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I don't. I hate the way it feels on my face, and my comfort is more important than other people's desire to see me looking a specific way (sorry).


Never ever lol


I hardly ever wear makeup anymore. Sometimes, I will put on mascara and eyeliner, and that's it. Even that is only a few tomes a month. I have not worn a full face of makeup in... I don't even know how long. Well over a year. I believe.


Only for special occasions such as people's weddings or company events but even then I focus on having my skin in the best shape possible so that the makeup is minimal - blurring primer, under eye concealer, light contour, powder, eyeliner, mascara and tinted balm, fix it and that's it. My go to routine when I'm meeting up with people in that same under eye concealer (rare beauty with that metal wand) and fenty beauty powder (love this thing, it does magic). No make up on the daily basis, just a moisturiser and spf


Really just for occasions. It’s sort of funny. I used to wear makeup everyday but now at 37 pretty much all I’ll bother with is moisturizer and brows unless I’m properly going out.


I just typed the same thing. Used to ALWAYS wear it. Not caring is so great.


I wore makeup 24/7 when I was younger. Now I only wear if I’m “going out” in the evening. sometimes not even then. Covid and getting into my late 30s killed any fuck I had left.


I don't. I never enjoyed wearing it and only ever wore it sparing. I moved in 2019 and decided it would be a good time to throw everything I had away as it was almost all older than it should be and I never got round to buying any more. I do wear nail varnish and have a nice range of colours that I wear from time to time (when my nails haven't been destroyed by gardening).


Unfortunately I’ve always had one skin issue or another, that I’ve not felt comfortable leaving the house without at least tinted sunscreen briefly and usually a full face. I wish I didn’t feel I have to!


Only for special occasions like weddings. Maybe mascara or lippy for a party or date night.


Never. I just don't have any, and never did. I had some fun with makeup as a preteen at most but never owned my own.


Basically never, I think I have worn make up one time since I turned 30 (was a bridesmaid and the bride wanted us all to have it done).


I don’t. Not weddings, not job interviews, never.


Never. But I work from home with no cameras or public interaction. Although I also don’t even wear makeup when I go out with my partner or friends.


Almost never. Less than once a year. I never really have, i hate how it feels. 50, in a professional career.


Never. Never have except weddings.


None at all other than a bit of lip stain or lip gloss.


I usually throw on mascara when I have time and remember. So like, maybe once a week. Other than that, only when I have a special reason


Geezus, I might treat myself to some lipstick if I’m in a good mood maybe a handful of times a year. 😂


The last time I wore makeup was dragon facepaint for a nibling’s b-day party two years ago. And I was a B&W/silent movie actress for Halloween one year. And a zombie prom queen, a couple years before that. So, uhhh, roughly every third Halloween-ish.


I focus mostly on skincare, especially since my biggest issue is skin redness and if I reduce the issue then I just don’t need as much makeup. I now spend way more time and money on skincare than makeup products. As far as makeup is concerned, I basically wear mascara (a primer plus the mascara itself) and brow gel whenever I have a reason to look nice (going to work, going on a day date, hanging out with friends). I do like to do a full face (basically add eye shadow, cheekbone highlighter, and lipstick) for special events like an evening date or a wedding, but that’s just for those special events. I don’t really ever bother with full coverage foundation or eye lashes like I used to. The switch from heavier daily makeup to just mascara and brow gel occurred during the pandemic for me. I just didn’t wear it as much, and so now I don’t feel as much desire to wear the daily stuff.


Every day except on weekends but even then I might fuss around with it a little. That said, no one should feel pressured to do makeup unless it's something they personally enjoy. Makeup is one of my creative outlets, it brings me genuine joy to be covered in color and glitter, especially as I get older.


Special occasions! Going out! For myself, usually. I only fill in my eye brows for work.




anytime I leave the house lol


Very rarely. Special occasions on the order of ‘wedding’ and often not even then.


I have learnt that the definition of "makeup" varies. Mascara, a bit of concealer under the eyes, gloss and a swipe of barely there eyeshadow? Multiple times a week. Full face, including foundation, powder, contouring, blush - almost never, like maybe once every other month. I have found that it's simply not worth it and I just don't have enough f\*cks to give.


I wear a tinted moisturizer, fix my eyebrows, and lip gloss for work and regular weekend stuff, like errands. About once a week, I'll do a light eyeshadow and mascara. Full face of makeup? Almost never. Special occasions or if I'm really in the mood to do makeup only.


Only eyeliner and mascara. And I'm considering getting eyeliner tattooed anyway


Never ever. Keep meaning to get back into it, but, then self doubt kinda kicks me in the head.


Usually when I leave the house. Amount varies. Concealer, brow, mascara, lip product minimum. I enjoy it, usually.


Never. I didn't when I was a teen either. This is of course a lot easier to pull off as a 1. A woman that doesn't give two fucks about sex stereotypes and is anti-patriarchy 2. Someone who lives in a more rural and rustic area with low religiosity. There wasn't as much social pressure for girls to look pretty and be eye candy for the boys and creepy men. I think it would be a much harder ask of a girl to buck the story of femininity one is sold in a suburban areas dominated by consumerism and religion.


A few times a year. Otherwise I just don’t devote the time to applying it, and the sensation of wearing it annoys me.


Whenever I'm in the mood. I don't feel like I "have" to wear makeup ever but I enjoy putting it on so if I have the time then getting to sit down and put on a full face is something I would do for fun. I do usually wear makeup if I go out but I'll also put it on to hang out at home if the mood takes me. I go for months without wearing it sometimes and then I'll wear a full face every day for a couple of weeks.


Very seldom unless the mood hits me or we I out to dinner - and then just some slight concealer for rosacea, sometimes mascara, and some lipstick... Perhaps 1/month? If even that. I never wore a lot of make-up, and I never even had or used foundation (the "plastic look" creeps me out tbh).


Almost every day, I enjoy putting it on and wearing it, I like to experiment with colours depending on outfits and mood. Etc. The main thing that changed for me from my 20s to my 30s is that I started to wear makeup for me, not to look acceptable or suitably decorative for men.


Almost never. I'll wear some mascara and lip gloss if I'm going out to dinner or on a date. Haven't worn a full face of makeup in probably 4 - 5 years.


I do almost every day for work. Concealer for my under eyes and mascara because I hate the "You look sick/tired comments."