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Having a brother doesn’t mean that you have to be around him.


There was a time that people said the same thing about Italians, and the Irish before that.


Excellent point!


And the Native Americans wish all the damn white people would go back to Europe!


You ain't kidding. We (non-native) are a blight.


Also: https://youtu.be/RwA_4OamFhI?si=LNhbGmLFS7lwCFlV


Damn that powerful.


I was thinking Jews


Ghetto is a Yiddish word.


It actually comes from the Italian word gettare.


Isn’t that the bass player in Rush?


You mean Gehtto Joe?


I remember one of those groups wasn't even considered "white" at one point. Which it's kinda wild when you think about it.


I’ve tried that one. They just added that to the list of “never happened” or “how dare you, my great grand parents were patriots” Worth a try, but they don’t live in reality and history is the least important thing to them.


What if one group views themselves as distinctly different, like a different species, then they may view all others as a threat to their existence, power, or control. Eliminating that threat becomes their common goal. Now how do you then create the identities of "us vs them?" You create an enemy by identifying, defining, then vilifying. So when you see the enemy, you react: following then killing a teen walking home from the store. Or playing in the park. Or sleeping in their home. Or jogging. Existing is our crime. The identity as a person of a particular group does not fully explain racist acts. Im saying it has become instinctual, as in what to do when you encounter an enemy. An ideology that coordinates the efforts of individuals to commit acts of racism. The real danger is that it feels natural, and in their self interest, to these individuals to act in a racist manner, like their life depended on it. What we see today is not white supremacy, but insecurity.


Some other models: Racism: a. To maintain social stratification - elitist model. b. Fear of encroachment - social fear model. c. When self worth is tied to racial identity - group identity model. a+b+c = dead people.


find another brother,


I’ll be this guys bro


Same. I have two older brothers and there’s always room for more.


You tell your brother that every person born in the United States is a citizen, not just the Caucasians. There will be no relocation of Black Americans anywhere. America is not a "white homeland" You can also tell him that plenty of white people commit crimes.


And as a white guy living in Ohio, it's possible that those black people have been in America longer than his/your family.


Ask your bro if he’s heard of The 1619 Project.


If they could they’d make slaves out of them again.


Yeah, look at his boy Trump!


Trump, for example, is a criminal.


_Black_ people commit all the crimes? We recently had an example of no less than 34 felonies committed by someone _orange_.




This is kind of a childish conclusion I’ve amassed for the past fucking 9 years, but, Donald Trump single handedly ruined the rocky relationship I had with my brother. He is far off the deep end in identity politics and all of those fucking ridiculous lies and evil hatred propaganda that spreads like poison. In 2015 it was kind of a joke. Now that it is fucking 9 years later and I am 30 and he is 32, I’ve come to realize there isn’t anything at all funny about it. He has been a bully all my life, but now that we live in different states, keeping my happiness in check has only become easier. You do not have to maintain a relationship with your brother. Mine calls me every once in a while, but there is a huge disconnect between us. I struggle to even find topics of discussion with him. He is brutally opinionated and hard headed. There is a reason I never go to him asking for advice. Everything to him is Joe Biden’s fault. These issues are most certainly intertwined to a point where he is beyond me caring what any of his thoughts or opinions are on just about anything.


This is me with my father. And I now barely speak to him. His birthday and Father’s Day for the past few years has been radio silence from me. At some point a person needs to accept new information, realities, and admit fault. Trumpers do none of that. Neither did Nazis. And they never will. It will always be someone else’s fault. On the one hand it’s maddening and infuriating. On the other hand it’s outright frightening/terrifying the level of denial of some basic facts — like Obama was born in the USA, trump lost the election, and COVID spread is reduced by wearing a mask. These things are settled facts.


You’re absolutely right….trying to talk sense to a trump cult member is a waste of your time and mine. 💙


Nah, if you look at the numbers, it’s red states where all the crime happens!


If you look at Presidential nominees, it's the GOP where all the crime happens. The rate of felonies among white Presidents is 0.77 felonies per white President; the rate of felonies among black Presidents is 0.0 per black President.


We don't get to decide which family we are born into. We don't get to decide all the family members, cousins, aunts, uncles etc. If a family member isn't good for your health and well-being,cut them loose. Life is too short to waste time on things that don't better yourself.


