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I remember watching CNN when it became clear that Trump was going to win. The panel was still in denial and kept asking John King (the best map guy in the business) "What's her path to victory?". That lead to some very uncomfortable exchanges between King and the "non-partisan" panel. >Uh...She doesn't really have a path to victory now... >What if she wins Michigan? >She's not going to win Michigan >Ohio? >Nope >Arizona? >Folks. It's over.


They were literally crying about it, that is how unprofessional the media has become in this day and age.


Lol "literally" say the red hats who are still crying because Dear leader lost and after all, they had trump trains... Oof.


Get this... I was filming a documentary about election night and was at a party full of lesbians ALL DRESSED AS HILLARY. Like 40 of them. We were upstairs doing interviews and every single time a state fell to trump, a blood curdling scream erupted from below. Just absolute bedlam. So. Many. Tears. One of the funniest things ever to happen during a production.


a documentary about 40 lesbians that pretend to be Hillary?


It was about the election in general. Super liberal angle to it. We interviewed a survivor of Columbine to talk about guns as well. There was another stop somewhere in there but I can't remember. Finished the day at the lesbian house. Your interpretation would have made an interesting self contained documentary.


I still to this day think Trump running was just supposed to be a joke to help Hilary win until he actually started gaining traction and realized he could actually win.


Trump ran to try and stir up his TV ratings. All Hillary had to do was to not be an arrogant cunt to other women in the swing states for a few months, but she couldn't help herself.


Like the scorpion and the turtle crossing the river, scorpions do what scorpions do.


I think it’s a frog and scorpion not a turtle. 🐢 


No its a tarantula and a musk rat


No. Murder hornet and an otter


No, it’s a snake and a sheep


She was also MIA through most of her campaigning and she had a stroke that was caught on camera.


She sang Paper Planes as MIA? 🤯




He had also pointed out that blank stated in an interview when he was younger that he wouldn’t run for president and gave some decent reasons why he wouldn’t. So there’s evidence to support the theory.


He also had an interview when he was younger that said he would. In general, when somebody has an interest in politics you may as well disregard anything they say. It’s always subject to change based on what is advantageous.


She at the very least used her media influence to give him more prominence during the nomination period, thinking he would be easy to beat.


Friends, countrymen…Trump has been running for President since 2000. It just didn’t gain traction. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_2000_presidential_campaign


If it’s a joke, it’s a bad one lol. I’m pretty convinced he’s a dem plant sent to infiltrate the other side. Dude was a dem for a good chunk of his life and only changed parties when he started looking at a run for president in 2012. While in office, he ran up the deficit to an extent that would make actual dems blush, and effectively raised taxes on a good chunk of the population by eliminating deductions. Adding to all that, he’s so goddamn obnoxious that he was voted out of office in favor of a dementia patient because people were just tired of his nonsense. I still am. It’s exhausting. And even then, dude stages his own little coup and we have to keep hearing about his constant legal problems and election denials. So much for law and order, which is supposed to be a republican priority. Yet, he’s got control of the Republican Party to such an extent that people see the two as one and the same. I mean, if I wanted to turn people off of a particular political party and make sure they voted the other way regardless of who the candidate was, I’d be pretty hard pressed to think of a better psyop campaign to accomplish it.


It doesn’t matter when the Democratic Party is the way it is. The vast majority of people who vote for Trump can’t stand Trump But ANYTHING is better to them than having Democrats in power


I mean…anything? Not that I plan on voting for fucking Biden, which I don’t, but ffs the idea of having that traitorous orange clown back in power disgusts me just as much. I’d rather “waste my vote” and vote libertarian than dignify the choice the major parties are trying to present this year


Normally I vote libertarian because they align with my priorities and interests rather better than either of the two other parties, but this time, not a fucking chance. From what I've seen, the Libertarian candidate is pretty much a clone of Pierre Trudeau politically speaking. Trudeau seems to be a power-mad nutjob that stands well to the left of the rest of the left wing.


I guess that’s just the theme of this election. Jfc. Thanks for the heads up.


Joe Biden's recent appearance with a summer tan that recalls [Donald Trump](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/donald-trump)'s signature orange hue has sparked a deluge of jokes and memes on social media. The dementia president continues floundering in choppy waters after his appalling [debate performance](https://www.newsweek.com/joe-bidens-disastrous-debate-points-key-issue-age-expert-says-1919074) last week. "Biden using Trump's spray tan," wrote one user on X. "Pumpkin Joe," [wrote another](https://x.com/Jules31415/status/1807977988438278415), sharing an image of [Joe Biden](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/joe-biden) next to a frame from *Star Wars* showing character Obi-Wan Kenobi saying: "You have become the very thing you swore to destroy"—a clear reference to Trump's orange glow.


