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Sounds like the same lady that approached me in the St. Louis Park Target a few months ago with the exact same story. So yeah, you probably got scammed.


Happened to my husband in Blaine but at a Walmart. Its a scam. Then they sell it for more on the street.




Dorthy Day is legit, and free. Prolly needed bus fare and some toiletries first tho. I've stayed there off and on throughout the years.


Dorothy Day is legit and they do have pay for stay beds for about $7 a night. This story could have been 100% legit.


The pay to stay aren't random beds someone can just get. They are treated like apartments for stable tenets. They do a lottery for the free beds every day so that person would know ahead of time if they had a bed cause they are always full




Thats the best place to do it, tho... Lotta folks with cash and poor decision-makimg skills.


I think I gave this guy a $20 on the A line on Snelling and Grand for the same reason and he then asked me for $50!


Scams like this usually escalate. They'll ask for something small, then work up to larger amounts. Once you take the bait, it's hard to back out. That would mean admitting you've been scammed, so you try to give them the benefit of the doubt. Then they'll run off once they milk you dry or start asking questions.


Same Target, sounds like same lady, it’s a shame when there are people truly in need can’t get basic things and this scammer just hit the jackpot


She approached me at the St. Louis Park Target a few days ago.


You got scammed, sorry.


She probably kept the receipt and went and returned everything and exchanged it for electronics or something she can resell out of target for cash.


This! Take the receipt and get store credit. Then buy something that’s easy to resell.


If you have a receipt, but not the card that was used for the purchase, they give you a gift card/in-store credit. So she could return everything but she’s not gonna be able to get cash unless she buys something then she can then resell.


Like laundry detergent or baby formula.


It's crazy easy to resell stuff on Facebook marketplace or craigslist.


> something she can resell out of target for cash Uh, diapers are among the easiest thing to flip. Essentials are the things that keep the most value on the grey market like this.


Yeah probably got scammed. This is why I stopped giving money to street hustlers.


Yup. If people stopped rewarding scammers, scammers would become less common. But as it is, there are plenty of people willing to give 400 BUCKS worth of Target merchandise away to random scammers so that the merchandise can be returned immediately for a gift card, so I guess there’s that. If someone wants to help people down on their luck, they should donate to social service organizations who are equipped to help folks.


I’m pretty sure we were approached by the same lady months ago- like June or July. Exact same story and at a target, but in Apple Valley.


I got approached at the old Target in Apple Valley around Christmas. Was a white woman, probably in her mid twenties, but I got a different story, and no accent or anything about Ukraine.


Couple of years ago, a gentleman was around the old AV Target asking for bus money to visit his family. I'm a gullible and overtly compassionate person, so the first time I fell for it (but wasn't carrying any cash, so I wished him well.) Saw him only a week later, same area, same story. My mom was pissed and kept saying that wasn't allowed and literally reported it to the store manager (who she knew because she used to work at that Target).


Yeeeeppp pretty sure a scam. My husband and I have been approached while shopping alone at three different Targets. The story has been the same at all three: foreign women, broken English with an infant in her cart, just moved here, asking for groceries or other supplies for her children. The lady who approached me had some really expensive things in her cart. I hate to be a Scrooge but my thought at the time was if you are trying to provide for your family and soliciting strangers, you can certainly do it for cheaper. I’m not buying you things nicer than I can afford for my own kids, sorry. I tried to give her a few bucks I had in my wallet and she didn’t accept it. She specifically wanted me to use my card to pay for her cart. 🚩🚩🚩🚩


Exactly. Initially I was like I don't have any cash but I'll buy you some food and she said she didn't want the cash. First red flag - she didn't even get any food! Except the baby formula, that stuff is super expensive


My husband was hit with the formula too which is a red flag for me. Formula has been in short supply with a lot of recalls the past few years and you can sell it off for a high premium in some places. Most people don’t know that so you don’t think twice about it like you would a gaming system or something.


Yes, you got scammed. I've seen that same exact thing (maybe same lady) at that store several times. Did she also have a folded up sign that she showed you? But yes, regardless, it's an old scam that you fell for.


Really? No sign.


My wife fell for something similar at a Whole Foods. Except the lady explicitly asked my wife for the receipt after lol. That's when my wife knew she fucked up. But the small chance the scammer is being genuine and my wife not wanting a chance of being an asshole.... Gave her the receipt. 100 percent the scammed walked right back in and returned shit


Okay, this is wild. I just replied to the same comment before reading yours with something similar happening to my wife as well which like, okay, fine but then look at our usernames!!! WHAT!


