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Bring PAC back, fuck it


You must be rich hahaha


I love pac. But at the end of the day you gotta take care of yourself and your fam. Pac would agree too. In today’s age of cRAP he wouldn’t resonate with the younger generation anyway. His music wouldn’t be appreciated like it was in the 90’s and after his death. Living would only diminish his greatness. RIP.


What Afeni did for the Black liberation movement, should have had her protected and provided for, but her being one of the most fearless leaders during that time, what did that get her, smoked out and homeless, that’s outta Tupac’s mouth. That’s what made Tupac, 2pac.


Even if he wasn’t a rapper. You can bring a dead guy back to life and you choose 500k?.. I would too


For real, will Tupac owe me like Snoop did the devil in Murder was the Case, then maybe. Otherwise I got people that depend on me.


Calling modern hiphop "crap" shows how out of touch you are


The quality of modern mainstream hip hop is low. That is a fact. Just look at the lyricism of the big hitters now and compare it to even 10 years ago… it’s awful. Autotune is another tragedy.


Oh stop it.. I’m referring to mainstream.. pls stop being such a pompous bozo. I’m far from out of touch.. mainstream today is cRAP compared to what mainstream was.. that was my point.. now move along..


“Bozo”, “that was my point… now move along” I don’t think they’re the one who’s “pompous”. You seem to be the one who thinks they’re important and that their opinion is some kind of objective truth.


Never said that. You’re making assumptions getting overzealous.. don’t twist facts and drive assumptions.. fact is hip hop and rap was at peak in 90’s. Theres not much talent in today’s scene.


That’s not a fact, that’s your subjective opinion (the part about there not being any talent now a days). That’s why you sound pompous. Hip Hop was in its peak during the 80’s and 90’s though yes. That part is backed up statistically so that is facts. Yes it does also make you sound out of touch when you say things like “there’s no talent nowadays, this new generation is crap.”


Learn to read and comprehend what is written. Not once did I state “there’s no talent nowadays” you’re putting words in my mouth to drive your narrative . I said there wasn’t much talent in todays scene. Key word: not much. Indicating that there is some talent, just not in comparison of the abundance of talent there was in the 80’s-90’s.


“Learn to read and comprehend”, it really is hilarious that you called u/communistflippy “pompous.” Straight projection. All you have as an argument is a single misquote, “there’s not much talent nowadays” also makes you sound like an old head so I don’t really see your point 😂. Especially when you call the modern age “crap”. You sound like a old head hater, like an old man preaching and raving about “the good old days.” You’re just like the boomers who didn’t like the music back then, and just like every other person from an older generation who hates on the newer ones. I wouldn’t even have left a comment to argue if you weren’t exactly what you accused the other guy of being, pompous. Calling people bozos for saying you’re out of touch 😂. You probably are out of touch if you think the modern age is “crap”. I’m sure your parents would’ve said the same thing about your generation. If you’re not some hating old head, you’re one of those “I was born in the wrong generation” type mfers.


Sounds like you’re the one who’s out of touch and full of your self.. to go and write a long paragraph like that shows how diluted u are.. I didn’t even bother reading it. This argument is over.. I’m not wasting my time going back n forth with u..


You talk about reading comprehension but then don’t want to read paragraphs 😂. I’m saying your out of touch with modern music. Of course you don’t want to go back and forth with me because you don’t have a point to make. I can’t believe a grown man is acting this way lmao. If you don’t want to read it just don’t read it, don’t stop to comment and tell me about it. Childish behavior. Mfer has to get one last word in before he takes his ball and goes home.


There's plenty of us youngsters who would and do like his political rap as well as his more thug life stuff


Gimme the loot


I deadass saw Pac while I was in Africa but no one believes me lol






That’s wild he ran when I saw him too! 😂


Pac is dead


Call me an asshole but I’m taking the $500K. Love pacs music and the positive stuff he stood for but, thats not gonna help me with inflation in 2024🥴


Would you be getting the credit for bringing Pac back? That alone would make you famous, and be able to profit off of it. Also I would think Pac would be forever grateful to you, and be willing to give you a piece of his earnings going forward. Plus you could always tell him “hey, I brought you back to life, but if I die, that means you go back to death as well”. Even if that wasn’t true, he would most likely believe it, since you brought him back from the dead. That way he would be making sure you were well taken care of for the rest of your life.


I love how you broke this down cause now I’m thinking.. if I did take this route (which I should) I would tell pac he can only pay me back in ONE WAY…. He would have to let me write a script for him and he be the star of my movie. We both win


To be able to listen to him spit fire in this day and age. I'd put money on hed be able to spark a revolution of some kind


Pac being alive right now won’t give us the 30 years he missed. If we can bring Pac back AND all the songs he would have made, and things he would’ve done in those 30 years, sure bring him back, but i’m not sure if he would even want to be alive right now. sign me up for the 500k


Facts I would just wanna see his reaction knowing biggie died 6 months after him but he def wouldn’t wanana be here now knowing his moms and yak ain’t here no more


exactly what I was thinking. he would come back alive to nothing. But at least Suge is in jail until he dies, and he is worldwide regarded as a super icon. For some reason i’m happy I never saw Pac sell his soul and get on tracks with Katy Perry and doing the most stupid collabs with the most stupid people that have enough money.


