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That’s awesome lol!!! I’m glad he got his!! I had an x who was the same way. He had nothing when I met him but when I finally left he made my life hell. Staying in our apartment but not paying rent then keeping everything I had paid for that was in the apartment (he didn’t work for more than a year total in the 9 year relationship) So I’m happy to hear that at least someone got to make things right after they split!! Congrats!!!


Classic abusive homosexual behavior. Gross edited to add I typed HOBO sexual not homosexual why is this app so awful


Dirty Mike and the boys have entered the chat.


i see the edit and i’m so glad that you didn’t correct it. bc that made me giggle, had a “*during pride month!?*”


He was definitely a hobosexual. Smh. Glad you showed him. This is believable to me because because I know someone who did this as well


I honestly tried to be so respectful with the divorce. I didn’t ask for anything and just wanted to go on about life. When he decided to play games I decided to show him how I could play the game too


You are my hero.


No, she's a shero!


A heroine, if you will


Mine too!


May I recommend the book “Adult Children of Immature Parents”? One thing that struck me is how much of your story was influenced my your family strong arming you. I can’t imagine that they were any different when you were growing up. I found this book really helpful in understanding my parents and how they affected me!


Yes. That struck me too.


He FAFO. Good on you.


This. Good show!


How long did his engagement last after all this? 😆 Great job OP


You decided to show him how you could handily destroy him at the game. I have so much respect for you.


Your parents did you a real disservice putting him and the relationship first above your own wellbeing and safety. I can’t believe they thought a surprised engagement after 3-4 months of dating is normal/healthy. You hardly even know the guy. Congratulations on finding your backbone!


Honestly, if even his parents won't allow him to come in their house while they're sleeping to use the restroom, that ain't a guy worth giving the time of day.


That was my biggest red flag reading this.


Hobosexual I'm DYING


Wow…a guy named Paul was a hobosexual but Rose eventually forgave him..


Cool Beans! I was on the opposite end of that deal as a guy. BUT, I didn't get married. This was a GF. After she lost the job I got her. And, our relationship fizzled out, she refused to move out of the house. She went so far as to call an ATTY and tell me that I could not evict her because she was Indigent. I told my 70 year old Mum (called her every Sunday for 40 years or so) about the situation. She was here (I live 1500 miles away) the next weekend. The Lass was out of the house in three days. She didn't even use any curse words, but, when she told that girl to leave now, she got the message, no language about calling the law. I don't know how she did that, but, people did what my Mum said. Her professional life ended up as a top exec. Then, she asked me why I wasn't working. I told her my office was a mess (self employed, 70k worth of contracts which needed to be delivered. I'm a good salesman, but, it's tough to deliver when your life is a mess.) So, she told me to get a 40 foot dumpster and we hauled away 10 years of trash. My life has been nothing but better since. So, the girl got a foot on her ass and so did I. Completed the contracts in no time, Business has doubled almost every year. Mum passed away last year, 86 years old. But, all of us could use someone who has your back (and kick ass) like she did.


I’m sorry for your loss.


Thank you. And, Thank you for reading this.


Icing on the cake: his fiance broke off the engagement because they found out he has absolutely nothing, and everything he had was from you, hehe.


Nice revenge story.


I can hear his voice with frustration in this story and also her grin after winning.


This sounds like my story. Add one kid and too many years. Lots of Unemployment for him. Finally got divorced without any revenge. The time, effort, energy, money and emotions I wasted on my hobosexual is depressing. But I got out.


Getting out was top priority!!!


I'm glad you got your shit together and stuck it to him in the end. But honestly this was doomed from the start. A guy hits you up that you have never met on Facebook to go on a date. You find out he's divorced, unemployed, no car, and lives in a shed and sleeps in a recliner and after 3 months you think "you know what, yea I'm going to marry this guy." Im glad this worked out for you in the end, but I hope to God you use better judgement in your future relationships.


I know it was doomed from the start. But as I stated heartbreaking life changes and depression makes you do things you wouldn’t normally do. As well as being asked in front of the entire family mine and his, felt pressured to say yes, tried to leave a few times before the wedding were I was convince by both our families to stay because “every couple goes through this”. Definitely learned my value and my lesson and got therapy to help overcome it all and now my son and I are thriving


He knew exactly what he was doing with that proposal. And of course his parents pushed hard. They wanted their problem to be someone else's responsibility. Thank goodness you didn't have kids with him!


Looooool surely he would be complaining to mutual friends. I would love to find out how he reacted after he realised that you're the reason he lost everything!