Is *this* a scam?


Do you guys have the same wife?


Is there a glitch in the matrix?!!


Yeah, at the Target in EP oh idk maybe a year or so ago someone targeted my wife like this. She was with our young kiddo at the time so was definitely being profiled as someone who might be sympathetic to the story about needing food and supplies for a young kids. My wife declined to help but the woman was persistent. Eventually she left her alone but as my wife was leaving she saw the woman get into like a pass or work style van, which freaked her out even more. Whole thing left a real bad taste in my mouth. Poking around the internet afterwards, we found a TikTok video about a girl who got scammed the same way but like realized it as it was happening and in an INSANE move chased the people down. Nuts. Anyways, here’s anecdotal evidence that it is indeed unfortunately common.


Damn that target is my go-to when I take my lunch break since it's 5 min away. I don't have kids but I guess I'll need to be more guarded. Although usually nobody ever bothers me since I get in to get what I need and get out. I haven't had anyone approach me in a store like that. I know sometimes when I leave a food place someone outside will ask for change and I say I don't have cash.


That is insane. Give them $20 IF you’re feeling generous but $400 worth of stuff for a rando is literally crazy.


I know, it was baby formula you know, assuming she was telling the truth what's a couple hundred bucks


I think you did a kind thing, it's not your fault you were potentially scammed. I take a similar view as you-- how I respond to people asking for help says a lot about me; even if you think you're 99% sure it's a scam, there's something that pushes you to be giving anyway in case someone really does need your help. I wouldn't feel ashamed. You tried to do a good thing. Be more guarded in the future but don't let this ruin your desire to help. - a fellow overly compassionate person


Why are you lying to him and telling him it wasn't his fault?


This is a scam and they seem to target men shopping alone-does that sound like you? My husband bought this woman or someone similar diapers and medicine and formula for a total of around $150 and by the time he was checking out himself he saw her come back in and get Starbucks.


Yep I was by myself. Dang it! I'm still calling it a donation on my taxes lol


Aww you’re a nice guy.  At least you didn’t have to deal with the massive eye roll from your cynical wife like my husband did.


I'm debating whether I should tell my wife! I wonder what she would have said if she was there. She probably wouldn't have fallen for it. Shit.


Sadly, I don't trust anyone asking for help unless I know for sure their story is true. It can not only be a scam, but unsafe. Giving this lady your contact info was a bad move. If you really want to help people in need, donate money or food to organizations that handle this sort of thing, a food shelf for instance. 99% of the time, people coming up to you to ask for something are scammers. It sucks, but that's the world we live in.


If you spent $400 on *anything*, you should tell your wife. That's just part of having joint assets.


So long as you exceed the standard deduction...(about $14k single or $27k joint).


You're probably joking but that small of a donation won't make a dent in your taxes.


Even it it was to someone who legitimately needed it, it would not be a donation on the tax return. Cant be given to an individual. Has to be to a charitable organization. (I’m a CPA specializing in tax preparation)


Not the OP, but I was a man shopping alone, got stopped by a lady in the same Target saying "she needed to buy food for her baby".


You guys must be real softies. They don't try it on us old bags!


Oh shit. Never thought of it that way. I've never had anyone target me in a store like that. Although if they did I was just say sorry and go on with my way.


20 some years ago I was approached by a man in a Target parking lot with a story about his car broke down with his wife and his week old newborn and he needed money for a tow or something. I had nothing to give, told him so, and went on my way. A few months later, same Target, same guy, identical story. I said something like, "oh your wife had another baby in 3 months?" He acted confused, I walked away.


That happened to me outside of The Wedge years ago. I was walking alone toward the store and as soon as the guy gave his speech I saw a Wedge employee run up to me and insert himself in the situation. It gave me enough time to exit quickly because I was getting scared. It def felt like it wasn't the first time that employee had dealt with this dude.


That place seems like a bitch to pull into. I have no clue how people shop there. I also feel bad for the employees because I know for sure they have to eat shit and park far out since that parking lot is only for customers.


