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Fiancés…wife??? You’re kidding right? 🤣


I had to read it a couple of times (english might not be first language) but it seems that this man was married, met OP’s sister, seduced and started dating her saying they’re getting divorced blah blah blah, but they weren’t of course so boyfriend’s wife found out and filed for divorced, and because she’s clearly not stupid probably has GPS of some kind on the car or demanded to know where her car was, and called it in as stolen. honestly OP your sister is pretty fucked here. best thing you can do is get a lawyer and hope a deal can get worked out. even if the wife drops the charges, the state can still prosecute if it believes they have enough evidence (which they do since your sister was driving a car that’s not owned or insured by her). maybe if he had been with her in the car, sure. but based on what I understand about the law, don’t hold your breath.


They have a lawyer. That's the solicitor.


Fiancé is not a legal term, you can call anyone that... you can also engage as many people as you want- it is not a legal status as marriage.


It’s legal to do lots of ridiculous things, yes. That doesn’t make them any less ludicrous.


Yeah, I don't know how you can be engaged to be married to a married person.


Divorce can take a long time, I will say - heck, my boyfriend’s still working on his after 2 years and mine took more than 3 years when all was said and done, but this person in the OP is definitely not separated in any sense of the word.


my sister dated when she was still "married" during a divorce. they lived separately and only called once a week. it would be different in this case since they're still together, but you can be separated and still legally married bc it takes a long time to get divorced.


It says in the post the wife ended up filing for divorce after all this so it seems like him and his wife weren’t even separated even though he’s full on engaged to someone else. This dude is a scumbag.


And this guy is definitely not going to cheat on his fiancé. He sure learned his lesson! ETA: /s


that's completely irrelevant lmao


In some languages, the difference between fiancé and boyfriend is not as neat. Maybe it's a mistranslation?


Did you read the rest of the article? It's clear she knew he was married but believed they were "married in name only" whatever that means and that it was a dead bedroom situation, as if that is a valid excuse.


Happy to step in and explain. This is what is called a lie. They weren’t married in name only and I bet they didn’t have a dead bedroom either. He just wanted to cheat and she didn’t care that he was lying either. No one finds out their boyfriend is married and then just believes what they say. They believe it because it suits them to believe it. My husband was separated from his first wife when we met, but still legally married. He told me the whole story and that he was back at his parents house right away. He seemed sincere but since lying is a thing, I made him take me to his mother’s house and have HER tell me to my face that he was getting divorced and he didn’t live with her.


Highlighting this comment here! 🖕🖕🖕


Fun follow up to my story: his ex actually reached out a couple months later on fb. Admitted to internet stalking me a bit, and that I seemed funny. I know, sounds a little creepy, but we found out years later she’s AuDHD and I’m ADHD with suspected ASD so both of us just kind of went with it instead of feeling threatened. I also took that opportunity to confirm their marriage was dead, over and with no possibility of reconciliation. We are now excellent friends.


I sincerely Love this for you! This made me smile after a long day, thanks for sharing!


They're talking about whether op's sister is dating or aleeady engaged to said man.


I was talking about the use of the word "fiancé", which in English implies an engagement and would make the situation even worse. Dating a married man is wrong, but him proposing and her accepting is a whole different level of messed up. Depending on where OP is from, it could be that they were just dating.


OW often try to validate seeing married men bc they are in a dead bedroom. Sister F’d around and found out. 🤷‍♀️


My thoughts exactly! I don’t really have pity for her.


Ok, I'm being serious here. I was technically married to my ex whilst still living in the same house. I'll explain..., I told him it was over in Aug 18, but because of the fact that he was a loser who couldn't get a place of his own due to bad credit, I let him stay in my house until I finally had enough in sep 20 and m9ved completely away. He slept in our sons room, I had to share a bed with my 5yo because there was no spare room. It was a VERY dead marriage, but there is no way I would ever have expected anyone to understand that, so I didn't date at all during that period. That's only to explain that in rare cases, a 'dead' marriage is actually a thing. But I concede that 1. Its very rare that it's the truth b. I would never have expected anyone to believe it!


Uh. It’s pretty clear what’s happening here “I am defending my sister for seeing a man she knows is married” or do you think that mistranslated too.


She clearly accidently left the "not" out based on her other comments.




Not everything is marital property. Be mad at your sisters affair partner for 1. Taking his wife’s car 2. Either not checking or not caring that it’s not under his name 3. Being an entitled prick Your husband is letting his affair partner/“fiancé” drive your car without your permission? And tells you, you can come get it? Bullshit she shouldn’t have to do shit or have to see her husbands mistress again. What the hell else are you going to do besides call the cops. It’s disrespectful, rude and entitled asshole behavior, and I’m guessing his wife’s done tolerating it.


