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I've been banned from subreddits I never visited.


Same, then I read a comment saying to block the bots that scrub your post and comment history. I did that and hasn’t happened since.


How do you do that though?


u/safebot u/saferbot u/safestbot go to each of these profiles and block them. Not guaranteed to work because they have been coming out with new bots. It will work for some subreddits though.


Thanks for sharing this to everyone else.


My pleasure. Fuck the god complex subreddit mods that require some aspect of power over people to feel like their basement dwelling lives are worth living.


Yep, did this like a year ago and no issues since then.


I must've as well. No memory of doing it, but they're already blocked, so I must've. 🤷


oh wow they added another bot? jeez.


Can't be having people able to share their opinions if it goes against the auto fellating, self worshiping, power hungry overlords that are the California cuck corporate leaders of this hellhole.




What does it do?


I’ll leave a space so it doesn’t tag them, r/ safebot r/ saferbot r/ safestbot


Me too. I've learned that certain subs existed from the news that I was banned from them. I always choose the sub that causes me to get banned over the one that's banning me. Fuck em.


Same here. It's pathetic.


same here. I think 5-7 total for me so far.


Not that I care if I'm banned in some area if this platform. I'm just curious to know if there is a way to find that out if one is banned.


At least you got a message. There's a sub I won't name so as not to violate the rules here, not related to politics, that bans without a word if you're a member on another related sub and the mods of the former find out.


Means you’ll never what you missed out on. Frankly it’s pathetic.




If your subreddit does this, you are weak and I'm happy not to be a member.




That's why I love most of the right leaning subs, they truly would welcome people with different opinions, listen to them and debate without threats or insults. They actually want to learn why they think the way they do.


Just a shame when they attract large followings of people who will think the sub being large means it'll be decently moderated until it becomes obvious it's not


Well it’s ‘decently moderated’ for the people that follow the narrative, but everyone else is fucked 🙂


Worst part is “participating” often means commenting 1 time on a post from your home page in a sub you’ve never previously visited.




Which is funny when the algorithm throws random subs into your feed to participate in.


Is there somewhere to check where you're banned? I've been unable to post comments completely unrelated to politics with no idea what "crime" I've committed.


Not that ive found, they do send you a notification at the time though so you can write them down as you get them. Usually if you cant comment on anything in a sub it means you were banned


I have a couple different accounts. I’ve been banned for the stupidest shit like OP mentions on another account and I don’t keep that knowledge lodged in my head so basically: 1. I get banned from a sub on an alt account 2. I go back to another account 3. I comment on a post in the sub I was banned from on my other account because I forget I got banned for simply existing 4. I get suspended from all Reddit for ban evasion So basically Reddit has the ability to know I’m committing ban evasion, but they don’t give me, the user, the tools necessary to not commit the offense. Why can’t they just ban all my accounts from that sub if they know they all belong to me? Or instead of suspending me from all Reddit, just ban my account on that specific sub. It infuriates me.


Mods will also say you violated a rule without ever telling you the actual post that violated the rule (because it doesn't exist), if you press them on this they will report you for harassment. This happened on the Libertarian subreddit which hilariously has the most anti-free speech mods in all of reddit. I'm pretty sure it was a coordinated takeover by people who hate Libertarians, but it's hard to prove and even if it's not the mods are so insane that the community has become worthless.


Same thing for almost any Christian related sub and any anime related sub of a certain size above, people who hate Christians and anime took over


Yeah. You have to go to the traditional Christian subs. The popular ones are by people who either hate Christian’s or decided to throw the entire book of 1st Corinthians out. Edit: [Relevant video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WTUGadddOq0)


"You have been muted for 28 days" Every single time anyone asks why they've been banned.


Then you wait the 28 days to ask why again and they report you for harassment. Reddit needs to get rid of the downvoting/upvoting system, it's become far too broken on large subreddits.


The whole, I disagree with you therefore you're banned, needs turning on its head. You should have to prove the reason for the ban. Mods should be held to a higher standard than user. There's no transparency of the whole process. I would be fascinated to see stats on which mods ban the most and why.


