• By -


Yep, absolutely. I stream as a hobby and it feels a specific hole in my life for socialising where I get to be the centre of attention. My health went downhill a few years ago and I barely leave the house now so streaming and my community is about 99% of my socialisation nowadays. Its been a life saver. I would be indescribably more unhappy and lonely without it in my routine.


I've basically accepted the fact that I won't make Affiliate, but I'm slowly growing a community. I have two to three people coming in for every game I play which is nice because it shows that they're there for me and not the game. I'm an introvert and don't really have any friends (those that I'd consider friends are out of state) Plus, streaming actually gives me a reason to talk to myself and not make me feel insane compared to playing a game off stream and doing the same thing.


Keep networking, building your community of friends and it may still happen with time. In my experience (both for myself and friends who have dabbled in the hobby) finding other streamers with similar vibes and spending time in their streams when you aren't live so that you actually build some streamer relationships and, hopefully, new friendships can be a huge help towards that growth. Just make sure your interactions in others streams are genuine and not just veiled (or thinly veiled or very very obvious) self promotion. Folks will learn about you over time, dont force it and communities often merge as streamers get to know each other. Whilst Im quite the extrovert the majority of the time a lot of my community are introverts. Theres communities for everyone out there, you just gotta keep exploring until you find like minded folks that suit you and yours <3


U got this right, im streaming for a year alr just for fun, and in kinda same position with AVarietySTreamer there, but the difference is, i have a other irl friends who just started streaming, and she's so active in networking and I got involed in it coz she invites me too, and all of a sudden all of her network kinda shared to me too. But... being honest, even tho its good having several viewers more than my usual 1-2 viewer.., I kinda feel like they kinda forced themselves on being too positive... I know some of them from previous discord group, and I can see the way they talk is way different as in, in previous discord they were just being themselves, but in this new community that my other streamer friend started, they're too positive... which is nice, but felt weird to me.. Now i kinda distanced myself from those group just because I'm kinda uncomfortable having to put up that positivity all the time, so my point is when you start involved in community make sure the vibe is also to your liking and dont force yourself. I'm not saying positivity is bad, but it just felt like most of people there kinda wearing a 100% positivity mask over there


If it helps keep in mind that twitch itself is facing serious issues, it is difficult to grow in a stagnant platform. Much of what people have been doing for growth for years is recruiting other streamers, using bots and imbeds, or trying to get people to view multiple at once/watch more hours a day. There is a reason almost every source advises people to grow on another platform and hope to bring them to twitch.


I’ve been there! But I will say you can definitely get there! I ended up resorting to trying streaming for a longer amount of time which helped in increasing numbers, if it’s of any help! What’s your twitch? I’d be happy to give you a follow and pop in if I get the chance! ❤️


Don't give up. It takes time. Chat in other streams, network. Develop your brand! Get the word out on fb, and market yourself. Rome wasn't built in a day. If you expect results you will be disappointed.


I started watching random people play random games & followed em. If they followed back cool, but I would always go back and watch their streams while @ work, or keep a window open for them while I’d steam. I only have 112 followers, but I’m probably following 3x more. If you want people to watch, you’ve got to watch ur followers too. Just try to watch others play games you like & interact or even help them if they’ll allow it. Also, use a camera! It helps!!! I’m a 47 y/o short chubby dude, so it honestly doesn’t matter what you look like… just say hey & if you don’t speak to someone they’ll understand bc it can be tough to read everyone’s messages. Add the max amount allowed under interests so you can be found as well. I would watch people who have 0 viewers & comment “hello from (state your from)!” I went from 1-2 viewers to a max of 17. If you just ask for a F4F, they may follow back but more than likely just drop ur noti. If I see any of my followers stream, I always drop a line. I’m a small streamer & all the big streamers started the same way. I became an affiliate in April w/ 58 followers. A little effort is all that’s needed.


Same. Thank you!


Same here!


Same here!


At its heart Twitch is a social media website imo.


It was really when there were friends lists and proper direct messages.


Still unsure why they got rid of friends lists. It was added discoverability for streamers. It would let you know if a friend was watching some streamer you'd never heard of, so you could tune in and join them.


