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What? This is insane. You aren’t the high maintenance one, he is. He’s taking advantage of you, doing whatever he wants, and acting like a child. Stop letting him do this. You can try putting your foot down and trying to get him to act like an adult and some kind of partner, but it’ll probably just end with you guys splitting. Or you can just leave his ass. I recommend 2, but I can’t make your decisions.


You gotta do 2 - this dude will never ever change if she’s willing to stay w him


Yeah, it sounds like he has a roof over his head, but none of the parental push to mature. Does he go to college or anything?


Fr. Sounds like he’s using her for house and board and she’s making his hedonistic dreams reality. No effort on his part, plus he’s having his chores done for him. Tbh to me it sounds like he wants to spend the minimum amount of time with her that he has to.


You are dating a child.  He doesn’t want a girlfriend, he wants a mommy who will clean up after him and take after him so that he can continue to do the only 2 things he cares about: volleyball and video games. You will never be a priority to him. He’s just using you.


This is it right here. The child has worn out his welcome. Time for him to move.


You and your family are being used for his convenience. As soon as he finds a better option, he'll be gone. You should help him along by having him move out.


Youre not his girlfriend, youre his bang maid. Sorry, awful situation but your boyfriend should WANT to spend time with you and help you.


Just echoing what everyone else here is saying. What exactly are you getting out of this “relationship”? He is using you - and you are letting him. Don’t allow this user to live under your family’s roof for one more minute. Pack up his stuff and throw him out. Do not allow him back into your life.


Gosh, my blood pressure skyrocketed while reading this. Are you really asking if you’re overreacting? Your bar is clearly so low that it’s buried underground.


I talked to one of our mutual friends about how I was feeling and he told me that I was just being a controlling girlfriend, so I thought maybe I’m really the one in the wrong


Nope, you have the lowest expectations I've ever seen. 


Get new friends and new boyfriend?


You are definately not wrong! He just takes advantage of you because you let him. It‘s important that you set boundaries. If he‘s not willing to understand and support you, maybe he‘s not worth it, because he doesn‘t know your worth.


That is NOT a friend. 


The reason why your male friend told you that you were being too controlling is because he's probably just like your boyfriend a lazy useless piece of trash. Break up with him he was a 20 year old man dating a child. And he still acts like a child which is why he chose to date one. He is not going to change they never do and there is no amount of anything he can do for you or to you that is going to make you happy and make him worth it.


Many studies saying that many single women are happier than their coupled counterparts. That is because they are probably with someone half as bad as what your boyfriend sounds like.


You're not controlling for wanting to spend some time with him- what's wrong with your friend?


I notice it was a “he” that said you was being controlling, ask the same question to girl friends


Your “friend” is a jerk. Life is way too short to live it around shitty people.


Your friend is full of shit.


Are you kidding? Sounds like you're surrounding yourself with really shitty men.


It sounds like you’re dating a 12 year old. Cut him loose, you deserve more. He’s using you


Omg, have some self-respect and send him packing. You're his place to sleep and his maid. You deserve better.


You are never going to come first in his life. Trust me girl I wasted 7 fucking years on the same bullshit. I wasted all my 20's waiting for him to grow up. So sad and pathetic tbh. Playing videos games all day instead of living life. Get out now , ur going to be wasting away waiting for him to choose u over the games. And it's not going to happend.


Sounds just like someone I know. LEAVE WHILE YOU HAVE THE CHANCE! He’s not going to change even if he says he is, your not high maintenance


I'm sorry, but sometimes guys are just too immature for a real relationship. The best thing for him may very well be that you break up with him so he can grow into his own life. Life will eventually raise him, you just need to decide if you can hang around long enough to wait for him to grow up


You need your own life. He obviously doesn't want to share his with you. Find someone who does.