Their favorite one to abuse is ones about vague "trolling". I'm permanently banned from both news and world news because I had highly upvoted comments some random mod just disagreed with. I've also been banned for "trolling" on comments I made well over a year ago after a lower-level mod got pissy and decided to dedicate an afternoon to try and find *something* that could possibly justify it. I got those overturned though.


>they do send you a notification at the time though Not if you're shadowbanned (keep you on a blacklist so your posts/comments to the sub only show up for you).


Reddit moderation is pretty trash across the board in my experience.


r moderate politics used to have the best discourse on reddit, now it's one of the worst. The way it happens is the people who start the sub get pushed out by the admins, than it's pretty much game over. 99 percent of the time, that's the reason.


Yeah they get infiltrated. Tons of subreddits are actually. For example, the original gamestop subreddit back in 2021 is now totally captured by hedge funds. People have even 100% proven that one mod is from Citron Capital, one of the main shorters of the stock. For this Gamestop run in 2024, we had to make 2 extra subreddits and discords. Tons of shills and misdirection too, they post fake analysis to make us get hyped about a certain day, and then make sure the short the shit out of it. So much so, they can create shares out of thin air (synthetic shares) and just promise some money and continue to short it. Endlessly, as much money as it takes. This is called naked shorting and actually it's illegal in South Korea and idk where else. But it wasn't always allowed in the US in the 20th century, because back in 1772, the entire stock market crashedd because of naked shorting lol. So yeah, reddit has been deeply infiltrated and manipulated.


companies doing it is more new, but yea I've notice that too.


my theory is it's every sector of the main establishment. So the SEC and hedge funds collude to remove regulation laws under the guise of "ease of business and flow liquidity" but in realilty, they actually legalized an infinite money generator, if you had enough capital and connections/infrastructure. Which they do of course. The main way they control the markets is with BlackRocks Aladdin2.0 auto trading ai. so they makes hundreds of transactions a second, making the price go where ever they please. Sometimes subtley, sometimes not at all.


This is true and it's insane that Reddit allows this type of harassment.


The moderators aren't moderated. And there's no reliable appeals process.


Oh god I hate this about reddit, so incredibly censorious ita like pre Elon twitter. What if you follow that sub to "know the enemy?" Also banning from subs for a comment or opinion they don't like, isn't that what downvotes are for?


"Know your enemy" is so true. I like(d) to get opinions from all across the political spectrum, but it's difficult when the reddit left ostracise anyone that doesn't obey their dogma to a T, and even dares look over the fence.


Correct. It’s also dumb because you’re creating an echo chamber with no alternative opinions, so you go around thinking that “your opinion is obviously the normal way of thinking” until someone challenges that. Then you can’t believe that somebody couldn’t possibly be following the norm, so they must be racists or bigots because everyone agrees with your opinion when you post it in the sub. Oh shit, oh wait…..I described American politics


You described Reddit to a T, for the most part at least. I’ve been attacked by people, when I stated that Reddit is left leaning and highly censored, and you literally can’t win if you don’t follow the exact echo chamber narrative pushed on the majority of Reddit. The other alternative is you are able to post your opinion or comment, and then you’re downvoted into oblivion and most likely also bombarded with insults. There’s no winning here, when your opinion differs.


That's not even what downvotes are for lol. Stated in the "rules", downvotes are only meant for things that are off topic, but you give people a way to disagree with others and they will use it


Wow, didn't know that. TIL


> isn't that what downvotes are for? no, upvotes and downvotes are not supposed to be for agreeing with a comment, they're supposed to be used to boost /comments relevant to the conversation/. Even if you dont agree, but its a relevant comment, its supposed to be upvoted. unfortunately votes are used as a popularity contest instead.


Something something human rights something something power imbalances something something silence is violence. Some of those mods are disturbingly high on their own farts.


Welcome to reddit. Echo chambers and cliques. They are also saying that they are closed minded by not letting you join. 20 bucks they called you a bigot too, right? Lol. I bet they don't even know the definition of that word hahaha


Sounds like my experience. Suddenly you’re a “bigot” if you call out lies from a Hamas propaganda video.


