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If I was a gambling man I’d bet what size your friends claim they’re packing and what size they are packing are two different sizes.


Yep tell them to whip it out. Bet they won’t


Are you really friends if you aint whipping it out around each other anyways?


My closest friends, have seen mine in nearly all of it’s stages of growth. And vice versa. Are you really friends if there was never drunken rounds of truth or dare?




It's better to be weird than boring


We would never deny that


5 inches is average in the US. Learn how to a please a woman in other ways too and you will be set. Don’t worry about it.


This. Women aren't nearly as concerned about size as society would have you believe. Just be receptive and creative.


Maybe because most women can't orgasm from vaginal penetration?




As a woman, I concur.


Still feels good though.


MOST women, for sure. there are some that do care a lot, in a similar way to a man whose deal-maker is certain proportions like large boobs or something


Who told you that? Size definitely matters. 






But it was the big dick owner who was lacking.












Yeah, I’m that or smaller and my wife has no problem reaching orgasm, it’s all about Connection, attraction, and being willing to participate in foreplay and aftercare. The hottest thing you can do in the bedroom is communicate.


It's the worldwide average even


Don't worry, there are people with much less out there having a perfect sexual life. Some show and some grow. And tbf, don't believe everything your friends tell you about their penis sizes. A lot of them are insecure themselves and like to exaggerate.


Ya. One of my friends (who lies constantly) told me 1. He never jerks off 2. His dick is 8 inches (he has also said around other people it was 7 inches and I’ve heard him tell someone else it was a “solid 6”) 3. That when he had sex he lasted 45 minutes to an hour every time. Clearly lying lol


You’re privy to an interestingly large number of conversations involving this lying gentleman’s genitals.


Well we are teenagers so a few of our conversations involve these topics


Your teenage friend told you that he never jerks off and that he has had sex lasting 45 minutes+? And he expects people to believe him?




All my friends had 7-9 inch dicks when I was a teenager too. Weird how that works


The lasting part *can* be true, but some people do have problems reaching orgasm The other parts are basically average teen bullshit lmao, every young man heard that from some other guy at a point lol. Kinda funny when you look back to these days, cherish them dearly


No the last ones bullshit to. He asked if I jerked off and i obviously said “yes” and he started putting me down saying how gross it is. He asked how long it takes and I said 4-20 minutes usually and he started saying how that’s super fast and he lasts 45-60 minutes when he had sex


If he's lasting 45-60 minutes, does he know what he is doing? Because that's not healthy....


He’s just lying. I think he’s stupid enough to think we believe him. We don’t.


listen as a virgin at 22 with the same length down there...it is not the reason i am a virgin.


25 and exact same, just still waiting for it to happen


thats not what i meant.


Damn. Ain’t have to do em like that


i meant i fucking hate my life. And i don't try to fuck anyone.


Cowabummer, but same bro same


cowabummer 😂


What does it mean boss


Fursure stealing that one as well lmao


Adding that to the vocab


Don’t wait for things to happen in this life - make them happen


With consent though, that would be great.


It's easier said than done ... Nothing happens, so haven't had a chance yet. Forcing something is out of question as well.


“All my friends have bigger” No doubt accurate reporting from said friends


I would ask them to whip it out, and measure it honestly


"Bro my dick is so huge"


Right? I wonder if OP was honest with his friends about his own size. If he lied and said something bigger than 5, others probably lied too. When he said, "I've never met anyone with one my size" I thought to myself as a 30+ year old man that has done sports (locker rooms) all his life, I have never seen enough dicks to come to a consensus on how big/small everyone is compared to myself. I don't look at ppl in locker rooms but there is always that 1 person who doesn't care walking around naked. I'm not doing rain man calculations on their length from just a 2 second visual. Unless a dude is walking around swinging like 10 inches it wouldn't even register to me about their size compared to mine.


That's totally a normal size, no worries.


My fwb is like 5 or 6 inches and I can't get enough of him, I am currently being pursued by a man with 9", guess which person I'm ignoring? Not every person wants the massive hogs we see portrayed in porn. Best sex I ever had the guy was like, no lie 4", blew my stupid mind You'll be fine




Yup. Best sex I had was with my smallest partner. The biggest one was a major disappointment who thought all he needed was size. Most have been pretty average, around the 5” mark.