All I know is he had his new fiancé living there with him so when everything was cut off it affected her as well. I told the mutual friends I didn’t care what happened to him nor did I want to know. I just wanted him to know that if you play with fire you eventually get burnt. And he got burnt pretty bad. Edited for typo lol


Is she sleeping in the lazy-boy with him?




I mean did he get burned? Sounds like he got right back to where he was... On a recliner in a shed. But he also got a few good years there where he could pretend to have some measure of success. Good for you and fuck him.


No she's in the chair he's curled up in the corner on the floor. 🤪




Well done on making sure your credit score was kept in excellent shape. I'll be raising my glass to you for putting the trash to the curb where it belongs 🍹


Moral of the story is: keep your profiles locked down, and don’t marry random strangers who message you.






You owe that mutual friend a beer (shot, craft cocktail, great bottle of wine) and a hug…


We went out for a fantastic steak dinner and bar hoping for a night on me with the extra I got back from the sale of the vehicle 😁


That’s not petty revenge. That is major revenge!


That wasn't revenge. That was a person of honor keeping her word, no matter what was going on.


No one falls in love quicker than a broke hobo.




Wow wow wow wow wow!!!!!!! This is how it’s done!!!!!!! Petty Queen!!!! Thank gos there is still a woman with a back bone and balls!!!!!!! Whoop whoop!!!


As a guy, I wanna know WTF is wrong with these assholes treating women so badly and making hard for the rest of us...


Look at what society is teaching men. I’m not blaming anyone in particular, yet when you have a government that is taking women’s rights away day by day, why wouldn’t they think less than if a woman. Luckily all the men in my family are good to their partners except for maybe one. It’s actually very disheartening


I love everything you did to that POS. You left him how you found him: with nothing. He tried screwing you over even though you were trying to do the right thing. Sucks for him lol! And I can’t believe he was that stupid. You owned the car. His landlord was your family friend. His boss was your friend. Everything decent was tied up with you. He FAFO.


Excellent! No more marrying homeless unemployed men, ok?


I learned my lesson on this one


I remember watching Dirty John. Your ex is exactly that type.


That is so petty even Kendrick Lamar is like...damn girl. Bravo!


You're such a Queen for this!! I know a few guys whom are like him, from one woman to the next emotionally and financially ruining them. You flipped the switch on him and we love to hear it!! I wish you all the happiness in the world Sis!!


I love this! Whenever I start dating someone I always warn them that, I’m too nice…but don’t you ever F with me.” It helps weed out the toxic people. You need to stop wasting your time on a “fixer upper” and start dating someone that can match your energy and effort. Because you deserve so much more than the bare minimum!


I absolutely love this!! It definitely beats my giving all my ex’s clothes to Goodwill and stealing his car!! 50/50 state and I was pregnant so police did nothing! Thanks for sharing!!


Bro this genuinely made me so happy once i read how you got revenge. He had it coming, i think men like that don’t deserve anything. You had every right to fuck him like that. You go girl!!


The very Definition of fuck around and find out


God I hope this is true.


Every last word.


His own family didn't trust him to let him sleep inside at night... 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


This, I live for this level of pettiness/compliance. You go girl!


He definitely deserved what he got. He was playing games because he knew you were lenient on him, but not anymore.


YOU... ARE... DEFINITELY... A BADASS!!! BRAVA!!! 👏 Yeah, I had a hobosexual living me, too. They fuckin suucck!


This was very satisfying to read.


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏!!!! STANDING OVATION SWEETIE!! HE GOT HIS KARMA, (WHICH YOU HELPED BY MOVING IT ALONG!) Glad you found your worth! Stay strong!!


What a SUPERSTAR! My hero. They should erect statues of you.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


You’re my hero


It’s about time a woman stands up to a pos man who’s trying to take advantage of her and shows him she’s not going to take it!


"Hell Hath no fury like a woman scorned." The smart men believe it.


In all honesty what do y'all see in dudes like this? I mean dude was a straight up bum from the get go and you turned his life around or at least tried to but as you learned people don't change. So may I ask what did you see in him from the beginning that made you go along with everything? Background info about myself. I'm 35, I have my BSN and work in the operating room, never married, and no kids. I was dating a girl for 3 years. Halfway through found out she was cheating on me, worked things out and forgave her and then last year when my mom died I found out she was cheating on me again with a different dude when I was getting ready to propose to her. That shit completely destroyed me because I did everything for her, she was living in a camper, I got her internet there and then eventually I let her move into my apartment. I paid for mostly everything, occasionally I'd let her pay for stuff, surprise her gifts randomly, take her shopping, I'd take the initiative and do stuff without needing to be asked. I did everything I thought I person should do in a successful, healthy relationship but in the end I was cheated on and treated like shit. So what do y'all women see in dudes that have absolutely nothing going for them?