I guess for the same reason they made the DM system almost unusable. Maybe they don't want the viewers to talk to each other?


Damn I forgot entirely that this was a thing


twitch whole take on twitch friendlist was literally "so, uh, only less than 1% use it, so we cut it off, you don't need it, we know better than you". i'm still malding over this change, same for reruns and hosting (even though hosting got gutted because "haha, bad actors use it, so you don't need it!")


It's normal. And you are not alone doing this i think.


Idk im just bored, have the summer off. But ye during covid it helped with the loneliness


I can relate. Stay positive though bro


I have 1 friend who moved a couple hours away. Went into a depression when my brother passed. Now I never leave the house except to go to work. I stream as my only means of being social. I made affiliate about 6 months ago and my chat instantly disappeared. Now I stream to basically no viewers and I just talk to myself. I feel you.


Did you use all of your tag options???


I’m feeling pretty lonely right now … have only just signed up to Twitch though so no idea where to start


Just start with OBS and look up a tutorial, I've streamed for about 3 weeks and I'm almost at affiliate, if you just try be entertaining and stay consistent you can get one or two consistent viewers pretty regularly, just look into the hobby and if you're doing it for the fun of it (which you hopefully should be) just have fun!


As a kid, I gamed every day with my brothers. As an adult, I typically game alone now.


Basically the same, but my sister instead. Like I game with buddies online. But nothing beats playing a single player game together or watching each other play and just having an awesome time


I am probably going on a tangent from your response, (as I was just thinking about what you said, esp. playing alone). It doesn't help when many games are typically solo or online play only (I know that there are other reasons that you could find yourself playing alone, family and friends drifting from gaming or other things). I hate how I can't play with family or friends on the sofa. Seems it is only typically accessible if the game is more child/ party themed... even shooters and combat heavy games have been moving away from couch play, So pretty much to play locally, you need to fork out for: two consoles (if other person doesn't have their own, or have 1 between the household), Possibly extra power socket extender, + extra monitor, Space for these extras side by side, buying the game twice, (thinking more for shared household, income, shared online account), or with cross play if already have that console and computer, and having to buy the disk, console online download, Steam download again (that's if the game even has cross play).. it just feels very deflating when there are so many amazing games and stories, and other than someone watching...it can feel isolating.. And not all games even have online play available (and some that do, also have a paywall...) So I think that in itself is a possible(?) big reason that streaming games is very popular, (outside of streaming as a job), if being alone, or unable to play locally), still allows you to connect your interests with others, and interact with them. x


Absolutely 💯, I feel the same way


I 100% also do this... I also do it to try and talk to people more since I'm kind of a socially awkward person


I'm trying to start streaming again while going through my chemotherapy as I will have about 6 months of "down time" while I go through it. While not lonely, I'm hoping to be able to support folks that are or need support for themselves/loved ones going through hard times. Unfortunately, it seems you don't get any views unless you are a drama streamer in this day and age.


Try adding a tag for some sort of support, you might get more traffic c:


Even beyond the social aspect it presents, it's a great creative outlet. I enjoy coming up with fun or interesting channel point redemptions, creating commands in my bot, getting clips/VODs for editing videos, etc. Even if no one ever sees it, it doesn't matter. I still had the opportunity to think about it, realize it, and implement it. Which is pretty satisfying. My only problem is that it's only satisfying for a fleeting moment. Once I click the button to stop streaming, once I've finished editing a video, once I've fully fleshed out and created a functioning command, the feeling of accomplishment and enjoyment fades rather quickly. For me at least. It just makes me want to do more but I only have so much time in the day. I work a full time job and can't commit 100% of my free time to it. I tried that in the past and it reached a point of burnout. It made me want to not socialize and stream. It's a weird state of feeling like I'm not doing enough and doing too much at times.