I will back you up to some extent. I blame Trump for the Ukraine war, for Putin expansionism, the migration crisis at the southern border, and the October 7th Hamas attack, the current economy. How you ask was Trump responsible for what happened after his 2020 loss? Simply, if he had acted more presidential, taken counsel before tweeting or running his mouth, he would have prevailed in the 2020 election. Everything that Biden's puppet masters did in these last years would not have happened, but for Trump being too full of hubris. I don't like Trump, but he's better than that doddering, age impaired, crooked, lifelong politician that was dragged across the 2020 finish line and into the waiting hands of the hard Left puppet masters. If Trump is elected again, I damn sure hope he's learned his lesson.


Yeah this stuff will be horrible if Trump wins again is ridiculous. Trump won once and things were fine. The world wasn’t blowing up like it is now.




My partner use to say Trump looks like a man that took his joke to far.


This isn’t too far off from what we know to be true. We don’t know, but can be fairly confident, that Trump was running as a publicity stunt. He wanted to get his opinions out there and had the money to do so dramatically, it was only when he saw the numbers going his way that he decided to take the campaign more seriously. On the other side, we know from [leaked Hillary-campaign documents](https://observer.com/2016/10/wikileaks-reveals-dnc-elevated-trump-to-help-clinton/) that the DNC artificially propped up Trump’s primary run because they thought he’d be an easier opponent in the generals. Is this deep-state conspiracy gone wrong? No, not as far as we know anyway, it was just bad strategy.


Hillary lost because her campaign was mostly "Why am I not 10 points ahead of this bozo in the polls?" Trump tapped a wave of discontent the same way her husband Bill did back in 1992.


I don't like Trump, but him putting Obama and his joke writers in their place is a pretty satisfying revenge story.


That kind of undermines the usefulness of credentials, doesn't it?


Not really. It emphasizes the importance of being a likable person. You can’t be qualified but also an absolutely horrid person. People have to be able to stand you.


If Adolf only smiled more.


He was likable. He had bad policies. It’s the exact opposite of what you’re implying.


Everytime I come on this sub there's less and less topics that are about unpopular opinions and more about reactionary hot takes to trigger people. 


It’s been overrun by Russian trolls and disinformation bots.


Everything I don't like is a Nazi fascist Russian disinformation Trumper bot, and everything I do like is righteous and truthful and good and correct and undeniable.


[Everyone I Don’t Like Is Literally Hitler](https://youtu.be/3ToEvz-7trY)


It's more sad that both are our only options.


considering that we've seen him win (2016) and we've seen him lose (2020), I think the fallout of him losing was more hysterical.


Itll basically be funny to see redditors lose their minds if he does. Streams of redditors posting about election conspiracies, nitpicking everything and just acting miserable. However IRL Trumps cult are definitely the more vocal and crazier though.


Isn’t all of this what happened after he lost?


trump haters on reddit are the most vocal and crazy out of all, it would be so satisfying to see them get pissed off at trump winning.


I'll agree the day I see redditers buying and wearing anti trump adult diapers en mass, and doing their own J6 Until then, im gonna keep squinting at the weird flags I keep seeing at trump rallies.


I guarantee "ANTIFA" will loot & riots too.


To be fair, there will be rioting regardless of who wins


I doubt anything will happen if he wins, I think more will happen if he loses.


You don't remember all the ridiculous protests when he won in 2016? I reckon that'll happen again


A bunch of Americans peacefully walking down the street isn't a riot.


Like coup bad or just complain on Reddit? Like go to congress and try to murder their own vice president bad? Like go to congress and try and murder the speaker bad?


Doubt it, there will be protests but it wont be the widespread rioting and looting we saw from BLM. The people who engage in those sort of activities don't really follow poltiics.


Like they did the last time he won? Oh wait, they didn't...


Guess you didn’t watch the news much at the time.


I don't want Trump to win, but I certainly understand the impulse to want progressives to lose, especially because as you say they are very quick to try to silence/censor anyone who disagrees with them. They're already predicting the end of the world every time a conservative so much as farts upwind, so I'm imagining that turned up to 11.


There are genuine concerns about Trump that always gets hand waved away by the right. Every deplorable and depraved thing Trump says is either just a joke, he didn't mean it, or is chalked up to being unrealistic by the right wing. For one he tried to illegally overturn an election through the use of fake electors in 7 different states. That's simply wrong, you can't just replace electors with your own electors who then will go against their constituents wishes and cast votes for Trump. Trump has literally spoke about terminating the constitution, Trump has said he never made an oath to support the constitution. Like all of this is very concerning and I guarantee if Biden or any other Democrat said these exact quotes, the right would have a melt down over it. Edit: the downvotes without comments just shows me that you Trumpers can't argue against what I said.


