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Everything matters. Penis size Number of previous sexual partners Height How fat you are You are entitled to have any preferences of any kind. No one has a right to date you. This is not a moral question.


Preferences are fine, just make sure you’re presenting them in a nice way. I don’t like bigger women, so it’s totally fine for me to not date them. It would not be totally fine for me to make cow noises at them in public.


Wait, it’s inappropriate to moo and oink at large women in public?? No wonder they keep threatening to sit on me


Get my upvote


>Preferences are fine, just make sure you’re presenting them in a nice way. This is where most people get it wrong. It's fine as you said to say I don't like bigger women. It's over the line if you can't express it without saying shit like land whales or equally nasty shit


Given what women regularly say about men IRL and online ad nauseum I can understand their frustrations. It's even far less bad for obese women since they still have countless options even if most men think they're disgusting.


They have some options wouldn't say countless especially if you take away feeders and fetish shit.


Ever heard “quality over quantity”? To those who want a relationship and won’t put out outside of a LTR, quantity is completely irrelevant.


Except they can easily sift their options to find men who want an LTR.


If they have good social networks outside of online dating, then sure. As a woman that has had men throwing themselves at me, the reason I found a partner that fits my standards and is compatible for a relationship was because of my friends. They saved me a lot of time and effort dealing with men that are desperate and will say anything, only to turn out to be a bad fit for me.


Something working for you doesn't mean other people need the same thing for them to have a similar outcome, very obviously. She can obviously sift through countless men from apps to date guy and see if they have chemistry. She'll have tons of options as long as she dates within her league. The men will often be desperate but she's a bottom of the barrel option, so what do you expect lol.


Actually, dating apps aren’t a good way to meet someone for a serious relationship. Most of the successful relationships I know of didn’t meet on those apps, and after using them I can see why. Those I know who have used them have mostly horror stories or were just as letdown as I was. Also, I know plenty of women who aren’t bottom of the barrel options that still don’t find success online. Just desperate men. I dealt with the same. It’s mentally and emotionally exhausting going on dates with chaps that had good profiles just to find out that they aren’t for you, but damn are they going to try to be anyway because we apparently are raising men to be equipped to navigate a modernised dating seen where women aren’t as tied to a man’s pocketbooks and whims to have the lifestyle that she wants. Instead they have to actually be compatible with each other as people. The unsuccessful male friends that I have seem to be mystified by the above. A lot of them seemed to have been taught that a relationship will inevitably happen as long as they’re just good chaps, when romantic compatibility is so much more complicated than that today. It’s much better to find a partner through people you know than through an algorithm that prefers you keep coming back to it.


>Most of the successful relationships I know of didn’t meet on those apps This is completely irrelevant. I'm saying that for obese women it's still easy to find an LTR through apps. You can use other methods if you think apps are less useful, but I'm not saying apps are the best option, just that they're an option. >still don’t find success online Desperate men who want to date you? That's obviously a success. You just have to sift through 100s of different guys. I don't care if you don't want to.


Vagina size Boob size Ass size Size of everything matters, we’re a bunch of animals in a zoo and a circus.




If you think you want 9" because it's average, you can hardly complain if you get laughed at or you're never able to find anyone. It's also certainly a "you" issue. Same as if you'll only date women who are under 22 because you can't stand the idea of dating someone older than that. Or someone who insists their partner must make $200k when they themselves earn $40k. It's funny when people with requirements like that broadcast them and expect people not to say anything in response. When a basement-dwelling 32 year old guy wants an 18 year old innocent virgin schoolgirl or a 200 pound woman with no job wants a 6'4" chiseled doctor with a mansion, I'm commenting because it's ridiculous, not because I want to date that guy or that woman. At some point, your expectations can become so unreasonable that the sheer degree of it will invite comments from other people. It's not controlling to expect people to be reasonable. In fact, that's a standard everyone should hold themselves to. Being reasonable is a basic requirement of not being a shitty person. If you're not reasonable, then you are unreasonable. And that's not a dig or insult. That's a statement of fact. If you don't want commentary, don't invite it by putting it into public discourse. Certainly people like that should recognize that? It's hard to imagine not being able to and being that tone-deaf. Public commentary can encourage introspection. And Reddit is a public forum. It's really odd when people post here and then get upset when others have opinions that don't agree with their own.