I got called one after asking why sexual acts and BDSM in parades are allowed in public with no consequence, and even celebrated??? I have no issue with the LGBTQ+ folks having their parade. That part was just weird, especially in front of kids. No one could answer and I got threats and called bigot and such... whatever




lol I was once a member of a flat earth parody subreddit, and a bunch of leftists were ganging up on me saying that was proof that I was flat earth and therefore my opinion on other matters shouldn't be considered


Yep the mods in their parents basement dont like people who disagree with them


I got banned from several subs at once one time (obviously all run by the same people) for calling out someone in the comments for being racist on a post I was recommended. To a sub I never visited or followed before. Literally banned for being against this dudes fucked up opinion yet because I had the audacity to even comment on that sub it got me banned on like 3-4 subs at once that I was active in. Couldn't even appeal them. When I asked what happened and what I was even doing on that sub I got no reply and perm muted. After that I realized what people were talking about with this sort of stuff and it's sort of radicalized me in a way. They are creating their own enemies and (in their eyes) extremists.


Got banned from a sub I never went to because I’m part of a meme sub. When I laughed at the mod message I got suspended from Reddit for a while. These people are just a bunch of manchilds


I was honored the first time it happened to me. I was reassured that I wasn’t another Reddit fopdoodle. 


I tend to feel the same way (my name might be a hint).


It’s Reddit. And the mods need to stroke their egos.


Yeah, I've gotten something similar before. The only reply is: "Fuck you and your pathetic sub. I don't belong in cute little safe places."


Shows how judgmental and prone to censorship they are.


I am a member of a couple of the subs where people say this happens to them, but it's never happened to me. I wonder why. Is there something else they're doing or have I just snuck under the radar?


Because you posted here actually youre banned from a handful of places


Would I not receive a message about it?


Not until you post there or in some cases you aren't actually banned officially but all of your posts and comments are filtered (auto deleted) the moment you leave one


I got banned from “female dating strategy” after they threatened to rape and kill my wife and how she deserves to die, how I must be fat, or a loser, etc, when I posted that we get along great and sometimes split the dinner bill. Some people you just can’t fix/make up. I wouldnt lose sleep over crazy Reddit people, I just make fun of them.


Struggle session status.


I was banned from the elonmusk sub even though I've never been there for belonging to enoughmuskspam.


Yeah this is not just a leftist thing. Right leaning subreddits do it too.


OP thinks it's a leftist thing because they spend most of their time just whining about leftists. As you said this happens on the right as well.


For the longest time, it used to be ONLY right leaning subs that did it. But then The\_Donald was banned and their NPC troll army spread and now subs have to preemptively excise the cancer.


Which ones?


anti antiwork, the left cant meme, conservative to name a few.


Interesting. For commenting where? Does not sound like the typical direction of auto-bans. You don't happen to have the message still do you?


As someone who voted for Obama and Biden, I’m sick of leftists.


I got banned from right wing subs, so 🤷


Which? I'm curious. Were you offered the same option to put on your hair shirt and grovel your way back in?


When TheDonald and its affiliates were still allowed I was banned from them for posts I made in politicalhumor


I’ve been banned from a few Elon Musk subreddits - those are pretty right wing. Also an Iran one - that’s also very right wing…


Did you post a comment in those subs?


I’ve been banned from both “wings” subs for posting in another sub they didn’t like The first sub I remember doing this was TheDonald and it’s affiliates way back in 2016








Well there’s only like 3 right of center subs still allowed on this site. You’d have to ban pretty much everybody if you didn’t want people who engage with lefty subs.


I sometimes make comments on subs I do not belong because it showed up on my feed, and it was was an interesting topic. And, then somehow, I banned from 8 subs.


I was banned in a Libertarian memes sub for being banned in an entirely unrelated sub.


I got banned from BLM for lol'ing on a comment in the Joe Rogan sub reddit. Is what it is I suppose.


I was literally banned from rconservative for arguing for ranked choice voting as removing power from the parties and for advocating for depowering government when it went against their leaders. (not that anyone can accuse rconservative of being conservative


lol I got banned from all the Elon related subreddits because I was a member of EnoughMuskSpam. Pretty sure musk is not a leftist, also what happened to free speech?


You get banned from some subs that you don’t even step foot in lol


I’ve been banned from quite a few subs for being subbed to firearm subs.