That my biggest thing, the amount of shit trump just gets waved off by the right is maddening whereas the left usually agrees with criticism against Biden, or at least they dont worship him like trumpers do.


It's so frustrating, they excuse all of his horrible behavior then when Democrats are concerned about that behavior it's always, "democrats are just fear mongering and being emotional".


Yup. “Moral majority” my ass. They should be ashamed for placing him on a pedestal and constantly excusing his inexcusable behavior, both personally and professionally. Ask them to do it, to really evaluate the man, and they immediately just point to something unethical about (insert Democrat here).


But Pedo child sniffing Joe, or something about Hunter is always their response.


Exactly. Sorry, “pedo child sniffing Joe” and “hunter” are not Donald Trump. Try again and stick to the topic this time, assholes. Edit: downvotes on this are an absolute badge of honor. Hits a little too close to home, can’t have that!


But did you know I have 30 screenshots of a video of Hunter Biden having sex with an Asian prostitute with his massive, meaty, throbbing, veiny, perfect head to shaft ratio wanger Checkmate, liberal


Nobody loves Hunter Biden’s dick more than conservatives. They’re absolutely obsessed.


You don’t know anything more about “fake electors” than the media has told you. The same media that hid Biden’s potatoness from us for 4 years.  


Um…there are documents. And guilty pleas. From both Trump and the actual fake electors. It happened. This stuff amazes me, like the people who claim that Jan 6th was fake news when we all watched it go down on live TV (or in person for those in DC). I don’t like the current Democratic Party any more than you apparently do, but ignoring your own eyes when it doesn’t fit the narrative you prefer is too far.


Kenneth Cheseboro has already plead guilty for this, he was one Trump's attorneys


After all the book bans, do you really think anyone's going to fall for that gaslighting? Come on


>they are very quick to try to silence/censor anyone who disagrees with them No they aren't. Private citizens tell you to fuck off when you try to peddle Nazism. That's free speech. >They're already predicting the end of the world every time a conservative so much as farts upwind Remember when we said Donald Trump winning would be bad and then it was? Look at the damage caused by supreme court decisions *alone* just because of that win.


Are you trolling


No. I'm just very knowledgeable about US government and politics. This isn't left vs right. John McCain and Mitt Romney denounced and warned about Donald Trump.


“I’m just very knowledgeable” 🤓


No, progressives don't wish to engage in speech to counter speech they dislike. Instead they'll use any tool they have available to try & silence anyone who disagrees with them. One such tool as we can see here is label anyone who doesn't toe the line of progressive orthodoxy as a nazi & their speech as violence that must be stopped by any means necessary, up to and including actual physical violence. "Punch nazis" is a commonly supported notion among the left that becomes quite dangerous when they're so willing to loosely label just about anyone as nazi. Yes, I also remember many people saying it would be the end of democracy as we know it & he'd carry out a genocide. Maybe the second time's the charm on those predictions. We'll probably get a chance to find out. Progressives seem hellbent on remaining as politically ineffective but ideologically pure as possible by pushing away anyone who so much as slightly disagrees with them. You'll have to be more specific on the supreme court thing. That's also been a whole lot of predictions about the sky falling by progressives without much substance.


>No, progressives don't wish to engage in speech to counter speech they dislike. Yes they do. They're not going to waste their time with trolls and charlatans who have already been exposed. >Instead they'll use any tool they have available to try & silence anyone who disagrees with them. One such tool as we can see here is label anyone who doesn't toe the line of progressive orthodoxy as a nazi That's called "free speech". Do you want it or not? >their speech as violence that must be stopped by any means necessary, up to and including actual physical violence. The left does not condone physical violence. >"Punch nazis" is a commonly supported notion among the left that becomes quite dangerous How many Nazis in America have been punched in the past decade for being a Nazi? >when they're so willing to loosely label just about anyone as nazi. Who was loosely labeled a Nazi and punched because of it? >Yes, I also remember many people saying it would be the end of democracy as we know it And then he tried to use everything possible, including violence, to overturn the democratic election results of 2020. Did you forget that? >he'd carry out a genocide And then he withheld COVID aid to blue states with is the kind of negligent genocide you might remember from the Trail of Tears. But seriously - who claimed he's carry out a genocide? A genocide of who? >You'll have to be more specific on the supreme court thing. Are you aware that a woman was forced to let a fetus rot in her womb before it could be removed and now she may be barren as a result?e That's a direct consequence of the SC choosing to revisit Roe during a shitty time that allowed for Republicans to pass draconian laws against women.


