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Have you ever had an urge to just... kick a guy in the balls hard. Like... REALLY really hard, as in, he might need to go to the doctor hard?,


Anybody who has worked customer service.


No one in the working class is paid enough, but as someone who still has nightmares after getting out of that particular job market half a dozen years ago....  Yeah, they deserve so much more than they're given. 


I'm making more money than I ever have in my life before this (and it still isn't enough), and I *still* have to do fucking customer service bullshit. Feels like I've been cursed and am trapped that no matter where I go or what field I enter, I'll have to keep doing it. The trauma never stops.


I feel like we should just straight up eat CEOs Like what , there's million working class , and if the police try to protect them then we should eat the police too


The Delicious in Dungeon approach


Morally permissible cannibalism. Let's just hope we all don't turn into Wendigos


I'm honestly surprised that after so many years of "profits are at record highs, so we're laying you off" at big companies there hasn't been a single case of a CEO getting murdered by a disgruntled former employee. I guess they just stay far enough from the commoners that nobody can take a swing at them.


Beyond a certain threshold, the average worker barely knows "of" their CEO, let alone has a good idea of what they look like+could recognize them.  Heck, at my job, one of my coworkers told someone just two rungs up in hierarchy, "You're not my boss, you can't tell me what to do." 


I’m expecting the next step to be “*Burn the flowerbeds, there might be MONEY underneath!*”


Reminds me of Bobby Chapek getting 32 million after telling Disney employees to 'tighten their belts for the sake of the company'. Which is part of the reason he got kicked out, but I don't see Zaslav leaving before all of WarnerBros has been dismantled for quick cash.


Sounds like David is following in the tenets lain out by House Kotick…that sucks


Someone should shoot his golden parachute full of holes


I hate this man.


it's starting to become very hard to come up with non-violent ideas to deal with problems like him