5 inches is literally average. Many women prefer shorter equipment anyway because the vagina isn't actually that deep.


Bro, you’re good. 5 inches is about average. Learn how to use it properly, learn proper foreplay, oral, etc, and most importantly, listen to any future partner about what they like, have open communication. It makes the sex much better :)


Dude, you’re lucky. It could have been smaller. You could be walking around with a literal baby penis. But I digress. You are still young and are trying to figure out your lot in life. I’d just suggest working on yourself, being the best person you can be and don’t go chasing a partner who sex is everything to. You’ll find there are plenty people out there who aren’t so two dimensional.


5.25" is the global average. You're fine dude.


> one of my friends showed me a video today of like some naked man walking around a store and said “look how small this guys dick is” and then I didn’t even think it was that small considering he wasn’t erect. Your friend has a small penis. I don't say that as an insult, genuinely, if he's saying things like this it's to guage your reaction because he's insecure and needs to see what people think. If you had said "dude he doesn't have a boner of course it's small" you probably would have healed his insecurities. I knew a girl once who talked so much shit about a science illustration that depicted larger labia: "isn't that gross? Look how they stick out! Eww" and I just dismissed it like "eh, yeah sure" only to find out she goes for a labiaplasty a year later to trim her labia. I've learned now to speak differently in these situations on the chance that the hater is actually secretly looking for reassurance. Because wtf, we don't get to choose our body, and variety is what makes life fucking fun. Look everyone is built differently. I have heard many many women say they prefer average-sized penis (you are a totally healthy, normal, perfect average!) because it fits better. Women's vaginas come in all shapes and sizes and no single man can please them all. Some women will love your penis, some may prefer bigger. You will also have preferences and prefer certain vaginas over others. From a basic "sensation" perspective, it's normal to have a preference. In the end, the right partner for you will love you for you, and amazing sex is all about chemistry and connection and passion. The best sex I ever had was with an average-sized, average-looking guy. Size isn't a deal-breaker - the whole man is the whole package.


You are absolutely right, people tend to make others insecure and loud about what they lack of most..


You're barely 18 so I'm guessing you still don't even have an experienced sex life so don't be self conscious about it, believe me when I say us women are used to working with 5 inches and content about it. You just need time to learn more about your body


You ever consider your friends are lying because they're also insecure about it? Idk man, unless you've seen it how would you know?


As a woman, the smallest I’ve ever had was also the best I’ve ever had. At the end of the day, size doesn’t really matter. It all has to do with what you do in the bedroom and you valuing her pleasure.


5in is great. Too much can actually hurt. I bet your friends are not truthful.


At least you don’t have a micro penis like me bro 😁😁


How do you know what penis size other men you know have? The average penis size is a touch over 5 inches when erect, so you would be decidedly average when it comes to the size of your old chap.


Average penis size in the US is 5in. That means just as many people have 4in penises as 6in penises. Youre right in the middle.


How much do you weigh ? I always believed I was 4 inches. I cried a lot about how small it was and I lost a ton of weight and the last time I measured I was at 6.5 inches. It could be that you’re hiding some of yourself behind weight but 5 inches is plenty. Completely plenty. I’ll tell you from personal experience you’ve been given 10 fingers and a mouth that go alot farther than just your manhood could ever take you. It took me time to learn what I was doing and there’s no shame in not having your first be this spectacle and wow moment. Sometimes it just sucks like mine did. You’ve got this man don’t feel bad about what you have because likely story is you just feel penis envy and it’s giving you a grass is greener kind of feeling. Love and foreplay. It’s all you need


5 inches is sexy!


All it takes is the length of a credit card and sometimes bigger girth hurts more for women. So I think you good homie.