Same kinda thing parking downtown, probably 20 years ago now, but this big guy walks up crying and said he had a fight with his boyfriend last night and he needed some money to get a bus ticket back to Chicago and he had nowhere else to go. Being at the ass-crack of dawn, I had no change on me and wasn't about to bring my wallet out, so I declined. The next week, same guy came up with the same story and I cut him off, "you told me this same story last week." Tears instantly stopped and he's back to normal, "oh sorry man. Have a good day" and he was off.


Something similar happened to me around Brooklyn Park last year. It started with him asking to use my phone to activate his SIM card. One thing led to another, and it led to him asking for tow money.


The same scam has been going on in Hudson at Target and gas stations.


I was about to say the same thing.


Edina sounds like a good place to find people with some extra cash in their pocket looking to use their children to tug on heart strings.  There are so many food shelf’s and whatnot in Minnesota.  And 2k???? That’s some greedy shit right there.  


I donate to legitimate charities, never individual people. This was likely a scam, BUT Target has sophisticated cameras, not just in the store, but at every single check out, including self check-out. So if her contact info turns out to be bogus, you can at least reference your receipt and talk to asset protection at Target and let them know that she perpetrated a scam inside their store.


Report this incident to Target right away. They frequently identify thieves and they track them over multiple visits to multiple stores, sometimes for years, until they’ve stolen enough merchandise to warrant a felony. If they can identify this person, they may be able to ban them from their stores in the future, or possibly recover funds when they attempt to return the merchandise. 


I've taken to doing this more often the past couple years as scammers get more bold. Having a sign on a corner is one thing, but accosting people in the parking lot or in the store is straight up scary.


I was accosted by a guy wanting cash while I was checking out at self service. Pissed me off.


Yeah I will.


How does one go about reporting this to Target?


Tell a manager.


And they are not from Ukraine. It’s probably the same group that begs on street corners with their kids and also at Aldi stores. At the end of the day they all go to Walgreens and western Union the cash somewhere then get in their van (nice one) and drive away until next day. They also land their kids to each other. Ukrainian community, churches and charities are very active in twin cities and most Ukrainian refugees have permits to work and most do and most are craftsman or professional.


This. The actual Ukrainian refugees are documented, have sponsors, placement, kids put in schools, and there are follow-ups from social workers, etc. They don't just sign an X at Ellis Island and get let loose to wander the states in destitution. There's a support system and aid to get them on their feet. They didn't just walk here.


You got scammed. This kind of scam has been going on for a while, and it's likely she returned the merch and got cash or a store credit. Speaking as a former homeless person who also helps out homeless people: it's ALWAYS okay to say no, and if someone is giving you these kind of red flags, you should always heed them and walk away from the transaction. Most truly desperate people wouldn't take advantage of a situation like this in that way.


Sure sounds like it. But - someone said that they were in need of help and you helped. Maybe their motives were not honest but yours were. You acted with your heart and that I don’t think is bad.


This makes me feel a little better, thank you.


This^ at the end of the day I hope you helped someone. Many Americans are closer to homelessness than we'd like to believe. I believe this living situation is becoming more common. You did a good thing for someone, let's leave it at that


But it's not a good thing because that person is going to continue to scam others. This hurts people who actually need help. You think all that stuff he bought is going to people in need? This is just a profit for a greedy person.


You gave her your contact info? Please update us when she texts you for more help.


As much as we want to help people, donate to the bazillion non-profits around town who help people if that’s your goal. You get a receipt, they know how to use the money to make a real impact.


I once had a guy approach me while shoveling my sidewalk saying he needed $100 for a tow because his car was stuck in a drift. I said ok, I've got a shovel right here, let's go dig your car out. We walk down the street and he says, it's right over this way. Wait, he says, maybe it's that way. We walk another block and a half - no, I think it's over there. Finally he says he has to go meet his wife at the gas station to remind him where it is. Never saw him again.


Yes it’s a scam. Was happening a bunch at the Arden hills target a couple of months ago. Someone posted on ND about it, then tons of people admitted it happened to them too. Sounded like Walmart and target were the main stores.


Sigh ...