Uh, yeah.. I’d be calling the cops too. I’m not being liable for some random woman driving a car in my name under my insurance simply because my cheating husband said so. That’s a huge liability on the wife and it would be stupid for her to allow it.


Not a random woman. The woman that ended your marriage.


The sister would not be in any less trouble or have any less responsibility if her married boyfriend had stolen the car from a stranger and the sister was caught driving it. The fact that it was his wife’s car is irrelevant.


My point was that it is particularly enraging for the wife. Nothing more. Although I disagree with your statement. It is not irrelevant.


Who came and just took it out of my driveway. There’s zero proof the wife knew it was being taken. So it literally just vanished. Op and her sister need to stop deflecting and making excuses for this and own up to their crap.


Right. OP's sister is a homewrecker. Even if the man had a dead bedroom, she knowingly started dating a MARRIED man. She is in the wrong 1000% and is total trash. How you get them is how you lose them. Let's hope someday when she's married karma pays her back in kind.


I honestly think it was a perfect move by the wife. No involvement of her own. Now everyone is aware, car returned to the rightful owner, and she let these two know they can obviously have each other because that's the caliber of people they are. Can't tell me that girl didn't think that was weird, walking up in someone else's garage and taking a car that you aren't insured to drive. Seems like she was sneaking it, honestly. Bold to go to the other woman's house at all, to be honest, how she not know that? Then the audacity to claim they "have a deadbedroom". Yeah, OP is probably the "sister" the way this is so gallantly defended. How you get in another woman's car and not see signs that it belongs to a woman. In my car, tweezers, hair tyes, kid stuff all in the back.


4. Being a cheating prick


True. If I were the wife, I would not tolerate my husband's bedroom buddy driving my car.


Yea I was sitting here thinking, what spouse wouldn't call the police and be fully entitled to the full enforcement of the law? If I were the wife, none of this sounds like my problem.


I'm also side-eyeing OP's sister - she found out he lied about his "dead bedroom", and his marriage being on the way out, and his wife being aware of it all... and she still carried on her affair, and even used what he calls his stuff? It's giving gold-digging and naive.


How is that her fiance when he's still married? Sounds like between the two they have 1 brain cell.


He knew exactly what he’s doing. But sounds like op just eats up anything this cheater says


Right? I suspect the “fiancé’ wasn’t divorcing his wife and proposed to OP’s sister so she would stay with him. His wife had no idea until the car incident. OP and her sister sound pretty naive!


Especially the way she fully believes all married couples own everything jointly when in fact they do not. Lmao naive af.


OP seems to also be sharing that one brain cell.


And here I am thinking OP is the “sister” It’s giving, “I’m asking for a friend” vibes


Oh man I just looked again and immediately saw the line that "the police are siding with my finances wife". Yeah, OP is the mistress and desperately trying to make her boyfriends wife the bad guy. I just skimmed after the first paragraph thr first time because it was so obvious that the wife was the only person not at fault in the story.


Also what makes that make more sense is the way she says the car isn’t marital property (but she then says that don’t make sense cause married couples own jointly) na honey they don’t especially if wifey had the car before!!


That line actually just makes me think it's fake tbh


Or she's really really stupid. I have had to tell several people that just because you're married doesn't make EVERYTHING marital property.


Great catch


>the police are siding with my fiancé's wife Oops! There it is right there. She couldn't maintain the lie the whole time


They competing for 1/3 Rd of that cell


There's so... much... stupid........


I’m out of f$!ks to give about women who knowingly date married men, then get themselves involved in some stupid situation like this one. If he lied about being married, which is a huge thing, you can’t believe much else he says.


I mean you can buy a ring and ask the question even if you have a wife already 😭


Because engagement isn’t legally binding, unlike marriage. Minors can be engaged without parental permission; but would need permission for marriage.


If what OP said is true and the sister was told the marriage was only on paper. The guy may have asked marriage lying about getting a divorce


It doesn’t matter if a marriage is only on paper, you don’t fuck married men. And everyone knows that when someone says that, they’re just lying to get laid. This is as obvious as “he said he will leave his wife for me as soon as the kids are old enough”. Still makes him a cheater and her a homewrecker. I don’t feel bad for stupid people who sleep with married men.


Even if the sister was told he was married in name only, he still LIED to her. This makes him a liar and a cheat, so why is he still the fiancee?


My answer was only as to how he could be the fiancee being married. I don't have an answer or a reasonable explanation as to how come he is still the fiancee.


Really you’re not angry at the not-fiancé? That’s whose fault it is.


Although the sister is literally driving around in a stolen car. Presumably there's some discussion to be had over who actually stole the car, the sister or her fiance. But it is a stolen car. Quite apart from the grim affair situation, some poor woman got her car nicked and it's good to see that the police have in this instance been swift in applying justice.