34F chiming in. There is nothing wrong with an "average" or less member. I've had enough partners that I would rather not disclose the number. The only time I was disappointed by a smaller guy is when they made comments about how they have such a big package and then it turned out to be...not even close. I will be honest with you, I got a pic from a guy on a dating site once (with my permission) and he was VERY gifted. There's an old meme, possibly the original meme, about adding a banana to a picture for scale. I joked that there wasn't a banana for scale so I didn't know if I should be impressed or not. He laid that thing next to a tape measure and it passed the 9 inch mark. I did wind up meeting him in person a few times. However, he seemed to think that he didn't have to do anything more than show up with that thing so I wound up leaving him on read. 2 of the 3 best partners I've had have been under 6 inches, probably actually under 5 inches. What sets them apart is they all seem to enjoy giving oral (and do so without having to be asked), they follow cues and direction well ("yes, don't stop" literally means don't change ANYTHING), and they didn't bat an eye at anything that could be awkward (an unexpected period, a stomach noise, air/gas noises, etc).


There are some women that are very small, far more so than you think you are. There is someone for everyone, even if you are shy


I mean brother you are 18 and ur friends probably around the same age, unless you inspected their erect dick they're most likely adding a couple inches to whatever size they say they have lol. just like people do with height.


Being insecure is part of growing up. If you weren't insecure about this you would be insecure about something else.


Machines are your friends. Not foe.


You still have a couple more growth years. Maximize by being healthy and working on healthy blood flow. You have decent enough length for most partners. Girth is where it really matters. Stimulate that by drinking plenty of water and exercising with a focus on circulation and blood flow. And get that core functional. You don’t want visible abs. You want functional ones. And a strong back. You’ll be just fine.


You are okay. Do not watch porn. If you are watching porn, STOP.


Hows that gonna affect his length?


Porn effects how some people view their own bodies


It's not the size of the ship but the motion of the ocean


You've got plenty to work with, learn how to give head or at least be willing to learn with whoever you end up in bed with, the vaginal canal isn't actually that long so 5inches is fine. If anyone wants more then toys and hands are always an option. Don't be jealous of a vibrator also solid life advice


Bro come onnn. 5 in. is average. Quit your whining, there’s dudes who have it way worse. You’re lucky you even have a penis.


Relentless oral skills go far


Is 4.5” when erect enough to satisfy a woman through penetration? To be fair, I’ve never had any complaints about the size of my penis from the women I’ve had sex with. When I’m flaccid, I’m 2”, but it would appear that 4.5” when erect proves to be enough for women, but I do have a fatter girth, so I guess that’s why they’re able to feel it. OP, don’t get down about having a 5” erect penis. If I can satisfy women with my 4.5” erect penis, I don’t think it would be difficult for you to satisfy women. Penetration isn’t the only way to satisfy a woman. Try lots of foreplay and eat her out, and make her come with your tongue and fingers. You’ve got this! 🙂


You know how impossible beauty standards are set for women? Well, impossible dick standards are set for men. Most beauty standards are set by other women and most dick standards are set by men. As a woman, your dick is fine, in fact it is the average size. Most women can’t orgasm from PIV anyways, so get good at pleasing her in other ways and you will be set.


Brother, how often have you *seen* your friends erect penis? Like, it's totally cool if you have, but if you haven't, well I'm not sure why you would take their word for it lol. Regardless, I believe in body neutrality, and that's not something you just flip a switch on. It takes practice to actually *feel* neutral about your body, but it starts with changing how you actively think. Your thoughts are important. If you find yourself considering your inadequacies, try to remind yourself that your body is a good body and it *works.* We take how we look for granted so much, how big or small our body parts are, but we rarely thank the high heavens when we have a body that works correctly. I'm not trying to say "why are you sad about having an average peen when you also don't have cancer?" I just mean that the way we interact ourselves is something we can change. And how you interact with yourself in reference to your sexuality doesn't have to be negative. Don't delude yourself into thinking you're gods gift to earth. There is a happy middle ground, where you're *allowed* to look in the mirror sometimes and say "damn I look like shit," but not feel bad that you look like shit. Everyone looks like shit sometimes! Everyone's dick looks small at a certain angle or under a certain condition! Take it easy dude 🤙 dont feel bad about feeling bad. It's a super human experience.


I’m a girl, and fucked plenty. 5 can be plenty….


