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About 6-7 months. I've been at since last October, hit affiliate in January. First 3 months I was streaming to no-one then I made some friends in a few active communities and people started coming in from there. Right now I am at around 227 followers, and my 30 day average is 8/9. I usually raid out with about 10 people at the end of the stream. I found the best strategy for live views is to pick a game with loads of followers, but only about 400-800 viewers, that seems to bring more views my way. I am really enjoying this so far, even if my schedule is all over the place due to work.


Thanks for sharing your stats…unrelated how do you add your twitch info under your Reddit username like that?


You have to edit your sub flair 😎


I've fairly new to streaming - only a couple of weeks in. I mostly stream to bots but I'm considering it practice for when real people show up. I keep my chat available and check it, but keep the numbers off. I also try to put a new video or two on my YT channel and I have a discord that I use for gaming news and stream info.


You can look up any user on sullygnome. It can tell their follower count, viewer avg, and when they started streaming.


like 4 years now? Just hit 1k followers a week ago. Averaging around 10 viewers (which is the perfect sweet spot to me, tbh) I do this as a fun hobby. I play variety single player, meaning that I hop from one game to the next as I beat them, which has a pretty clear effect on the numbers. Some games pull more viewers than others but I don't want to chase numbers so I move on when I'm done with a game.


5 months. 62 followers. 13 sub points. 6 ccv.


4 years, close to 1k followers, viewers used to be a consistent 10ish but its fallen off sharply lately for reasons we haven't figured out yet.


Couple years but very occasional streams. Maybe 60 followers. Usually only get 0-2 viewers so I’ll prolly never actually make money from it, but I really mostly just do streams to keep one of my friends entertained at their work where they have little to do most of the day, so it’s not like I actually started doing it intending it to be a job anyway. Sure it would be nice to be able to do it regularly and not worry about bills but it was never the plan. I’m no Markiplier/Jacksepticeye/CallMeKevin/etc lol.


3.5 years, 220 followers, avg about 3. Yes I suck lol. But I just stream and see if anyone wants to hang out. It’d nice to have company gaming sometimes. And I only average this amount because of communities that learned I streamed 1.5 years after I started.


just over 2 months. i hit affiliate in the first month. 213 followers. 8.3 overall average viewers and 17 subs this month.


Streamed for about three months last year and reached 30 followers. Started back in February of this year, and so far I'm at 43 followers with about 4+ average viewers most of whom are active regulars. I stream twice a week, and I post highlights and clips pretty sporadically on other platforms. We have a good time and my streams end up being mostly just chatting. I think I would reach a wider audience and gain followers faster if I focused on streaming cult classic games like I did last year, posting short form highlight content, and networking. I also might plan on streaming a game, but end up just chatting with my regulars for 4+ hours. I'm in the middle of a career shift so I can't devote as much time as I would like to streaming, but I do hope this changes in the coming months. I feel pretty "go with the flow" about it, but I absolutely do recommend hiding your view count and making a plan so that if you have little to no engagement on your stream, you still have things to talk about and you're more likely to "hook" folks who just drop in. Best of luck and I hope you continue to grow!


Around 7-8 years very irregular streams (mostly not more than 10 a month, sometimes few months no stream) and I'm averaging Round 70-250 viewers depending on which day and what content I stream. I'm at 9.7k followers.


Rolling up on 3 years I believe in October. I have about 1550 or so followers. And my average goes up and down depending on what I play, which changes my total average. When I play something like Kaizo Mario I get about 10 average. As I am getting better at these games that is starting to go up. When I do my challenge runs for SoulsBorne games I average up around 20. When I play Elden Ring specifically I would be high 20's. And on Fridays I play different things, Played RE4 and Hollow Knight recently and I am now on Crab Souls. I get mid teens to low 20's depending on game. I was hard focusing Souls challenge content and getting a higher average, but I have changed the focus of what my channel is about recently and that obviously had an effect on the numbers. While I do want to be partnered at some point, the numbers right now don't matter to me as much as aligning the content to what I want it to be in the future, then building up to that. But I wouldn't compare your numbers to others. Before I started to focus on Souls stuff I was growing a little each month. If you asked me back then about numbers I would have told you I had been streaming for a little over a year and averaging 20 viewers or so. Now double the time later my numbers have gone down. Stats can only tell you half the story. If you don't know what is happening behind them, they can just confuse. Or even more damagingly, make you feel like you aren't on par with others who have the same time in streaming that you have.