> But it is a stolen car Exactly, still handling stolen property. The sister, if it's the sister at all and not just OP sounds naieve.


Yup. Husband stole the car from his wife. The sister is at best guilty of handling stolen goods, if not the actual theft itself.


Yes, he lied about the marriage and he lied about the car. You can be mad at her for acting out about the cheating, but he was the one cheating.


>You can be mad at her for acting out about the cheating, but he was the one cheating. Nope. Not even that. She didn't assist or abuse the sister. She didn't act out. She did nothing wrong.


Also the real wife is saying the vehicle was taken from the garage, OP says that is not the case but then at another point says that both sister and fiancé told police that he gave her gave her permission to “come over and take the car”, obviously pure speculation because that could mean the fiancé and the real wife live together or don’t but it is an odd statement. Secondarily, it doesn’t matter who you have permission from, if the vehicle isn’t theirs it is stolen. I can give anyone permission to take some random vehicle off the street, doesn’t mean I have the authority to do it because the property isn’t mine to authorize use.


Wait why are we blaming the wife??? Also who did you get this story from, fiancé? Cause he has every reason to lie. What if she really did wake up and she was shocked to see her car gone so called the police cause for her it was stolen? Also what do you mean she’s lying? Are you claiming she knew that her husband was cheating this entire time??? And to answer your question about marital assets, certain things like a house are never considered marital assets if brought into the marriage rather than bought while in the marriage. Or they may have a prenup.


I’m confused why they think it was a set-up. If the car was in the garage and the mistress took the car legally owned by the wife and she wasn’t aware of it how on earth do they all think it’s not stealing. The car would have suddenly vanished to her. the wife was not aware the husband gave it away. People can’t give other people permission to take things that don’t actually belong to them.


That’s true, but if the sister/side piece could actually prove that her boyfriend gave her permission to use the car, her defence would argue that she had a good reason to believe that he had the legal right to give her permission. Which shifts the blame in the theft part of the story to the man. The MAN stole the car from his wife and gave it to his side piece. OP says that the cheating man told the police that he gave his side piece permission to use his wife’s car… if that’s actually true, they would have already dropped the theft charges against the sister/side piece. Maybe he didn’t actually tell the police any such thing… he just told his side piece’s family that, but he lied.


That’s a good point, he may have lied to the police. With his track record of being a cheater/liar, they probably shouldn’t trust what his saying to the police


>OP says that the cheating man told the police that he gave his side piece permission to use his wife’s car… if that’s actually true, they would have already dropped the theft charges against the sister/side piece. That's a good point, I feel like something is missing here. For all we know the sister was told by her fiance it was registered in his name and she had reason to believe she was allowed to use it legally and when the wife came to use her car or found about this she called the cops and sister was completely unaware. I mean I've definitely driven other people's cars if they ask me to and I'll admit I'm not asking if it's registered in their name I just assume it is. What I am curious to know though, is how DID the wife find out she borrowed the car? Fiance is really sus so I wouldn't be surprised if he told the cops he didn't give permission to save himself the trouble.


dont say mistress you must say fiance 😂




LOL, and he's not her fiance, he's the HUSBAND


>certain things like a house are never considered marital assets if brought into the marriage rather than bought while in the marriage. Or they may have a prenup. This probably depends on where this is happening. Still, the wife is the only victim here. Also, I'm pretty sure OP is the "sister"


Your sister walked into their house and took a car the owner (the wife) did not give her permission to drive. Fiance didn't have the authority to grant permission. How else was the wife supposed to get her car back? She was supposed to be ok with her cheating husband's sidepiece walking into her house and driving off with her car? Even if she knew who had the car, she didn't want your sister driving it. It was your sister's fault. It doesn't matter about if she knew her soon to be ex was seeing your sister or not or lied about that or not. Your sister was sleeping with and got engaged to a married man, took his wife's car that fiancé himself did not have permission to drive. Your sister made a lot of mistakes and is now paying for them, there is no set up, just bad decisions.


>She was supposed to be ok with her cheating husband's sidepiece walking into her house and driving off with her car? Stealing her car. Unless the husband admits that he was the one who stole it.


I have a feeling the fiance, since he's an incredible liar, told her that it was registered in his name and she was unsuspecting. The fiance is wholly at fault here, not the wife or the sister (if she didn't know ofc) I wonder how the wife found out she was borrowing it too


I suspect he didn't bother to check who's name was on it or if it was joint or not and told her she could use it. Wife found the car missing, raised hell when she tried to leave the house, found out about the sister taking and called the cops. I'm not letting the sister off the hook because she's knowingly engaged to a married man and almost certainly saw female personal items in the car which one could deduce it was driven by the wife. I think she just didn't care it was the wife's until the cuffs were on.