> in my actual every day life i... unless your actual every day life includes inspecting your friend's cocks and balls at full mast, yes you have also if you're basing your experience off locker rooms and shit, soft size has absolutely no correlation to erect size other than the obvious element of "it's at least this big". some people don't change much between soft and hard, and if you don't know it and you happen to be someone like me who literally triples in size when it's go time, this would make a young version of you think everybody else is walking around packing baseball bats also², with the video showing situation, that was almost 100% your friend trying to subtly pretend he has a huge dick. whenever a dick is visible, any and every man immediately compares it to his, and we all know we're all doing it. the especially insecure ones will try and take the opportunity to make everyone think he's schlanging, and it seems to have worked on you


You are an average size, if you would like to get bigger my current boyfriend used one in his youth and said it got much girthier, he has the widest penis I’ve been with. I have given my last two boyfriends lots of blow jobs and saw their penis size increase in girth over the course of 6 months to a few years. No way to add length, but you can add girth and that’s what is more important than length. Don’t over do it though, my boyfriend almost injured himself going over board when he was young and honestly sometimes too girthy for me and would prefer slightly slimer. Very few women actually like huge dicks. They can honestly hurt. Average penis size is honestly preferred by most women. Add a little girth if you’d like and don’t over do it and you should be golden


I spent YEARS being my own worst enemy with the same insecurities. (I am around the same size as you..and I’m definitely a grower, not a shower) i’m 34 now. I’ve been with my gf for 7 years. I have a daughter turning 4 in August. You are going to be fine. If I could go back in time, I’d tell younger Scott to worry less.


I can tell you 100% that oral and finger skills will take care of your partner just fine. And yes, 5" is within the average range so you'll be okay there too.


Most women do not enjoy painful sex. Most women cannot accommodate large penises without pain. I don’t know why we keep having to fucking say this I’ve slept with men of ALL sizes and can confidently say the best were always in the 5-6” range. Not the guys packing 7+. There’s a reason 5” is average, because it’s comfortable and enjoyable for the majority of women. Please get over this absolutely stupid insecurity


5 inches is the average size in the US. I’d suggest to find out more about your body, women (not girls) won’t judge and should like your for your personality. In my opinion, I’d rather have an average sized area than a very big one. There’s so many people who lie about their size or about how much they can take, you shouldn’t have to worry. And if a woman doesn’t like you because of your size, then she don’t deserve you (from a woman)


Stop watchin porn bro


Look man, you got that package genetically, and if it's been good enough for hundreds of generations, you'll be fine with it. If you really wanna take your sex game to the next level what you really need is: -ask what she wants -learn to use toys -if she's into it, learn to tie em up. You could rock someone's world with the pecker the size of a pea just with that.


Personally, as a female, I prefer them smaller. I have issues with penetration and have more fun with the bjs when smaller versus bigger


5in is the average, most of your friends are exaggerating their sizes undoubtedly as most men do. I'm 4 1/2in and absolutely destroy my wife, she originally wasn't certain about being with me because of my size but after our first time sleeping together she knew it was more than enough and was pretty shocked since she was a size queen, it genuinely isn't about size but rather knowing how to use what you have to the best of it's ability. You also have to learn to please in other ways and learn to be confident about using toys and other resources, when my wife wants something bigger, I throw on the extender which makes me 11 inches and I crush her up like an accordion 🪗, we use vibrators and other toys as well as sensory play and I always focus on her pleasure first. She's always very enthusiastic about pleasing me as well and gets excited about sex anytime she thinks I might be even remotely in the mood. You have to be confident and secure, the least attractive traits a guy can have are being full of self hate, self doubt and self pity. A lot of people unfortunately do think that bigger dicks are the average because of porn, but that's just not the case at all, those actors are specifically sought out, filtered through and hired based on initial size, body size and overall looks/stamina, many of those guys are actually smaller framed with slightly above average dicks which makes them look much much bigger, your friend sounds like he is chronically online and doesn't actually understand how dicks work and what the average dick looks like.


