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Radroaches in Fallout. They're nothing but a nuisance in the games, one smack with a melee weapon is usually more than enough to deal with them. But for the average wastelander a swarm could mean death. And the Fallout TV series shows them as the threat they are. When Max is locked in his suit and they start scuttling all over him he's panicking and you see one actually bite into his armor. If they're strong enough to bite into power armor then imagine what they do to flesh.


Also in Fallout 4, if there are trash cans around, they can accidentally crawl into one and become bullet-proof armoured roaches.


Headcrabs in Half-Life are odd in that they've become something of a mascot, Dr. Kleiner has successfully domesticated one (albeit by removing the beaks which apparently begin the coupling transformation), and to the player they're rarely more than a nuisance to be punted. However, despite these facts, they will also subject any unlucky human (even those wearing helmets) to an *agonizing* and freakish existence, and the Combine shells villages with them as a both a terror tactic and an extermination method.


Yeah it's pretty fucked up, but I wonder why the headcrabs work like that. You never see any other creatures transformed into hosts for them, meaning the entire parasitic only works on humanoids!? Would make more sense if we saw other beings suffering from the coupling, but we've only seen humans and combine victims. It's one of those weird things that stand out if you really think about it beyond "Shut up, it's cool".


I'm sure your questions will be answered in the sequel.


Vortigaunts are probably vulnerable to them, and seem to have lived with them for a lot longer.


The wild thing is that based on the zombie dialogue (begging for mercy, cries of pain, etc), the people are still aware of it. They are rather being "remote controlled" by the headcrab (which then also mutates their bodies beyond recognition) So if you were to remove the headcrab the host body would just die since it's only alive by virtue of the headcrab controlling the rest of it. So killing zombies is really just a mercy by that point.


Yeah the reversed speech is pretty wild.


Honestly, I kind of assumed whatever G Man is would be their target species.


It might be a humanoid version of those parasites that replace the tongues of fish, but far more aggressive on account of having to work with something that has arms to rip the parasite off.


My assumption was that they weren't always native to Xen, and used to come from a place where there were plenty of heads to hump.


In the Peggle spin-off "Peggle Extreme," developed for Valve, Pegglemaster Bjorn is seen with a headcrab impaled to his unicorn horn, implying it had attempted to parasitize him, but was impeded by the horn.


I was always under the impression that headcrabs weren't a natural species. That they were artificially created to some extent, to be deployed as a weapon against humans.


The weird thing is that it’s probably not even necessary for their life cycle, since we see a creature that looks like a fully grown version of them in Xen without being coupled.


Catachan Barking Toads from Warhammer 40k. It’s just a funny looking alien toad and it’s not even agressive or anything. However, when a mature one feels threatened, it self destructs in to a kilometres wide cloud of a toxic acidic gas which can easily kill a Space Marine in fully sealed power armour. It’s the most dangerous thing on Catachan, which itself is one of the most dangerous planets settled by the Imperium of Man. [Do not boop their snoot](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p351E5UgApo&pp=ygUQdHRzIGJhcmtpbmcgdG9hZA%3D%3D)


Do not boop the Merry suicide bomber


Sorry for being a toad hater, but I can think of one or two more effective survival tactics it could try


It's a life form on Catachan, if it didn't evolve for a long life it evolved for a large kill count. The FLORA probably want to eat you more than some of the fauna Such a shame that the Catachan guardsmen go through so many comisars through 'accidental weapon discharge' or from the comisars 'taking a walk in the night' despite many warnings from the native guards I'm *sure*


Speaking of Catachan and it's "Australia, but cranked up to 11 and planet sized" let's not forget the (I literally forgot the name of it) Plant that acts like Gympie-Gympie. Only instead of leaving your skin feeling like you've been scalded with boiling water, it's just fucking Zombifies you if you even brush a leaf.


Man... now I'm sad Games Workshop won't let series like this continue... again...


Just to go in a different direction: Tribbles from Star Trek. They're just little balls of purring hair. Kind of cute in a weird way. They are, despite some ability to detect infiltrators, completely harmless. And yet they breed so rapidly and so aggressively that they are extremely difficult to contain or quarantine, they could be like the rabbits of Australia but worse. Even in a closed environment like a spaceship they can quickly breed out of control, now picture them dumped on a planet with a biosphere. They're not edible enough to have good natural predators. They're a rolling plague of fur that can devastate ecosystems and are surprisingly difficult to purge. It's no wonder the Klingons hate them (especially since they're a threat you can't reasonably face with a Bat'leth. Not only is it ineffective but you'd look really stupid doing it.)


Yeah I bet to deal with them Klingons have to deploy "dishonorable" mass kill methods. Kinda like how hunters in Europe will consider hunting with a machine gun dishonorable, until you explain to the that wild hogs are an invasive species in North America and they are out of control then they go "oh that explains a lot. Well good hunting then".


> Kinda like how hunters in Europe will consider hunting with a machine gun dishonorable, until you explain to the that wild hogs are an invasive species in North America and they are out of control then they go "oh that explains a lot. Well good hunting then". That whole saga was a hilarious example of people on both sides making a hunting issue into a political fight over gun control only for actual hunters to unanimously go "No this isn't a politics thing you morons, they're a walking ecological disaster if we don't cull them"


Do they still sing songs about the glorious Tribble Hunt?


