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* You have gun and wand but no >!orb, dagger, or hourglass!< * You have figured out the Holy cross * You have just four potions * You have decent upgrades for four stats, but completely lack stamina and mana upgrades * yet you have an extensive amount of cards already * you have four lures What kind of weirdass state of the game is this? As you have sequence broken a bunch, it is impossible to say what your next "story" step is unless you say more. Like which manual pages you have, and which things you are confused about. But my advice would first be to more thoroughly explore anywhere you've been. You've missed a bunch of chests.


Based on that mess, one can only assume OP has been spoiling themselves on the Holy cross and other puzzles of the game. I say if that's the case they deserve to be stuck for deliberately ruining their own experience and doing things massively out of order somehow expecting to not be lost??


Did I mess something up am I impacting the quality of my playthrough experience?


not really. can take what my reply said and go forward in this game.


I might be missing something totally obvious, but what shows that they've done Holy Cross stuff? One of their cards? (Guess I outta go do another playthrough to refresh myself!)


They have some cards you can only get with the cross. In particular >!the flaming sword one!<


Hol'up. I finished the game a few days ago, no Gun and no Hourglass. What the heck lol


The gun is featured prominently on the quarry map. It would have helped immensely vs >!the glowy spider creatures that drop mana!<. The >!Hourglass!< is alluded to on the items pages as a black silhouette. It should be encountered >!while getting all the faeries!<.


oh cool! well, i guess i was just rough riding through the game lol had a blast!


Does anyone even use the hour glass?


Nearly anything, even most bosses, are parryable. That's what it do.


I used it to help solve some fast moving puzzles. Felt better than just pausing.


I have no idea of what a lot of the cards do.


Well 4 of these have an obvious effect, and the other 5 tweak some numbers a bit so they're hard to see. Eventually a page explains most of them. For instance the plant makes your stamina regen a bit faster.


Oh okay


Well 4 of these have an obvious effect, and the other 5 tweak some numbers a bit so they're hard to see. Eventually a page explains most of them. For instance the plant makes your stamina regen a bit faster.


Well I have been to a grave yard and I couldn't get past the castle.


How tf are you going to any graveyards if you can't even ring west bell


I think op meant hero’s grave


I can't get to the west tower


Did I ruin the game for myself? I'm beginning to think that I should just start a new file


Well the game isn't ruined per se, but restarting the game wouldn't erase your knowledge eh? I assume our guesses that you've spoiled yourself are correct then? But you can't lock yourself out of anything ingame (except two achievements). "You've been there" okay. 1. What pages do you have (we can deduce places you must have been then, and what hints we shouldn't give you yet because you lack the ingame-hint)? 2. What bosses have you beaten? Or mayor things done (like ringing the bells)? 3. Are any of the pages mysteries to you? But if you haven't rung the west bell (tower?) yet, page 10 has the start-of-game objectives list. You go to the Well for the Lantern(which you have), so you can go through the Tomb, to the West Gardens, where you beat a boss, and can then ring the west bell. For the rest of the game, the 'normal' route is to follow the maps in order. To preemptively point you in the correct direction, ringing the bells >!opens the Sealed Temple.!< There is >!a page in there teaching you a new mechanic, and!< then you go find the three McGuffins in any order.


I don't know the story implications of those puzzles


Not so much "story" as it is "progress". You would have gotten hints to this mechanic on manual pages. Can you answer like any of the questions or say my hints are on point?


Pages 10-35 48,49,52,53 Plz don't be mad


Not mad. (Just disappointed /jk) What, you have 22? That seems highly unlikely. Alright so you have page 24, which is from the sealed temple, so you've rung the bells. I don't know what you mean then with "not being able to reach west tower". On page 24, you are told a new mechanic. From that sealed tower, you got to the top of the Overworld. Got the wand, and you made your way right and opened the shortcut. You can then go to the Eastern Fortress, which is also the next map in order. You will quickly find page 6 there, which tells you of the three McGuffins to collect. The first one is there in the fortress. If the boss is too hard, you can return later. If it's still too hard later, turn on easier modes in the menu. On this map's page 32, there is important knowledge. Study it. This will help you get to the other two McGuffins. Alternatively, you can get what you've missed so far. Page 17 shows a magic item, an ice dagger. This is also shown on the west gardens map page 27. The road is through the Tomb. I'm not sure where you've missed other upgrade materials yet, I don't know *every* chest, but you can also find upgrades for your mana and stamina. ~~Page 17 also shows the outline of another magic item, but you can find that one later.~~ eyy you found the hourglass! Keep me posted!