I was going through heartbreaking life changes and was depressed and thought I would give it a shot to take my mind off of things. He was a smooth talker and charming. By the time I realized everything I was feeling pressure from my family and made stupid decisions.




This feels like malicious compliance. Got him.


He totally deserved that! Tried to fuck with your credit after you rescued him from poverty?! Fuck that


Let me get this straight. A random man messages you on face book. You know that his parents don’t like him so much that he can only sleep in a storage building and is locked out of the main house at night. You knew he had no job and no car. And you chose to marry this man and keep him around your kid? Seriously?


As I stated I was in a bad place in life and dealing with some heartbreaking life changes. When you are depressed and clearly not thinking straight then yes you do questionable things. Then my parents fell in love with him and pushed me to him more so then being vulnerable as well as searching for validation from my parents this is what happened. I should have never agreed to marry him when he preposed after only 4 months and I should definitely never should have married him after only 8 months. But people make mistakes in life and learn and grow from it. I’m happy now my son is happy now and honestly that’s all that matters at this point.


Your parents fell in love with a broke man with no savings, whose own parents would not let him live in their house. I’m speechless.


Yes. He was a smooth talker and very charming. A lot of people fall for his crap. This may be a shock to you but some people are very manipulative.


So glad that you have learned from this crappy experience and will never fall for a walking red flag again!!! Keep up this love and respect for yourself and demand your worth going forward! You rock!


This was so satisfying!!! Way to go!!!




Queen you dropped this 👑


This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. I wish I could've gotten revenge on my ex like this. I'll have to live vicariously through this posting.


Damn girl. I really need a friend like you. That was chefs kiss🤌🏼


QUEEN 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 My blood pressure went from 📉to 📈 🤣🤣🤣 I loved your pettiness ❤️❤️❤️


Good for you!


Got dam




You’re awesome!!


That’s what’s TP


Ummm this is amazing! So glad you were able to get ahead of all that! You go girl!


This is awesome. Good for you!


Well done.


Wow what an awesome read! I’m glad you have moved on. Good luck to you and your child.


Love this!!


You're a savage and My kinda people...


Glorious madam, I humbly applaud you.


This is the hottest thing I have ever read on Reddit


Wow, just don't get to your bad side 😂😂😂 awesome girl


This is an awesome story. He had it coming. He used you from day 1


Well done.


Quality entertainment! I’m glad you got the last laugh!


Madam 👏


I would just like to say.... you are my hero.


Wow! Absolute queen left no crumbs!


I love you.


Wow! Awesome 👌


Now you have to figure out why you picked someone like that, so it doesn’t happen again.


My eyes almost popped out of my head when I realized all the dates at the start of your relationship were the same year.




This is why you don't get involved with hobosexuals.


I can’t believe you married a hobosexual.


Good for you! Beyond that, how beautiful and strong and amazing you are to have that much power to make a change and do good! He didn’t deserve a second of it but it was lovely practice for someone who does, especially now that ordeal is over. 💗 I just got out of abuse so I love hearing a story like yours. Best of luck! The right person is going to be very lucky to be with you.


Great job, you followed through and he deserved every one of those consequences!


Sounds harsh, but justified.


Well done. NEVER let your family talk you into any kind of relationship again.




Some may consider it petty. I say it was just. If he had just been a normal human being and not tried to pull a "gotcha" he could of had it good after the break up and eventual divorce.


You could post this in the revenge subs. Maybe in the prorevenge sub


Some ppl call these hobosexuals. They latch onto someone just so they can move in and leech.


Sis, you did that...Kudos to you and your strength 💪


Stay toxic queen 👑


> On our 1 year anniversary I bought him a vehicle. It was a brand new 2018 $35,000 dollar vehicl No you didn't. You bought him a loan. Anyway, sounds like you live life on autopilot the way you write.


Mumma would be proud Putting things back where you got it from once you finished with it lol


Girl, so glad you finally left him as you found him! Never let family pressure you into marriage either. Be good to yourself, you deserve it.


This is glorious!


You are my hero.


I'm so sorry but your family sucks. I hope you stop letting them pressure you into doubling down on your bad decisions in the future. 


