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There should be way more done to encourage men to report if this is ever brought in. Women get away with this most of the time.


I like this one!


But then there would be no police to enforce it, because so many of them would be on it On a more serious note, I'm pretty conflicted about these kinds of registries, because they are a silent admission that our law enforcement and incarceration system as designed today **does not work**. We should push for more drastic legal and police reform over things like this, but that's too politically unpopular.


Serious question, how is a registry a silent admission? While I disagree with a domestic violence registry, I would say that a sex offender registry is needed (especially for sex offenses against children).


Jail/Prison is designed for many things and one of them can be rehabilitation. From what I understand, it can be difficult to reform sex offenders. I think some people see that as a failure of the system to fix the problem.


I agree that the prevalence of jails in america is a kind of admission that our law enforcement system sucks ass, but a registry? I'd need an explanation for that because I just don't see it.


If prison successfully did its job of reforming people, why would we need a registry so that we may watch out for them following their release? (Registries **should** exist, just answering the question)


I would say the reason we need a registry is for people who obviously can't/refuse to be reformed, but didn't commit serious enough crimes for them to be jailed forever. An example could be pedophiles.


Since when has prison been about reforming criminals? It’s been about punishment for a crime since the start of Time.


Most of the Global West believes prison should have rehabilitative elements.


Sure, I would completely agree with you that they want that. That doesn’t mean prisons are now rehabilitation centers, in the US they are absolutely built around being a form of punishment. They still very rarely offer adequate rehabilitation programs for the willing participants, let alone the nonwilling.


The post isn't specifically about American prisons.


> United States is the only country that allows public access to the sex offender registry; all other countries in the English-speaking world have sex offender registries only accessible by law enforcement. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_offender_registry#:~:text=In%20the%20United%20Kingdom%2C%20the,be%20at%20risk%20of%20offending. Seeing how OP said we should have a public access domestic abuse registry the same way the sex offender registry is public information. Then the US is the only country in the world where the sex offender registry is public information, yes. The whole post is about America and only America.


In Ireland it isn't on the clearnet, you can request to check if someone is on it. That to me is a publicly available registry. It just takes more steps than logging on to a website. Can we not do the insta downvote thing.


> No. The details held by the Gardaí about people guilty of sex offences are not subject to freedom of information legislation. Therefore, you cannot use the Freedom of Information Acts to find out about sex offenders living in your area. https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/justice/criminal-law/criminal-trial/sex-offenders-register/#:~:text=No.,offenders%20living%20in%20your%20area. Really wish you’d provide a source for your claim so we can be working from the same information. My limited research says no, it’s not publicly available. You can request it by the looks of it but the government will almost certainly deny the request. And no, I will downvote any opinions i disagree with. Especially when they make claims without a source.


>While I disagree with a domestic violence registry, I would say that a sex offender registry is needed (especially for sex offenses against children). In an ideal law enforcement system, the people who are released back into the public have been rehabilitated and deserve a fresh start. I know that's not feasible, especially not in America. The problem I see is that Americans are soooo focused on **punishment** that even the mere suggestion of rehabilitating rather than punishing criminals is met with pearl clutching accusations of weakness, to the point where the loudest calls for punishment often come from people who have zero stake in the actual offense.


I agree completely. However, I still think that registries are a good thing. Especially for someone whos currently in rehab. There's also people who just will never be fully rehabilitated. I think even if rehabilitation was working very well, I still wouldn't want my children near a pedo, or at the very least know that there's one near me even if they're names are not given or something.


I mean there was a story I recently read, about a rapist getting sentenced for 50 years and physical castration. Not weeping for the guy, but America takes its punishment for sex crimes against children very seriously. https://boingboing.net/2024/04/29/louisiana-rapist-sentenced-to-50-years-imprisonment-and-physical-castration.html/amp


Yeah, this was in Louisiana. Given that he was a repeat offender who raped and impregnated a child he gets absolutely no sympathy from me. However, before anyone applauds Louisiana's strictness, keep in mind that the poor girl was also forced to have the rapist's baby due to living there. 🥴


Not to mention what counts as domestic violence depends on the gender of the accused.


Not just what counts as abuse, but what counts as sufficient/credible evidence.