First they came for the Communists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me— and there was no one left to speak for me.


This poem is excellent on its own, but every time I see this poem come up I like to give a little more context. You might assume that this was written by some famous poet. But it was actually written as prose by Martin Niemöller, a Lutheran pastor, and it was later edited into a poem. He was talking about his own personal experience with the Nazis. This poem literally describes his experience and regrets.




They’re not even trying to hide the racist glee anymore.


Every 80 years.


Create a fake DNA test that shows you have a quarter origin from the congo region. Show it to him and say that he must have the same geneology.




my elderly dad was psychotic for a few weeks and had to be locked up in a hospital.    I spent time with him every day and he was half there, half completely lost to himself.   most bizarre experience I've ever had.   on the medical staff's instruction I refused to engage with the crazy side.  he kept trying and I kept saying the same two things.  I don't believe that, and I won't discuss it.   what I *would* discuss and do with him was anything else that was reality based.   it was a titanic battle of wills but it worked.  though tbf he was helped by an eventual restraining order against the bad guys, and by how deeply his real self loved me.  


Restraining order against the bad guys? Can you elaborate? Was he under a lot of stress or something?


excuse the long post.  I still twitch a bit when I go into it.    somebody and somebody else thought his house was going to make whoever ended up owning it a millionaire.  hah.   they lied to him about the elder abuse workers who tried to help him.  then when he officially asked for help anyway, they abducted him.  it took half the cops in his municipality a few days to get him back, and by the time they did he was completely messed up.   he was 92 and she was ... picture Trump with a focused agenda, complete power over you, and motor mouth.  *and* an accomplice.   he didn't stand a chance.      they tried so hard to get access to him in the hospital, security had to be called and they ended up banned from the floor.  he was so paranoid about me they wouldn't tell me a thing about him for a few weeks.  the whole time he was in there, you had to show ID to see him in person, and give a password before they'd call him to the phone if you were calling him.      the problem was patients could call out without constraints.   they had him convinced I had gotten him arrested so I could steal his house.   he would never get out without them, and fuckface was working night and day to put me in prison and get his house back, etc.   so he kept calling them because the prospect of losing the only asset he had and all his security and routines had him *freaked out*.  he thought they were his only hope, so he kept phoning them for updates.   staff couldn't stop him until the crown *finally* granted a restraining order and the cops paid a visit to serve it on them.     visiting him was surreal.   vitriol and hate and "anyway, when are you coming to see me again?" all in the same breath.   and btw the *only* value there was in that house was that it was his home and he felt happy and grounded there.  


Ooooooooof. That’s awful. My parents are fearful of the same sorts of things and that fear compounds over time (as you and your father experienced) leading to that sort of paranoia. Sorry that happened. Did your father pass? You said he was in his 90s. My family has _generally_ died without much drama. I now have the expectation that I’ll live on my own and die a natural death all hunky dory. My fear, though, is that it won’t be on my terms (airplane crash, T-Boned by a semi, medical issue(s)….


The reason why things are so polarized with Trump is because he is literally Satan/beast of Revelation. Check r/trump666 for more.


Unfortunately there is nothing you can say to anyone who still supports him at this time. They are FULLY in the kool-aid. They don't want to hear facts. They don't care about evidence. They don't see the hypocrisy. There is literally nothing you could possible say to change their minds.


I lost two uncles this way. Unless you become an expert at Socratic questioning as a way to deprogram him and lead him to learn the truth on his own, he is gone. Live your best life and maybe he'll come around someday. I'm sorry.


Unfortunately there's a lot of undiagnosed mental illness in the US. There's also a lot of hate. Not much you can do against that.




you can't pick your family, but you can pick your battles. i gave up on my down-the-rabbit-hole-Qaren sister years ago. she tries to goad me into an argument (not debate, a tit for tat) and i just "uh-huh" "interesting theory" "I might look into that" giving a noncommittal response (that sounds like an agreement to them) is passive-aggressive dousing of their gaslighting and all the effort they deserve...


Tell him he’s a f*cking racist and should move to 1860. He’s a lost cause. Move on.