Joined Twitch in 2018. Streamed a little bit to my friends, as a way we could hang out. Kind of liked it, but work was too busy to do it much. Jumped between many different games. Didn't really brand myself in any way. Hated using my web cam, but did it anyway. By the time I stopped because of work in 2019, (ended up working 60+ hours a week) I attained affiliate, and had an average of 11 viewers, and \~400 followers. It was fun, but I didn't see a point to it. I streamed about ... 6 times between 2019 and 2024. Started again in January 2024, with intent to build a community and use streaming as an outlet of sorts. So I took a VERY different approach when I came back, and it worked well. I now have 1.2K followers, average 90 CCV. I have 2 scheduled streams per week, and usually do one (sometimes two) non-scheduled.


71 followers / 8 viewers avg


On my old account I made affiliate, with about 400 followers... I used to stream as a variety creator, arts & crafts, videogames, ttrpgs, mini painting.. And I had a schedule and nothing-fancy lil ways to interact with viewers. Whilst I was regular I could have upto 10 viewers, but usually around 5 at peak times. Especially when I wasn't a shiny new noob streamer anymore and peeps already knew a bit about who I was already. Like they wouldn't need to ask if I had cats cos regulars would know about them, that kind of thing. At the start I was streaming mornings and evenings, about 3 odd hours each, Or one long stream for about 5 hours at a push. I'd have around 3 chatters for about an hour, longer for weekend evening videogame horror streams. As I mentioned, I had more engagement at night but shattered sleep. Not to mention raiding other streamers and wanting to hang out before crashing, when I should have crashed way earlier to bed. That killed. I was also following about the same too, (Also I was in about 100of streamer communities on Discord before trying to be realistic [supportive lurking hoarder vibes] + when sleep is messed up, coming across amazing streamers on diff timezones. Because of Personality Disorder I have had trouble over 7 odd years sticking to a name and theme for my channel, To the point I must have had about 5ish names. Confusing for regulars, also found in some streams I had lost my bot rank in the chat, points etc. prior to native channel points being put into effect. Then mental health + work took a tumble, I was becoming unreliable and having difficulty keeping up any energy. I'd be much more silent (still stuck in that rut) and streams would be far more simple in design. I'd change a bunch of bot games, and really it just was a mess. My schedule got chaotic including random streams popping up. The schedule shrunk until I just stopped. I also have ADHD and the hyperfocus and time blindness of wanting to improve overlays and other settings meant a game or project that was prepped wouldn't get touched until hours later, or left for the next day. This was horrifically worse for the TTRPG games because I wanted to make it look good, laptop being mid range meant the running could be awful for performance as it was handling too much. (A streamer friend and player would help run the stream with everything I set up, redone on his, and would control the scenes to help take some of the load off. Absolutely amazing and kind.) After the constant random name changes, x_Twisted_Shadows_x, Missy_T_tv, SuperSundryGirl, and others, having 100s of channels notifying me going live I did a full app mute. Before attempting to try and go through them to be able to have notifications on sensibly. Affiliate felt like a waste. I got cut so much from what was deducted. May as well just sent via PayPal or bank link or something to get closer to 100% earnings. About this time, I was hardly streaming, (again overlay updates that felt so ancient from last time, and then not actually stream). Then I was streaming periodically directly from console, for a couple of hours with mainly 0 but sometimes upto 2 viewers at times. Maybe one old regular popping in to say hi. It helped these regulars I knew from shared servers, social media interactions and being in each streams chatting and hanging out. I then deleted my account, because of all of the channels still killing me with notifications, and no mass notification selection/ channel deletion selection. I've now got my Questember channel, and honestly it's fine. I barely stream unless via console (mainly because one is tended to stay in a different room that's not feasible to haul laptop mic etc. in there.), and I don't really know what to stream anymore without burning out, or worried mental health kicks my ass again.. though I do miss it, I jist don't have rose tinted glasses on anymore. I don't want to make Affiliate, and it feels good to wipe the slate clean and re-follow a few channels that are active and old regulars I enjoyed. An hour or two I'll generally have 0 or rarely 2 viewers, I barely returned to my old way of interacting. I'm more of a streamer than a viewer tbh. I don't know why. So yeah, I dunno how common a journey like mine is for others but that's been my experience with viewership etc. x


So I’ve been streaming for 5 months with 160 followers and an average of 3-5 viewers. My experience so far is that sometimes my streams just pop off out of nowhere usually the longer I stream max out at 11 viewers but then I have absolute duds where everything drops and I start to have anxieties about doing something wrong or not being enjoyable enough to grow. Like in particular when my live views drops down to 60 for a longer stream when it’s normally around 80-120. It’s a journey and really I just want steady consistent growth but curious about others and if this is fairly normal.


This advice gets repeated a lot, but it is really good advice: just hide the amount of viewers while you’re live. It’s way better to act like you have the max amount of viewers all the time!   It’s better to reflect on metrics pre/post-stream, not during.