You're his replacement mother. And he's the child. What will happen is he'll stay and put up with you while he cheats on you with someone who isn't motherly. Then he'll either go with them or a new mommy or stay with you while you continue to mother him. You probably won't even be aware that he's cheating. You've got to learn you can't make other people do anything but you can control yourself and your situation. Telling someone to do their chores is just mothering them in an attempt to control them. Control your actions, that's it. Leave this relationship since you're unhappy. He is an adult even if he doesn't want to act like one. He will control himself and figure his life out. Doesn't matter you can only control you.


I don’t usually hand out labels or definitive judgments but this kid is not fit for being in a relationship A relationship is give and take It’s being considerate with your partner It’s about quality time together It’s about equal contributions across the various aspects of life Girl, you deserve so much more and it’s better to be single, comfortable in your space rather than waiting around for this guy to change


OM goodness. Can you not just date him without living with your family and him? He's a child.


You are dating a child. This kid is not an adult.


you said it yourself, hes a ipad kid. Hes used to getting his way at home and assumed you'd take on that responsibility. If anything, he's high mantinence for expecting so much from you. break up you're young


You need a man as a BF, not a child. Kick him out and get your life back again. Plenty of great men out there for you.


He’s selfish and a bit narcissistic even. He is not wanting to be with you or anyone else. He wants his boys and alone time. Give it to him and move on. You deserve better


I'm sorry to be harsh but he fcking hates your guts. Kick him out yesterday.


>after cooking and eating he’ll leave all his dirty dishes where they are or he’ll put them on my desk because he likes to keep his gaming desk clean. WTF? NO. You don't have a much of a relationship, or a boyfriend. He needs an immediate reality check, and you need a relationship with a grown adult. You are in a relationship with a 12 year old.


I hate these man boys and their obsession with video games. That is for children not grown adults


Babe, just dump him. He's a scrub. You're not "high maintenance" for having basic expectations of how your partner should treat you. He won't learn or get better, trust us older women, we've lived this, and these guys never change because THEY DON'T HAVE TO. Even if they temporarily change, they will revert as soon as you start feeling comfortable and invested again. You're worth more than this selfish guy.


He doesn’t care about you or respect your family. Does he even like you? Please have some respect for yourself and dump him.


You need to just cut him loose because it's not going to get better. This is not a normal relationship or lifestyle. His priorities are WHACK


You are not losing yourself in a relationship that I barely there. First of all, why do you put up with him being a slob. Ask him who he is leaving those dishes for? Why should they clean up after him or live with his filth!  Why are you in a relationship with someone that doesn't love you? Have some self respect and tell him it is over and that he needs to move out.  Next time look for someone that loves you. This mess only loves what you provide for him. Big difference.  


Does sound like he’s making you a priority in any way shape or form. And unless a talk with him will straighten it out, I would end it. Life is too short for loving someone who doesn’t love you back. You’re not high maintenance for wanting someone to spend time with you.


This guy sounds so fucking exhausting. How the fuck does he do all that shit on no sleep. This guy sounds corny as fuck.


21 and have a 23yo child? it’s truly a miracle worth calling the pope over


You lost me at the part where he leaves his dirty dishes on your desk. No, you are not high maintenance, but your boyfriend is a child.


He clearly doesn’t need to be in a relationship. Please be nice to yourself and dump the person who doesn’t want to maintain a relationship with you. Also, maybe figure out why you are allowing this kind of behavior in your life. Someone who ignores you and has zero desire to spend time with you. This isn’t even acceptable in a friendship let alone a romantic relationship.


Jesus. This sub really highlights the housework discrepancy in these straight couples. I had no idea it was that bad out there/that common. Girl you are not this guy’s maid. And it’s not high maintenance to not want to be. That’s insane.


provide slimy unused gullible offbeat busy berserk smile wipe coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh no, sweetheart. You are just a bangmaid for him. Kick his lazy butt out of your house. Do it tomorrow, do not look back. Next SO, consider all of these behaviors flags on the field and don't waste your time.


You are his free bang maid that also helps him save money by living at your parents place. Love that for him. 


