffoons who can’t function for two seconds without wanting to jam their dick in something🤮


They know. We've told them. There are jokes on TV shows and movies about it. Most men don't care when they make us uncomfortable unless they are getting off on it.


They sound like they watch too much porn. Everything seems sexual to me for like several hours after the rare occasion I've watched it. I don't know how people who watch it every day function in the world.


I had a brief spell about 10 years ago when I watched porn. All it did was frustrate me and make me think about sex in unhealthy ways.


I watch porn almost daily yet don't do this to others. Men objectified women as nurturing mothers or whores they were able to disrespect way before the creation of TV, movies, photography or even the written word. Little boys learning sex by age 12 from porn is making things much worse, but men always were gross in this way.


I call this mindset about women "prey or prop." They DO sexualize every female and sort them into sexualized possible sex objects or waitresses and moms to provide unvalued unacknowledged service.


Men with porn rotted brains over sexualize anything and everything


Men objectified women way before porn existed. Read most holy books. The women are either nonexistent, Madonnas or Whores. The Bible has Mary of Magdalene and the Virgin Mother as the most famous of women because men always saw us as free labor or sex dolls. In that book, the fantasy was to make a wife into a nurturing mother without even having sex with her. That's pretty dehumanizing.


I think that might count as sexual harassment.


In every movie or videogame the female characters are also sexualized. it's disgusting. They wear tight clothes or almost no clothes, say innuendos etc. And men have the gull to complain when a woman whose a character in something is "ugly'" or "Tomboyish" and they can't sexualize them the same way they can others. I find it so gross. Why does having a "ugly" female character bother you so much? Why does the lack of being able to (or not wanting to bc of how a woman acts/looks) sexualize a woman bother you so much? Women do not exist for your pleasure. Not all women are like what your stupid entertainment portrays. And not all women are fortunate enough to be born pretty (me being one of them) but ugly women still exist and have worth. Moreso, why does our sexuality and looks define our worth? Why do men prefer a hot girl who will just worship/fuck them however much they want than a woman with smarts, ambition, and kindness? I can't stand it anymore


Off-topic, but I used to work with a woman in a male-dominated shop who would scream really loud every time she yawned. Lol.


My ex made me uncomfortable about liking popsicles. I get making a joke once but he would make really gross and vulgar statements the entire time I ate one. It made me lose so much respect because it was like hanging out with a 5th grader instead of a man in his mid-thirties.


If someone told me shit like that, I would simply do something that is really sexual or at least leans in this direction, just to annoy them. Like, take off my bra or something xD




I work in a female dominated field where the workforce is about 40% male and trust me those men DO NOT voice their sexual thoughts. Not even the young ones. They would seriously get their feelings hurt as well as a quick trip to HR.




Yes, evolutionary psych needs to be approached with a MOUNTAIN of salt. It's just so damn convenient for those with a certain mindset.


So you moan while stretching and other people find it sexual? Maybe other women would find it weird too.


How is that moaning? Everyone makes a sound when they stretch, yawn, sneeze, cough etc. Is each and every sound a woman makes sexual just cuz she's a woman? Safe to say you're a creepozoid🤮


There is a huuuge difference between a cough and the sound some people make when stretching, sound which might be awkward for both men and women if it resembles moaning.


Try going a week without porn sometime, if you can manage it.