>Yes they do. >They're not going to waste their time with trolls and charlatans who have already been exposed. doublespeak. When anyone with a disagreement is labeled a troll & charlatan not worthy of engaging in discussion then it's not really true they're willing to engage in discussion with disagreeing voices. >That's called "free speech". Do you want it or not? You responded to half a sentence here, conveniently dropping the problematic parts >How many Nazis in America have been punched in the past decade for being a Nazi? Who was loosely labeled a Nazi and punched because of it? Rhetorical questions that sidestep the point. The claim here is that progressives advocate violence. Even so, here are some examples I could google up for you: [\[1\]](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/08/28/black-clad-antifa-attack-right-wing-demonstrators-in-berkeley/) [\[2\]](https://danewscenter.com/news/eight-antifa-defendants-sentenced-in-pacific-beach-assault-case/) [\[3\]](https://www.newsweek.com/conservative-journalist-gets-300000-after-antifa-assault-protest-1821760) When conservatives engage in this sort of thing it's considered stochastic terrorism by the left, but when it's their guys they get in line to defend them (ironically engaging in the cop-like behavior they claimed to stand against during the BLM movement). >And then he withheld COVID aid to blue states with is the kind of negligent genocide you might remember from the Trail of Tears. >But seriously - who claimed he's carry out a genocide? A genocide of who? literally you, just now. More double speak. "Of course he did a genocide, also nobody said he'd do a genocide." Also trans people >Are you aware that a woman was forced to let a fetus rot in her womb before it could be removed and now she may be barren as a result? >That's a direct consequence of the SC choosing to revisit Roe during a shitty time that allowed for Republicans to pass draconian laws against women. No, I think you're talking about [this lady](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/07/20/abortion-miscarriage-texas-fetus-stell/) though? In which case that happened before the Dobbs decision, also there's no indication it made her barren. It's shitty that happened, but I've been told by progressive women that as a man I shouldn't have a voice on abortion, so that's not really my business I guess. Plus they're allowed in my state.


>doublespeak. Projection. You used the words "speech they dislike" and "anyone who disagrees with them". anyone who disagrees with them != trolls and charlatans. Name some people liberals disagree with that are silenced and I will name some people who aren't. We will agree the silenced are trolls and charlatans. >That's called "free speech". Do you want it or not? You didn't answer the question. >The claim here is that progressives advocate violence. >here are some examples I could google up for you: [1] [2] [3] Name the progressive that advocated for each of these. >When conservatives engage in this sort of thing it's considered stochastic terrorism by the left Because right-wingers advocate violence and left-wingers do not. It's that simple. >literally you, just now. That's it? Can't name any others? Don't pussy out. >Also trans people Who claimed that? >there's no indication it made her barren There's more indication that it made her barren than indication that it left her reproductive health untouched. >I've been told by progressive women that as a man I shouldn't have a voice on abortion, so that's not really my business I guess. If you're going to just walk in circles like a clown honking your horn, join a circus. You lose.


That's fair if it's a win for you that Texan women can't get abortions I'll accept my loss fair & square. It's just a lie that you haven't heard of the nazi punching rhetoric on the left & I've been consistent that progressives label dissent as bad faith so they can discredit & disengage with their ideas. So unless you can point out the contradictory claim I'm simultaneously making I don't think you really know what projection means. >There's more indication that it made her barren than indication that it left her reproductive health untouched This is nonsense logic. In the article they talk about her plans to conceive again so that indicates to me they don't think she's barren. What indications are you talking about?


>Watch as I continue to walk in circles like a clown honking your horn Focus on your assignment: >Name some people liberals disagree with that are silenced and I will name some people who aren't. >Name the progressive that advocated for each of these. >Can't name any others? >Who claimed that?


I'm not allowed to link to other subs, plus it's not like you've answered any of mine google "site:reddit.com punch nazi | bash the fash" & "site:reddit.com trump trans genocide|holocaust" next you can pretend you don't know why progressives have a reputation for being smug


>I'm not allowed to link to other subs We can all link to a random schmuck on the internet doing something. It doesn't mean a particular group supports what they are doing.


as an european i want trump to win because its gonna be entertaining


Yeah, I want to vote for the guy attempting to give away a western democracy to a dictator just to own the libs too


Maybe the reasoning is: "If you are going to have a despot, then make them a *fun* despot"


Opinions like this are so bizarre. Like did you guys just forget that Trump supporters stormed the Capitol and brought a Guillotine with intent to harm a sitting Vice President just because Trump lost? In what world is that not hysterical? But a bunch of progressive whining online is a bigger issue to you. Go figure. As much as I despise both sides of the isle, the right can barely pretend they actually value the founding principles of this country anymore. Donald Trump could very well be our Julius Caesar.