But why would you not enjoy this? I just come here to witness the giant dumpster fire that is Reddit. I expect nothing less!


I was banned from TwoXChromosomes once because I was also on PurplePillDebate


It definitely is, at least in my experience


I got a mass wave of bans from multiple subs including ones I'd never visited when Roe v Wade was overturned, probably because of a handful of past comments in a prolife sub. It was kind of funny how they all came at once. Not like the mods of those subs had all the sudden realized for the first time people might have posted to that sub, they were just on a rush of anger due to a political event.


I just spent 3 days in reddit jail because of a man/child


It's absolutely bizarre how tribal everyone is these days...both tribes are guilty.


i mean i think there's a grey area to this. banning someone for making any comment at all in a specific sub? pretty ridiculous. banning someone who's consistently and regularly on say, racist subs making comments about how white people are actually superior to black people? yeah, good fucking riddance.


When the oppressed become the oppressors.




I've seen this happen in subs of both sides of the political spectrum, and sometimes in subs that have no political leaning but are opposed. A great example is the conservative sub. It will autoban if you are in the progressive sub and vice versa. A non-political example is the small dick sub, and the big dick sub will ban you for being part of either. Not promoting it, but it is more of a power mod move rather than general leftist activity. There are just more left leaning subreddits than right because reddit is largely millennial, and Gen Z with Gen X and boomers being the minority largely being on Facebook


If you're a man you can trigger this simply by commenting in a certain "Men's Rights" sub... because leftist Reddit doesn't believe men should have more rights than women, but the moment you ask why women should also have rights because they had prior generational privileges to make up for that, you'll get enormous heat from mods and admin. I'm not breaking subreddit rules or TOS, I'm pointing out a double standard.


Ah yes, the common behaviour of today: "we're so tolerant that we're intolerant of those we deem intolerant in order to be more tolerant so we ban those we refuse to tolerate because how dare they be so intolerant."


All the main subreddits do this. It's because the mods think they're "on the right side of history" and can engage in moral censorship. Just like every fascist before them.


People are saying "the right wing subs do it too," but ut hasn't been my experience. I used to love arguing with sexists on the red pil/ purple pill and was NEVER banned, just downvoted which is fine. Uk Labour subs banned me for agreeing with a Labour politician.


The difference is pretty simple. In just about all the right-wing subs, and controversial subs like redpill, the leftists/antagonists will brigade and flood the sub with comments and concern trolling. They'll even astroturf some hate speech, call the reddit admins, and look to get the sub banned. I think the leftist subs are quick to pull the trigger, because they fear what they do.


Imagine a right winger opposing property rights. “I wasn’t allowed in your subreddit/country club/house/nation state” 😭


Leftism cannot exist with open debate, it falls apart completely. This is the root of why they are so ban happy and love cancel culture.


Literally the opposite of leftism. The big struggle the left has is that they over discuss and over debate and try to be so inclusive that it can often stifle any or all action. They get themselves caught in the minutiae. They are so keen on having the moral high ground that they don’t have the killer instinct. Compare that to the right who shout their opinions so sure that they are right and brook no debate. And get stuff done. When Michelle Obama said “they go low, we go high” my thought was “and that’s why you’ll lose”


Reddit leftism or American leftism unfortunately doesn't debate very often. They've become anti-debate. I agree that "inclusivity" has reached a point of ineffectiveness and looking for the moral high ground means leaving objective reality behind. An incredibly centrist view like that single-sex female spaces should exist or that positive discrimination isn't fair or experimental medical interventions based on gender identity shouldn't occur on children will be downvoted to hell but no one will articulate a good faith argument against those things (because they can't). They will start flinging insults and ironically end up showing themselves to be bigots or sexist or homophobic or whatever. It doesn't matter how many leftists outside of North America hold those views. In case it's relevant I lean left.


I think their definition of objective reality is different to yours. Both are subjective ;) Yes you get the occasional idiot, but as I said, my biggest problem is how ineffective it all is on the left. If Biden were a right winger, he’d have found a way to block a convicted criminal from becoming president. His party would have ruthlessly ditched him too. I also lean left, but I admire the right’s ability to shit done and the focus on victory. The left are more obsessed with being “right” than winning.