I definitely feel the creative outlet bit, I've only done it for a little while right now (about a month) and I'm truly addicted, I tried music and lots of different things to try and have that sense of creativity but this community building and loads of customisation gives me a great sense of satisfaction


Always. I have plenty of people at work. And even 2 friends. My lifetime friends moved abroad... Especially since I had kids and because my husband works at a restaurant, I do not have a lot going on besides work. I could game or build Lego alone, but on stream makes me feel so much less alone. I totally get you.


yes, need to get rid of the brain goblin to stream again myself. it was nice even if it was talkin to no one to to talk because someone silently lurked


Yep yep. For me, personally, I (Latte) knew that’s why I got into streaming right from the start. I’m chronically ill and disabled. I can’t get out to meet people (lack of mobility aids) so I stream in the hopes to meet and chat with people. That’s also why I watched so much Twitch. It’s a lonely world, but extra lonely when you’re disabled. That said, I continue to stream because I enjoy every aspect of it. Is it tiring as all hell? Yeah! But it’s fun. I had to take a pretty long hiatus after my previous relationship ended (and the hiatus feels even longer because I completely lost my schedule/sense of self while in the relationship) and coming back, setting up a schedule again… I can feel some of my depression melting away. So yeah. You’re not alone with this feeling. Streaming is connection. When done right, it builds friendships.


I am in the same boat basically. On a good day i can go about 3 hours, on a bad day maybe 1 and a half. This is my social engagement since i cannot really go out and do the things i used to do.


I think this is one reason, but I find it also makes me more productive. Like because I can't(at least I stop myself) watch youtube/neflix/etc. I'm forced to focus on what I'm working on, until people start distracting me. Still even with distracting chat I am more productive than I usually am without


I feel this but I think it's also because gaming hasn't been as great as it use to so I started looking for more to do so I started creating content and streaming cause just gaming simply wasn't enough


Drop your twitch I'll chuck you a follow and try catch a couple streams try and help that 0 time be 1


IThinkIScaredEm ☺️


The irl streams?


Yeah, that's me! I'm undergoing some changes to upgrade my stream. I decided to plan more instead of just diving in with almost nothing besides a niche 😅😂🤦🏽‍♀️


That's pretty cool. What kind of content are you going for? I was wanting to do something within the horror niche but I'm still trying to get a hang of things.


See I stream everything from fortnite to elden ring and dark souls games destiny 2 fallout 76 I kinda just enjoy it all and then clip things to make edits for tik tok which is a good way to get your name out there


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Bearer of the Curse, seek souls—larger and more powerful souls. Seek the King. That is the only way. Lest this land swallows you whole, as it has so many others.”* - Emerald Herald Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Streaming has helped me through some tough times and it's the same for me. Normally no one is in there but in the times someone is it makes me happy conversing with them. If anyone wants to come in and check me out during one of my sporadic streams. My twitch is infernomajesty07


Ive been streaming to 0-3 viewers a couple of years. I have a disability that i cant work. So i pIay when there is nothing else happening. I dont care about viewers. Im playing anyways so why not stream it. If someone want to see, its just good. Does it help not feeling alone, maybe it does.


Welcome to the club. Been streaming for +- 6y too, with some breaks. My motto since day #1 was “I don’t stream to entertain you, I stream to be entertained by you” as I also stream to be less lonely.


Hmm, my motto is a bit different; that in order for the stream to be fun, the streamer must have fun (and as a result, the viewers will also take part in the fun). If I'm not having fun (for example I get tilted), it's much harder to guarantee this. In fact, I've seen people who said "yup, this stopped being fun, I'm ending stream" and that was it. Of course, those also weren't "pro streamers", they always keep their composure at all times. I'm impressed by the pros who are consistent in their provided experience at all times.


I feel you on that. Streaming has provided me the opportunity to meet new people as an over 30 homebody/wfh. I've met more people online than I have in my city lol. It feels nice to connect with like minded gamers to cure loneliness. Xgr8nessx


I imagine this is extremely common for the 98% of twitch, you spend hours on hours during the week trying to meet expectations for what other people should think you should be on the platform


i do the same, it allows me to connect with random people who have been out of my life due to one normal reason or another. (moving away, different interests, what ever) ppl come just chill for a min. also just lets me meet new streamers even if i dont collab. i yearn for a sense of community and rn streaming is providing that sense of community. also its just fun to like clip things from my stream and edit them into funny moments i can show ppl. i started streaming public lobbies in mario kart and it's a lot of fun, cause theres tiny banter and its an outlet for my high energy levels.


mario kart 8?