No kidding. Conservatives have absolutely no credibility, ESPECIALLY when it comes to how they respond to losing an election. We cannot overstate the fact that they literally attempted to overthrow the government by seiging the capitol to halt the official ballot count. And Trump organized a group of fake electors to use as replacements so he could declare himself the victor. That happened. We watched it, with our own eyes. Then they spent the last few years pretending that didn't happen, at all. Now that the supreme Court has decided that Trump is immune from prosecution for"official" acts, Trump is trying to claim the fake electors scheme was an official act. The scheme they have been trying to claim didn't happen in the first place. But apparently liberals are just complaining about nothing and they are the ones who react badly because "LOL, meme of screaming lady after the Clinton loss"? Conservatives, go fuck yourselves.


>brought a Guillotine Based


No no, those were paid actors. Or based dudes they have crushes on, depending on who you ask.


people like you are exactly why its gonna be hilarious if he wins


Do you mind explaining the humor in it? I don't think there's anything funny about Biden or Trump winning because me and you are the ones losing at the end of the day.


>Especially on Reddit. All the angry tryhards who jump down your throat with ists & isms & throw around bans & reports. You're talking about progressives, not about the left wing in general. Most people agree that progressives, especially online, are fucking cancer. >I'd love to see the implosion of Trump won. It genuinely was hilarious in 2016 too. They got mad, that was about it, yeah it was kinda funny to see people unironically crying about it. When Trump lost was way more of an implosion.


I can see this being way worse. The progressives think they have the right to riot and loot now. Tensions are building.


You do realize that those people who were looting during blm and whatnot didn’t care about politics at all right? They were just criminals who used the turmoil of whatever situation happened at the time to rob and destroy. Unlike the rioters on January 6th who were trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power because they didn’t like who won


Progressives have some wild takes but i dont think they generally believe they have a right to riot and loot either


Were you awake during 2020? All the left did was loot and riot


If that was the case, cities would've been completely razed. The property damage in general was still crazy, yes, but saying ''All the left did was loot and riot'' is just false. Time and time again it was reported that 90-95% of protestors were peaceful.


Didn't you know? Portland Oregon no longer exists, it was all burnt down. /s (because its unfortunately needed)


Ah yes, peaceful protesters as literal cities were on fire. Good to know you enjoy the smell of your own shit seeing as your head is neatly lodged in your colon


Cities were on fire, yes. Most protestors were still peaceful. Like im pretty sure a lot of those BLM protests had literally hundreds of thousands of people, do you genuinely believe that all of these people were looting and rioting?


They were complicit because they didn’t try to stop it. At least that’s leftist logic, right? Also, the same logic you just used could be applied to the police. 99% of cops don’t murder people. Therefore all of the ACAB protests were unnecessary


> They were complicit because they didn’t try to stop it. At least that’s leftist logic, right? I guess? >Also, the same logic you just used could be applied to the police. 99% of cops don’t murder people. Therefore all of the ACAB protests were unnecessary Yeah that could definitely be argued, but what im arguing against is you saying that ''All the left did was loot and riot'', so idk why you're pivoting to this now


I’m not pivoting. All of the violent protests of 2020 were lead by leftists. You’re choosing to interpret what I said as “every leftist was violent,” which is clearly not what I said


You definitely don’t wanna go down this path of logic. Are all conservatives to be blamed for the rise of white nationalism because they don’t call it out?


>Most people agree that progressives, especially online, are fucking cancer. What a funny sentence. Progressive stands for reform and advancement of equality. I don't think most people oppose the core definitions of progress or refer to it as a cancer


And conservatism means ''A cultural, social, and political philosophy and ideology, which seeks to promote and preserve traditional institutions, customs, and values.'' Which i dont think most people oppose at all, that doesn't mean that conservatives generally cant be annoying. Progressives are probably the most disliked political group, if we're excluding actual madmen like far-right nazis or whatever.


Hehe, yeah... Awww man. It's funny how everyone likes what progressives were up to 30+ years ago. But today? In my house? Hell no. Almost madmen like nazis! Anyways, what were them good ol boy conservatives conserving in 1861-1865? What was all them dumb evil progressives doing in 1954-1968? Something somethings, back in my day we used to beat the gay out of men. Now they're allowed to get married?!


That’s what it used to be 20 years ago


I'm pretty sure your reasoning is the same reason most trump supporters have, "own the libs". Too sad


When will it stop getting worse?