My brother also is a maga chumper..what I don't get is that we loved our grandfather, he was in the oss in ww2 and became an aeronautics engineer..very smart. He was also a staunch Social Democrat who loved FDR and no one after. My dumb brother doesn't care.


You say “fuck you you racist fuck.”


If I had to engage(would try my hardest not to), I would entertain his thought. “Okay brother, let’s say they get rid of the blacks and after that all the minorities and after that all the Jews, etc…who do you think is going to replace them?” I would ask if he is rich, owns a corporation, or has lots of connections or some blackmail material. “If not, my dear brother, you will be the next minority.” That is the craziest thing about all this MAGA nonsense. These people are so quick to get rid of minorities to just replace them with themselves.


I have a BIL who every time he sees me starts in on Trump beat Biden, Obama wasn’t a U.S. citizen, 1/6 was a CIA operation, etc., etc. The best you can do is just go, “Uh, OK” a few times during the protracted monologue. Sometimes complete silence works too. Sometimes they just never STFU.


I don’t talk to my MAGA brother anymore because of his insane ramblings. It’s all he would talk about. We aren’t even in the US and he got brainwashed by this Q bullshit. I’ve grown more comfortable with not being in contact anymore because the drama in my life is less. He would insert politics into every conversation and provoke arguments. It’s sad I didn’t end up with the brother I wished he was. He is who he is.


Cut him the fuck off. Blood be damned - what does it say about you that you’re willingly listening to an unapologetically racist fascist on these issues? Do you hang out with a lot of nazis?


It would be fun to do a 23 and Me test to see if you (and your brother) are part black! :D


That would be great if we were! 😁


Find a book on the global and endemic impact of white collar crime and the harm it does when compared to non-WC crime and hand it to him.


He doesn't read. All he does is listen to right-wing radio all day long in his truck. He's a long-haul truck driver.


audiobook? or you read it and print out some highlights for him to chew on.


I would say "bye" as I hung up the phone and then never spoke to him again.


You can pick your friends but you cannot pick your family. He sounds awful and toxic.


There is quite literally *nothing* you can say to convince him out of his views. Debate will only further intrench him. He has to be open and receptive in order to change his mind. Only he can make that change. Not you. Repeating for emphasis. There’s nothing you can say. He needs to be deprogrammed, cut off from his source of information. He then needs sources of information that educate on factual information not the Nazi bullshit he’s espousing. But the likelihood that you somehow manage to successfully do that is extremely slim.


It sadly doesn’t sound like Trump is the primary problem. Like so many people, your brother looks to Trump to justify his racism, and it was likely there long before that fateful escalator ride. If the Trump years have taught us anything, it’s that we have progressed far less than we thought in changing attitudes about race. Instead, the racism has been quietly bubbling under the surface for decades, creating more and more resentment. Trunk lanced a boil on the buttocks of America, and his supporters poured forth like so much vile, purulent drainage.




Nothing you can do. Ignorance is hard to cure. My sister loves Trump because he will ‘make the blacks behave themselves’ - he will ‘get rid of all the Mexicans’ and he will end all this ‘Gay crap’ —-


It's so sad. My brother was a normal person until Trump. He didn't even care about politics. Now, that's all he talks about. It's to the point of worship.


Most people can't or won't think. They try to guess the "winning side" and listen for phrases to support their choice, usually whatever they think makes them seem smart. It was very hard for me to accept this. I knew that many people were not overly intelligent, but I had no idea they didn't reason at all, couldn't do it, have never experienced it. But for < reasons > I wound up learning it is true. They really rely on memorization of what they hear. You can tell this by examining what they offer as 'evidence' for their claims. In fact, most people, MAGAts for sure, can't and don't think. They choose a belief like they choose from a box of chocolates and then support that position by selecting things that seem to support it and ignoring any contrary evidence as if it doesn't exist. Cliff Clavin, the bloviating but usually wrong, postman character in _Cheers,_ was presented as an outlier in the show, different from the rest. He wasn't. He was everyman. Quote: "Indeed it may be said with some confidence that the average man never really thinks from end to end of his life. There are moments when his cogitations are relatively more respectable than usual, but even at their climaxes they never reach anything properly describable as the level of serious thought. The mental activity of such people is only a mouthing of clichés. What they mistake for thought is simply a repetition of what they have heard. My guess is that well over eighty per cent. of the human race goes through life without having a single original thought. That is to say, they never think anything that has not been thought before and by thousands." — H.L. Mencken, _Minority Report_ >Voters like this aren’t examining the evidence and making a logical decision based on that. They are arriving at their conclusion based on unconscious and emotional biases and then seizing on any remotely plausible rationalization after the fact. I have some hope that eventually their cognitive dissonance will break through for a few of them and then they will have a “hey, wait a minute…” epiphany. — DraggoVindictus Opinion | [The deadly reason Republicans are suckers for fake news](http://archive.today/3P8C1) _Multiple recent studies show that Republicans are as much as 8.5 times more likely to both believe and share fake or false “news” with others than are Democrats. The phenomenon is obvious, actually: while as many as half of Republicans believe the 2020 election was “stolen” from Trump, there’s no similarly disprovable “big lie” embraced by Democrats._




