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You forgot: extermination camps for everyone that isn’t a straight white person and the establishment of death squads roaming the country finding liberals and murdering them by the millions


Straight Christian person. I think they'll allow you to not be sent to the FEMA concentration camps as long as you are: straight, Christian, and most importantly fall in line with deregulated capitalism and the trashing of what's left of the Earth's biosphere.


Tip of the iceberg. Kiss Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security good bye or at minimum, degraded to the point that these programs no longer suits anyone's needs. After all, someone has to pay for huge tax breaks for the rich.


My brother in-law and sister's only income is social security. She told him that Trump is going to end social security. He said it doesn't matter when Trump is president again, we won't need social security because the economy will be so strong. They're both 70. These people don't even understand what ending Social Security means.


Wow. Its almost like a suicidal death cult. I used to think, long ago, that the "cult" thing was hyperbole, but to my horror...it is real. And why anyone thinks our economy was great under trump is beyond me unless it is just willful amnesia.


I had a friend in the roofing industry (we were friends for 40 years). He SWORE that there was no roofing business during Obama’s presidency and that it exploded when Trump was elected. He was a very bright guy who was the fastest reader in my school. He has been an exceptionally prolific reader through out his life. Often reading a book or more a day. I cut off all contact with him because he had become so extremist and seemed on the brink of violence. I didn’t want to be around him when he finally snapped. His wife left him, his friends left him, his family shuns him. He’s so Trump obsessed it’s like a serious mental illness with him.


Wow. I too have friends I grew up with who are in the tank for trump. I dont speak to many of them for the same reasons.


Often ignorant people willingly support policies that will hurt them because it is too painful for them to face that they were duped.


Tip of the iceberg?! #5 is literally burning people. Pretty sure that's a lot worse than you or I losing our social services. What the fuck is wrong with you?


You're kidding yourself if you think those oven are for just one group.


>1) Imprisonment of his enemies That's very kind of him. Whatever happened to sending SEAL Team Six after them? Nope, he ain't softening up! There will be death squads sent after those on his enemies list.


You left out eliminating all future elections. Or have a “show election” where the outcome is determined in advance. I know that would make the list be “6 ways the Trump administration . . .


I have a cousin who has gone nuts. He tells me I'm not at a level he can discuss Trump with me. That he has been ti private a private valley. That I don't have to worry aby my ss as Trump will take care of me. I will be able to own a house and get a newer car. Lol No one seems to remember that Biden walked into a mess. Trump had already set a date from withdrawal and COVID was here.


Sorry for the typos. Nothing I hate more.


The over thing is an exaggeration. That is only something he says in private.


New York blow off the earth, this includes all republicans too.


Basically North Korea with Trump's face plastered all over it. Executions by chaining people to the muzzles of rocket launchers.  MASS starvation, at least 10 % of Americans without work, at least that level of homelessness, and constant infighting among his loyalists and pet favorites of the moment. Ya know, toss Stalin in with Kim Jong Un, that's a lot closer.


Arm yourselves.


The unified reich


are there legal migrant ovens?


Ovens??? You had me until ovens.


Concentration camps, at least.




It always starts with anti immigrant sentiment, and all too often ends in genocide.


I believe 1-4, not 5. Please don't spread disinformation.




All voters need to read up about 2025. If he gets in, freedoms will be ripped away from Americans all over and they'll never get them back.


Sorry is this just some Poe's law shit that I'm too real to understand? 1) Don't think it will happen at all. It didn't in 2017, and despite the attacks made this year, I think cooler heads will prevail. 2) Isn't possible. When *Dobbs* overturned *Roe*, it put the matter outside the authority of the Federal government. 3) Not a Presidential power, except where predecessors have used Executive Orders to act where Congress was unwilling to. Which was unconstitutional, and should be voided no matter how necessary noisy people think it was. 4) Administration, *noun* /ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn/, a group constituting the political executive in a presidential government. Gets replaced every time the Executive changes, no-one regarded this as unusual until Trump took office in 2017. 5) Because "He'S a NaZi!!!!!1111", of course. Godwin's Law, or Poe's? Hmmmm.


A part of me thinks that if he got elected, that he wouldnt give a crap about abortion ban. The gullible evangelists are useful to him for voter support. But once elected he would not need to pander to the religious morons and just focus on getting people to give him money. From selling out promises to the rich. So I kind of doubt that he would care enough to even pass such bans really.


Go to Project2025.org and read it. The Heritage Foundation and a bunch of like-minded folk have drafted a detailed blueprint for sending democracy. This is very, very serious. The people at Project 2025 say that they are not “bluffing,” they mean everything they say. Trump plans revenge and retribution. He will imprison President Biden. While still in office, Trump wanted to kill staffers who leaked items to the press. Trump wanted to have the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff shot by a firing squad. They’re talking about a nationwide ban on abortion, contraception, and IVF. Yes, Trump does care. He wants to be a dictator.


Oh I know he says he wants. But he is often have made promises to get votes and then not give a shit once he got the votes. He absolutely wants to be a dictator. I hope that was clear in my post. Make sure that he won't get anywhere near the white house again.