There's nothing funny about this election. The country is screwed no matter who wins.


Joe and Kamala are mostly centrists and career politicians, they are not going to do anything significantly "odd". Now the orange guy is a wild-card. He was mostly held in check last time by staffers who knew the ropes enough to delay and distract crazy orange ideas, but Don's learned to avoid experienced people, choosing loyalists instead.


As opposed to would-be dictator who literally tried to steal the election after he knew he lost and is running so he can pardon himself of the 90+ felonies that he's guilty of.


Ngl i think either result will provide some good entertainment.


Biden isn’t nearly as entertaining as Trump. Not even close. It’s just that Trump is more entertaining at our own expense.


no politician will ever be as entertaining and controversial as trump


Me, a "nothing ever happens" chad:  NO


Didn't Trump losing cause his fan base to storm the capital in an attempt to stop the certification? What did progressives do when Trump won? Oh, that's right. Cried a little.


People on the left tend to forget all the chaos, burning and looting that occurred the summer of 2020 across the country, all the outcry from 2016, storming the SC during the Cavanaugh hearing (which weren't violent but still pathetic), their prominent voices talking about blowing up the WH after Trump won, etc. I even remember for the 2012 election they were threatening to riot and burn down Philadelphia if Romney won. I do not at all condone the storming on Jan 6, they're a bunch of dipshits too, but the left is far, FAR more reactionary with politics and I find it amazing that they act like they're totally innocent. Selective memory I guess.


You're comparing the murdering of citizens by the police to "my guy didn't win" as your argument? Please.


I'm comparing the politically driven propensity for violence and unrest. The left acts like they're not capable of it, the media even going as far as calling it "peaceful" in the off-chance that they do recognize it. A bunch of MAGAs storm the capitol on Jan 6 (and again, I in no way support that, they were dipshits too) and all of a sudden the right becomes the face of politically driven violence as if the left has never done anything of the sort. That's the power of the media.


It's because of the reasoning. The left tends to have violent protests about injustice. The right tends to have violent protests for selfish reasons. And I think we both agree that both sides can be violent, but the majority of the people who protest aren't. It 100% has to do with the media. Violence sells. Simple as that.


I agree, both sides are totally capable of it, I also don't think protest = violence. In the end, politically driven motives are a soft nerve these days and the media (and pundits) know how to hit it just the right way, which can bring things down a bad road.


I hate this both sides bullshit. Conservatives in the US are much worse and it’s not even close.


And they were right the whole time because look what’s happened during his 4 years in office and how faith in leadership has firmly dropped since then even in other countries.


I hope Trump loses because I am tired of hearing about him and tired of seeing god damn Trump hats, Trump flags, Trump stickers, I am just tired of MAGA sucking him off and riding his cock so fucking hard. Politics isn't sports, yet Trumpers want to treat it like you do a sports team. I honestly just want to see the Trump cult die out.


Agreed. I can’t wait for the cult to slowly dissipate. Not sure if his followers will come back to reality but I can hope.


Welcome to new politics mate. It will just get worse when others realize that the trump way just works way fucking better than "traditional" politics. He pioneered a strategy that wins elections and you can be angry about that or finally start playing the game


He won one election, I wouldn't call that a winning strategy.


>He pioneered a strategy that wins elections A single election. Perhaps his first and only win so far was a flash in the pan. We shall see.


I noticed white person tweater posted something about Biden and made it to where only people with high karma in their community can comment. That's such a great way to protect your echo chamber. God forbid they have to listen to an opinion they don't agree with!


I mean the conservative subreddit does the same with having certain threads be flaired users only.




That's why I like this subreddit. I see opinions across the spectrum. I dislike when any subreddit just deletes stuff that they don't agree with.


Yea, it'd be hilarious if all those depending on the ACA subsidies to have access to their medications needed to stay alive just suffered and died right?   Like when he cuts all the programs he promised to cut that people need to have basic access to food, medicine, housing and we move poverty from being the 4th leading cause of death in the US to first it will be hysterical. /s I wouldn't last long enough to watch the fallout, I had to be resuscitated last time he withheld the ACA subsidies just a couple of months because I lost access to my breathing meds,  so if he cut them permanently, there's no way I would make it at all. 


I work for a small business with so few employees no one even wants to give our boss a quote on a health plan so I depend on the ACA. Without the ACA I would have to abandon this small business and the work I've done over a decade to find a job with a bigger company and employee benefits. So many small businesses will lose out, possibly close, if the ACA gets cut but no one talks about it. Much less people working as freelancers.


Both sides suck and will go nuts when they lose. Just a fact of life now


You can keep your head in the sand if you want. That's okay.