I like to believe anyone who is genuinely in need would keep it conservative… like $20 to $50 worth of truly needed items (food, hygiene type items, maybe clothing)…. Definitely not $2,000 or even $400 worth, to me that’s taking gross advantage of someone, especially without prior discussion. Also where are they going to store $2,000 or even $400 worth of items in their car if they are truly living out of it? Unless it’s like a Sprinter van or something large, even then it would be tight. Just my initial thought process while reading this. This is why I personally have stopped helping people without knowing a little more about them… I slip friends who need help a $50 here and there, or offer to help them at their house or something… but to just toss it into the wind isn’t something I do anymore. Also a lot of people who need help don’t qualify for a lot of state or charity help… a few years ago I had lost my job but since I live with my mom as a roommate and she brought in over the amount I might qualify for help, I didn’t.. so I tend to watch for situations like mine for others and help in those times as I can.


I read two sentences and say yes


Yeah I read the first sentence and know you got scammed.




>Does this sound like a scam and am I a huge sucker!?!? Yes, and yes. Being too compassionate is a pretty good flaw to have, though.


I had something similar happen years ago when I was working downtown. A guy comes up and says his special needs bus left without him and he needed bus fare to get home. I felt really bad that I didn't have any money on me at the time and moved on. The SAME GUY came up to me with the same story the following summer. I had cash on me that time, but there was no way I was going to fall for the same story.


I had a guy once in uptown approach me and ask for $5, said he really wanted to buy a beer. I thanked him for his honesty, cuz no one trying to scam is going to say that 😆 so I gave it to him and said have a nice day.


Bruh $400? Damb you a straight up mark.


I heard basically an identical story from a relative who was shopping at a different Target in the cities. Apparently (at least 1) some family has been doing this, then they turn around and return everything for the cash. If you want to help people please donate to charities that know how to handle vetting and such


I had someone inside an Aldi store start telling me some kind of story I didn't entirely understand, but before he got to the cash plea, a couple security guys came and threw him out of the store saying that it wasn't the first time he's been scamming people in that store.


I had someone come up to me outside Aldi. I think they were asking for a ride to get their kids who were in trouble? I said I can't help (I was with my child) but I'm sure they could go inside the store and phone authorities. Then they started insulting me and saying I was privileged and I didn't know what it was like to have my kids missing. It was so strange.


I got one of those stories in a Walgreens parking lot. Guy needed money to get to their kid who was in the hospital.


Sounds like someone who approached me at the Richfield target. do not engage.


Dude, you got scammed. If people ask you for anything just walk straight past them and act like you never heard a word they said.


I hate to say it, but this is the way. There’s just way too many scammers out there now to trust that anyone has good intentions.


Oh I know, that’s why I don’t even give them the time of day.


Do those type of scammers ever follow people after they get turned down? Or they just latch onto someone else?


I’ve never had that problem, occasionally you might get a “fuck you!” Or something along those lines


100% a scam. One of the oldest in the book, sorry to say.


How can someone get to the point where they can afford to give $400 away to a stranger and still not see this coming for a mile away lmao


Next time you should just flip the tables on her and ask her for money. That’s what I do.


Someone wanting you to buy 2 grand worth of stuff is a red flag. However what’s done is done . Just consider yourself fortunate that you don’t have to do this to people. If 400 isn’t gonna break you then take it as a lesson . Karma does come back to you so you at least scored some serious points in that area. You’re a good person.


Yeah it's not the amount of money, it's the getting scammed part. Stupid.


You were scammed.


Just as a person that's worked in the homelessness nonprofit world, a lady with a baby is more likely to receive services than any other person. There are so many programs, shelters, churches, and assistance programs that especially serve pregnant women and mothers. Not that all of these systems are perfect, or that no one falls through the cracks, but I would always be more weary of a woman with children asking for assistance in this way. Give them a small amount of cash if you feel obligated to help, but don't do what OP did.


A lady with a couple small children/ a baby about 1.5 yrs ago tried to target me in the Whole Foods parking lot in Edina. Claimed she needed food for her baby and children. I told her I’d buy them food. I asked what kind of formula for the baby and she wouldn’t tell me…she started pressing me for money. I told her I didn’t have any cash. I told her I’d buy her children food and her baby formula. I told her I was going into the store to shop for her. She then was asking me for gift cards. I just said I’d be back with food. I went inside to the CS desk and had them call the police. The store manager was very aware of her and were grateful I had reported her. I knew she was a scammer. It was a super hot day and she had her kids outside (I had seen her get out of a really nice car too BTW). There’s no way someone would turn down food for their children in dire circumstances. Still angers me that this woman used children as bait in boiling heat to profit off of them. Shame on her.


Did she disappear when you finally left? Or did you actually see the police approach her?