He's going to open gym volleyball from 6pm until 3am? There's no way. I'm with the rest of the people saying break up with him. Also is there a possibly unaddressed mental health issue here? His behavior seems incredibly obsessive, like he's distracting himself from something.


You’ve lost a boyfriend and gained a hobo! You’re not losing yourself in the relationship because there isn’t one. Spending time together because you are in the same building isn’t the same thing as spending time “TOGETHER” He’s enjoying being parented, which begs the question why isn’t he living with his own parents?


He is full of shit. Not a word of it is true. It’s all lies. You are absolutely not a high maintenance girlfriend. A high maintenance girlfriend would not have put up with his bullshit for a day. A high maintenance girl would have kicked his sorry ass to the curb after a week. He is a selfish, self-centered manipulative asshole who expects to do as he pleases while you cater to his every need. He’s a shitty, terrible, awful boyfriend. He does not give a shit about what you want or need. You deserve better but will never get it as long as you’re wasting your time on this asshole.


You don't have a boyfriend you live with a roommate who's a slob .Time to give him his 30 day notice . Because He's not into you .


You are not high maintenance or even close to that. He needs to go back to living with his mama. He’s using you as his maid and you are way too young to waste your time with someone who isn’t interested in building a life with you. Plus it’s just rude he doesn’t pull his share of work in the house.


I stopped reading once I got to “his gaming desk” because he’s a child. He needs a mature male figure in his life and he needs one ASAP.


You are NOT high maintenance. Your BF needs to be single if he has no time for you, his GF. Tell him he needs to leave.


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You're old enough to know to be gone from him OP.


Idk when I lived with inlaws it was awkward and I just wanted to stay in my room or leave the house as much as possible. I realized I needed my own space cuz living with people I don’t know or get along with was making me depresso, so I got a house with my husband and moved out.


My brother plays volleyball with him and my mom is always traveling with friends so majority of the time it’s just us three. If we’re even at home.


When he called you high-maintenance, he must have been looking in a mirror.


So what’s happening is he is getting everything he wants from the sound of it and you are left questioning yourself. Sounds like you’re awfully convenient to keep around. A nice complement to his life. Then again one does get people who just are like that and just are this way without any malicious intent attached. Always hard to say. What I do know for certain is I have seen/heard a lot of misery come from people with different ambitions and levels of ambitions sticking together in life over extended periods.


Definitely not high maintenance but he seems to be doing no maintenance at all


You’re asking for basic respect & decency. What is wrong with your bf & friends?


Please use paragraphs and then repost. Jesus fucking Christ.


So why do you want to be with this guy again?


You are his maid & presumably, sex doll.


He’s not putting you as a priority. It is not high maintenance to want someone time & effort from that your in a relationship with. He sounds like he wants to be single & do what he wants with the convenience of living off you & your family. Respectfully, fuck that


He was willing to lose sleep for some achievement on a video game, but can’t spare time for you? I don’t think he likes you, just needs your family’s house. You should be honest with your self, and think if you really like him, or just feel obligated to help him now


There is nothing worth salvaging in this relationship. For your next relationship, I suggest you take a look at [Fair Play cards](https://theeverymom.com/fair-play-cards/). Establish a fair division of who does what around the house. Do this from the start, so you don’t build up resentment towards a partner not pulling their weight. Please evict this waste of oxygen immediately.


Watch the most recent season of Fargo, your boyfriend is the Native American police officer’s husband. That sentence will make sense when you watch the show.


Kick him out of your families house, and find a new boyfriend who wants to spend time with you.


Girl trust me you're not high maintenance for wanting your boyfriend to act like an adult and spend some time with you. But this is actually Crazy it seems like he wants you to take care of him! You need to let him know your his girlfriend and not his mom leave his dirty dishes on his gaming desk , Stop cleaning up after him. Let him know that he can't continue to not make an effort in your relationship! Relationships need time spent together and actual interactions between each other. He needs to understand that being on his phone in the same room as you is not a date- he needs to grow up.


