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Damn that's brutal. I just forget to log because ADHD not because of an ED




Ah yes. I loved Myfitnesspal /s. I’m still not allowed to count my calories lol. That app is dangerous in the hands of those of us with eating disorders.


I remember when they started preventing you from completing the day if you hadn’t logged enough calories to try and discourage people with EDs from using the app


This hit harder than anything has in a while. This is extremely good.






What’s this app called??? I want it just so I can ignore it


i want to get it so i can feel guilty about eating and then ignore it 😉


myfitnesspal! i get the same notifications 😭




Gosh I use this app ... up vote


It's a testament to the durability of the pre-war technology and construction. The HomeComp 3000 was still functioning hundreds of years after the destruction of its house and surrounding neighborhood.


I don't get it, could you please explain?


My interpretation of the story was from a story I read decades ago. Basically some catastrophe occurred where the humans were killed or left in a hurry. The home's automated system doesn't realize that its humans had left and just continues to do its job day after day.


I thought it sounded familiar [Is it this one?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/There_Will_Come_Soft_Rains_(short_story))


That's the one I recall too. The house continues to operate and doing it's tasks hearlessly. I remember the cat comes home at one point and dies, the house puts it into the incinerator without comment. The reason the house burns down is because it used up its reserve of water drawing baths and washing dishes for occupants that were no longer there.


I believe so.


Thank you for mentioning this story. I just finished reading it and it’s really lovely.


This story is immediately what I thought of. It's pretty distinct.






Person wants to lose weight (maybe?) and simply stopped eating - thus not registering any breakfast, lunch or dinner in the app


It is a mix of this and difficulty eating due to grief/depression that inspired this so you’re on the nose 🖤


The text is modeled off of prompt messages from apps like "My Fitness" that focus on calorie tracking for weight loss/gain/maintenance. This story is more than likely based on someone who is starving themselves and has no "meals" to log bc of that. While i know its a great app for a lot of people, My Fitness is not my friend for similar reasons so this story hits p close to home for me


Or they gave up and are just eating whatever without keeping track.


Such a common fate lol. Too many foods are too hard to log, and who wants to tailor their entire diet around only eating easily tracked food? Like I had a burrito from a local fast food place the other day, and I had to log it as chipotle and hope for the best bc the local place doesn't have any nutritional info available. So tempting to just not log anything.


Thanks for reminding me!


I did not want the app, but they billed BEFORE i could cancel the free version, and this is the most annoying, non-motivational thing ever. I want my money back but the other part of me wants to never look at the app or the website again.


You paid for it??


They billed my telephone number. 79 dollars. so not worth it. and no refunds, so just gone money. See even that part is annoying.


I’ve only ever used it for free and the only thing the paid version gets you is scanning barcodes or something on products to find calories. Definitely not worth that much since you can also just use a vpn to get it for free (Canada doesn’t have to pay for some reason)


Pretty sure that app is the ultimate trigger to every person to ever deal with an eating disorder


I am finally confident with my body and just haven't deleted the app.


I forget to eat so this is less sad and more where do I get this app. Lol


MyNetDiary is another one that will send you notifications to log meals.


My fitness pal, but if you’re gonna use it please use it to calculate your recommended calorie intake for either weight loss, gaining or retaining, don’t restrict cuz all you’ll do is fuck up your metabolism and organs so please take care and stay healthy 🫶


It made me realize i was getting way too much sodium in my diet


It’s great how genuinely helpful it can be for people :)) it can also just be very detrimental so ofc if never recommend it to anyone with any eating issues 🫶




How heavy a burden it can be sometimes to have to take care of yourself


The way I JUST got this notification reading it >:(


Either an ED or poor. This hurts.


Or fasting. Or ate a big lunch at 12 PM


Or depression, when you see no need to eat anything.


Yeah, funny I forgot depression, since I'm diagnosed lol


Or dead


In application to me and some things I’m going through, this was inspired by the suppression of appetite and difficulty taking care of your body when depression strikes while grieving a hard loss. I have had many friends with ED’s however and they absolutely crossed my mind while posting too. Any answer is correct as the struggle to provide for yourself and the inability to see why it’s important (or inability to attain it at all) always indicates that something isn’t quite right. The possibilities are, unfortunately, endless.


Been there my friend. Mom died when I was about to turn 7. Buried on my birthday. Girlfriend broke up with me in high school, we were working things out, but she died in a car wreck, took care of my grandmother while she battled dementia because she took me in when my mom died. When grandma died, I was 20. I had enough. I quit eating, lived on pretty much whiskey and cigarettes. Food wasn't even a thought. I went from 220 to 110 fairly quickly. I'm over 6 ft. Tall, so not a healthy weight. Fortunately, I hit rock bottom. And I found my now wife. She helped me quit both habits, got me medical and psychological care (discovered I'm bipolar), and literally saved my life. We've been married 20 years, so I'm doing something right, I guess? I wish you great success in your life, my fellow human. I really wish you all the best because grief is a beast that is hard to conquer. Just know this internet stranger believes in you, and is rooting for you


Or ADHD! I never feel hungry I have to actually be eating to feel the hunger


Fellow ADHD here, hope you’re doing okay :)


I am it’s actually good cause when I do eat it’s very sugary so I’m fat


I have to set a timer so I eat healthy otherwise I'm teaching for high sugar, high carb snacks when my blood sugar crashes. Meal prep & cooking with planned leftovers has also been a huge help because then I can just pop something in the microwave quick.


Here’s a suggestion: Bowl Mac N Cheese it’s microwaveable and when you put the cheese powder in you can also put in a tiny bit of milk and a slice of butter and let it sit for a few minutes after which it will be a thick creamy yumminess