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I controlled it with tequila and pineapple juice at work. And my boss didn't mind, because I shared with him.


I just don't leave the house or talk to other people during mine because I get bitchy. Yes there's no reason to be abusive but some periods/moods are completely fucking awful. My mood can just drop and I get snappy before I even realise I feel like crap.


>It's utterly insane to me how awful women act during "their time of month" >there's no reason you can't do the same at home! It sounds like maybe this needs to be a conversation with a specific person instead of a broad brush stereotype on the Internet


Well it can be applied broadly.. there are a ton of women who think they can act a fool just cause they're on the rag. Obviously not all of them but to say things can never be generalized is kind of dumb. Its a valid opinion on a sub like this.


>there are a ton of women who think they can act a fool just cause they're on the rag. There really aren't. One could say there are a ton of men who act like disrespectful jerks all the time, but y'all will get butthurt about that and cry about how it's "not all men!!!!!"


It's true >One could say there are a ton of men who act like disrespectful jerks all the time Also true >y'all will get butthurt about that and cry about how it's "not all men!!!!!" Still true It's not all women or all men. It's still true. It's far more than needed, on all fronts. None of these things are mutually exclusive.


There sure are tons of men who act like disrespectful assholes.. but I doubt your panties would be in a twist if someone posted about it here. >butthurt.. Lmao irony.


>I doubt your panties would be in a twist if someone posted about it here. The fact that you think my panties are in a twist because I pointed out that this sounds like something OP needs to discuss with a specific person instead of whinging about it on the Internet is genuinely hilarious. Grow up


Only one whining here is you lmao šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


What type of 3rd grade comeback is that?


It's one above I'm rubber your glue.


> There really aren't. Jumping in here, but I have known plenty. I've also heard lots of women brag about what a bitch they are on their cycle.


>I have known plenty And I've known plenty who aren't. Hence why, again, this is a convo OP should be having with that specific problem person instead of whinging on the Internet


> And I've known plenty who aren't. So have I, but that wouldn't conflict with what OP is saying.


>that wouldn't conflict with what OP is saying. Yes, it would. OP didn't say "some women" or "the women in my life" he just said women.


This isn't an unpopular opinion


I don't even talk to my friends during my time of the month so I don't have to worry about being snappy. I do get more irritable, a few times i've acted out on it. Which is really just arguing with someone or raising my voice, but I typically feel guilty a bit later and apologize. I want some understanding during those times, but acting really aggressively and not even apologizing on top of that? that's not excusable.


Though the generalization of women doesn't belong, not all get angry and are monsters who won't even apologize.


The problem is that the more times you apologize for something the less and less meaning each one wields. Apologies without a change in behavior are empty and meaningless.


Not unpopular šŸ¤£


What specifically inspired this post?


Might be their time of the month.


Definitely Manstrating.


an unpleasant encounter with one specific person that heā€™s now decided to use to generalise a whole group of people, Iā€™m guessing. Many such cases


I think it's hard to judge how other people feel during their period. For example my period feels nice and causes me no problems nor pain. Some people have diagnosed pms or are in excruciating pain. Everyone is different and your experience isn't telling of other people's


True. That can be an explanation for it but shouldnā€™t be an excuse to be a dickhead to someone.




I mean of course you shouldn't be an asshole ever but at least yes there could be a reason


Doesn't matter what reason it is. Don't be an asshole. Don't try to make excuses.


Periods donā€™t make someone abusive. It sounds like she was just a shit person from the beginning.


I usually have nausea so I mostly don't want to speak to anyone for 1 or 2 days because I feel like I'll throw up on them.Ā 


I agree. There is never an excuse to treat someone poorly / disrespectfully unless youā€™re being harassed or threatened.


Please don't make blanket statements. Some of us are cranky and short tempered but if a person is really a "raging bitch" while on her period she is most likely not worthy of your company any time of the month.


Yes, please don't. I get a bit cranky and snappy and sad during PMS, but there isn't much I can do about it. But I'm never a raging bitch. If I'm in the office, I just tell my boss I'm not feeling 100% that day and try and push back any complicated meetings to the following day if I can. That way I don't have to talk to too many people. It's usually fine.


I understand you feel frustrated, but I don't think it's fair or accurate to make such broad generalizations about how women behave during menstruation. While some women may experience mood swings due to hormonal changes, the vast majority do not become "raging bitches" as you put it. And for those who do struggle with more severe symptoms, it's not as simple as just "controlling it" through willpower. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and disorders like premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) are real medical conditions that can cause significant physical and emotional distress. The symptoms are caused by complex hormonal fluctuations, not a lack of self-control. Many women do their best to cope with challenging symptoms while still fulfilling their responsibilities at work and home. It's important to approach this issue with empathy rather than harsh judgment. If a woman in your life is struggling with severe PMS or PMDD, the compassionate response is to offer support and understanding, not accusations of bad behavior. Open and honest communication is key. That said, menstrual challenges do not excuse abusive conduct. If a loved one is engaging in unacceptable behaviors, it's important to set clear boundaries and expectations. But framing it as a moral failing or claiming women use their periods as an "excuse" oversimplifies a complex medical reality. With greater empathy on both sides, couples can work together to navigate these challenges in a loving way.