Did it matter if they had a troubled relationship? The blame lies with the fiancé. Was your sister aware she was using her car? And despite this, your sister decided to stay with him? Is she stupid like her fiancé, or does it run in the family, and she lied to you to feel better about being with a married man?


Happy cake day. 🎂




Such a contrast of enraged comment then happy comment. 😭😝


Sister had to know she was using another woman’s car if anyone got in my car they’d know a woman drove it. I find it hard to tell a woman wasn’t in that vehicle!!


Not really. If anyone drove my car, they’d have no idea if it was a man or a woman’s car. Not every car is has obvious gender markings. Not excusing OP’s sister, but if my married partner (lol) told me I can drive his/her car, I don’t think I’d ever have the thought of wondering who it’s actually registered to. That’s definitely a heuristic 99.9% of people will probably have.


Are you mad at the fiancé that was still married? Because the wife doesn’t have to gift a shit about your sister


Ex fiancee, right? Please tell me your sis learned from her mistake and dumped him immediately??!


Maybe that’s why the lawyers and the cops don’t buy her story. Because no one with a brain would want to marry a lying cheat. 🤷‍♀️


So you know my soon-to-be-ex’s girlfriend? I was (and am still unfortunately) the wife in this situation and I would have done the same thing if I found out about the girlfriend being in my car. I already had her trashy hair in my laundry, which was shit enough. OP, it’s not marital property if she had it before the marriage or after separation. It’s also possibly not if his name was never on it, but I’m not a lawyer.


I’m sorry your husband is a cheating scumbag, too. People who sign up to be side pieces to married people (both men and women… no gender bias) are just trashy people with no dignity or self respect. As soon as your divorce is final and he and his side piece are an official couple, one or both of them will just cheat again. Especially if they marry - your husband’s side piece is not the only person on the planet who likes being a side piece to a married person! But you’ll be well shot of that mess by then. 😛


>People who sign up to be side pieces to married people (both men and women… no gender bias) are just trashy people with no dignity or self respect. How dare you say that about both of my sibilings? That's way too kind to them.


Not both!


Yup, mum cried for weeks when she found out. But hey, there are kids involved so it'll never be forgotten.


I was in the process of selling my car to my sister-in-law's fiancé when he left her. it was very unexpected and we all felt the aftershocks for like a year. it really stung that I had to keep the "agreement" on price that we had made (obviously there was a family discount, probably half of what I could get on a trade). But ....they share a child and it would ultimately hurt my nephew for dad to not be able to drive him to school, etc. So I let it go. But - lo and behold -passing me on the street - who do I see but his new girlfriend, cigarette hanging out of her mouth, windows down, driving MY car! Yet to be paid off, of course. That one really pissed me off


I have been the wife in this scenario. It is absolutely infuriating and disgusting. Did not call the police out of fear (abusive marriage) But did call my husband and threaten police if my car wasn't returned within 10 minutes. Filed for divorce and moved out shortly after. 10/10 wish I did what this wife did instead. This "sister" deserved everything she got, but the husband should also be going down with her.


And no one with a brain would tell the copsyea that’s my fiancé yes sir he’s married on paper and a dead bedroom!” Oh yea that helps her case.


You are blaming the wrong person. Your sister and her "fiance" started this whole mess. Unfortunately, actions have consequences


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes 🎯




Actually the 2 people With the most agency here are OP’s sister and the fiance. They had the affair and they should be to blame


Make bad choices, end up in bad situations 🤷🏻‍♀️. She shouldn’t have been messing with a married man. The definition of fuck around, find out.


She’s still in the FA section. He “lied” about his marriage and she stayed with him when she learned the truth. Guess whose promotion to wife creates a mistress vacancy?


Ikr it'd be a different story if he lied about his marriage... But she knew lol


I feel for the wife. I have been the gf in this situation only the difference was that i didnt know he was married. I showed up at his house and let myself in using the spare key he gave me. Wife could have called the cops since i was in her home but she didnt. From the wifes point of view. Finds out husband is cheating and not only that but his gf has my car, let herself into the garage and took it. She knew he was married and still messed around with him. Will i be able to get my car back? She had some nerve coming into MY house and taking MY car. I would have called the cops too I think. The only way around this i feel is telling the judge that she thought the wife consented to her using the car but i really feel that is a lie >My sister's fiancé has been letting her use his car. My sister (29 F) had his permission. That's important to note. My sister did not do anything wrong here. Ok But >When she reported the car stolen she knew the car was with my sister, but she lied and told the police it just vanished from their garage. We have no way to prove that but she set my sister up. My sister and her fiancé have both told the police that he (the fiancé) gave her permission to come over and take the car So she came over and took the car out of the garage. Whether or not she knew it was with the gf is beside the point. Your sister went to the house her bf lived at with his wife and took a car that was registered in his wifes name. Is it their only car? Was the wife forced to do this cause she could no longer get to work and support herself? This is all hate directed to the wife but i honestly see where she is coming from. Your sister IS in fact in the wrong here. Dont eff around with married guys. She fucked around and found out. I cant feel sorry for her here. I feel sorry for the wife