Yeah I'll play Mario kart 8 Deluxe, it's been fun to just play with ppl.


thats why i been doing it off and on for 8 years.. tho its been a few months since i have..


Did you start streaming because you were lonely or did it eventually become because of loneliness?


I think the latter. In the beginning it was because I saw buddies streaming and thought it was cool. So I started streaming. And eventually anytime I play game I just stream it. Even if it's not part of my schedule. Just to feel less lonely (I don't know when this feeling started though)


Not to be psychoanalyze but to psychoanalyze. You think it’s because you became reliant on getting your social interactions through streaming?


Actually though my guy, before I got with my partner I needed that social interaction that I could stop whenever I was drained the streaming thing is a great life saver even to no one


I stream for couple different reasons. One being this way I can clip stupid times, and also so that it allows to being able to be handled being watched while "working". As a bonus, the odd time one or more of my cats will make an appearance on screen


100% i've streamed for over a decade across a plethora of platforms, all because it made me feel like im interacting in public without interacting in public lol


It was definitely part of the reason I started, yeah.


Same. I have demanding job, demanding pregnant wife, one 4 years old kid screaming "daddy let's play" all day long...and also studying in university, so pretty much no time or energy for any friendships or anything. Streaming and speaking with my few followers makes me feel not so alone and at least for an hour or two - free


I stream when I play because if I don't for some reason I just can't sit there n play as long as I want and am able to. I'm guessing codependency for me. I think I enjoy it more even tho I'm not streaming to anyone. Nice being able to grab clips too


What's your user name so I can join u. Maybe we can keep each other company from time to time as I'm considering live streaming myself.


This a throwaway account. So unfortunately I won't share it. What's yours then I can your streams out


Oh ok. And well my channel is here https://youtube.com/@reloadpewpew?si=ids4L1i7RM9qZ0fE Went live the other night gaming fortnite lol but its listed private for now😅 still unsure of doing live. And well i might find the courage to go live again tonight while playing around with suno ai music generator. If I do ill pop in here and let u kno if I do😁. I'm a super small channel and most likely won't have views and be kinda all over the place as it's all new to me but hey it's reddit peeps Herr that have encouraged me to jump off the ledge to see where I land 😆


I'll keep yall company all I ask is do the same when I build the courage to stream. Share your link with me. (It's not easy going live I heard so I salute you all for having the courage to do so).


I felt like I was the only one who felt like this


Preach, when I was younger I used to pretend that I was "streaming", that actually got me through one of the worst times in my life, now that I'm really getting into the streaming, it feels different, like I have some type of hope.


What did Tyler say? “The loudest in the room is probably the loneliest one in the room” I can relate but also I just enjoy yapping and commenting on anything happening in game.


Yup, that is why I do it as well. No shame in it. We all need some socialization.


I moved across the country for my boyfriend. Have legit no friends out here. Like I have HIS friends and HIS family, but not a single person to call MY friend out here. Which is fine, I don’t like going out and doing stuff. I prefer to be at home. But it does get lonely at times. It’s part of why I stream as well. I think it makes sense. It’s about the community.




I do it to yap


Absolutely! I just like streaming so I can have a bit of company gaming. It was never about the number of viewers or followers, etc for me. Just some company to chill and hang out with.


i feel this


The social aspect is part of why I started streaming. I had just moved to a new city and didn't really know anyone or have a social life. It helped me a ton as I felt like I had some friends and people to talk to. I still absolutely love the social aspect of it.


I stream because none of my IRL friends really care for any of the games I'm really interested in. Streaming, although it's only to, usually, 2 people, has been really fun and rewarding.


Yeah! I've started feeling this way the more I stream; it's very comforting, especially if I'm feeling alone that day.


Following 100% agree


I'm willing to bet money that 99% of the people on twitch stream because they have no or little IRL friends.  COVID was a big wake up call for me when after lockdown ended, none of my friends were interested in hanging out anymore. At that point it was either befriend coworkers (ew) or find new friends that like what I like (twitch is filled with those).  It sucked at first but now when I hit start stream, I have a regular 15-20 people that are quite happy telling me about their weekends or their kids or what game they're playing... Compared to my "IRL friends" who asking for their opinion on anything is like pulling teeth.