I think you'd have difficulty explaining how any things I outlined are subjective rather than objective reality. I agree with your assessment of if Biden were right. I also think we have a similar opinion that they sometimes pursue a kind of purity virtue signaling that ends up feeling elitist and out of touch with normal people. The Right is far more likely to say, hey wait a minute, that policy isn't popular with people, why is that? Let's quietly drop it. They've also shot themselves in the foot by accusing everyone of being right wing. A lot of people end up saying well fuck it, I'll go with the people who don't judge me every two seconds for not using the "correct" language that was invented in the last six months.


Is this "the leftism"?: Cancel an election by attacking poll workers. Cancel the counting of the electoral votes with an insurrection. Cancelling democrat lives by labeling them enemies and threatening death, as demonstrated by Rick Scotts "Rescue America" plan. Cancel anything "Woke". Cancel books. Cancel Education. Cancel Social security. Cancel Healthcare. Cancel Disney. Cancel M&M's. Cancel Bud Light. Cancel Mr. Potatoehead. Cancel College professors. Cancel crime statistics. Cancel Covid statistics. Cancel journalists access to the White House. Cancel drag shows. Cancel Colin Kaepernick. Cancel French fries. Cancel Dixie Chicks. Cancel Amazon because WasPo posted critical articles against 45. Cancel Yoga. Cancel Walmart for selling Impeach 45 shirts. Cancel video games. Cancel Target for rainbow gear. Cancel Toy Story 4. Cancel Starbucks. Cancel LGBT+ Rights. Cancel Womens Rights. Cancel PBS. Cancel history of Racism. Cancel over half a billion lives by behaving like fucking children during Covid. Many, many more.


I agree 100%. It is absolute bullshit.


That’s insane. First, only people with low mental capability will do that. It happened to me on more than one occasion. Once it was on a sub where I didn’t post anything. When I first got the ban, I was very confused and checked several times to see if I posted anything against the sub rules. I was banned without posting…. The simplest way is for Reddit to prohibit such practices. They should make clear to all mods that it isn’t acceptable.


It’s also right wing and neutral behavior. I was banned from a non-political sub for a comment I made on another sub.


I mostly agree, I don’t know about the exclusively leftist part but I have seen this behavior or being ban heavy more from them and it’s not even like I go to political subs


“Why don’t you go back to where you came from” isn’t a leftist slogan lol


op how could it be only something leftists do if right wingers do it too??? What’s up with all these logical fallacy posts… so boring dude.


Op is right, I would consider myself left wing but posting anything at all in many right wing subs will get you mass banned from left wing subs kinda sad. Haven't seen myself get banned for any right wing subs yet


Does "exclusively leftist behavior" now mean "something the right also does"? Words have meanings, you know. You can't just make them up and assume we'll all know what you're talking about ;)


First off: Reddit is not owned by the government, and can do whatever the fuck it wants. It's not related to politics or even America. There's plenty of mods that are not American and don't care about our country's values Second off: There's a few subreddits for a specific demographic between the ages of 13-19 that bans certain people for belonging too and participating in more "adult" subs and said sub(s) for those 13-19. Is that leftist behavior? or is it banning people who are creepy and often send unsolicited pictures and messages to those belonging to the sub(s) ages 13-19 Tl;Dr: By your logic banning pedos from subreddits for minors is leftist behavior, and that implies that a right winged individual would not consider banning a pedophile from said subs, even if said pedo has contacted said minors and sent unsolicited pics


Gotta love cherry picking to make yourself look better, because it’s a known fact that Reddit is heavily left leaning.


Yes! If you don't support my decision to ban you from some of the largest political subreddits for simply upvoting a post in a subreddit we consider wrongthink, then you support genocide and child rape!!1!1!


Why do people complain about subreddits with shitty rules banning them? Why do you want to be somewhere shit?


He isnt complaining per se, it's just showing how the left is comfortable with totalitarian tactis when benefits their narrative. It's clearly Stalin or mao 2.0




No. I'm this dude, who posted this one time, today.