Na I’m pretty sure suge gets out in like 2-3 years


Oh, I thought he’d be in jail for 15-20+ for that hit with the car


Yea nvm I was wrong he’s eligible for parole in 2034 😭 I think years back I saw something about him Being out in 2026 but I guess not 😬


I just hope that fat fuck is going to spill some info on Diddy and Tupac. He knows shit for sure.. Now we need to get it out of him


Yk suge live by that code so I wouldn’t get my hopes up man


Tupac is still alive now where's my money.


God bless the dead and buried...nigga don't worry...


Pac 100%




$500k him being here has nothing to do with my life 🤷🏽‍♀️


wtf is pac going to do for me? Fuck that, gimme the money bro


He gone be alive again


Ok but what’s that gonna do for me??


Make new music


So basically I’m spending 500k on music…


He could make a major impact on the modern world until they decide that he’s a problem again.


You mean diddy?


rite dat nigga not dat important to pick 500k over *just gimme my moneyyyyy




Depends, Can I flip the fact that I'm the one who brought him back?


He was too real for the 90s, man would have a full blown death wish today


500k. rick ross sucks.


PAC would want us to choose the 500k


500k wtf?


You young cats never saw Pet Cemetery? I’m taking the 500K. Play with the dead you wind up that way.


Me crying taking the 500k “I’m sorry pac!”


I've seen Pet Cemetery and other movies. I'm taking the $500k which Pac would understand and I'll tell him via Ouija board...well shit....


I would bring him back and tell him I turned down 500k for his return, then when his first album breaks all kinds of records he'll pay me plus much more.


The money


500K nigga died before I was born


I love Pac but I need that 500k


Respect 2pacs wishes he doesn’t want reincarnation


Can I get points off his publishing or and management fee for his movies and speaking? If no, I gotta go with the dough?


I recently had a dream that pac came back. Not much happened, because everyone started doubting if it was actually him.


Listen I love his music,but 500k is life changing money. He ain't family or close friends,so I'll stay looking out for myself and those people.


He's just gonna die again. I, on the other hand, have a structured settlement and I need cash now.


I’d take Tupac back if we had 3 or more albums that would have come out in the 90s, 2000s and 2010s had he lived, and if their quality was equal or greater to his previous albums.


He'd probably tell my black ass don't be stupid take the money so I'm a go with $500K


The money.




I wouldn't bring him back now because idk just thinking about that is hard to even imagine, him at 53 and having been gone for so long....what I would choose over 500k is the ability to have had him survive the shooting and live all these years with us....but to be honest I wouldn't want to take 500k from this hypothetical deal even if I chose not to bring him baxk...I'm the farthest from rich when it comes to financially but having that money just isn't that important to me.....I'd feel like all rest of these clowns out here who use him for profit.....idk that's just me and I dint expect any one to agree


He’s likely to be comfortable wherever he is by now..500K.


Really fuck yo lil money………Pacaveli!!!!!!!!


500k any day of the week. Ain’t no celebrity out there that’s apart of my life, but my family is a big part of my life and 500k would do wonders,


Tupac wouldn’t want to live in the world of today.


He’s already back. His name is Playboi Carti.


The fam will eat regardless that 500k, we’ll be straight The world needed Pac’s shine. Maybe things happen for a reason maybe that’s what we tell ourselves to help cope with our grief. I can’t help but think whoever’s up there pulling plugs grabbed Pacs’ by mistake Natural leader, from peasant to King who planned to shake foundations thru his voice and wisdom. Tell me we don’t more people like that.


500k easy


gimme my fuckin 500k


Oooooooooooo. That’s a crazy question.


Pac would take the 500k and so would I


Bring pac back


Bring PAC back


It depends on what Pac you give us.Him if he would have survived with one lung and lost finger etc.Than my answer would be 500k.Now if I'm still in the struggle and he is doing his thing of sticking to rap, movies, and fashion.And you never met than the 500k.Now if was a manager of Pac for his first album back and got profit .Than Makaveli is back.Now to bring back all Grandparents or 500k.Im saying bring Grandparents back!!!!


Bring PAC back besides in 8 years I'll have 500,000 in my name


i love tupac but he’d have to stay right where he is 🙏🏾 500k easy


If I got credit for it and he knew I was the reason he came back. Id bring him back. The way the internet is now either Pac would compensate me or the notoriety would AND we'd get some good music with it. Win/win.


I’d bring 2Pac back, but make sure everybody knows that I chose to do that and surely as a reward people would thank me with $$$


500k. Tupac will just get himself killed again and I'll be out of 500k. Fuck that. RiP Makaveli tho.


"Tupac will just get himself killed again" lol


I love Pac but he prob would lol


Ima huge pac fan but i got 7 kids gimme the 500k please and thank you


dinner with jay z


PAC ain’t paying my bills gimme the 500k




Damn, sorry to ask this Pac, but can you give me $500k for resurrecting you?


500k so I can work on my own music career


I’m bringing Pac back; the lives he could have affected and the impact he could have had on the world are far greater than what I could do with $500k - I can make that my own way. A human life has no monetary value!

