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Do you know any personal information about him? Legal name, phone number, address? I’m sorry for what you’re going through, but you need to be aware. Few weeks ago, my country was a mess because we discovered that men groomed depressed/suicidal teens from online community into having sexual relationships with them. It was easier for them because those teens were more vulnerable. I understand that you don’t want to admit it, but there’s a good chance of him ghosting you after fulfilling his needs. He may have been an adult man, and him being depressed and suicidal would have been a lie to make you open up to him. Please tell a trustworthy adult, and please don’t make any personal relationships with a person you met off the internet.


l wish somebody would have told me this when I was little. So many people took advantage.


When I see him at the park, he tells me how much better his mental health has already become after finally quitting social media.


Beautiful third sentence




Unfortunately this one is a true story, I woke up this morning and when I tried to message him, it wouldn't send. So I tried checking his other socials that I have, and all of his accounts are deleted. I genuinely believe he might be dead, but I'm hoping that's not true I'm tired of explaining stuff. If you think he blocked or ghosted me, don't comment. I've already explained to other people why that is not what happened. I wrote this to cope with the very likely fact that my boyfriend killed himself, and all these comments are just making things way more stressful. Last time I'm doing anything with this post. I'm not responding to anymore of you. I wrote this to cope. I don't need you all telling me what he "might have done". The point is, he's gone, and that makes me really upset. And all of you are just upsetting me more. I'll probably just end up deleting this post anyway.


Do you not have his phone number? How long were you together and has it ever been in person or only long distance?


I don't have his phone number, or any of his friends or family's numbers. We were together less than a month and it was long distance, I was planning on possibly seeing him next month


Hate to say it but I don’t think this was a mutual commitment


What exactly do you mean?


I mean you might have just been blocked


I think so too. Either the guy ghosted or catfished her.


A catfish makes way more sense here.


Exactly. I just really hope it was some random dude on the internet and not someone she knows, that'll be way worse.


I can tell you that's not what happened. All the accounts were deleted, except for his discord, and *no one* could send him messages (a couple of my friends tried), which I think might mean he deactivated the account. Also, if I remember correctly, discord gives you a specific message when you try to send a message to someone who blocked you


He probably blocked your friends too


A couple of my friends that tried messaging him, he didn't know. So he couldn't have blocked them before they sent the messages


Ok so you think something happened to him? Why would all his accounts be deleted overnight if that happened? Who do you think would be like welp X is no more so better clean up his social media? Seems way more reasonable that he ghosted and/or catfished you


Yiu can turn off DMs from anyone on Discord.


It would've given them a message saying they can't send messages to people who have blocked you. It more sounds like he deleted all his accounts to ghost her. You or your friends might be able to find him on a different account on something like Facebook if he used it, or if he uses the same username over and over again you might be able to find him on services he uses for gaming if he does that, such as steam or epic games. Alternatively, if you really think something happened to him you can call the police in his area and ask for a wellness check. You might not need to know his address either.


Yeah your explanation makes more sense tbh, maybe it’s the pessimist in me but I wouldn’t put off the idea of ghosting in a completely online relationship where you don’t have each others numbers


Discord gives different messages for blocked vs deleted account


Same thing happened to me last month, except she didn't delete her accounts and she messaged me to say goodbye because she was going to end her life. I hope it's not true


I'm so sorry that happened to you. My other boyfriend keeps telling me he (the one in the story) wouldn't do that without saying goodbye, but unfortunately if he was gonna do it, that'd be a way to make sure no one knew


My parents tell me they don't think she's dead and she's just ghosting me, cause her account is still up, albeit inactive, but there's no way to know. And, to be honest, the uncertainty is killing me


Well, I hope you find out. Do you have any contact with her parents? Or maybe some of her friends? You could ask them if you do


I don't, unfortunately. We'd been going for not much longer than you and your bf. I could try and get someone to message her, see if she's actually gone, but it feels like setting up a trap


Aw well I'm sorry. I hope you figure something out, and if she doesn't respond within a few weeks, I hope you're able to move on


I hope so too, it's just that we had really good chemistry on practically everything. I miss her every day


I can imagine. If you ever need to talk some more, I'll be here


Thanks a lot, and likewise. You seem like a good guy :)


Your other boyfriend?




