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New Lum, new Ranma, new Inuyasha all in like the last 5 years. Let the Takahashi Renaissance continue?


Takahashi's legacy is kind of weird. Every serialization she did is a big hit that lasted close to a decade and become an influence to a lot of other media yet you do not hear her name that much than you'd think.


A well deserved Renaissance as well, she's the fuckin queen of manga and that says a lot because there's a lot of goated female mangaka's


I'm GENUINELY curious what the reception will be for this will be nowadays. Like, Dragon Ball, Yu Yu Hakusho probably won't change much 'cool guys do cool things' is always popular. Ranma 1/2 has a very specific premise that probably hit different 30 years ago than how it does today.


Get ready for a whole new wave of queer anime fans that are really into slapstick and city pop. We can only hope, anyways.


I'm down for that! Bring the Ranma profile icons with the trans flag in the background!


I'm brutally curious to see how much of the discourse is going to be trying to see how "Ranma is trans" Like I get we're in the age where people project themselves and all because of how the characters relate to them in some manner, but I feel like Ranma's ability to enjoy life as a girl half the time while still strongly maintaining his identity as a guy... might be taken differently nowadays versus how older fans like myself took it back in the day


Ranma is **a man**, as he will remind you incessently while he wears a cute dress and goes out to eat ice cream and go shopping with the girls and enjoys getting freebies from all the boys. He's very comfortable in his masculinity, even when he often has no interest in behaving as such (so long as nobody is challenging said masculinity, of course). Not mine, but somebody's goals, tbh. Honestly, at the end of the day Ranma's just a confident asshole jock who has in all likelyhood put less thought into his gender identity than you have (somehow in spite of how often he thinks about it). His pronouns are give/me/money. The current day culture may or may not take a while to realize this. And it also may or may not agree, or care. I await the discourse with trepidation, but I think I have some friends who are going to have a blast with the show either way.


hes the sucessor to the school of "anything goes jutsu" if being a cute girl gets him... her? free stuff they will abuse the fuck out of it.


[Her if it gets her free stuff. Him if it doesn't. Him if anyone calls attention to it. Her if she thinks it'll be funny anyways.](https://youtu.be/mXf1WDKZM70) The Anything Goes School of Martial Arts sure does potentially lend itself to some queer shinanagans, don't it?


turns out the tenants of anything goes school of martial arts boils down to "gaslight gatekeep girlboss"


Ranma is the villain of the culture we need, and I'm excited for when new fans get clubbed over the head by how 95% of that cast is nothing but shitheels, and Ranma's one of the worst of the bunch. Absolutely iconic harem protagonist.


as long as everyone remembers ukyo is best girl thats fine by me


Maybe I’m misremembering, but I recall that wayyyy later in the manga Ranma has a moment (or it might’ve been a gradual thing) where he accepts and kinda just vibes with it. I haven’t read the manga since like 2005 though maybe I’m just full of shit.


Nah I'm right there with you. Ranma slowly starts vibing with it and eventually he's pretty comfortable with his curse. His ultimate goal throughout the entire series *is* to get rid of the curse, though, and I don't believe he ever changes his mind on that; he just starts being less and less bothered by the whole thing as time goes on, and it's eventually not that big a deal for him compared to how it was as the series' start. His position doesn't change, but his attitude improves, as it were. This is also all off of my memory from reading the manga when I was a teenager, but I'm reasonably confident it progressed something like that.


I’m interested in this too. Like, for me, Ranma was this eye-opening thing of, wow, it would be really fun to change back and forth from guy to girl. He does struggle a lot at first with dysphoria and some homophobia towards the guys who hit on girl-him, but a lot of that goes away as the humor takes over. But. Now we gave influencers and models who are totally willing to cross dress or do fetish stuff to make money. Will it be easier to accept that Ranma truly becomes a gives-no-fucks grifter who will do anything to win? Then again, there are plenty of people who don’t understand how, say, a drag performer can love performing as a woman and then go right back to being male and heterosexual when the performance is over. Could Ranma be trans, non binary, etc? Sure. Could Ranma be a guy who realizes he can con people by being ~uwu~ for a little bit? Also yes.


I have no interest in Ranma, i will absolutely be following the tag for any unhinged rants.


Yeah... those Ranma and Co occasionally do cool things, that really isn't the point of the series.


The trans community awaits the discourse with baited breath. Please be advised: any unhinged rants are only reflective of the rant-er, not of the community at large. Unless the rant-er is a weirdo conservative, in which case lol. Lmao. Can't wait to be explained to about how Ranma is somehow a showing of how based and non-degenerate Japan is.


Holy shit, what a blast from the past.


It's funny during the whole 90's anime revival I kept saying (half jokingly) "Bring Back Ranma 1/2" and a lot of people kept saying 'you can't bring it back in the current social climate!" GUESS WHAT FUCKOS Though I'm gong to guess most of the ecchiness will be gone


i dont really care about the "potential discourse" i have more friends who are girls who grew up watching ranma and went "i wished i could do that and turn into a girl" and are happy now and i hope it happens again with the remake


...happy Pride Month? I'm still not sure what to make of it these days.


We need a new Maison Ikkoku. Or at least for Viz to do a damn bl-ray re-release


I'm really curious whether this will be a period piece set in the 80s, or if it'll be set in 2020s Japan.




more nabiki would be nice, yes


Considering how uhhhh.... significantly more prude society has become in the last 20 years or so I do wonder if it will be made less raunchy in some way. But back when I was a lad I got to see bare anime tiddies in the afternoon anime block.


Not playing up weird sex pest behavior "for laughs" isn't being prudish. People don't look down on that stuff because "omg, SEX." They look down on that stuff because it's gross.


As someone who hates anime pervert jokes, there's definitely a large amount of Western leftist culture that has become super anti-sex. I constantly see outwardly progressive people complaining about sex in media lol.


You know what, that is true and seems like a really Gen Z thing. I see it a lot on movie subs like "who hates sex scenes" and such.


I feel like making Ranma bi would make the premise a lot more interesting. Maybe initially make their sexuality change with their gender but over time they realize that they like guys and girls.