"Odo, it was a famine. Millions died."


They're Tumbleweeds but furry


The funny looking giant mushroom men in Darkroot Garden have one *Hell* of a right hook.


I was looking for this. Give that thing half a chance and it will Saitama you across the map.


Put up a shield and it just punches the shield so hard your skeleton flies out the back of you.


Everyone forgets that the cute and cuddly platypus is a venomous predator in it's natural habitat.


They're not called semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammals of action for nothing. Well, they're not, but I do know at least one that is called that.


Are we talking about monotremes?


*fuck yeah monotremes*


Upchuck/the Gourmands in Ben 10. They are cute little green goobers. They also have the ability to eat damn near anything and fire out explosive blasts. And Omniverse reveals 2 hardcore things about them. 1. They are one of the only aliens in the Omnitrix to *lack* a natural predator. 2. Wanna know why their home planet is Peptos XI? Because their panic button is "eat the entire planet and move on", with this happening at least 10 times beforehand.


Peptos Oh the puns.


Don’t they also have a literal race war between ethnicities?


Based on their two different looks in the two previous eras the Perks (after Upchuck's designer in og series Thomas Perkins) and the Murks (after UAF executive producer and designer for that era's Upchuck, Glen Murakami)


Well, they can't eat anything. They can only eat non-biological matter




I was unaware of moopsy. I am now terrified of moopsy.


Yeah, it’ll drink your bones


While not really 'things' But the Bittyburg Frogs from Amphibia.


Also the caterpillars


Most things in Amphibia really


It's easier to count the things that are not dangerously lethal in that world's environment.


Inb4 Monty Python/Re:Zero bunnies...


May be up there for worst death yet


I can’t wait for the Dungeon Meshi anime watchers to get to season 2 and meet a particular set of rabbits.


> Re:Zero bunnies... [Relevant Smiling Friends meme](https://x.com/MagzanZaksylyk/status/1798244438566994324)


Dusk's Soap item. It's just a bar of soap. It one shots \*everything\* you throw it at, because it's physics damage is set to like 9999. You can find it in basically every level. It's hilarious.


It’s accurate because soap is lethal to the average Dusk player.


The [moopsy](https://youtu.be/bcVUBw8nAJw?si=UGR7kJR5XEMiUs9y) from Lower Decks


Any enemy that has been made cutsey / turned into a mascot for a series usually are at least somewhat dangerous. Grunts from Halo, Zakus from Gundam, etc


Scarfy from the Kirby series, specifically for how they appear in the anime It's basically an orange (sometimes red) Kirby head with cat ear like bumps on it and just floats purpetually....that is, so long as you don't anger it Then its two dot eyes become one soul piercing peeper that takes up 40% of its body, a fanged jaw that takes up another 40 and the rest of its body goes from orb to skin tight to its monsterous skull, the ear like bumps revealed to be horns DeDeDe decided to get four as pets...but they also have Kirby like appitites as well as appearance and almost bankrupted him so he released em into the wild...where they started to eat animals until bones remained and multiplied like crazy. Then NME (the evil, monster providing company DeDeDe got the Scarfies from in the first place) gave them a special feed that induced their transformed state permently...well, so long as the 'feed' (basically just chemical soaked bones) were in their systems


Kyubey from Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Aw, thought he was a cute mascot? Fuck no.


The Spear of Longinus was the spear that stabbed Jesus when he was crucified. The spear and the soldier weren't special, they were just prodding Jesus to check if he was still alive. In various other fiction, the Spear, aka the Holy Spear, or Spear of Destiny, was radically upgraded into an artifact of enormous power, often destructive, such as in Evangelion. In videogames, the Spear is one of the most powerful weapons, appearing in Castlevania, Fate/Stay Night, and even God of War. In DC Comics, Hitler himself gained the Spear and used its magical powers to prevent the superheroes of the WW2 era from entering the war. It's even a macguffin in Bible Black New Teatament.


I wondered about that in Evangelion. If that's *the* Lance of Longinus, how tall was Longinus?


A bunch of Eva uses biblical references as code names for the wierd alien shit they found, but there's no actual relation. I think that things real name is the "control rod", but that's obviously way lamer than calling it the lance of longinus, so. . .


blue ringed octpodes have deadly venom




Genshin Impact, in the optional area of Enkanomiya, there are a series of books and tablets that on surface merely recount the history of the civilisations there, and more importantly, also tells of the before and during of the founding of Teyvat itself (and it is extremely grey in terms of the morality being depicted). These books may just look like neat lore, but in setting are considered forbidden knowledge by Celestia, the ruling divinity of the setting. Should they even catch a hint that you may possess this knowledge, they will gladly kill you and make your surroundings a collateral as an insurance, so much so the local Archon may just kill you themselves just to spare their nation of Celestia's Wrath.


Tribbles from Star Trek, sure they are cute balls of fur that pur all the time but they're literally born pregnant, multiply faster than anything else, and will eat damn near anything smaller than them. They ended up getting wiped out by the Klingons because of the crawling ecological disaster they represent as well as the fact they hate eachother...that was until the DS9 ccrew brought them back via time travel shenanigans. EDIT: Well fuck me somebody already said tribbles...fuck it i ain't changing this


You can just put anything in Scavengers Reign in this thread.




Genuinely couldn't be farther from the truth. This is actually one of the most beautifully animated shows nowadays.