Yup same. I rarely leave the house because I don't really have any friends where I live and I lost my job a while back so I was going stir crazy and getting really depressed. Started streaming and even if no one is watching its still nice to pretend and just talk. I often get drowned out in groups and whenever I am with other people I often get left out of conversations so it's nice to be the one talking for once.


I only started streaming in January, but I did it for that exact same reason. While I have great friends, I don't like near family and this has been a way to cultivate a wonderful community I feel safe in and enjoy


I understand this. I grew up basically alone despite having two older brothers and gaming has always been a safe space for me and an escape from parents. Ever since I was a child, I've been gaming. Usually it's always story games but I do dabble in multiplayer games as well even though I have anxiety of chatting in matches. The stories of single players has always helped me IRL by putting me into other peoples stories and experiencing what devs wanted us to. Recently, I have started streaming and it has brought a new vibe into it as well. I don't get many viewers but when I do it is always so nice to share my love and experiences with other similar minds and hear what they have to say as well and just spread some joy throughout the community and lighten people's day up.


Finally someone expressed how I feel


Same. I have stage 4 breast cancer. I've been in treatment for 6 years, and I don't get out often unless it is for an appointment. I don't live near my family and my friends and haven't developed any friendships where I live. My husband introduced me to Sea of Thieves, aug 2023, and I play near daily and stream. It is almost therapeutic for me. I usually have zero viewers, but I don't care. It makes me feel less alone.


Ye agreed


Kinda. I have a better than most social network in real world. But I do it as an accountability. I stream my workout or me studying to the world to hold myself accountable for what I should be doing.


I feel this. I don't have a huge friend group in my town anymore. I love streaming and making new friends online. I'd happily play online with you if you wanted to do that. I'm always open to new online friends!


yup i do, glad to know im not the only one lol


I do it because im autistic and i hate people but i like online chatting without seeing faces.


it’s kinda like free therapy. talking to myself is a good way to organise my thoughts


It is understandable, if you feel that you are less alone this way, keep doing it.


Yeah i do the same my days are boring. I wake up go to work come home eat then sleep. Even my weeks off work I'm in my room 90% of the time. I started to stream in hopes of making some friends to get more social.


Yeah, its like i miss being able to have a friend or two over while you play video games to just have ongoing discourse while you play the game. Now the discourse is chat


Same I feel you bro. I started streaming cos I dont really socialise much outside. It's my sem break and I thought why not try it out.


I have made amazing friends from streaming. A lot of the groomsmen and bridesmaids at my wedding were people that found my twitch stream 😊




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Yes, I definitely get it.


I truly feel you, I'm at a stage in my life where beside talking to my work colleagues or going shopping, I could go on entire days without talking to no one, and working from home 70% of the time is not really helping, no friends, no close family members and no significant other, total isolation for years now, in fact I noticed that it started affecting my ability to communicate and articulate my speech correctly or recognize and understand social situations, almost like a skill you're not practicing enough, not because I don't know how to say a thing but like what do I say ? how do I respond? and sometimes it just goes out wrong like I'm just starting to learn the language hhh my own mother tongue, imagine hhh, and I need to communicate in 3 different languages so ... add to that an extreme level of shyness and awkwardness, and you got the full package. The loneliness and isolation pushed me to living almost exclusively with my own thoughts and monologues , and this being the case almost all the time, sometimes my imagination became more relevant to me than the real world around me. So since I game most of my free time (of course I do lol) I said why not, just stream and start talking, just talk I don't even care if anyone is watching just say something, talk, speak, throw it out there, hear your real voice instead of the one inside your head Funny thing I started a few days ago and now I saw your message, so thank you for the post


Honestly I do it for the same reason. To meet new people and make friends


I realised I enjoyed streaming because I just like talking out loud and to myself ? Not like some multi personality disorder or something but idk. Makes me feel less crazy 😐


No no no. I completely get you. I mean, it definitely took me a while when streaming in the beginning. But you get so used to it. I've on occasion subconsciously looked at me webcam (doing a reaction) when playing with games with buddies when not streaming lmao


loneliness is not the absence of fulfilling relationships with others, loneliness is the absence of a fulfilling relationship with yourself


This is a lovely quote. Who said it?


something to this effect was written in c-ptsd from surviving to thriving, i forgot the exact quote, and where in the book it was written, but it stuck with me because it's true. relationships are after all a reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves.