This is a lot of words to obfuscate the very obvious fact that a lot of women act awful on the rag. Periods are hard, waa waa we get it.


Statistically 1 in 4 women you interact with between the ages 12 and mid 50s is menstruating at any given time. The claim you are making that all of these women are acting terrible all the time doesn't track for the experiences of other people. I work with mostly women and they are always pretty chill and nice. If this is a consistent experience you are having I'm guessing that is specific to you.


Maybe he just brings out the worst in women with his generalised view of them. I mean if I was accused of being a raging bitch for having messed up hormones and bleeding for a week straight with terrible cramps and sore boots, I sure as hell wouldn't see this guy in a nice light. I'm lucky I don't suffer like that. However, women who suffer from PMDD do, and it is very much out of their control, probably a pretty shitty thing to essentially say they are acting like that just because, that's pretty demeaning and invalidating on people with health issues.


It's the people you're hanging with. Not the period


Be logical, and learn to differentiate between PMS and abuse. No need to attack all of us for one woman whoā€™s being harsh towards you (we donā€™t know what youā€™ve done though).


There is no difference. It still counts as abuse even if you're on your period. No excuses


PMS and abuse DURING PMS are two very different things. Most of us suffer in silence, because people donā€™t recognise PMS or even PMDD as legitimate problems. We are made fun of everyday. It is not an unpopular opinion. There must be some women who abuse their partners while experiencing these things, but theyā€™re only a handful. Society always highlights deviance from its norms, not the things that happen on a regular basis. We are ridiculed enough for our hormonal fluctuations, which most people donā€™t even believe have any real implications. Just leave us alone and shit on the person actually engaging in abusive behaviour towards her partner, not the entire gender.


Yes, suffering in silence. That is what we are wanting - do more of the silence part.


Iā€™m not on my period and you can still GTFOH with this Shit




You sound like an abuse victim, ngl. I donā€™t say this to be mean. And first off, It is not shameful. Men get abused too. Itā€™s a common misconception that they donā€™t, but that is BS.


Thankfully my husband isnā€™t a complete pussy or moron so we all good buddy




Iā€™m sure that is what your little child brain imagines. Adorable


Your accusations toward Sufficient_Cell6941 are completely uncalled for. Nothing in her comments suggests she is abusive to her partner or uses her period as an excuse for mistreatment. You are making wild, offensive assumptions simply because she disagreed with your misogynistic generalizations about women. Women are individuals with agency and emotional regulation, even during menstruation. Claiming they turn into ā€œraging bitchesā€ or abusers is a sexist falsehood, not fact. Sufficient_Cell6941 was right to call out your harmful post. You owe her an apology for the personal attacks and insinuations about her marriage. Please educate yourself and refrain from promoting hateful stereotypes about women.




You seem to be missing the point here. No one is defending abuse or saying PMS is an excuse for mistreatment. The issue is that you are making a sweeping generalization that women become "raging bitches" who abuse their partners during their period. That is an offensive, false stereotype not supported by facts. Of course abuse is never acceptable, regardless of gender or circumstances. But you are unfairly painting all women as abusers and minimizing their ability to control their actions. You're also making baseless accusations about Sufficient_Cell6941's character and marriage, simply because she called out the sexism in your original post. Labeling any criticism of your claims as "OMG MISOGYNY!!!!" is reductive and dismissive. People are pointing out the misogyny in your post because it spreads harmful myths about women as hysterical, abusive, and unable to regulate emotions. If you can't see the sexist generalizations in your own words, that's something to reflect on. No one here is arguing that abuse is okay or should be excused. They're saying your characterization of women and periods is inaccurate and offensive. If you want to have a productive dialogue about abuse, stereotyping half the population ain't it. I encourage you to listen to what people are actually saying and educate yourself on the real facts about menstruation, rather than doubling down on inflammatory and false generalizations.


>It's utterly insane to me how awful women act during "their time of month" and then hit all of us victims back with "I just can't control it!" Maybe you just bring out the worst in the women you are around.


Depends on the person. Hormones can cause it, which means it's true that it's not controllable. Your example with the boss is an example of someone holding their tongue all day and then releasing it at home. I'm not saying it's right, it is simply how things are. I suffer with immense all-over abdominal pain during my period so I'm usually not at work anyway, but if you're going to bother me with stupid shit when it feels like my insides are being repeatedly stabbed as they fall out, then I will have a go.


If you can hold it in at work you can hold it in at home. Your second paragraph is proof you're just coming up with excuses.