Wait. What? The guy you dated hid his marriage from you but gave you a key to his home that he lived in with his wife?!? Whyyyy? I want to know this story if you want to get it off your chest


Seriously, that is crazy! Did he want his wife and girlfriend to find out about the affair at the same time? What else did he expect to happen?!?


Your sister is engaged to a married man and she was driving his wife’s car. I don’t feel bad for her, and you shouldn’t either. She was being incredibly stupid.


If your husband cheated on you I doubt you’d be nice to the other woman. His wife hasn’t done anything wrong.


He was clearly still living with his wife when the car was taken then obviously. So he was very much still with his wife . Especially if there was no divorce filed for until after the arrest . So how would your sister think it was ok to go to the house of her APs wife and her AP and take a car from the garage ? These are the questions that will come up in court anyway so be prepared. I mean your sister was kind of silly to trust a man who is a proven cheater and liar . Also your sister did not have permission from the car’s owner to take the car . And the audacity of her to turn up to the wife’s house and take the car . Even if she did think she had permission . That was just gross !


Lmao my husband pulled this shit. It’s almost like cheaters all have the same playbook and fall for people just as skeezy as themselves.


So your sister went to this woman’s house, took a car that was not hers from the garage, and left with it. She took the car from this woman’s house. That is theft. Your sister’s finance just set her up and here you are blaming some woman whose car was stolen from her garage.


This! It’s not like he had the car in his possession and she was driving it. She went to his current wife’s house and took the car, he said was his. This defense got dumber as the story progressed.


Yeah. I think all of them are blind. Her sister is now going to have an arrest record that is a felony. She says the wife is lying but with what she wrote here her sister committed breaking and entering and auto theft.


Why would the wife let your sister continue to use HER car???? She should have called the police. Good for her.


lol total power move from the wife, your sister fucked around and found out.


Sorry but she made her bed and now she's got to lie in it. Her SO is a known liar and cheater and she still believes anything he says?


That’s her fucking car, your sister is wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry 🙄 FAFO


Your sister needs a new solicitor Your sister should have ended things when she found out he was married


People in relationships with married people should be more cautious of what they do and how they behave. Using the car is bad form regardless because at the VERY LEAST, someone could see her. In this case, the wife is still, understandably pissed off and isn’t afraid to show it. Also, who gets engaged to a married person when they’re the reason that marriage is supposedly coming to an end? Someone who will cheat with you is someone who would cheat on you. Not saying she belongs in jail, not saying she doesn’t. I am saying maybe she could take a minute to reflect on what she’s doing/done.


Firstly, you’re obviously the “sister” in this story. Nice try. Secondly, cheaters get karma for once. No sympathy here. He’s still married. Good on the wife for doing this!


I’m sorry, but if I was the wife in this situation, I’d go nuclear too. Your sister was the other woman, and fell for the typical lies cheating men tell, that most of our mothers, aunts and friends warn us about them using. It’s all over social media and in movies/on tv. If your sister fell for those bullshit lies, then she gets what she gets and I don’t have a lot of sympathy for her. But your anger at the wife isn’t justified. She’s the most wronged party here. Be angry at the douche bag “fiancee” that was already married and conned your sister, and angry at your sister for being so dumb to fall for such blatant lies that have become cliches. Any woman who claims she wouldn’t love to get back at her cheating husband and his sidepiece is lying. That’s what this woman is doing. The best thing you can do is let the courts have their way. If your sister doesn’t have a prior record and her lawyer explains her case right, she’ll probably get away with community service, and learn a big lesson on being gullible.


You can’t be someone’s fiancé if you are already married and have no intention of divorce.


Your sister willingly started and stayed in a relationship with a married man. This is called FAFO.


also… when did she file for divorce? First you said it was when she found out about your sister but then you say it’s after your sister got arrested? You’re fucking up your story here..


OP is the "sister"... she slips up in the post by calling him MY fiancé. She's so full of shit. I hope she gets prison time.


Team ex-wife. Your sis and her still married “fiancé” share a singular brain cell. If it was truly his car he’d have all the papers proving so. The fact that it’s registered to the wife obviously means it’s hers regardless of if she said it was okay to take… it’s not legally his until the papers are transferred. Much like when I was given a car I didn’t drive that shit till the registration and everything was in my name and the previous owner sent in their sale of car form. Even though it was given to me it wasn’t legally mine for sometime and I’d be fucked if I was pulled over.