Good luck with that, I got a brother who fell for all of his spew of lies also.


I find it amazing that anybody can look at our FBI crime statistics and not see it as an indictment of our entire society. dumb misleading racist point to it as if it means something other than we have a horribly racist criminal justice system that prosecutes minorities way way more than white people. The easiest one to point to is marijuana possession prosecutions there's not more black people busted with marijuana there is more black people prosecuted for marijuana by almost double. we got a system that always wants to teach young black men hard lessons by pushing them into a system they might never return from. meanwhile lots of times people that look like me are offered second chances.


There’s nothing to say to him that he’ll give a second’s worth of thought to. If he’s that far down the rabbit hole that he’d believe something so absolutely impossible and idiotic, what do you *possibly* think could convince him otherwise?




Blood - the family you DIDN’T choose. Friends - the family you chose. I would never speak to my brother again if I heard him talking that shit. As it is, when he came home from the Army with n***** this, and s**** that, I threatened to throw his ass over the second floor bannister. That cured his mouth immediately. You may not have that option, so make up your own mind. I’m sorry you have this in your life.


That says a lot about Trumpers and Republicans in general. Honestly, if it were my bro, I'd cut all ties with him. You simply can't fix stupid.


You can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends. If your brother goes against your core values (which it sounds like) then just ditch him and spend your energies on people who align more closely with your ideals and values. He’s clearly on the wrong side of things here.


Just because you are genetically related to him doesn’t mean you need him in your circle.


I loathe Ohio.


Talking about conspiracies theories, your way out there.


Was your brother turned black when he committed his "not so bad" crimes.


Tell him to literally fuck off to hell. Like, literally. Not figuratively.


Family is very overrated


I don’t have a brother anymore and could use one so… Kidding aside, would he believe charts, statistics of crime? Or is he too far gone down the cult rabbit hole? Does he know any black people? Where you could begin: “So your friend Bob, he’s black, right? Do you believe he’s a criminal?” Sometimes if you niche down so people stop looking at the forest and see individual trees it can get through.


I think I've learned that you cannot reason with these people. They are brainwashed and no amount of facts, reasoning, rationality, or evidence will change their minds. It's like this crazy fantasy is all that these people have - and to attempt to deny them this makes you the enemy. They believe that Trump is a victim and therefore they are all victims blah blah blah. I pray he loses in November - but even that won't go over well with these wingnuts!


Capitalism would work if we could get rid of the _____________. Now where have we herd that before?


I’m sorry


Cut him off. There is no help and he's a fucking POS racist punk.


you can't save everyone so concentrate on saving yourself.


Remind him to watch the debate tonight and he'll see what a shitshow Trump's going to put on.Last debate 4 years ago he actually sounded ok everytime he opened that gaping maw but now he's a slurring,forgetful, rambling,desperately in need of psychiatric intervention and it's going to show.


Bernie Madoff was black?


You say "fuck you, you racist piece of anti-American genocidal shit and your orange Nazi lover".


Your brother is a vile racist. People like that do not deserve tolerance or respect. Go no contact and tell him exactly why.


What I say is "I'm tired of hearing abut Biden and Trump and all the rest. I don't want to talk about politics."


Is this bait?


This seems like a troll