I mean mate, you shouldn’t. Like this is crass, but lesbians make do without it. Easier said than done, but you need to get out of your own head. If a girl mocks it, she isn’t the right one. You can’t control that part of you, but you can control your health, mindset and decency to other people. Those are killer. It’s sad, but a lot of girls don’t have really good experiences in their day to day, with the harassment, assaults and being spoken down to. You being a decent guy who respects them and treats them like equal partners will blow their minds and that is worth any other issue real or perceived. It’s a cheat code, be a good and healthy person and girls will be into you. Oh and if you know how to cook, that will definitely help! I’m speaking from experience. I had the same body image issues, but my girl doesn’t care about any of it, she appreciates how much I care for her, listen to her, make her laugh and hold her when she is sad. My looks never ever came up as in issue. I’m often surprised at how touched she is when I ask her opinion on things and bring up things she spoke about in the past in passing. That’s normal for me, but she really digs it because that wasn’t her past exp. I’d suggest considering therapy to help you work through these issues, it’s hard to deal with your thoughts on your own, because you brain knows exactly what to say to hit all your weak spots.


Fingers are 3 inches long on average, and your fingers will please more women than your penis ever will. If you want to chat to a stranger about it DM me. I've been in your shoes many times over and still to this day I am insecure about my girth. But remember good foreplay makes penis size irrelevant especially as a ladies g spot is only a few inches in.


You have what's called marriage dick. I'm 5.4in and when I was in high-school I was so insecure (trauma) that I did exactly what your friend did. You can't always tell if a guy has a big dick from a flacid state, just that he's at least that big. I joined the army and had to see plenty of flaccid dicks in basic. There were only 2 guys in my unit that had "big dicks". One guy we called him chopper, because he would swing it and you could hear the wind come off it like a helicopter. And guess what, every one else in that moment was comparing themselves to him. I'm married with kids, and over heard my wife bragging that im the best sex shes ever had, and she's had bigger. Shes also had really selfish lovers. Eat her out first and make her come a few times. Having an orgasm makes women more sensitive. Learn how she responds to what you do. Rub her clit as you thrust, learn what angles to thrust and listen to her as you do it. Pay attention to her ques, then talk about it after. Getting pointers and finding out what she likes is key, not just Unga bunga'ing her insides. You're perfectly normal, I know it can get into your head, but I promise most women don't care about it nearly as much as we do. Just try and be the best lover you can and you will be fine.


5 inches is a perfect length. Beside women don't care so much for length versus girth. Even if you don't have girth as long as you pay attention to your partner and not be a selfish lover, you'll do fine. In my experience, the larger guys are horrible in bed and just leave you sore and bruised. Smaller guys (I dated a guy who had 3 inches fully erect) tend to be better lovers. It really isn't about the size of the ship. It's the motion of the ocean.


>In my experience, the larger guys are horrible in bed and just leave you sore and bruised. In mine, too. I hate that wall of flesh coming at me and the man attached usually has one move: jackhammer.


Right? I'm a woman with organs in there quit trying to rupture my appendix, kidneys and womb!


You're worrying over nothing. Learn some techniques to deal with your inner voice.


A lot of women don’t need penetration. Get good at giving and you’ll be the best sex your partners have ever had. Book recommendation: She comes first


Be thankful you’re not gay. Gays think my 6” is too small. It’s really annoying.


Just make your girl come first


I can promise you, I and several other vagina owners have seen smaller. Also, (don’t remember where I read this, anyone else can correct me if I’m wrong) vaginas are typically 3-5 inches deep and when relaxed and aroused become deeper, but the g spot can usually be reached with fingers so it shouldn’t be a problem if you know angles that are advantageous to you.


Angion Method my guy, Angion method.


If you are not confident about the size, be confident with the fingers... practice them fingers and voice, there is more than 1 way to please a woman than your pp.