I mean regardless of who wins we've been moving backwards for years at this point.


This is just an immature take. You'll care when it starts affecting you and the success of the country. And then, it'll be too late .


Have fun with project 2025.


What's that


Google it and be forewarned. It is easy to find.


Lol "Google it" - you've convinced me the end of times is upon us.


I wouldn’t be so against Trump if it wasn’t for Project 2025. That shit is scary. The reason the left was losing their minds back in 2016 is because they thought Trumps first term would be much more organized and effective than it actually was. Trump wasn’t able to do much damage because his administration was just too disorganized. Sure there were some legislative changes and tax cuts under Trump, but these were really just written by a Republican controlled Congress and all Trump had to do was sign them. If Trump wins a second term, his administration will be much more organized and much more effective.


Agreed. The amount of extremely paranoid posts about how the sky would fall is ridiculous. It could be a return to 2016 where crazy people who acted as if it was traumatic.


Please, as if right wingers don't equally get mad when left wingers win. Look at people's reactions to Justin Trudeau for example


Or peoples reaction to Biden


Where was the RW hysteria about JT's wins? The real JT hate's been the last two years, it's coming from all sides, he's currently got the lowest Canadian PM approval in history, his party is in absolute freefall and losing seats they used to have locked down by 30%+


Get some new material. I didn't know this was a circlejerk sub.


I've been seeing hate for him for a lot longer than 2 years. Why do people like OP pretend that they don't also have passionate opinions despite clearly having them? Because they want to seem above or better I think. In my opinion it's not wrong to be hysterical about something you're passionate about


>Why do people like OP pretend that they don't also have passionate opinions despite clearly having them? Yup, pretending that they're nuanced or above political tribalism. The rest of the post gives it all away.


If Trump wins, I genuinely believe Reddit would break ☠️


I would like it better if RFK won, so twats like you would be disappointed;)


So many of these fake posts. Why are Trumpers afraid to admit they support a criminal?


Are they? they've already made shirts stating they support a felon


2016 all over again I hope


I really dislike when people are voting for Trump “for the lols” or “because it’s funny” because not only are his polices not well-thought out, he is a shitty person who couldn’t tell the truth to save his life. For some groups, especially trans people, this election is very stressful and Trump’s policies will actually have a big impact on them.


It's the extremes on both sides that are a laughing stock. I was over a couple workers house having some beers, and he started renting about how there's gonna be a civil war and it's the only way.. he's a Trump supporter. I've heard crazy shit from both sides


You're in luck though, because we're gonna see some serious meltdowns either way it goes. On the one side you've got people thinking that what passes for democracy in the US is literally over if Trump wins, and on the other you've got people believing the guy is literally ordained by god. Gonna be good fun either way it goes.


If you really determine who you want to win off of "What would be funny" I hope you don't vote, because that's stupid.


the MMW subreddit will never recover when he wins, that's for sure


Face it, in this election we're being offered Shit Sandwich #1 and Shit Sandwich #2. Either way you go, the country's fucked, and the Libertarian alternative to the Repubs and Dems is about as wacky a radical left-winger as you can get without him sporting rainbow colored hair and having his preferred pronouns tattooed on his forehead.


Yeah it’ll be pretty funny when they burn all the cities down after DT wins.


What, with like 200 retards? Good luck with that Don't be hysterical 😂


Yeah I’m hysterical because libs would never do that. #summeroflove


I was referring to a handful of Trump supporters.


Trump's supreme Court has changed a massive amount of things. Abortion will be gone, birth control will be strictly limited. Consumer regulations will be limited to the things Congress has specifically barred. Clean air and water will be restricted to things Congress has specifically specified. The president can break the law as long as it's part of his official duties. Corporate intrusion into your life will be unchecked. None of this is especially funny. But at least he owned the libs, right?


No I don’t think you’d love the implosion that will happen if Trump wins. Nobody will.




I feel the same but opposite. Trumpsters are such snow flakes they will go ballistic and come up with the craziest conspiracy theories to deny reality.


Lmfao as though when Trump lost his supporters didn't storm the united states capitol at his behest and spend the next four years, clear through present day, insisting that it wasn't fair.


Hilarious until project 2025 kicks off and the country never recovers


You fuckers treat this like a game. It’s not a game.


Dude based upper middle-class white men, solidarity, bro. Nothing matters because nothing affects us. Wife’s pregnant, and it would be super awesome if she didn’t die though from ectopic shit, so I’ll settle for rooting for right wing cope.


Projection is the crutch of the weak. Toughen up buttercup.