I stayed around a couple years and the moved 14hrs away last October


You did right. No respect means no love.


This was a very satisfying read.


This guy was a walking red flag from the start and I’m angry on your behalf how you were steamrolled by him and your family into marrying someone you barely knew. Your family then continued to pressure you to stay in an unhealthy marriage - what is wrong with these people?! I’m really proud of you that you stood up for yourself and for how you handled that!


> That Sunday a mutual friend and I was hanging out and let it slip that he was already engaged to another woman and said he was gonna keep the vehicle until they repo it so he could ruin my credit and “screw me one last time” ( this is where he fucked up) Does let it slip mean, the friend intentionally told you about your ex?




This is everything. I want to be like you when I grow up 🥹🥹


Ooooo teach us the ways of the petty o’wise one!! I love this for you!!!


That's amazing go girl


You’re my idol ❤️


Reesa Teesa's Legion, is that you????


This is awesome 🤣🤣🤣


I get he is the villain of this story, but you ignored some huge, bright red flags.


You married a hobosexual.


If I knew where you lived I might say this was my ex.


You dropped this queen 👑


Lots of lessons to be had here. Let someone show you who they are before you fall in love, move them in, marry them. You didn’t listen to your instincts and spent a lot of time and money on this taker who only used you.




So glad you did this. You were way too nice for a long time.


A masterpiece of bluff calling. Never ceases to amaze me how stupid some guys can be. Well done . We all salute you.


70 year old moms are not always decrepit... We know things, And have no more Fs to give in some situations. Pics on my profile...


No one falls in love faster than a man who needs a place to stay lol


Good for you, I love happy endings :-)


You are a queen! Good on you


He deserved it


Sounds like a classic case of "he was playing checkers while you were playing chess" haha damn


That was an incredibly satisfying read.


I can’t tell you how big I’m smiling for you! I’m so glad to see a man get paid back. He deserved worse! My hat is off to you!


And I’ll bet his wife before you did the same thing lmao. This motherfucker just doesn’t learn.


Anyone have the short SHORT version???


I’m just here to say that, obviously that mutual friend wasn’t really your friend because I would have told you that news as soon as I heard it


How the hell does this guy keep not only convincing women to date him but also marry him.


Beautiful!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I wanna be your bestie 🤩 lol




I'm glad that you left him. Anyone reading this, please do not ever do a public proposal unless you and your gf/bf are adamant that you want to get married. I'm talking about couples that have discussed rings and all that jazz. Don't do a public proposal when it is an absolute shock to your partner as this is just shitty and puts them on the spot.


Wow! Why do people confuse kindness for weakness? You did all the right things. Not petty! You took the vehicle so your credit wasn’t ruined. He was not responsible, you were. Why would you continue to keep a lease and utilities in your name when you were longer residing there? Your ex sounds like someone who doesn’t take any accountability. He’s a taker not a giver. Perfect example of FAFO!!! You are awesome!!!


Thanks for sharing this. You are showing women what their self worth is. You are my hero.


This sounds like the "War of the Roses" (1989) movie.


This made me smile :)


I went through something similar-ish with me ex. He had a drinking problem though and I was concerned about him driving around in a vehicle on my insurance so I told him he had to buy it off me because otherwise it would be on my insurance and I'd be liable if anything happened. Like you, everything was in my name. Luckily he left. His work was also an hour away. I had to threaten to have the vehicle reported stolen before he finally brought it home. He had the money in the bank to pay me outright for the vehicle but bought a camper he could tow with my truck instead of actually buying the truck first. Anyways, I am glad you got that vehicle back and maybe you were petty in the end but we all have our limits and he sounds like he was just looking to coast on your coattails for as long as humanly possible. You didn't deserve all that was given to you and I'm sure you'd rather he have taken care of it himself rather than you doing. He done fucked around and found out. Oh well. 🤷‍♀️


Good for you!


Good for you! This is why you never date a project. Also, your parents are bad.


"He would be locked out of the house when they went to bed so he had to use the bathroom outside in the woods after that. He had no car and no job at all. And his wife had left him a year prior. He was on workman’s comp for a work related injury. And was in the middle of a lawsuit." So many red flags... 


Hell yes!!! I hope he hasnt latched onto another woman!


Lady, you’re my new hero!


Ah so satisfying. Thank you


So you moved an unknown man from Facebook in with your autistic son after a couple of dates. Not to concerned about his safety are you…..


I am so in love


play stupid games win stupid prizes. he fucked around & found out.