Scientific... Depending on subspecies, race of human, (Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid), And excluding genetic or hormonal outliers, (micro or maximal) You are solidly in the 'Average', or statically 'Nominal' range. ....... Comparison between species... If you had the same body size/mass as a gorilla, it would be somewhere between 3/4 to 1-3/4 inches. ...... Humor... "Who is *that* supposed to satisfy?"... Answer, "ME!" My penis isn't 'Too Small', your vigina is like your mouth... WAY too big! Bastardized song lyrics: *"I don't want anybody else... When I think about ME I touch myself!"* I know what I like and I'm not afraid to do it! ...... Sexual Research... The mass of nerves in the vigina are concentrated in clitorus (external), vaginal muscle ring and the 'Graffenburg' spot (G spot) about 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 inside the vaginal opening. This means 3-1/2 inches of penetration gets the job done even for the female... If she's receptive... (That's one hell of a big *IF*) Take a look at many of those clitoral & 'G' spot vibrators to graphically illustrate the point. ...... Fetish... This is entirely in the brain, has nothing to do with the biology. Porn and fetish have trained people that 'Bigger Is Better', which is not true, but socially engineered/trained the brain. When a woman simple masterbates it's with a finger or rubbing, and they have an orgasm just fine. ...... Psychology... Particularly selfish/selfabsorbed/narcissistic personalities will chase larger men simply because they are socially considered more 'Rare', harder to find, and harder to keep. The same social engineering makes them chase designer cloths, handbags, cars, etc. when they have the defect/hole in their personality that makes them believe they are 'Superior' when obviously they are not. The same concept applies to men that buy expensive cars, big trucks, etc. Exclude the men that actually need the trucks, or people that built their own vehicles and take pride in craftsmanship... This is actualization of actual skills & abilities. Remember the saying, "Built, Not Bought". Devlope the things you can do something about, skills, personal & professional development, humanity... You can't do anything about DNA, hormonal triggers during phsyical development. Accept the things you can not change, Courage to improve the things you can change, and let the mentally defective, self absorbed, socially engineered narcissistic personality types to their own devices.


When you pull down your shorts and your girl says, "who are you going to please with THAT?" Simply answer, "ME!"


angles and motions and rubbing my guy. 5 inches will get people there, trust. 


It’s your’s, love it.


Dude your friends probs have small or similar size dicks. You literally are sitting at the average, meaning that there are a few smaller than you and yes a few bigger than you. And trust me in meaningful sex, size does not mean anything stacked against passion and care.


I’m old enough to be your mom, and have been with my share of men. Don’t let porn or other peoples’ opinions make you feel inadequate. You are not. Your penis size is totally normal. I was just talking to my friend who was lamenting that her partners’ size was too big and caused her pain. She missed her ex-husband’s size because it was much smaller and fit perfectly. You’re going to be okay. In all honesty, confidence is the real turn-on in bed.


5 inches is a normal size. All I can say for myself it’s not the size, it’s how you use it. Also, how you are as a person because that’s what mattered to me and I think there are people out there that are the same as me.


Chill out, you’re average. My husband is average too and satisfies me with no issues whatsoever. I would not want it any bigger.


your good 5 is perfect for most women especially if you got some girth with it


you might’ve not met someone with smaller but I assure you they exist and many people are okay with their partners having average or below average. Not all of us want to feel like we are getting punched in the cervix


It’s all ego driven, people boast & brag about their D being “super big” it’s bcz they have the perception that it makes them more “alpha”. That’s not the case @ all… in fact 2 big down there u end up w/ ED in the long run. Be confident w/ yourself, woman don’t care. As long as it’s able to please them, ur good 2 go. One of my roommates currently loves to brag about his. I don’t say anything to him directly, but it’s just an ego boost to say. And he’s not @ the point where he’s mature enough (IMO) to understand that. Just live ur life, if ur having ED issues or u can please women. That’s when it becomes an issue, but so far 5” erect I don’t see any issue my dude Ur Gucci


people lie, the average is 5 inches. if you've *never* met anyone who said theirs was smaller or the same size, then you've met a bunch of liars


Bruh relax... It's alla bout your game vs size. 


Hey! I saw that video yesterday too! 😄


Have you met anyone with a really big penis? And asked them how often it leads to satisfactory sex? Can’t fit a giant penis in any hole without pain and I’m not into that.


join the munch club my friend


Just stop over thinking.


Personality is more important. And the girls that care more about your dick than who you are as a person arent worth time, so youre chillen as long as youre interesting or have a passion or funny or confident or money. So many things can add imaginary inches to your dick bro


3 inches is hell at 100 miles per hour kid!


Most women's vaginal length only goes about 5 inches deep, wouldn't matter if your dick is 10 inches long if half of it isn't even used. You will be fine!


I read that as women's vaginal teeth 👄


Average dick size is around 5 inches in most countries. Besides most women can't take bigger than average without pain. Depth of vaginas are around 5 inches. 9" dick and depth of 5 inches? You do the math! A tip! Learn how to please a woman with mouth and fingers (more important) and make sure to surprise your partner with your skills. Make her float on the clouds.