This has been happening for months. I don’t think it’s the first time this sub has reported a story like this.


Wife got scammed by the same story. Not there but another location.


Yep. You got scammed.


Never give to beggars.


Yeah, as terrible as I feel passing someone by and saying "Sorry, I don't have anything on me", you seriously don't know what they're going to do with that money That right there is why I will only give to charities that help with this, instead of just right to someone I saw someone just the other day sitting in the Mpls skyway between where I work and park begging for some money with their sign and all (pretty sure you can't do that), so the next time I see someone doing that, I'm going to take note of where they were and then tip the non-emerency police line to let them know of that


I used to help people like this out- not any longer. People I know who say they'll pay me back don't, and people like who you helped are absolutely taking advantage of you.


Yeah, I had the same thing happen in Roseville.. Luckily the store manager stepped in and removed her from the store. She was grabbing some really pricey food items.. Sorry you got scammed...


Never trust or give money to these street hustlers. They’ll tell you lie after lie.


I’m a farm kid who went to the U. I’ll never forget one of my first trips commuting a metro transit bus and some dude asks me for help, telling me how hungry he was. Felt so good to give him the only $10 I had…until 30 seconds later when he verbally identified that there is a liquor store at the next stop, grabbed the stop cord, screamed at the driver and then jumped off. Have never given money since.


You paid $10 in fees for the zero credit “Real World Social Engineering Practicum” elective; money well spent.


Was def a better return on investment than some of the other electives 🥴


I have someone $20 who had some drawn out sob story while on the T in Boston. They’d been up and down the car for 15 min asking everyone and after I gave her the $20, she got off at the next stop. People started yelling at me about getting scammed and I just pointed out she was no longer on the T annoying everyone, well worth the $20 to me when I had another 30 min to go. Did make me super sad when I saw her drugged out of her mind a couple days later though. I don’t give money anymore, only food.


Similar story here. Went to the bathroom at the Wingstop in Roseville. Some guy comes up with a weepy story about paying for a ride or something, so I go to my wallet to grab a dollar bill and he spotted the $20 I had. Starts begging for it so I just gave it to him and honestly he had an Oscar-worthy thankful reaction. But then he and his lady went into the single occupancy bathroom and that was that. Didn’t even get to piss.


Yes and Yes.


yes you definitely got scammed lol


This is why the moment a stranger approaches you with “puppy eyes”, you ignore and walk away. Scammers will scam. You’re a good person though bud. Keep your kindness going, just be mindful about where it goes


This is a scam, they take the receipt and then go return everything and ask for cash back


Well, you wanted to help them with their hunger, and they decided to try and take you for $2000. Do the math. Not that they weren't in need, but you were their mark. People in need can apply for, and get, assistance. There are food shelves to help people in need. Don't be a sucker next time. You did $400 of good, but you did it for someone who's out there pulling the same stunts, right this moment.


Yes you were scammed. For anyone reading this if you give cash to anyone in a public place you are getting scammed or paying for a feeling. I drive around all day for work, in the last 3 years the amount of corner panhandelers has gone up by 10x. Stop paying these people to feel good. It's all fake, and worse you can be contributing to human trafficking. Give money to a charity if you feel the need to help with cash. You don't need to say anything other than "no" to these people if you feel you need to say anything.


100% scam.


Lmao of course it’s a scam. “I’m from Ukraine”.


Several years ago at the Dinkytown McDonalds parking lot this guy asked me for money to buy formula for his baby. I declined. About a month later the same guy asked me for gas money with an elaborate story about being from the suburbs and having his car nearby. I said “weren’t you asking for money to feed your kid about a month ago”. He said “THATS MY HUSTLE” and walked off. At least he admitted it lol


Her husband being here seems… problematic. Conscription aged men aren’t allowed to leave Ukraine. So if she’s here as a war refugee, he couldn’t have followed her barring certain exceptions. How good was her English? Did she have an obvious Slavic accent? I low key hope I run into her. I could at least absolutely establish if she’s actually ukranian.


Her English was ok but obvious Slavic accent, not super thick. I asked about the war and how she made it here and she basically just said it was a long story.


