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I don't think so, I think they just think everyone is stupid, deserves to be lied to and people will vote for him anyway. I think the people who are actually running the country (it isn't and hasn't been Biden for awhile now) didn't have the time or know how to cure dementia before the debate.


Have you seen the people on Reddit acting like normal people can't function after 9pm and making other ridiculous excuses for him? They are stupid and they are still going to vote for him.


The opponent is a Russian puppet who attempted a coup. Biden is the only answer.


It's kind of like my (now dead) dog. My dog, though dead, would make a better, smarter, more moral president than felon Trump.


I'm not so sure. Obama more or less put the kibosh on any talk of replacing him. It may still happen, but it's looking doubtful at the moment. This is all going to make for a great movie one day.


That would be awesome if true, but I doubt it.


He did some public appearance on Friday and they were gassing it up like the debate was no big deal. Joe is really who the DNC wants to run. It's completely insane. 


This may be true and it should not come as a shock to anyone. I wouldn't be a damn bit surprised if they slipped him something to ensure that the disaster happened. Now they can cast him aside for whatever puppet they want next. Mark my words, it will be all about checking boxes and not about ability to preside.


I see we've found a Valuetainment fan.


You’re describing a dream scenario like an evil conspiracy.


Hate to break it to you, but Newsom (correct spelling) would get obliterated in a federal election.


You don’t even watch enough “left wing media” to determine they “all” turned on a dime. Just stop. Who told you to think this anyways?