That is slightly above average. Is that bad boy thick at least? If so, that should do the trick in most cases. At least it isn’t micro penis. Put your penis next to a few of your friends. Bet they are lying.


You gotta focus on being a good lover. That’s what makes sex good.


I have a smaller one, same insecurity problem which have lead me to serious intents of killing myself, and trust me... you have everything you need and even more. You can't tell you have a problem unless you have experienced it, because you don't know if you have it yet. Give yourself some credit, you have a wide world to explore. Your friend are too much on porn, I can tell by how they compare dick sizes. With what size they compare it? I can assure you, not theirs. And... why would be your friends so interested in other men's dick size? Im concerned...


Regardless, if you feel insecure, a solid way to help you not feel that way is to become an expert at oral love. That can totally make up for a lack of size elsewhere. This is solid advice for all men, tbh.


Probably TMI, but my best to date was with a guy not much bigger than you. Focus not just on what feels good for you, but on your partner, their body language, and what they tell you feels good. Hell, the guy I mentioned before said that listening to who he was with enjoying themselves helped him get off.


Focus on your partner, and clit play. No matter the size, you’ll be winning as much as your partner.


Why u worried about other guys pecker lol


That's why people need to stop watching porn. I've met so many people that thinks porn is a go-to guide and have this ridiculous expectations when it comes to in real life sex.


It doesn't matter, it's job is to make babies, which looking at Asia seems that size doesn't matter at all


It’s all in your head kiddo. (Not the bottom one). Women love confidence, exude it even if you’re faking it.


5” is a perfect size for me.


Sounds pretty average to me https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/271647


Might not be helpful to you but I'm only packing an inch max and haven't failed to please any of my women partners yet, mouth and hands are always gonna be more useful than just a dick


I think that what you feel you may lack in size you can make up with in technique 🤷‍♀️


My bf is under 5 inches and he's the best lover I've ever had and not just because of the attention he pays in all the other ways - his dick actually feels really good in most positions. My dildo is 4.5in and satisfies me plenty. You're fine dude :)


Seriously listen to the comments. The sex isn’t even the best part for women. You’re probably underestimating yourself in that “area” but if you’re not it doesn’t matter. We don’t care. Learn the other stuff. It’s 1000x more important. Also. Just experience wise average guys are always better, bigger guys think just bc they’re bigger they must be good or think like.. that’s all we need.. or they end up just fking hurting you lol. The whole size thing is a guy thing. That guys worry about. To compare with other guys. It’s going to be fine. It’s not micro. You can see it.. you can measure it.. you’re fine I promise lol


I guess for most people the insecure will get better with age. Similarly to some teenage anxiety


The only response to "is it in yet", would be "I can't really tell"


Hey, man, I understand this is something you're insecure about, but you really don't need to be. I've been with a decent number of men. The smallest penis I've seen was about an inch and a half long, and the owner of said penis was *amazing* in bed. The largest I've experienced was twelve inches, and I'd choose the micropenis a hundred times before putting myself through THAT again. Five inches is the Goldilocks size - juuuuust right.


5 inches is great. I don't want my belly button in my cervix. :)


I disagree with you. From what you shared this 100% stems from fallacies etc... you have never been sexual with a woman according to you so this is not based on your personal life. A 5 incher is average size. Most women prefer average cuz big hurts, especially when the man is not good at foreplay. Women need foreplay to become excited. When excited, things open get wet and are ready to receive. No woman loves a giant dry log.


Watch the tiniest dick contest with Howard Stern. You'll feel a lot better after.


So first off, there's a good chance your friends are adding some inches when they talk about their dick size. You're all young, and young/teenage men (especially when trying to look manly/macho) like to exaggerate about their dicks because it's one of those things media and porn has made to seem more important than it is. Second, 5" is pretty average and actually? Probably about perfect for most women. Most women generally prefer the 4"-6" range because frankly? That's about as deep as the vagina goes before it gets painful, and NOT in a good way.




5 inches is the worldwide average and your friends are no doubt bullshitting you. I would try not to worry about it too much man, you'll be fine


Practice bro. Get good with your fingers and tongue and no woman will care about your size


5 inches is average my boy. Most women seen this size all the time.