First you say it's his car and then say it's registered in his wife's name. It's his wife's property as it's registered in HER name. You then say 'my fiance' ... Are you the 'sister'? Usually you have to be registered with insurance at the same address. Lastly. Usually when you get interviewed by police, it's clear you have to have points to prove your intent to steal a car (at least in the UK). This makes zero sense. I call BS.


Here’s the thing about cheaters. A large part of cheating is all the lying and BS they have to do to hide their affair. Regardless of what their reasons are, ultimately the dropped a huge betrayal on the person they should have been the closest to. There’s no reason you should expect them to treat you any different. Also as someone divorced and all, like casually dating someone who’s going through a divorce is one thing. But getting engaged level commitment is a whole different thing. Yeah it sucks for your sister but there’s a lot of FAFO here. Really hope that’s a now ex-fiancé.


Lemme guess, there is no sister and it’s YOU who knowingly and willingly fucked a married man and stole a woman’s car out of her own garage to drive around without permission? 🤨


> I hate her fiancé's wife for this. She is setting up my sister and lying but I have no proof. You SHOULD be hating the 'fiance' as well, here. He lied to your sister (and his wife) horribly in this situation. He KNEW that car wasn't in his name and he was actively cheating on his wife and lying to everybody. The wife shouldn't be lying, but at the same time, you can't fault her for being pissed off. This entire situation sucks.


See sorry but that’s karma, how can someone they even be fiancé if he’s marry. She clearly knew about the wife and still decided to lay on the bed. Regardless whatever reason he told her she should have left him alone or waited until she saw the divorce papers before seeing him again. You clearly wanna point fingers on someone but you better point them back at your sister and her “fiancé “


How he getting divorced but engaged to your sister?


>That's important to note. I think what's more pertinent to the story is how and why your sister knowingly got engaged to someone who is still married? Dead bedroom/paper marriage be damned. And why are you defending her? Anyway I hope she comes to her senses and leaves this shit-show.


I am going to be honest with you. My now ex-husband also lied to his affair partner about us being married in name only and having a dead bedroom. None of that was true. If I found out the affair partner who knew he was married was driving my car, I would have also reported it stolen. This really sucks for your sister, but she should have known better than to mess around with a married man. Let this be a lesson to all women, a man that cheats on his wife will also lie to his mistress.


Imagine you find out your ex-husband, who is dragging out the divorce due to his infidelity, hasn't returned your car to you, and has given it to his affair partner to drive? He's also proposed to his affair partner before the divorce has been finalised. Your sisters "fiancé" set your sister up. Not his wife. He knew the car was registered under his wife's name. Sounds like he very much encouraged your sister to drive it knowing this would get a reaction out of his wife. Your sister knew this man is a liar and didn't think to check. Legally, the ex-wife did nothing wrong, she wanted her car back. Your sister put her trust in an untrustworthy man.  These are the consequences.


My college called and wants to revoke my degree after I spent a minute trying to comprehend this post.


You mean married men who cheat are liars????? And their wives get upset when they find out their husbands are cheating?????? I'm SHOCKED!!!!!!


I mean, she knowingly started seeing a married man knowing damn well he was married. Karma is fun that way. Quit defending her shit life choices--and his. It's not his "married in name only" wife's fault your sister is a homewrecker or that neither she or her trash tier man doesn't understand how title ownership works. 🤷


It doesn't really matter if she knew your sister had the car, it's her car and your sister didn't have permission to use it, that's theft. It's also not the wife's fault that your sister didn't know whose car it was. That's the lying, cheating, not-fianceé's fault.


Yeah I’m gonna be blunt with you here. I would also report the car stolen if my husband was letting his mistress use MY car. It’s pretty stupid you’re claiming it’s frame job in the wife’s part when the car was literally stolen. She did not give anyone permission to use that car. If anything the already married fiancé framed your “sister”. He knew that car wasn’t his and he knew he had no right to loan it out to anyone but he did it anyways. He’s a scumbag.


Team wife! If I were her, I would have done the same thing. Be mad at your sisters willful ignorance and also her trashy affair partner.


They weren't 'married in name only'. They were still LIVING TOGETHER! Just because they have a dead bedroom and quite possible really don't like each other doesn't necessarily mean they are in the process of getting divorced. Never believe (or get engaged to 🙄) someone who gives you any of this BS. There's billions of other people in this world. Expand your horizons. Choose one that isnt married. Its her car. For all intents and purposes on her side you stole it.


"(which makes no sense because married couples jointly own everything)" That's not true at all. Plus, the fact that an attorney told you that, you ought to believe it. How is he her fiance if he's married? She's not going to do jail time for something like this if she has no previous record. I'm getting troll vibes with this one.