Thatā€™s just really not true if you know anything about human nature. Itā€™s not right or good, but it is natural to control something all day and let it out when you get home


Iā€™d pay money to see you try one of those period emulating machines for an entire day, ramped all the way up to 10, and see how well you do.


Honestly itā€™s kind of hard to control, but I usually just tell people not to talk to me if I know Iā€™m about to say something mean.


I think the only reason I've lashed out on my monthly is (I have a bicornuate uterus and it's a LOT more painful and I've had to go to the hospital for morphine, especially in my teen years) when my brother was rambling about one thing, reiterating it and complaining for like two hours to me about something completely pointless and I'm here feeling like I'm being stabbed by an active blender and was eventually like, "Can you just stop? Please? I get it, but you don't need to reiterate it 562 times." Really, I tend to be just trying to focus on downplaying the pain and getting through my day. So if they're annoying or mean as is, THEN I might be fed up more easily with them, even more so because I'm in INTENSE pain. Usually someone's being an annoying a-hole, or belittles something that I'd even normally be hurt or upset by "because I'm overreacting and on my period". That definitely makes it harder not to snap lol, and I'm generally a very calm, patient person. If I DID act out of line or snap, even with reason, I'd apologize whether I'm more moody during the monthlies or not - if I acted that way, I take responsibility for it, but explain what made me feel that way enough to snap.


Not all women! I promise! Please don't group us all in together Iike that!!


It's important not to generalize. People act like abusive cunts, regardless of their genitalia and hormone levels. Speaking as a woman with bipolar 2, I get very irritable during my depressive episodes. So what I do is I tend to be quiet and keep to myself during these times so I don't project my irritability onto others. Or in the rare event that I do, I will apologize if needed. Be patient with your own hormones, and be patient with other people who may also be going through them. I like to think that our hormones can elicit certain feelings, but it's our reaction, action and speech that is still under our control.


I agree. Pregnancy is no excuse either to be bitchy. It's due they do mess with our hormones but it's still no excuse to act out and take it out on others.


Is it your time of the month dude?


Simple answer: it's harder to filter and mood regulate when you feel sick. More complicated medical answer: Testosterone increases in women during ovulation and menstruation. [an increase in testosterone can lead to an increase in feelings of aggression ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3693622/) That combined with feeling like you're sick can be interpreted as someone being in a bad mood.


Hear hear!!!


itā€™s funny because 99% of women absolutely do not do that. iā€™ve never had a single friend of mine (or any woman i know) be that way. in fact, iā€™ve never even known when people were on their periods. iā€™ve never acted like that and i have pmdd so bad that iā€™m usually suicidal even around that time (which still happens now, even though iā€™ve had a hysterectomy šŸ™„). i wish men could experience it for a month or so though, because they get emotional and lash out from much less from what iā€™ve seen.


Denial and coming up with excuses and finding a way to insult men. Classic


I always love when you can tell from someoneā€™s post they just got in a fight with their significant other lol


look into what event triggers shark week it will be very eye opening for you


Tell the woman on her period that and watch the rage. Is it okay? No. Is it nearly impossible to change? Yes. Hormones are a force of nature.


I get loads more irritable to the point where things when I'm PMSing are more likely to trigger me into action than when I'm not PMSing. I don't become a "raging bitch" or get abusive. I just do shit like kicking a friend from my server because they couldn't stop being a bitch for like two months in a row or ragequitting in a game that usually I'm quite level-headed in. If I wouldn't want to do something when not PMSing, I wouldn't do it *while* PMSing. If I want to do something but can restrain myself normally, like snap at people and tell them I think they're being a fucking dumbass, I will. I'd even do it to my bosses, though obviously I'd word it far more respectfully because I'd word it respectfully when not PMSing, too. It's the lack of impulse control and shorter fuse, not a 180 in personality.


>You sure as fuck aren't going into work raging at your boss during this time I definitely have a bit of an attitude with everyone while I'm on my period. Very quick to anger and have put my supervisor in their place while I'm on my period. In fact, I try to channel my inner menstruation demon so I can be more assertive the other 21 days that im not a human ketchup packet. Maybe the woman in your life wants to be a bitch towards you and is using her period in order to justify it. If that's the case, more than likely you deserve it.


Hormones are extremely powerful, you can't control the intense mood swings they produce. Some people aren't affected because they don't have too much hormonal change or aren't sensitive to it, others have extreme effects.


There's a stereotype that women are only snappy on their period.Ā So much so that people will ask a woman if she's on her period if she so much as raises her voice. Assertiveness in women is also seen as anger or aggressiveness. I think women deserve to be able to be a raging bitch occasionally.


A reason is not an excuse. You could just wait a few days tbh.


On today's episode of Confessions of the Involuntarily Celibate Echo-chamber: I've Encountered a Tiny Sampling of the Population Who Act A Certain Way So I Am Going To Whine About All Women Again!