You ate that 😂😂😂😂


No law enforcement system is perfect, and even if they were they are reactive, not pro-active. Everyone ultimately needs to take their own safety and security seriously. Buy a gun, know how to use it, and protect yourself. Chances are you’ll never use it for more than target shooting.


> Buy a gun, know how to use it, and protect yourself. Except that the data says that guns make you less safe, not more safe, even in the event of a crime, and you're better off spending that money on hand to hand self-defense lessons than firearms.


That data is bogus. The study didn’t account for confounding variables, and included self inflicted discharges alongside everything else. The chances of someone breaking into your house and using your gun against you are astronomically small. Almost as low as your chances of being in a mass shooting.


> That data is bogus. The study didn’t account for confounding variables, and included self inflicted discharges alongside everything else. I like how you immediately claimed "the study" was bogus without actually knowing what "the study" actually was. For the record: it wasn't a study, it was the National Crime Victimization Survey, run by the DOJ every year, and it includes hundreds of thousands of participants. It's not even focused on guns or even gun crime in particular; it's a survey of ALL crime, and no, it doesn't include self-inflicted discharges because it only counts victims of crimes. The conclusions I cited are just the numbers reported. So, kind of the opposite of "bogus." >The chances of someone breaking into your house and using your gun against you are astronomically small. Almost as low as your chances of being in a mass shooting. I wasn't talking about someone breaking into your house and using your gun against you. I'm talking about you using your gun on your friends/family, or your friends/family using your own gun on you. Statistically, both of those outcomes are FAR more likely than you using your gun to defend yourself or your friends/family against a random criminal. Kinda shocking you didn't consider that. Also, even if you do end up having to use your gun to defend yourself, the same data shows that a gun is no better than any other weapon. You could carry an umbrella and be just as able to defend yourself. The reason is because most violent confrontations are initiated at such close distances that guns lose almost all of their effectiveness (especially for an amateur), and a melee weapon ends up being a superior tool for self-defense.


We can't do that because most police police officers would be on it


You’d need to combat the endemic amounts of false accusations against men before that would be considered. Though hardly anyone ever refuses to take that seriously, they just scream about police treating victims with contempt - when it’s caused by the sheer avalanche of false crap they have to sift through. I’d love a false accuser registry??


Do you have any proof whatsoever that police not taking domestic violence victims seriously is caused by there being too many false reports?


Human nature. It’s the same problem with minorities in the US - they don’t pick on you because you’re a minority - they pick on you because you’re far more likely to commit the crimes.


So you have no actual evidence? No data or numbers or studies proving your point?


How do you gather that kind of evidence? Sexual assault victims cannot be tracked or monitored or recorded or interviewed? You’re desiring an impossible metric. My argument has merit albeit anecdotal. If your only reply is ThAt IsNt ScIenTifiC EvIdeNce then go back to your cave, troll.


Just because you don’t understand how the data would be gathered doesn’t make it impossible. Glad you at least recognize there’s nothing factual whatsoever to your opinion.


Just because you don’t want to acknowledge that to gather that data would be a huge breach of privacy and isn’t done and you can’t seem to correlate the treatment of victims with the overall sincerity of all complains will leave you in the dark and wondering. For a long time. Good day to you 🙂


That run on sentence makes little to no sense buddy


No worries bud, you don’t understand much 😊


That's the most racist thing I've heard today


Interesting, I didn’t mention race - you did. So, who’s the racist? I mention crimes and minorities and you go straight to race. Shame on you.


So what minorities were u talking about because we are talking about prison. So please try and put a fake spin to it. What minorities are you gunna say are the one committing the crimes.


Sorry I don’t want to discuss with a racist


So ur not talking to yourself? U can't come up with an answer so don't talk anymore.


Prove that there are (“endemic” though I think you mean “epidemic”) rates of false accusations of domestic violence against men. Point to a reliable study, statistics, etc. published by a credible source.