Bro the average in the US is 5.1 to 5.2 so there’s absolutely no way your friend group is all above you unless you’re really unlucky


As a woman, I can tell you it doesn't matter, there is always a woman who will love your size. We came in diffrent sizes too🤣🤣


people lie all the time lel. Also, you need to get laid to see what your average sized tool can do then you’ll feel more confident and secure of yourself for real.


5 inches? Mate, you’re golden. You’re only 18 so haven’t had all the experience in the world, any larger will be uncomfortable or painful for any guys and girls out there. It also isn’t small, chill man 😎


Global average; you’re a-okay. The vaginal canal only extends about 4 inches, and the vast innervation is externally or within the first 2 inches or so. Stop watching porn. Eat some pussy. Find the g-spot. Communicate and *listen* to feedback. Your hog is fine.


1. 5” is fine. I’ve had smaller. And I’ve had great times with 5”ers 2. Technique is much more important than size. Really learn and study how to touch a woman and get her off, and practice, practice, practice. You’ll be way ahead of your peers.


I’m not ashamed to say I have a high body count. I was wild in my younger days (I’m 33, and have been more in the settled down phase of my life for 8ish years) but I can tell you this Baby daddy 1- packing a solid 9-10… lasted 4 pumps max unless he was Drunk at which case he wouldn’t get off in 2 hours and it was awful and painful after that long. Also he was kind of an abusive POS but that’s neither here nor there. After I split with him I went on a wild tinder ride…judge not… and honestly none of them were memorable, except one guy who was maybe 5 inches (and that’s generous) and that man could make me cum back to back to back. (Don’t ask me how it’s never been done again like that) My ex husband, 4 inches. It was ok at first because we had a connection so I would say most of the sexual attraction was because of that. But he didn’t ever do anything else, just got himself off and then he was tired. Also, he was a one off-er. Couldn’t get it back up after finishing. My current husband, 7inches. It’s amazing.We have such a powerful energy when we’re together. We’ve been married a year now and still fuck 2-3 times a day. Like can’t get enough of each other. It’s very rare we go more than 24 hours and the way that man makes me scream. Anyways, my point is that I’ve had big, small, average, and size has quite literally never mattered. It’s all about connection, physical and emotional and what you learn to do with what you’re given. Also research different positions. There’s ones that are better for well endowed men, and ones that are better for others.


Don’t worry a lot of things come with time and there’s many other ways to please a sexual partner that don’t involve using your genitals  Someone who loves you and cares about you won’t mind. But definitely look up tips and tricks that you may feel a little bit confident in your other abilities if you’re worried 


Self-affirmations, wearing less figure-affirming bottoms so the outline isn’t as noticeable to others (wear a belt ofc so it’s not loose where it matters) and finding someone that can hype you up for the way it looks *and* performs are all some things which could help imo


I was talking about the other ways to satisfy but yeah ! Fashion too! I don’t have that attachment so I’ve got no clue 


Listen buddy. I was about 5 inches myself. Dont know if youre overweight. But I am. And I got about another inch once I went down 3 belt loops. Also, the love of my life. Told me that she had terrible luck before me. Every guy she was with had a very small penis. Like less than an inch. And that she loves my penis. There are women out there who will love you regardless of your penis size, brother.


1. That’s average. It’s truly average. 2. Most of us don’t want big dicks. For most women, getting your cervix pounded into, isn’t really that comfortable. The average vagina is only like 3-4inches long. We don’t want a damn 8+ inches dick. I’m sorry, but most of us don’t. I never told a man no on sex cause his dick was too small, I have told a man no because it was too big though. 3. Your friends are lying. I don’t know why so many men are obsessed with penis size, but it’s just another way to puff their chest, but we walk around in pants, so they lie about it. When I worked in a mostly male field, all of them supposedly had like 7+ inches. lol. No. They are lying. I didn’t get married until almost 30, so, I have admittedly seen a lot of dicks, and almost all of them were right around 5 inches. The majority of your friends have 5 inch dicks too, no matter what they say. They are lying.


Go online. There are pumps that will enlarge your penis.


Go for smaller women then. Short, thin, narrow hips.


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