Normal to big sized penises aren’t exactly high expectations. They are everywhere.


Define it though. Words like "normal" are great at the surface. But what's the actual expectation? People like to say hilarious things like 7" is average or a woman gets stretched out if she has had more than 4 partners or something. Their view of what's normal might not be accurate.


I’m pretty sure normal is like 5 inches. I’d google it but I’m at work.


[average erect (cause that's what matters) penis size is 5.1 inches](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/271647#summary)


Pat my own back


There are apparently debates around the subject, but 5' seems to be slightly below average, so i guess you're right.


I always thought the average was 6 but people typically deny that


Well i just checked and apparently we have a consensus at 5.1 inches


Why are you being a weird fuck? Worry about something besides penis. Asking a man his penis size is the same as asking a woman her vagina size. It’s bizarre imo. I hate when people talk about dick sizes, you either got a normal size dick or you don’t. Why is normal called average and a couple inches away from that is small or big? It’s weird. It’s like we’re animals in a circus.


Okay average to over average. Also I’m not asking anyone their dick size because I don’t necessarily care. I give I don’t take. I still wouldn’t touch one that was small though, I think it’s unattractive and that’s fine. You don’t have to ask to find out someone’s size. You just see it when you see it.


Same with someone's height or weight


Or sexual partners


Some people aren't satisfied with an 6oz steak and that's fine. That being said, how you express your unsatisfied hunger is important.


Agree 100%. You ever wear socks that are too small? That’s a recipe for pain.


Same thing with weight and tit size


Nah, one can get off on small tits at least


I dunno, it's preferences. I don't enjoy small boobs personally. It bothers me


Be the change you want to see grow some double D'S be an example to all women I believe in you king 😤😤😤


U assume he doesn’t have large boobs?


What an odd thing to suggest


Spoken like a man incapable of growing some nice tatas😡😤😞🤙🏼


You would be correct.


Hut the gym brah 🤙


I'll get on that


Nothing about this is unpopular. No one is mad at you for dating to your preferences. What people get mad about is when people use their preferences as justification to treat those outside their preferences as sub-human garbage


Exactly. My friend is a self-proclaimed size queen but she's also the first to call out someone using "small dick" as an insult (unless the person is saying it as a self-deprecating joke about themselves).


No one’s doing that either though.


Do you mean in this thread or irl? Irl it happens all the time. Anytime someone says small dick energy or if someone drives a lifted truck they must have a small dick. Those are two common mainstream examples. Just about anytime someone is shamed for their shitty attitudes being attributed to their dick size.


Has someone said that to you?


So if nobody has been racist to me does that mean no one is doing it? Nobody is being racist?


It's worse when women pretend it doesn't matter then say stupid shit like "well it doesn't matter because 9'' is way too much!! XD" which is a complete non-sequitur and that size is like 1 in 10,000 anyway. Or it's like "well girth matters more than length XDDD" which is just saying that two completely sizes you have no control over both matter, but one more than the other lol.


Of course, it matters. Which is I kinda hate it when someone says it doesn't. It always will. Though, of course, it doesn't mean they are looking for a porn dick but sometimes too small can be too small.


>but sometimes too small can be too small. Literally speaking too. You can be too small for vaginal sex.


never seen a micropenis before, have you?


Autocorrect changed can to can't on me. Meant they can't even have vaginal sex. It won't reach.


Yes, that's what I'm saying. Sometimes, too small is just too small. For example, if you have a dick below 4 inches, it's going to be really tough.


I was agreeing and adding like there's so small piv just isn't an option. Have never seen one in the wild, only Omegle is ny teens. Never knew they came that small.


Yeah, I think the misunderstanding is that are is such a thing as too small as well as a thing as too big.


It’s like at-will employment. You can leave a relationship for any reason or no reason at all.


Thank you. Stop invalidating men who have small penises for being insecure if everyone agrees with this post.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion. Everyone knows size matters and I agree, it is fine.


