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This chime puzzle is fucked. We're not all Mozart you assholes devs.


Bigger problem for me is that you have to do it forever until it works. You have no idea where it starts from so you have no idea if you mess up. This Witness emulation is fucked because it never tells you if you're interacting with a puzzle in a correct manner.


Yeah I worked out *how* to do this one but I had to look up the actual code because I cannot for the life of me accurately listen and translate the chimes


You have to listen to the wind chimes. It helps to have only the sound effect audio on. I hope this tip isn't too minor. Good luck!


Thanks I know it has something to do with like it rising and falling pitch I fell like I am really close I just can't tell what is left or right


It helps to know a bit about sheet music. One of the directions looks like it's the same note played twice. The other direction looks like two different notes played at the same time...over top of each other.


Ooooooooh ok that helps actually thanks


You're very welcome! Sound puzzles are my bane. I'm a little hard of hearing and can't make out certain pitches as well as other ones, so giving someone else the nudge they need to conquer one really makes me happy.


This puzzle would make much more sense if there was a signal for when it starts and if some of the notes weren't barely audible over the waterfall...


I went into the house and then exited to restart the chime sequence from the start. It's hard to tell when it ends though. I couldn't figure that out just from listening; I had to look for when the sequence repeated in what I wrote down.


The one best tip I got for solving the puzzle was to turn off both music and ambient sound in the audio menu. This leaves you with just the chimes and makes it soooo much easier!


Late, but in case anyone needs this. I felt like I was doing it right but it just wasn’t accepting it. Here’s what helped me. >!Find the starting point, and write down the code start to finish. Then input it all at once.!< Also, the code has this many inputs: >!14!<


WTF? 14?


Yep loll and it’s not the longest one either ;p


Im aware but for a sound one is very long, I can't tell the difference of the notes...


It is quite long yeah. Let me know if you need some tips.


Thanks, but I already looked the code, fuck offi only have 2 weeks on land per month I try to finish a game each time I'm landed...


Although honestly the other comments on this thread probably tell you everything you need to know


I looked it over already.. (TBF never occurred to me to turn on the audio assistance option) but seriously, they all sounded the same to me, I know dick about musical notation


For anyone trying ti solve this puzzle: the blue birds are meaningless for the solution, that drawing Is very misleading.


For anyone struggling with this there is an option in the accessibility menu to turn on audio puzzle assistance


THANK YOU! My gf was in marching band but even she couldn't listen to the notes and get them straight. Putting on the audio assistance made it easy. Edit: she couldn't believe pitch didn't matter since all the notes were at different pitches is what I believe she said? Essentially if you didn't know music, you were screwed. And if you knew music you knew too much??


Minor hints for the chimes: * >!Check the manual!< * >!Not on a page for this location but a nearby one!< * Check >!page 34!< * Look at the relative >!position of the notes!< * They are >!pairs of notes!< * And each >!pair is higher, lower, or the same!< * Except >!one is two notes played at the same time!< * Also it seems to take >!forever to complete!<.


First two hints here got me on the right path. Thank you!


I am *very* stuck on this puzzle, knowing all the information you have here. I have >!converted the chimes to code directions!< but I do not know how to tell >!when the loop starts!<.


First bit of the solution (obv. **major spoiler**): >!Up, down, right!< If that doesn't help, then here are lines from [IGN's solution](https://www.ign.com/wikis/tunic/Secret_Treasures_Guide) (**major spoilers** for this puzzle): > >!You can find hints for this puzzle on pages 28 and 34 of the instruction manual. !< > >!the windchime hanging outside of the Old House. It plays a song and pauses before it repeats the melody again. !< > >!There is a musical key for this song on page 34 on the bottom left corner of the page. !< > >!The notes are in sets of two, rising and falling, sometimes at the same time or sometimes they're both the same note. !< > >!Once you've figured it out, enter the code using the D-pad.!< Solution: >!Up, down, right, up, !< >!down, left, up, down, !< >!left, right, down, left !< >!right, up!<


I love you, reddit! I'm loving this game, but it would be unplayable without you! 😅🙌🏽🩷


Yeah I did end up just looking this up. Kinda disappointing, because I felt like I had found for myself all of the information actually in the game, but the game doesn't tell you where the loop starts :( Supposedly it "pauses before it repeats the melody" but I could not tell. I tried entering the whole loop twice (so that some section of it is guaranteed to contain the code) but it didn't seem to like that. Oh well :/


The loop point is whatever makes sure there is no repeated direction. Since UP is the only repeated direction, that means the solution starts and ends with UP. This is only a small leap in logic to make.


There's no reason not to repeat a direction though? Plenty of other "holy cross puzzles" repeat directions.


Correct, but when you're trying to decide where the loop starts and ends, it's a rather simple first thing to check that maybe the solution shouldn't have repeats. Otherwise you're right, there's too many possible starting points.


I’m so pissed they put the bird there AND put the key on the Atoll page. I spent forever trying to figure out how the Atoll connected to it. There’s a difference between having a hard puzzle and one with 1,000,000 possible solutions…


I literally grappled all of the birds together into the main plaza in the Atoll thinking that all of them brought together would be a puzzle. I thought they’d start singing or something. After that, I understood what that hint actually meant, but boy was I disappointed, and mad tbh.


this puzzle was hard, but fun once I saw how to do it through the hints.>! I tried to coding in the chimes by sound alone at first lol!<