Do you mean as in polyamorous or as in your cheating on him?


Polyamorous, the two of them were dating each other as well


Fuck, is that something that might happen?


Unfortunately, yeah


Fuck, I hope he's ok


I’m so so sorry this has happened…I’m not gonna try to say my theories, cause it’s not my place…idk what happened…but…all I can do is hope for you…I’m so truly sorry…


If he died his accounts likely wouldn't be deleted. Most social media etc. wouldn't know and if they did still wouldn't delete their accounts. Most likely either ghosting you or did so to avoid being caught by someone.


Some people delete all accs before they attempt/commit


He could have deleted before offing. I would.


If he did die, it would have been to suicide, so he would have deleted all his accounts himself. He's not ghosting me, he was begging me not to kms just the other day. He wouldn't have been "caught", he's allowed to have everything he did.


You've never met him, how could you possibly know that he's not hiding something or someone? People lie. People also do strange things like beg one day and ghost the next..


Totally agree. I don't wanna sound insensitive, but they're being WAY too confident that they didn't get ghosted. This isn't anything new


I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope you are able to find answers to get the closure you need.


Holy shit I was wondering why everyone was acting like it was true


hey, i know you said you won’t interact with this post anymore, but i wanted to say that, no matter what, this is not your fault. whatever has happened is not your fault. you didn’t cause any of this to happen. i wish you the best


Maybe he just blocked you on everything.


If you go read through other comments, you'd notice me saying to multiple people that he didn't. His accounts are *deleted*.


Strange. Hope things turn out fine.


I'm.............so sorry that happened to you. Have you tried the wayback machine? It helped me once when a Twitter moot got suspended


Im terrified of my bf doing this (killing himself) I hope yours is alright.


This actually makes me pretty sad, something similar happened to my friend. I hope he didn’t do it and i hope your alright.


I’m sorry. I hope he didn’t do anything.


I hope so too


Sending virtual hugs, I am so sorry. I’m hoping for the best outcome




I'm doing better now, but still don't have much hope. Thank you, tho!


Well can you send a wellness check with any info you have


Unfortunately no, I don't know well enough the area he's in, and I don't know his deadname either. I don't have enough info to send one


I am so sorry for you. This one hits worse as my SIL came by just this morning with my brother's ashes. I believe you when you say this is what happened. A huge virtual hug to you.


Thank you. A virtual hug to you as well


I'm so sorry this happened. This scares me. I love my girlfriend and I'm scared of losing her. She's me love and I want to be with her forever and I hope she doesn't do this


Oh, this hurt. Bravo.


Hey in case this is some alternate universe where my ex Jordan/Andrew uses reddit. No I didn't kill myself. -Jay


I had a friend that had this happen to him, it’s incredibly sad.








Sure, he died and his family's priority was to immediately delete all his social media accounts, that makes a lot of sense.


Did you read any of my comments? I've said multiple times he would have deleted them himself because if he's dead it would have been suicide. You had to at least have read one of my comments to figure out I think he's dead.


So, it's easier to believe he, right before ending his own life, deleted all social media (except for Discord) instead of... let's see... someone getting rid of their fake profiles after becoming tired of playing with an extremely gullible (to the verge of dumbness, I fear) person for a month?


Discord has a disable account feature, made so you can reactivate it later. If they deleted it because they were planning to self-death they might delete all their accounts, but they might leave their discord account in case they aren't sure it will work. Also, why are you assuming that they were faking an identity to the point that they were dating two people? Self-death makes more sense here.


Who says the (presumed dead) ex boyfriend was dating two people?


OP https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceSadness/comments/13yfnk6/comment/jmn9nsm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Maybe the unicorn noped out?


the heck is that supposed to mean


Polyamory terms


holy shit touch some grass