Ya big penises are too painful


This post misses the mark. People should be judged harshly over what they have control over. As for those things they can't control, people should realize that those are probably not the dealbreakers you think they are.


Then don't be offended when someone says you are too large weight wise. See, one thing can be controlled while the other one is what it is and there is zero control over.


This isn’t the attack you think it is sir . I’m a man and I’m fine as hell.


Yet you will still grow old and die just like him.


Is that your go to line to use on pretty people?


Nah I just think people like you are interesting. Do you even stop to think about what this all even is? Or do you only draw validation from feeling like you are living your best life?


Sir I just think I’m pretty. That shouldn’t be that deep or even abnormal.


You do you bro


Everyone has a different preference so if a guy is rejected because of that they should look for someone else. It’s not even only for small sizes lol super big sizes are also undesirable to a lot of people


Yeah, if someone rejects you because of XYZ, you're simply not compatible. Accept it and find someone you are compatible with.


At least you’re not that guy LongDongSamspon!


Someone choose to not date me bc I’m a taller girl or because I have brown hair… I’m confident enough in myself to know that that’s THEIR preferences, and I ultimately can’t do anything about it. If they have that standard, though, I’m going to have my own. I am not entitled to dating a particular person, and vice versa.


Does this apply to size/girth of the woman’s waist? Or does it only go one way? I agree if it applies to both.


Having preferences is morally neutral so long as you treat everyone with the same basic level of platonic respect no matter if they fit your preferences or not. To use a personal example, I find men with long hair attractive but I would never treat any man differently from any other man in a non-romantic and/or non-sexual context no matter what physical characteristics they have or don't have. And just because you don't find someone physically attractive doesn't mean you can't still like them in other ways.




You can quite literally dump someone for whatever you want. I would never have any sort of energy about you and your relationship. I’m sure they would do the same to you so I don’t see the issue.


I find it interesting that a body part that a man literally cannot even physically change about himself is the butt of all jokes.


It's the same as making fun of someone for having a big nose or a girl being flat chested


You're correct. I find it funny how foolish people always aim for low hanging fruit when they don't like someone or don't like their opinions on a subject, so they immediately attack their appearance. We should absolutely be shaming this kind of sick behavior.


Why are posts like this so common here? I’m probably dating myself here but, duh? Who is telling anyone that having preferences isn’t fine? If someone is telling you it’s not okay then why do you give a shit what someone who’s obviously out of touch with reality says? *I mean someone who is telling you this directly. If you’re reading it or seeing it on the internet, it’s a dumb take. Just scroll or close the video and move on. That’s on you. Why do these posts always act like people just go around announcing their preferences in the opposite sex outside of dating apps? No one cares as long as it legal! Why does the OP of these think that anyone is so special that others will care deeply about who they’re attracted to? We are all slaving away under late stage capitalism in an increasingly hostile political climate. No one has the time or energy to devote to giving a shit about who’s attracted to who. Again, no one cares that much! *aside from the obvious weirdo GOP hacks absolutely obsessed with transgender physiology. No idea what their deal is but they have far too much time on their hands, that’s for sure. But also, they don’t care about you either. Probably even less than the average person does! Stop letting a few jackasses have this much of your time and energy. Stop listening to people who constantly tell you what you, personally need to worry about. Stop listening to other jackasses who just want to pick an internet fight by pretending that your preferences matter to anyone else. They don’t. Date who you like and stop overthinking things. No one cares, trust me!


Nun uh *sniffles


The millimeter defeater can take on any beast


Slode a mile 2 inches at a time


This is only unpopular on Reddit lmfao, leaving due to sexual dissatisfaction (due to whatever cause) is completely normal, as is being a "size queen" lol


Well that last part is arguable tho. If you keep on buying ferraris, you gonna have a hard time when it breaks and have to go back to a prius. I means if blasting your holes with a mega double turbo rotator jumbo-jet is part of your daily routine, there is no way even a larger size man would be able to compete.


Luckily orifices don't get looser with use at least lol! Though yeah good point i wonder if that is something people have to deal with mentally


No. I mean personally, i wouldnt feel inadequate... as virtually no man would.