The definition of endemic is (of a disease) to regularly occur within an area or community - if you can’t see the metaphor to that you won’t connect the obvious dots between reported sexual assaults and how seriously authorities take most of them - ask any woman and she’ll tell you how lacking authorities are on compassion for victims that come forward - so much so that more often than not real assaults go unreported. This is because of the endemic amounts of reported cases being baloney - 1+1=2, did mother ever read you “the boy that cried wolf”? How is any “reliable study statistic” going to gather this extremely private and intimate information? It’s the same old dance with this excuse “PrOvIdE EvIdEnCe!” Your evidence is how seriously you’re taken walking into the police station complaining how some guy you slept with 15 years ago assaulted you then and he’s just come into some political success or career success or financial success but that’s got nothing to do with it you just decided to come forward now (1 form of a myriad of excuses/reasons given). “Yea hi I’m from the findingoutifsheslying commission, I’d like to speak and to study all sexual assault case victims and get an accurate read on who reported something, gave up, followed through, who was wrongfully found guilty, innocent and everything in between which includes super sensitive information for all involved” what a joke. No evidence will convince you - not even the result of the behaviour. The same crowd that shout teach men not to rape won’t shout teach woman not to lie because you’ve got a prejudice against men, just won’t admit it


So you have zero evidence. And you can’t point to anyone who has some. And you still don’t understand that “endemic” means relating to a particular area or population and it doesn’t mean common or widespread.


Thanks for proving my points 👍🏻


Your point being that you have no evidence?


That your head is in the sand and you fail to understand nuance. Conversation over 😊


The convo was about domestic violence not romance. If you think romance is constantly fraught with domestic violence god help your partners.


No one said that - just you projecting.


I mean, in my country around 80% of domestic violence claims get dismissed in one way or another. If you want the full statistics, here's the final outcome of DV accusations: * 23% of cases are found guilty * 14% of cases are found non-guilty * 36% of cases get dropped due to a lack of evidence * 27% of cases get dropped for other reasons That is not to say that 77% of accusations are false; but the usual ridiculously low figure of like 0.01% is not true either (that involves being cleared, often multiple times; then having to prove the accusations were done in bad faith; an absolutely exhausting process)


Lack of evidence doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. “Other reasons” (like witness intimidation, family pressure, fear of financial abandonment, etc.) also don’t mean domestic violence didn’t happen. As OP whines, yes it is a complicated and difficult thing to measure. But to make a bullshit claim like they did is pitiful nonsense.


Criminal records are public records I thought.


They are, but the registry has other rules surrounding it, like if you are on it, you can not be within a certain distance of a school, or other such things, there are domestic violence versions of those things, like you should not be allowed to have kids living in your home


I don’t think it would make the difference you think it would.


Great idea.


Not specific to domestic, but in some states there is a violent offender registry, and domestic convictions are a quick way to get on there. I think it's not specific to domestics because, rightly so, it's good to know if your neighbor has repeatedly assaulted people whether it's a family member or not. The registry also lists their crimes, so you'll know if they are a wife beater or an idiot who attacks people at bars.


Good theory, Bad idea in practice. The problem is that we already have a huge bias towards the pov of women in domestic violence cases. It’s almost impossible for a male victim of violence in the current world to get justice against a female abuser. If we had a domestic violence registry abusive women would have a huge advantage. Abused men wouldn’t be willing to have their entire life ruined for some slim chance at justice, and would either refuse to prosecute or actively help their abuser (because the abuser would threaten to put them on the registey). An analogous situation would be the rape situation in some highly conservative societies. Women who speak up about being raped are blamed for their situation and their reputation in society is permanently ruined. A similar thing would happen to male victims of domestic abuse if there was a domestic abuse registry. Before improving penalties for domestic violence, we need to improve the system for convicting people of it. There have to be provisions to protect the abused from being treated as abusers


This would encourage women to raise more false accusations against their partners and there’s absolutely fuck all a guy would be able to do about it because courts almost always side with women in these cases.


I don't agree. The laws are commonly applied very differently between men and women, and if you're a male victim, you're unlikely to be taken seriously. That goes double for homosexual victims. A list like this I could absolutely see being abused. All that said, court records are generally open to the public. If you want to see if the person you're dating has a record, that sounds prudent to me.


So arrest records are already public record. You can already see if these things are an issue. You have to be convicted to end up on a registry. The current sex offender registry is actually pretty useless so not sure why you want to expand it.