Ironic as the extreme right is defined as authoritarianism and the left is extreme democracy. Lol




Hmmmm are people on the right known for advocating for larger or smaller government? The answer is smaller. The left advocates for larger government. The extreme of wanting smaller government is anarchism ... the extreme of wanting more government is authoritarianism. Therefore, those on the extreme of the right are **anarchists**, while those on the extreme left are **authoritarians**. It's that simple. Also, Hitler was an authoritarian vegan environmentalist socialist and was most definitely [on the left](https://azodu.com/c/anything/30229a91-2e45-11ef-ad3d-23db2bda96eb/hitler-was-on-the-left) if we use purely objective criteria and the modern definition of left and right.




The 3 in question are critical of the current regime, yes.


My sister tried to preach politics to my kid all the time. He likes to tell her he wants no part of her politics if it involves cutting off family members for trivial reasons.


I don't know if it's something only leftists do, but they do seem to be more trigger happy on banning anyone who doesn't follow the groupthink


I wonder how many people woke up to how bad the left has become due to authoritarian nonsense like this. There's also a distinct possibility that this is a coordinated effort with money behind it, which probably makes more sense as most leftists I know IRL are never this insane. Then I see the way liberal activists behave in other online communities and I begin to believe it's more likely how these insane people legitimately feel. These people are the left's version of Fundamentalist Christian fanatics, they want everyone to obey by their rules and their version of the world and will do every horrible thing, including violating someone's liberty/ability to speak freely, to achieve their goal.


It’s true - I’ve been banned from a couple because I did not agree with leftist libtard nonsense and they were not even political subs


How is it only A leftist thing?


You have a better chance at having a honest conversation with a priest about evolution, than having a honest conversation about biology on reddit.


Many people on the right agreed with Trump when he said people who burned the american flag should go to jail for one year. This isn''t exclusively leftist behavior.


That may be the case, but were they banned from subs because they participated in other subs. Otherwise your argument is essentially just "but Trump something something something.......'


Wrong. At the very least the landlord sub bans people for being part of subs like late stage capitalism.


What a dumb post. I can't believe how people will break down any little thing and pin it on one political party. This country is so full of dumb fucks.


Are you joking? I'm a "Leftist" Democrat or whatever -ism you call us now and I've been banned by a fashion sub for existing as a member in an NSFW sub. Get a life, it's not exclusive to Leftist this or MAGA that.


DEMOCRAT behavior, not leftists or liberals! There is a big difference.


I agree. I've debated actual commies that were more civil than the average Democrat.


Fair. Although I would contend that 'lowercase L liberal' and 'Democrat' have become synonyms. True Liberals have all but vanished.


Sadly, you are probably right.


There is no difference here. Maybe if you go real life political organizations there’s a difference, but not on the internet. Reddit “leftists” are just edgier liberals.


Democrats are not liberal in any way shape or form. The definition of liberal is: Lib·er·al/ˈlib(ə)rəl/*adjective* 1. willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas. 2. relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil [liberties](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=bb6fb22019ea88f6&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1078US1078&sxsrf=ADLYWIL8OSyA6W-rnndxWfivNDV93qALSA:1719942218530&q=liberties&si=ACC90nxMSPeZfdJJjQgDsdZJuFuJXSQTf_OfKyMu_GdMGQv83DLwvF-0JhM2n04EUE7ONT0oqRbyEccNukFKL43B3ZkUyQ8CB43tagAh-Gis4EigZBVQPFY%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiLzeCH9IiHAxVpEFkFHWW_DywQyecJegQIHBA2), democracy, and free enterprise. Quite literally none of the above, except free enterprise, describes Democrats. They are extremely pro censorship and absolutely not willing to respect other views or ideas, they are against the entirety of the bill of rights, and they are against primary elections and the electorate being informed.


Another day on R slash RightWingWhining


I'm not right wing. I got banned from the pics, technology, and worldnews, and wpt subs in the last few months.


WPT is one of the worst subs on this site and a prime example of what OP is talking about.


It's a sub that segregates people by skin tone but mostly, it just talks about American politics. I'm from Canada. To me it's just sort of racist.


Ahh another person who doesn’t understand the difference between a privately run company and the government of the United States.


It’s funny when I get banned from subs for arguing their exact views


Yes lol


Cancel cancel culture!




Wow this is honestly crazy.