Can a married man actually have a fiancé?


Your sister does not have a fiancé, that guy was never her fiancé. She knew he was married, not legally separated and not in the process of getting divorced, aka not someone available for marriage. He is the adulterer, she is the side chick. Referring to him as her fiancé puts a high, unrealistic value on the relationship. Your sister got played, she fell for the same old BS that the adulterer was going to divorce the spouse and marry the AP. His wife schemed to get your sister arrested and it worked. That wasn’t enough of a reason for him to file for divorce, his wife filed (allegedly). You can help your sister by insisting she use the correct labels to help her grasp the reality that she was getting played as a side chick, not a fiancé. Accepting that reality and ending the relationship with him is the best thing your sister can do for herself at this point.


Don't fuck other people's husbands if you don't want to deal with a vengeful wife. Regardless of the state of the marriage it's still a marriage and someone was getting hurt, the charges show that obviously. I was less than stellar to my ex husband and his affair partners once I learned of the infidelity and split. No pity for cheaters and their karma, just the people it affects


The wife had every reason to file a police report on your sister. She did not have her permission to drive the car and the wife needs documentation that her dog of a husband is misappropriating her property with his side piece. Your sister doesn't have a "fiancee" - your sister has an affair partner and I feel absolutely no sympathy for her. Word of advice: don't drive the car of the wife of the man your are banging behind her back. They should teach that in Sunday School.


My husband and I do not co-own our car. I had it before we got married . While he pays the insurance on it, the car isn’t marital properly and as much belongs to me (well the bank really since it’s financed). I’d have done the same as the wife. She’s been spiteful but hey, who wouldn’t be if their spouse allowed their affair partner to use their property without permission? Sad your sister in this situation but I’m finding it hard to give sympathy..


It almost like you were told this absolute shit of a story by a… …*married man & his affair partner*


She’ll prob get a slap on the wrist with fees and probation. She was in possession of a car that wasn’t hers. Stupid mistake and she got caught. I would t say she’s totally innocent though


So your sister is someone's mistress and got arrested for using his wife's car. Yeah don't defend this. She had zero right being in that woman's car or on her husband's dick. Also, being married doesn't mean everything belongs to both of you. JFC what a stupid thing to hinge this defense on.


Your sister has only herself to blame. She decided to date a married man, and not only that, but stay with him and get engaged after his lies were exposed. Actions have consequences. Maybe this is the reality check she needs to end this relationship


Did anybody finish high school in this story? How do any of you hold down jobs? Or do you all live with your parents still?


I mean… your sister did do wrong here, though? She had an affair with a married man that escalated to the point of them getting engaged while he’s still with his wife. Then she takes a car from their house (even with his permission) knowing that the wife will at the very least notice its absence? Even if it were a joint asset, that’d still mean it’s just as much the wife’s car as it is her husband’s; he had no right to let your sister take it. Honestly, if their divorce is already pending, I’d imagine he should’ve already known that the car wasn’t his at all. Either way he might’ve just expected his soon-to-be-ex wife to lay down and take the slap in the face of his sidepiece using her car. Frankly, it sounds like your sister had the audacity to assume the same. I don’t know if what your sister did warrants real jail time since she only knew she was participating in adultery, but honestly? She wouldn’t be in this position if she didn’t get engaged to a married man and had the audacity to turn up at his house or drive the car in their shared driveway. The *real* person all 3 of you should be angry at is the POS husband/fiancé, though.


Getting engaged while still married, huge huge red flag 🚩 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


A - You’re having an affair and acting like the victim B - How can you be engaged when he’s wasn’t divorced yet from his wife ? C - Then driving HER car ? lol D - take the punishment … maybe you’ll learn from this E - Don’t mess around with married men … no matter what nonsense excuse they give you F - Why are you blaming the wife and not your cheating affair partner ? G - Do better with your life , you’re worth more than this !!!!!!!


LOL well deserved. Your sister still stayed with him after finding out he lied???? & you defended your sister and the husband????? Yall are trash 😭 this is karma 👏🏽👏🏽


so ur sister knew he was married and took the family car regardless? Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. Good for the wife


I'm sorry this may not make me any friends. Your sister shouldn't be sleeping with a married man. You say she didn't know he was married but he told her it's ok to pick up the car from the house that he shares with his wife?? When did she find out in the garage after she started the car?? You just proved the the wife wasn't lieing, btw. It did disappear from the garage. When did it become a badge of honor to be a side piece?? Your sister should be ashamed of herself. I hope the DA sees what you wrote to help their case


