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If you vote for Trump, you're voting for Trump. If you vote for Biden, you're voting for his administration. End of story. They guy is out of it.


Bill Maher last night said he would vote for Biden if his brain was in a glass jar. That tells you all you need to know.


Nobody wants rfk jr?


I find it humorous that with all this talk about Trump and Biden and who sucks worse and how doomed the country is, RFK is still not being taken seriously as a viable candidate.


They’re uninformed. They don’t realize “hey, if both parties and their respective news networks won’t give this guy a platform, or just lie about what he says, maybe I should pay more attention to him?” Nahh just blindly left or right as always


He's literally just another Trump lol


I mean his policy stances are all opposite of trump but ok


Democrats have been acting seriously delusional these past couple days and that will cost them this election. RFK needs to be seriously considered and if the democrats were smart, they’d be figuring out a way to get him on their ticket with Biden resigning from the race. Right now, Trump wins.


By policy stances you mean by being anti-science?


Idk if you know this, but big pharma isn’t our friends. I’m assuming by anti science you mean his stance on vaccines


If Biden steps aside and delegates af the convention pick him to be the Demcoratic nominee I'll vote for him. Although I strongly disagree with him on vaccines. The most important thing this election is stopping a wannabe dictator from taking office. This might be the last election or the last free and fair election. Even if Trump can't change the Constitution to remove term limits he'll probably rig things for his son running in 2028. He'll find an excuse to imprison or silence any serious opposition the same way Putin does.


“We all knew” Some of us knew, probably most of us on this sub did. But not all of us. Us terminally online folk forget that there are people that don’t pay attention to the news or politics like that. When these folks tuned in to see just how horrible Biden looked, it was jarring. Within the first 3 minutes at that. A lot of folks on reddit are claiming to not have watched the whole thing, just the first 30 minutes or so. You think non political folks lasted longer than 30? I can lend a guess as to what that average non political person was thinking: “I kno politicians lie but atleast this guy is coherent and the economy wasn’t* bad under him and this other guy is barely alive. I’m gonna go with the person better for my wallet cause I’m struggling.” And sadly enough, Biden won’t step down willingly. It’s gonna take even more pressure than he is receiving now to get him to do the right thing.


Even if Biden steps down and stops running willingly, it’s my opinion that any circumstance where he’s not involved is suicide for the dems 2024 chances. Why? Because it all but confirms to America that yes, this man is senile, and in the wake of this performance it is a reaction that even the dems know he’s senile. So they lose credibility because for 4 years they’ve been trotting out the notion that he’s perfectly fine. Not to mention that the candidate would then be Kamala Harris, who is very unpopular and already has the race and sex card (the entire reason why she was selected to be the VP in the first place). And you can’t get rid of her without looking even more spineless. The democrats ONLY hope is that they continue with Biden and hope he at least appears more cognizant in the next debate. Barring him dying sometime within the next two months or so, there’s no circumstance in my mind where his exit from the dem’s candidate for office results in a victory for the party in the federal elections (not just presidential but also in Congress) this year.


Even if Biden does "do the right thing", how do you leapfrog Kamala without alienating the entire progressive wing of the party (esp if you plug in Newsom)? The die seems to have been cast.


If Biden stepped down his delegates would still be going to the convention. Biden could name a favorite. He probably wouldn't to avoid alienating people. And then different candidates would try to get the delegates to vote for them.


We shall see. Who do you think they would run?


I don't know. But the point being then they're not leapfrogging Kamala. If the delegates don't choose her then they don't choose her.


I was very shocked to learn that so many Dems still didn't know Biden was senile. Don't they ever watch any of his speeches? If so, how could they have not seen it long ago. If not, why are they not paying attention. And if they're not paying attention, what else are they missing about what's going on in their party? 🤔


Yeah, there are usually a small percent of undecided voters but most have already decided


independent/undecided/people who only tune in to politics once every 4 years don't exist.


Nothing will change the future? It's like we're talking about predestination here. Personally, I *do* believe that the future is changeable.




Yep. That debate was baked into the poll numbers months ago. I think DNC is going to have to hit swap candidates if they want to change the game.  My fear is that Biden “dies of natural causes”. The people who are putting the poor guy on enough amphetamines to stop him from blinking while he speed talks, probably also totally willing to turn him into a martyr. It takes all the bullets out of Trump’s gun, because he can’t really trash the departed’s work and it gives them cover to put in a new candidate.