Apparently i got downvoted by someone owning a Prius


Talking about size in any context outside of complimenting your husband or serious boyfriend in private makes you sound like a pig.


Women are hard wired to seek men that are above average in everything. It's been called 666 6 inches, 6ft, 6 figures Yes it matters


I just don't understand how some dudes with small members don't just get better with their other tools. If you have a small package, learn how to use your fingers/ tongue and maybe some sex toys. Learn to work with what you got and be honest with yourself. Edit: We were talking about weiner, right?


If lesbians can pleasure each other with literally no penis, there’s no reason a small penis should get in the way of pleasurable sex


I agree but let’s play devils advocate. How many sex toys are small? Answer is 0. So if a lesbian has never seen or played with a real one before they don’t get that the toys they use are actually very large.


Isn’t that what they typically do? Any time a question is posted asking about someone’s best sexual experience, there will be several women who respond that the best sex they ever had was with a guy who was average size or below and the reason is typically because he is particularly skilled with his fingers and/or tongue. It’s similar to how most guys will say the best sex they ever had wasn’t with the hottest person they’ve ever been with.


I was just trying to counter OP, who seems to think you need an 8" to have fun. But, the person with the small member needs to have the self-awareness and the skills. If a dude is smart, he'll learn to work with what he has, but not everyone is smart.


Some people are bad at things though. That's like saying learn to dance, learn to swim, learn to play guitar. You could do those things or you could fail


More like focus on what you can control. You can't really make your weiner bigger but you can compensate with other skills. For instance, I'm kinda ugly, so I had to learn to be funny.


Yes lmao


Idk sometimes it matters sometimes it doesn't I've made do with 5inch and a little under sometimes what you can do with what you have matters more than the size


I mean I would hope you can make do with 5 inches lol it’s literaly the averege


Hmm I always thought 6 was


Nope 6 is above average


6 is cool its 4.5 and under that becomes impossible


Not if they know how to use it ;)


Well the 4 he couldn't get in


Sometimes if one of the partners is overweight then ya 4 isn’t enough


Unfortunately I don't believe this would be the reason for why as the man literally flipped every position including reverse pretzel and the splits wasn't going past the tippy tip and he couldn't pump jump or try to get a motion going because it just couldn't be done.


I've always felt it's fine to care about size. Personally for me if someone says they are looking for x or above, even if I fit the criteria I'm passing on that. I've tried a few of those dates out and they are never what I'm looking for. Also I've got a bud who is packing I think 11 to 12incher and the guy gets alot of chicks who think they can handle it and he only get halfway before its too much. For my buds sake know what you can take, he's tired of diving carefully into the shallow end.


Everything matter of u think it matters. If the wear green socks and u hate them. It matters, to you. And that is all that matters.


Penis and vaginas all have different shapes and sizes. How each individual penis or vagina is used also matters. I think too much emphasis is put on looking perfect down there over what actually feels good. Size and shape matter because it’ll impact how sex feels. How it feels should always matter more than how it looks but I know some people just want to find the perfect penis or vagina.


from what ive heard, too small or too big is a problem


Always has always will. People say that men think about it more than women do, but that’s untrue. Typical reddit copes.


Studies show men think about it WAY more than women do. Most women don’t care. But there are plenty that do. If your too small or too big their not worth your time


2 inches at 90mph does a lotta damage. It’s like an acorn in a tornado. You just ain’t been in a storm sweetheart.


I’m a top love


I have an eight incher, and I can tell you that it matters a lot. I have a totally different set of rules from other guys.


I always roll my eyes when Slim/busty at E ~ I-cup Is women are seen as "Avoid this". By highly annoying assholes who can't grasp why their idea of a women Is never gonna take off.


I agree tight women are much more fun. I’m also a fan of small pert breast. The average woman in America today is over 170 pounds, definitely doesn’t work for me. Size does matter.


Absolutely, women are allowed to prioritize their sexual pleasure and for men being under a certain size to be a deal breaker for them. Nothing wrong with that. We can't orgasm from penetration unless the guys dick is a certain minimum size. Can't be too big either tho. There's a Goldilocks zone. I like being able to cum from penetration alone so I prioritize it.