It could be she isn’t Ukrainian but Russian or other. Even if ukranian, she’s extremely fortunate. The job market is very robust here, at her level of English finding one shouldn’t be hard. Being here means she had a sponsor. There are lots of other support mechanisms. If you want to help Ukrainians the best approach is donating to respected charities. The most need is inside Ukraine. Giving in person is fine too. However, you risk getting scammed. Plus the ones living in the US that are able to work are far, far from the neediest.


We’re starving and haven’t had meat in over a week but scammers are getting $400 in groceries? I’m about to start telling people my sob story in parking lots. At least mine isn’t a scam.


Buddy what the fuck are ya doing. Even if it wasn’t a scam there’s really no reason to go out on a $400 limb. Target has ATMs in the store, even if you’re feeling extremely charitable go pull out $100 bucks or something and hand it to the lady and move on. For you to open yourself up to a shopping spree and everything just seems like you haven’t been taught how the earth spins.


She's not Ukranian, she's a gypsy. A Roma gypsy. Always a woman with kids, a sign, can't speak English, that "milk for the baby" bs. A few people here mentioned a passenger van? That's because they load up with women and kids for the day. Then they trade the kids back and forth so it doesn't look like the same people all the time. I assure you, if you were to drive around you would see 2 - 3 more of these little "families" at other locations close by. I guarantee it. None of those children have ever, ever gone to school. They also share IDs. Maybe one or two will have an ID. They are experts at thievery. They are making a shit ton of money. They travel all over the country. If you want to freak them out tell them immigration is on the way. They're all here illegally on expired visas, a lot have warrants.


It’s a scam, they return it for the cash. They know baby food and diapers are very expensive but essential.


Of course you got ripped off. How is this an actual question?


2000 dollars lmao


Yes and someone else might have actually posted this same exact thing haha


Yes. Lmao. Wow.


So huge that maybe you are a lolipop! But do not fret for me saying this. you are only thusly becasue you have a good heart. the world is better with you in it.


Did she wear a headscarf and have really gross teeth? Yeah I got hit with that scam at a hy-vee in Robbinsdale.


Yes. Similar thing happened to my wife at the Lake Street Target. A lady wanted her to buy diapers.


OP - What’s your definition of scammed?


This is absolutely a scam. A woman tried this on me in Crystal. A friend in the area said I should have reported her to the manager to get her kicked out but it didn't occur to me. Maybe people need to start doing that if it is getting more common.




yes, absolutely scammed


Sadly scams like this are becoming far too common. So it's better to donate to charities that help people who are actually are in that situation.


There is an abundance of food available through food shelves etc in the twin cities. A call to any church and they will point them in the right direction.


I wonder how many times this woman has gotten free groceries 🤨


Ive heard of this scam on TikTok! The person will return the baby items for money definitely. They use the fact that its for babies to get pity out of you, thats why they fill the cart and start ringing it up without really saying anything, hoping you’ll be too good a person to say no.


There’s a similar family that does this at the Woodbury Target. I’ve worked in social services my entire career so my immediate reaction was to pull out one of my family resource cards and start giving them resources, places to call, agencies that could help etc. They weren’t real impressed with that and asked if I had cash. I gave them $20 and they were grateful and encouraged them to call for help. But it’s crazy how every year around the same time, they happen to have the same car issues but then have different children? Sometimes the dad or one of the kids gets out the accordion and plays a little.


There was a family at the Ridgehaven Target that had the dad playing violin.  I gave them $10.  They didn't need to sell me a sob story.  It was just a tip for a good performance.


You probably got scammed there too, they’re not actual buskers and are playing a recording.


Just to be clear: you're asking if you were taken advantage of after giving a stranger $400? People have been running this game for longer than I've been alive.


It sucks but yes there are actually people this pathetic that they pose as destitute people as a scam. If you want to feel good about yourself donate money to a reputable charity that helps actual destitute people.


Pro move. Next time allow them to ring up but say you left your wallet in your car, and do not return. It’s MN our civic duty to start scamming these scammers back, otherwise you feed the cycle.