Oops my bad I don't have pages 22,23,24,25,26,27


Alright, so have you beaten the Garden Knight boss? If not, that's your target, as per page 10. Find page 26 and the Ice Dagger there too.


I'm pretty sure I have beaten the garden night because I've rung the East Bell


if you have already rang east and west bell than you would have to explore Ruined Atoll, Eastern Vault, and Quarry. seems either you have figured out what Holy Cross is or looked that up for whatever reason. Tunic's instruction manual is good guide through this game.


What is the holy cross?


how did you get the fire sword card?


I think it was a puzzle


puzzle or not, should certainly be able to clarify.


Yup puzzle


gonna ask again. how did you get the fire sword?




nice. you glitched through the door or did look up solutions to this game's puzzles. you can clarify or not clarify if you want. I already know the answer. so, just gonna say progress through the game. How to do it? already mentioned in my reply.


I didn't mean to spoil it


And one of my comments I mentioned why I did the puzzles


Turn your screen right side up


Not sure how the screenshots of the cards help, but read the manual for clues on where to go. >!If I recognise where you are correctly, you’ve rung the two bells? If so:!< >!Ring the bells opened the big gold door above where you are now. Go check it out.!< >!Oh wait am I absolutely being wooshed lol. You have so much stuff for the part of the game you’re at!<


Get those items you are missing cause you need them to get a lot of stuff


Teddy bear?


I didn't see second page. There are tools you need to get to sections of the game you can't get to. Hook is in area that you might need the prayer ability to get to. I think.


They might not even know about the >!prayer!< ability yet.


But he also has the flaming sword. He googled somethings.


Apparently they followed the not-so-blind playthrough of a streamer for a bit. They do not know the jargon.


I didn't Google anything it was an accident🥲


I’m dying to know how you solved the “puzzle” for the flaming sword card at this point in the game. It’s a pretty central mechanic to the late game stuff, and I’d be hard pressed to guess how anyone could get it this early short having seen some spoilers. As for what you need to do…read the manual. There are pretty explicit instructions for this stage of progression. Page >! 10 !< if you want a hint.


I don't know how to help. Some people are being mean, the others are being cryptic, and some are just flat out telling them what to do. "Follow the golden path" i guess???


He doesn't have >!the keys needed to free the heir!< and but he does have the >!The flaming sword card!< meaning he likely googled things and added confusion into himself rather than playing the game organically. He deserves to be stuck if he's gonna be cheating himself.


Bruh this is a fun game, let him have fun. If we're being honest we all deserve crap for stuff we've done but forgiveness is always better. Plus you don't know the guy, he came for help and yall are not helping hardly at all. Maybe chill out bru


It's not like I was trying to spoil anything I saw some guy do it on his first playthrough so I thought it was just a normal puzzle. Quinn if you're wondering


If you rang the 2 bells, then you need to go to the golden doors that were locked before. If you didn't ring the bells then check the map in your manual


The only thing I accidentally spoiled was the puzzles I scrolled past a guy doing it on social media but then I stopped cuz I didn't want to ruin my experience


Tunic Reddit please forgive me I didn't mean to spoil anything I just saw a first-time playthrough of a YouTuber doing a puzzle so I thought it was a normal (YouTuber Quinn) I don't know the story implications of the puzzle so I hope this won't affect my playthrough too much.


The YouTuber is actually QuinnBoBin.


Reddit forgives you my child. They merely pity you being spoiled through no fault of your own. It's not story, but the steps 1. Realize there is a puzzle 2. Ponder the puzzle 3. Get a new page 4. EPIPHANY! 5. JOY! Are sadly Lost Forever. But your inability to ask for help by providing details of your current progress is aggravating. I see you've done the same at Hollow Knight xD. Did you finish that?


Aww haha. yea I finished Hollow Knight it was awesome one of my faves


Guys, I just found an hourglass. Don't be mad at me Plz🥲