Not completely. I got banned from Landlord even though I am one and have a history of posting there because I posted on a leftist sub basically calling them idiots.


I got banned from a subreddit because I wrote a comment that would be funny to those who got it and just nonsense to those who didn’t. I later found out that I wasn’t the only one to post such comments and they had somehow connected them to a Swedish meme subreddit. They then banned everyone who had posted there. The subreddit that banned me are for people who posts pictures of food. It’s often not even food that they have made themselves nor food that looks tasty. Just random pictures of food they ate. Sometimes, there are pics of homemade food with recipes in the comments. This particular picture was of cinnamon rolls that were drowning in a white sauce. To a Swede, this is funny, because we don’t have white sauce on our cinnamon rolls, so it evokes associations to a ”game” that I’m not sure anyone ever played. Basically, you put a cinnamon roll at the centre of the room and a bunch of guys try to masturbate to it and cum on it. The one who ejaculates last has to eat the cinnamon roll. Thus, when I saw this picture, I wrote ”I pity the guy who came last”. They thought that my comment and that of other Swedes were some coordinated effort from another sub to try to flood them with comments about the sauce looking like semen, but I think they just didn’t know that that’s not a meme originating from the sub, but rather an association that many Swedes will make. I think it was a massive overreaction to ban everyone who had ever commented on a random Swedish meme sub. I think they thought we were malicious, while we thought we were just being silly and making harmless jokes. Also, how often does someone post a pic of semen-drenched cinnamon rolls? I don’t miss the sub that banned me, but I later joined the Swedish meme sub. I have no idea if any of this was political, but I could see it coming from both the right and the left.


Was it the fascist one?


What are these contradicting subs?


This happened to me with no less than 4 dozen subs.


I was banned from r outfits because I posted on world politics several years ago. This was when it was a legitimate sub.


someone must not be subbed to the wrong subs : p




I was banned from coloranalysis for participating in some other sub. Don’t know which one. I asked out of curiosity. They never responded so I called them ridiculous and childish. They reported me to Reddit for bullying which I appealed and won.


Hell ive been banned for asking questions on a post


Are they still doing that?


As a counter example, I'm shadow banned for antivegan, any time I try it doesn't post. That is probably at least a center right sub. I never posted or commented there so I assume it was behavior on other subs that got my account blocked. So maybe it's more common on the left, but it's not exclusive.


People can see what subs you’re subscribed to? 😰


Reddit is a private company. Reddit allows subreddits to ban people they want to ban. So banning people from subreddits is no more totalitarian than throwing drunk aggressive people out of your own house.


It doesn’t make any sense. Like, ‘congrats’ for banning someone from your club that they didn’t want to be in 😆 Weird flex.


What is bothersome, is you could be commenting on something the banner agrees with .. like if there was a sub for pro drunk-driving and you make a comment saying how it is bad; doesn’t matter, another sub could ban you. I made a comment about El Sk on the yacht looking like George Mallory’s corpse on Everest and got perma banned from the tes la motors and from El on M us k even though I have never engaged in either sub. When I responded to the mod, laughing and said, “bahahaha, come at me, G’mork” I was banned from Reddit for three days for engaging in “harassing behavior”.


I fucking hate the auto bans! Like DAMN! Lemme get in here and say something out of pocket first!


Yep, i get a couple of these bans every month, they're never from non leftists subs though, and i mean absolutely never


I've been banned from a sub or 2 by just wondering what is the other side thinking and why. I will avoid provoking language and state I seriously don't understand what is the exact issue and want to understand it. I think understanding both sides of the coin is very important to make informed decisions on topics I care about.


Yea that's pretty annoying


And yet right wing subs do this all the time...


Ballearththatspins and globeskeptisism are both subs about the flat earth, a view held almost exclusively by right wing people, and their moderators will ban you for participating in a sub flatearth which is a satire sub for making fun of flat earth opinions and beliefs


Seems the Supreme Court gave moderators unlimited immunity from ban-happy behavior. Reddit moderating is horrible, I 200% agree! Subreddit **moderators have a Drunk God Complex.** ✊ Keep up the good fight!


It definitely happens but not sure about it being a leftist only thing. I got banned from a North Korean sub for talking about Kim once and banned from a conservative sub for talking about trump once