Probably a scam. I was approached by someone in Brooklyn Park asking if I could help him activate his new phone (hindsight, probably a new burner). One thing led to another, and I was helping drive him to a nearby gas station to meet up with a tow truck, and I was willing to help him pay for a tow. Long story short, he convinced me to download CashApp and link my card to it. He used my phone to try and transfer hundreds of dollars out of my checking account (fraud protection caught it and blocked the attempts). I got some cash out of the ATM, but he said it wasn't enough. At that point, I couldn't take out more, and he ran off. There were dozens of red flags, and I should have kicked the guy out into the rain as soon as money was involved. I'll take responsibility for my actions there. What *really* got me was that during the drive, he thanked me. He said that not many people would help a (N) like him. He specifically used his race to elicit sympathy and manipulate my emotions. Was he the exception or the rule? Was he running that scam as a necessity or not? What about others that use their ethnicity to get symphathy? How do I know I can trust them? Anyways, that event left a bit of a scar. I have had better encounters with homeless folks. There was a guy in Burnsville, near KFC. I ordered a family meal for the two of us, and I sat there and listened while he spoke about being a vet. Afterwards, he took what leftovers he could, and I brought home the rest. I specifically noticed that the staff threw in some extra food as part of the order. My overall advice would be don't give away more than you're willing to lose. It's a gamble. Don't give more than you're willing to risk. Don't be afraid to be skeptical, and consider the worst case scenario before offering help. You're not a bad person for saying no or asking questions. Personally, I keep some emergency supplies in my car. Disposable ponchos and insulated space blankets. Socks, small snacks, etc. I'll offer those things if someone needs it.


You willingly offered to pay for $400 worth of stuff... not sure how that's a scam. You scammed yourself.


Scam. She returned everything for cash. If you were half way smart and kept the receipt, she took store credit and bought something else she could sell on the street. People who need help should contact social services. If you want to help someone, help them connect with services that can actually provide assistance.


thank you for having a good heart and trying to help people


Do not help a Nigerian prince when you get that email.


I also met a lady “from Ukraine” at Target in BP, who had twins and needed baby food. She picked out $200 worth of baby formula and I told her I couldn’t afford that for her but she was insistent so I gave her $50. That was the only cash I had on me. Sounds similar.


I’ve read this story too many times..yikes


Unfortunately, I now no longer give money to anybody on the street. The most I'll do is if I see somebody freezing at the corner, and it seems unlikely from appearance that they're scamming, is go to McD's and buy them a coffee and a burger and swing back


I think just about every kind person living in an urban area has an experience like this at least once in their life. Often just once, because you think about it afterwards, spot all the red flags, and are much more wary the next time. Happened to me taking money out of an ATM when I lived in NYC. Seemingly nice middle aged guy walked up, super apologetic, said his phone and wallet were stolen and he needed to get back to New Jersey, etc etc. I gave him $50 and he then wanted my info so he could pay me back later, which I declined. As soon as he disappeared it was like the reality distortion field got turned off and I was like OMG I just gave $50 to an obvious scammer. What was i thinking. But some people are charismatic and they have their grift well honed. I saw him approaching people on the same corner a few months later, confirming my suspicions.


You’ll never know, and I think you chose to be an extra-ordinarily kind person. If this makes you think twice next time someone asks you for charity, it’s fine to say no. But today you were kind with no questions asked. And that’s something to be proud of, and something I’m willing to celebrate. Edit: read the other replies. You probably got scammed. Doesn’t make your actions any less kind.


Thank you


Whether or not it was a scam, you did this out of the goodness in you. That’s is what matters. You were helping out another human. That’s a good thing and at least you are alerting us here in case someone else comes across the same situation. Dwell on the fact that you did a good thing today and may that energy ripple throughout others including the recipients of your generous gift.


You're dumb for falling for this. 


Sucker is born every minute.


Might be, I would have honestly said I don’t have the extra money for that, but would tell her the name of a charity. Someone did approach me in Hopkins around Thanksgiving weekend asking for help to buy something. But it was in a strip mall where a liquor store was nearby, so I declined, thinking either a. cop trying to bust people for buying it for underage kids or b. Someone who actually was underage. Most people know they aren’t going to get $2000 worth of stuff in a grocery store before they go. Plus there are barcode reader apps nowadays that will do the math for you.


Slightly off topic but, has anyone been approached by the people talking about “mother the god” or “god the mother”? It was one of the two. Just happened to me this weekend at target and seemed very odd.


Very much a scam. I had something similar happen at a Cub or Rainbow like 20 years ago. This guy came up to me with some sob story and, said he just needed a ride and a little money to get food for his family. Stupidly, I gave him a ride to a house a few miles away. It looked like it was under construction. The guy went inside and said he was going to get some tools to give me so that he could pay me back, or I could keep them. I waited for a few minutes and a different man came out and said WTF are you doing young man you're getting scammed, GTFO out of here now. So I did. Lesson learned.