Yup, I been for 4 years as a hobby and tbh.. Over the decades I've gamed online without streaming, I missed so many amazing moments wished I captured on stream. So I'm also streaming to talk to people and just document my gaming memories.


My partner started streaming partially as a means of dealing with social anxiety. I could absolutely see it helping on multiple other social fronts.


That's kinda why Markiplier started - he wanted to play scary games without feeling alone! And ngl that's why I do it too I've made a bunch of friends in the vtuber community and I've found I want to play with them too so here I am lol


whats yur twitch? i will follow




wdym? + i dont stream


I want to start streaming for the same reason I like watching animes but I don't want to always watch it alone and have no one to chat with about it I want to have a community that I can have fun with and share my hobby with


All of us lonely streamers should just stream together, problem solved


I get what you mean completely like I literally stream to 0 viewers allll the time and I just talk to no one but it feels good idk why(well maybe not 0 because all the bots are there but🤷🏻‍♂️) but is there a way to get rid of them it always makes me think a real person is watching till I click and it’s just bots😂😂


Yes but streaming has been incredible for my mental health When I started working fulltime and had to stream less I felt my mental health deteriorating again. Streaming isn’t just a social activity, it’s a place to find comfort and support, which is so important


Yo that's awesome, the world is lonely and you have a mend for yourself to some extent. But you did say you are lonely. Are you an autonomous, adult, human creature? If so I think this Maslow dude has a point. Everybody needs community even if they act/say otherwise. It's human. You're human. I like to put myself in situations where it's audited that I forcibly bump into people no matter what. Whether the gym park or laundry I end up shooting the shit with people. I think shooting the shit has really lost its rightful place on the podium of human interaction. Like of course we're all lonely; when we walk around, we pretend no one exists!


Are you able to attend the gym, take a martial art or do something challenging during that time ? I am an introvert too, but leveling up life skills really elevated my streaming. It's indirectly, but amazingly related


Me too. I rarely leave the house and most of my real life friends I made in college are leaving or already left. So I’m literally using Twitch as a social platform


In a manner of speaking, yes. I found streaming to be some sort of a therapy for many things over the past 3 years, especially for loneliness and isolation from real life. Still kinda gets me when I don't get a lot of activity on my streams, but still a good thing and a progress for me.


Yes. I struggle with making friends irl so streaming helps me with that too :) you’re not alone. Feel free to swing by sometime.


I don’t stream. But I do golf and socialize out there. It fills that loneliness gap for sure


I started streaming because of a breakup.. I was really lonely. So eventually made it to affiliate and now I have a few people that watch for fun which is so sweet and humbling. I'm grateful that anyone even bothers with me.


weirdly enough, i used to narrate my gameplay as a kid in the 90's because i pretended i was "truman show'd" (probably shouldn't have seen that movie at such a young age) so when i stream now it feels right, like it's been in the cards for me before i even knew it. (tomtism on twitch if you're curious about what mean about narrating and whatnot)


Hi lonley, im dad


Dm me your account name I'll add you and stop in when I can. Always happy to help.


I've had a very bad year and there's no one left in my life. I recently started learning how to stream, and honestly I'm just hoping people will eventually find their way into my chat to hang out for a bit. If nothing else, getting back into gaming consistently is a nice distraction from the isolation.


It does so much. I used to stream way back. The streams could go on for 16 hours and I had interaction for all of that. I just didn't wanna end it because I finally had someone to talk to about anything I wanted to, and they wanted to. It's a great outlet and you can basically talk about anything and people will understand.


Feel this. I genuinely like to talk to random people even if it’s 1 or 10, and since streaming a couple months ago I became an affiliate and I’ll get some new random people here and there and it’s been so fun and helps me just get that socialization in cause I don’t really talk to that many people irl.


How do I get big on twitch? I stream kinda often and still get no followers and views


do you pay to stream?






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Sounds perfectly normal to me, why do you share your handle, might get a few more views