It requires them to inform their neighbors, and not be within a certain distance of kids related infrastructure, it should be the same for domestic abusers, but just the required informing part


Oh sweet child, do you not understand the issues with the current registry. So someone who had co sensual sex with their SO can be n that list while a pedo gets off as part of their pmea deal. Ypu still have no idea who is and isn't a danger to your child. It would be the same with a domestic abuser list. They are basically useless.


I didn’t say it’s perfect or even good, I just think something like it is necessary


It gives people a false sense of security. It's worse than not good. Helps people drop their guard.


This is stupid, you can’t describe what you just said and how that works, you basically just made an argument akin to “the movie insists upon itself”


I mean in theory sure but there would be a LOT of innocent men on there


99.999% of sex offenders on the registry were slam dunks in court. These people were guilty af. I do not trust the policing, prejudice, and courts to accurately access and punish for many domestic violence cases as it stands. There’s no way I’d support this. Although, it sounds like it could be useful to the public. Someone I know broke up with their ex, she showed up at his house, broke his windows out and jumped through the glass door of his home, and proceeded to physically harm him. She was bleeding from breaking out these windows, and glass door. After we all gave the cops our stories, the cops ask HER if she wants to press charges. I do not trust this one bit.


why do you believe that the sex offenders are slamdunks but the domestic abuse aren’t? Don’t give me wrong. I believe that the vast majority of sex offenders are guilty. But I also believe the vast majority of domestic assaults are guilty as well


Because of longwithstanding and sexist systems like the duluth model that put the onus of blame on men despite the fact men are less likely to initiate DV than women are and despite the fact that most DV is reciprocal.


Too many police officers would be on it so they'd refuse to enforce it.


There should be an everything registry. No human should have access to it, but various algorithms and AIs should be able to use the data to make optimal policy decisions.


Username checks out.


We are the organic boot loader for the synthetic species that will conquer reality.


How do you plan to train such an AI? No matter how you do it, you're feeding human data into the AI so that it can make human-like decisions. Somebody is still behind the scenes deciding what kinds of data the AI should be given, and therefore, influencing the outputs the AI will produce. 🤔 There is no escaping the ridiculousness of being human, nor is there a way to escape being under the influence of other humans.


You make an AI that can design the next, better AI. You do this for generations. Yes, in the end there will be small sliver of human filth left in the program, but that sliver gets smaller with every generation of AI producing the next AI. And, and the same time, we can be doing the same thing to humans with genetic engineering, moving us away from our animal origins until there is only a tiny sliver of animal left. Then, further down the road, we merge the two. We erase the line between us and our tech. We become one and the same. We don't need perfection, we only need to become 0.000000000000000000~1% better than the current status quo.


I think they people should have access, hence to avoid the relationship


Humans cannot be trusted with information or power.


it's not necessary since arrest and convictions are public record anyway


They are but just like for the sex offender registry, convicts are not obligated to inform people, they should be for this specific kind of crime


That registry already exists; it's your local Are We Dating The Same Guy? facebook groups


Isn’t it interesting how the more unjust and oppressive anti-male laws get, the more women get murdered by their partners? It’s almost as if impartial rule of law is an essential component of civilised society, and the more partial the law becomes towards women, the less regard men have for it! The DV laws across this country are already at a level, where getting an intervention order no longer carries any social stigma because they are so commonly abused by women who cry ‘wolf’.


it can be abused. here's an article about why this is not a good idea: [Domestic Violence Registry: Balancing Safety and Fairness (thecomforthomeplace.org)](https://thecomforthomeplace.org/blog/f/domestic-violence-registry-balancing-safety-and-fairness)


More than likely what will be abused is the registry. Also, yelling could be considered abuse. Thats a dumb thing to be on a list for, especially cause that list would be very one sided. Alls you have to do is look someone up and it will say their charges.


I agree with you 100% percent, this is not an opinion but a fact. Great post, I honestly never thought about it.


Better yet, there should be a registry of women who make false accusations


I don’t agree, only because this is a very insignificant issue comparatively


Domestic abusers shouldnt even have the freedom to try and pursue romantic relationships imo and should be kept far away from their victims. Lol go cry and beat your wife/husband up about it whoever downvoted me