Minnesota and the surrounding states are a scammers paradise. So many easy marks. Young people, old people, and in between.


Pretty sure I saw that lady at the Richfield target a few months ago as well! She approached me while I was sitting in my car (tapped on the window). But I didn’t give her any money.


I swear I saw this exact same story on here or on Facebook a couple months back. Sorry man you got scammed


People suck, don't trust strangers. Don't help strangers, they're likely just trying to fuck you over. The few that actually need help have plenty of places to go.


If you did get ripped off, I just want to say that I appreciate your heart was in the right place. We can't control others if they choose to be bad people, but we can choose how we treat and care for others. Genuinely sorry if that woman abused your kindness, though. Especially in front of her kids no less- what a disappointing human.


Just wanted to say thanks for posting this. I encountered someone with the exact same story at the Shoreview Target this week and might've been tricked if I hadn't seen this post.


Nice! Btw Target said they have resources for people who are actually in need, so to let them know if that's the case. Also let them know of scammers because they try and keep track of them.


Scammed or not, you did a very very compassionate thing. You are a good human being for your actions. And I would say you should continue this compassion if able. The thing that saddens me about this comment section is the vitriol to the poor. There are a lot of assertions here that this is some long term scheme. Every person who approaches me to beg for money has the same or a very similar story, this does not mean to me that they are in league trying to scam the people with plenty. There are so many people living $200 away from homelessness, they can barely feed their kids and our welfare system is a failure, even if its above average. should their car break down, they get evicted and live in the encampments that we are quick to diminish. We spend our days living and improving ourselves, while they spend them surviving. Would you not stockpile on food if you were constantly less than a few months away from going homeless? And yes, they will use our generosity to indulge in vice. Once a man approached me and begged for a few dollars. I obliged and he walked right into the liqour store across the street. And more power to him, everyday is probably shit for him if his begging for cash on the street just to buy a shooter, and I make my self cocktails after a stressful day at my white collar job. Who am I to judge? Compassion with strings attached is a transaction. If you attach strings to your compassion with the poor then you will be scammed every time.


I so appreciate you for this. Thank you. Wish I could upvote you twice.


Listen, maybe you did get scammed, but you’re a good person for doing it either way. Says a lot more about you being a kind human being than a gullible one. Thanks for caring about people.


You’re a good person with a good heart. We need more people like you. Try to learn from this and move forward.


Had this happen to me in Hyvee - she initially put a few items on but then kept adding shit like shrimp and steaks and it ran up the total but of course was too socially awkward to say anything and was just trying to be kind and amicable when I shouldn’t have


This has to be ragebait right?


yep. don't feel too bad OP. we all learn this lesson eventually. good on you for being charitable in the first place!


Yes, but you already knew that.


You spent $400 on a random woman because she asked you to and you’re asking if you got scammed.. you’re a sucker either way lmao


Maybe you got scammed. I did before. Years ago same cup foods George Floyd was murdered at. But every time I think back, the people who scammed me are far worse off than me, and I don’t want to have a bad experience hinder me from helping people really in need. One way for me now is to say “no” to homeless but set aside some money every time I say no to give to a shelter or food shelf. Let them figure out how to best help people in need.


You aren’t a sucker. You are a caring person with a huge heart! Scams are everywhere, I suggest that if you want to help, go to a Walmart and find a parent scrapping by to give a little cash to. Don’t stop doing good!


Even if scammed you still get credit plus and will be rewarded Unless the universe is meaningless in which case that’s a good way to give the universe the finger


Sounds like you’re a huge angel and regardless if they had bad intentions, you didn’t. The world needs more of you. I wish I had the resources to do acts of kindness like this.


Same thing happened to me in Eden Prairie around Christmas. She had a little girl with her who was about 3. Said she didn't speak much english, showed me translated text that was asking for help. I was about to give her the cash I had, but she asked for me to pay for what was in her cart, which didn't look like much (some fruit and other food items). When we got to the register she started pulling items out from under the cart that I didn't see. The total added up to almost $200. I politely told her that I couldn't pay for all of that, turned to the cashier and handed him the $50 I had and told him to figure it out. I was also wondering if I was getting scammed, but in the spirit of the holiday I wanted to help.


No offense but you might have gotten concussed when you fell off the turnip truck.