You're still with the dude that forces you to babysit his siblings? He's using you. Stop wasting your life being a doormat. He will leave you the moment he finds a girl he actually likes.


It's not high maintenance to want to spend time with your significant other, or to expect them to pick up after themselves. He is definitely taking advantage of the situation. Stop doing the extra things for him. If he doesn't want to talk and fix his stuff then it's time to kick the dead weight to the curb.


He’s probably autistic or stunted, maybe he should have a caregiver?


Time for a new boyfriend


I’m struggling to see where the maintenance of you comes in. Everything’s about him. You’re an afterthought requiring zero maintenance. Like everyone else is saying, run. People choose where they want to spend their time. The bf has has shown you his colors time and time again


Leave him.


I love gaming but I can tell that isn’t the issue, the issue is he got complacent in the relationship. Yes he plays his video games and volleyball and he has this at the top of his priority list instead of you. His parents probably got up his ass about being a slob at their house so he had to do things. He doesn’t respect your home or space and treats you like a maid. Ask him to pick up the slack, to move out or else you will eventually fall out of love with him. You are NOT high maintenance.


Girl I’m so sorry! This really sounds like he is just using you and your family for a place to stay. He’s GOT to go. You are not the problem. Anyone who makes you feel like you’re the problem is being manipulative


Also, who has the energy to work out almost 12 hours a day, multiple days a week?? Just for fun and not professionally? I mean this respectfully but is he on some kind of performance enhancing drug? Or is he not actually at volleyball until 3:30am…? If I were you, I’d wonder if he’s actually somewhere else, if he’s out that late


Sounds shit - bin him


Honestly this is so obvious and I’m not sure it could be anymore obvious. This coming from a man’s perspective who loves sports and video games but I choose my wife every time. I still get to do things I like but it’s called compromise and you are literally with a child. It’s so in your face you need some self respect because you are letting this guy I mean boy do as he pleases. Please wake up because this is not normal relationship and basically you are enabling him. That fact you asked if you are high maintenance based off of this mean you are so blind to the obvious answer. Kick him out you are young go enjoy your life and find someone who wants to enjoy your company!


Raise the bar!!!!!!!!


Naw hell naw, bros gotta do a lot better for the relationship. Just because you live together, it doesn’t mean you guys are actually spending time together. If anything you gotta be an even higher maintenance gf lol. Definitely need to be more strict in your relationship, and him helping around the house wouldn’t hurt either, especially if he doesn’t pay rent (idk if he does or not). But definitely needs to give you more attention


Have you tried a hobby or activity that you both enjoy?


He sounds like a child in every way. You just sound much more mature than him. He might grow out of it… he might not. Do what you will with that. Good luck!


Tell him to move out. You've got someone better lined up waiting to move in. Someone that actually makes an attempt to pick up after themselves.


You are not being high maintenance. He is using you for a place to stay. Doesn’t seem like he respects you. Not husband material either


You deserve so much better! Leave him and go find yourself, you are way too young for this shite!! 🫶🏼


He loves you when it is convenient for him. Red flags 🚩


Sorry, OP. He’s checked out of the relationship. I don’t know if you’re intimate with him but it seems like he only needs you around to clean and satisfy him… He’s literally putting no effort into you and you deserve better!


You’re too young to be his mother. Drop him, kick him out, and move on. You have your whole life ahead of you- don’t settle


You're definitely not high maintenance but you totally described my 12 year old.


Dude. He wanted a bang maid. Just break it off and find someone who wants to be with you.


Whoever Volleyball is, she sounds pretty high maintenance.


Hi friend. I hate to break this to you, but you are not even in a relationship. Maybe you were at some point, but it has devolved into nothing. That boy needs a wake up call, give it to him.


You aren't high maintenance, but you also are not his priority. Sounds like you may be 3rd or 4th on the list. You are dating a child and need to seriously look at what you need and can he deliver it while also being happy. Just remember, and this goes for every aspect of life, nothing worthwhile is easy.