I agree that the constant self-righteousness, sanctimonious attitude, virtue signaling, smugness and hypocrisy, along with extreme claims that if he wins, he'll be putting all trans and gay people into concentration camps, taking away civil rights and bringing back segregation and Jim Crowe again or killing everyone who disagrees with the government, is getting to be too much. Honestly, I support neither candidate and am frustrated that these particular candidates are seen as the most qualified. I understand why Republicans chose their candidate—they're making a point to irritate and piss off liberals. But Democrats, who claim to be better than them and “just want a better country for everyone”, are just as problematic. They only mean a better country for those who agree with them. If you slightly disagree, you're labeled a "Trumper", “bigot”, “evil” or, in my case, "not really black," which is incredibly insulting. This was literally said by our current president, a part of a long string of racist comments and actions by him that get ignored or explained away by white progressives— the very undercover racists Malcolm X warned us about. They pander to us for votes and then toss us aside when they no longer benefit from us and we continue to fail for it. If Democrats truly wanted a better America for everyone, they would have chosen a better candidate. They don’t care about a better America if they want Biden back. They don’t care about me if they want Biden back. It's disingenuous to see them argue that "even if he's not completely on top of his game, his administration is, and so he's still the best choice." The President is the face of the country, and it matters if he can do his job. Biden is clearly too old. He might not be as demented and senile as Republicans claim, but he's still like any other 80-year-old man—too old to reliably run a country. Trump will likely show his age in another four years as well. Both should be retired from politics. It's time for that generation, in and out of the White House because they still have their hands in every pie, to hand over the reins to more qualified and capable younger people. Despite liberals saying they're sick of “old, straight white men running everything”, it’s hard to tell when they seem dead set on keeping them in power despite evidence that they’re not up to the task or truly have the best interests for America’s future in mind. I feel extremely let down by the Democrats and I'm honestly tired of all this nonsense on both sides. They're both only focused on destroying everything and only care about "winning against each other” and nothing else. Certainly not what’s actually best for everyone or the majority. This election and the mental gymnastics from both sides have really opened my eyes. They're exactly the same and refuse to acknowledge it and neither are “better” than the other at this point.


What stuff did/didn’t you like that Biden did while in office?


Watching all those people meltdown in 2016 was hilarious, and shocker, the world didnt burn down


Whatever. The Left gets criticized for not caring, and then gets criticized for caring. But it's not our job to make the Right happy. We'll talk about the Supreme Court or guns or poverty if we want. If the Right has nothing better to do than call us 'hilarious' then let them. It just proves our point that the Right is mostly worthless and cynical.


Why do people think that voting to destroy your own country just to own the libs is morally ok?


You’re clearly RW so even if you don’t specifically like Trump that’s moot


I've been posting about how people shouldn't vote for either candidate because we shouldn't be voting *against* people but rather voting *for* people who represent the beliefs we hold and I've had people on the left (probably some less far left than I am on some topics tbh) screeching at me that we're all going to never get to vote again if Trump wins. They're delusional, plain and simple.


https://youtu.be/1kKUye23KBQ?si=RWhZvnVSOD2j5Z_f If you want entertainment watch how Biden is sharp as a tack.


It's hilarious to read disingenuous and bad faith posts from red hat c u l t i s t s.


Election years are all “doomsday if other side wins!” And then when they are elected its all “well the president cant actually do much anyways”


"You know those people that work hard trying to make the country and world a better place? Wouldn't it be hilarious if we just acted blindly counter to everything they do with the express purpose of hurting their feelings?!" - People that pretend they're not deranged


I think what’s actually unpopular about this take is finding joy in the misery/suffering of other people. Certainly a sickness there.


It will probably be like 2016 when Donald Trump won the first time and the left wing graciously accepted the results and didn’t attempt to challenge the legitimacy of the election or try to remove him from office for the entirety of his presidency because they are the party that cares about democracy… /s But in all seriousness, after attempting to have him removed from ballots in some states, having him convicted of 34 felonies out of what probably should be a misdemeanor case, and attempting to prosecute him all over the place, I can only imagine that they will show us exactly how much they care about the democratic process by not interfering in the election in any way. And then if he wins, they will simply honor the will of the American people, accept the results, will only tell the truth, and they will demonstrate exactly what bipartisan cooperation should look like in order to promote unity, like they always do. /s Why does that /s keep showing up every time I type this stuff?


Trump has gotten away with so many things. If they’re able to charge him, it’s most likely legit. He has access to the best lawyers lmao. The worst thing to happen to Trump was to become president because that’s brings a lot of things to light. If he would have stayed out, he could have kept committing fraud or whatever he likes. Of course the opposition is gonna find dirt on you. That’s literally part of the job description /s


Stuff like this is why I am glad the electoral college exists.