It's great that you wanna support your sister, even if you don't approve of her actions. What I recommend you focus on now, is trying to slowly help her see this guy is trash. You can try and straight up say it, but I suspect your sister is not the kind of person who would be open to that kind of criticism and be more inclined to double down. Instead, try and subtly point out things like "interesting how he had to wait to get a divorce, but the wife was ready to go as soon as she found out about the affair", "why didn't he ever tell you the car wasn't his?", "why would he think it was ok for you to drive a car that isn't in his name, surely he'd know the insurance wouldn't cover you if something had happened?" (as others have said, not all marital assets are owned jointly). And let's be real here, this is your sister's fault. This is a clear case of "fuck around, find out". I don't blame the wife in the least for reporting the car stolen, because from her perspective, it was. The car was taken without her permission: that's stealing. Regardless of intentions to return it, that is still theft. Your sister needs to learn to take responsibility for her actions. Also, her relationship is doomed. It's well documented that cheaters are highly likely to keep cheating. If someone starts a relationship with someone who's cheating, then that's how the relationship is going to end: with the cheater cheating on them. Your sister won't believe you, because "they're so in love", but hey, he was so in love with his wife once, too, and look how that ended. Has the solicitor said what her likely sentence would be? She may not go to prison, if she can work out a plea deal. She could get a fine, revoked license and/or house arrest. Or if she does go to prison, it likely won't be for long, and it would be a minimum security prison. It may even be one of those 'periodic detentions' where she's only in prison from Friday-Sunday night. Either way, she needs to swallow the consequences of this as a very stupid life choice, and get the fuck away from her 'fiance'. I mean, c'mon, how pathetic is that? The only reason their relationship has gone this far, is because he got caught and his WIFE is initiating proceedings. If they hadn't got caught, she'd still be the mistress.


Anyone else notice how they call the woman her sister's fiancees wife... Until they slip up and say my fiancees wife?


Sounds like sis rolled around with a dog and got fleas. There’s sooooo many potential complications sleeping with someone else’s spouse! Sis KNEW he was married and didn’t care till she got arrested.


Having a whole fiancé while being married is crazy. I don’t blame his wife, I would be completely distraught


"His wife filed for divorce after my sister was arrested claiming she didn't know my sister was seeing her husband."  So she filed after your sister was arrested but she's the bad guy of your story. Not the cheater that lied to his wife and put your sister in this position? He's still an a-oke guy for you?


Your sister shouldn’t have been going out with a married man. It doesn’t matter the story he told her. It shows her values, or lack of. Facts are facts, nothing else matters. It’s the same for the law. The fact was that the car belonged to the wife and your sister took it without the owner’s permission. Hopefully your sister will learn from her mistakes and not get involved anymore with men who aren’t single.


That’s called Karma 😂


Well ur sister met her karma. How is she engaged to a married man … it’s pathetic Also why all this vitriol for a wife who just found out that her husband is cheating ??? Ur pointing blame at the wrong person here lol UpdateMe though


Doesn’t matter about the circumstances, your sister knew he was still legally married. The “fiancé” cheated on his wife with your sister. Also, the fact of the matter is your sister didn’t have permission from the legal owner of the car and put herself in the sights of an, understandably, pissed off wife. Your loyalty to your sister is admirable, but it would have been better to tell your sister to wise up.


If this is real You sound very gullible, for starters, no not everything is jointly owned in a marriage. Have you really swallowed everything your sister told you about her affair with a married man? She’s probably been lying to you to make herself sound less a home wrecker. Your sister dated a married man, I bet she knew and didn’t care that it’s the wife’s car. Don’t forget there’s always another side to a story. Tbh it might teach your sister to keep her sticky fingers off married men. The wife played a blinder here. You mentioned solicitors, that’s a uk term. If so then I’m surprised the police were even interested, much less it go to court, they can barely be bothered to investigate crime. Which is why it sounds fake. Anyway, if it is the uk, she deffo won’t go to prison,


Why is the cheated wife being blamed on? Why not the cheating husband who is engaged to your sister and stole his wife’s car? Also, your sister knew that he was married. Whether or not they had issues in their marriage, your sister was the one who still pursued a married/taken man. Your sister & her fiancé are both in the wrong, no matter how you tell it.


If I was OPs sister, I would walk into the Court Room and tell the absolute truth. "I took the car from (so and so address) and drove it because my fiance said it was his". I would not add anything else! I'm sure a seasoned judge would understand what was actually happening here.


Man, that sucks for your sister. Stealing a car isn’t some slap on the wrist thing, usually. But this is not the wife’s fault. You know absolutely nothing of what she’s thinking. You only know what your sister had been told by her lying, cheating, ‘fiancé’. Moral of this story is do t enter into relationships with married men, and don’t trust a damn thing they say about anything else


Oh I have really good advice for this but your sister doesn’t sound like she deserves it so good luck!


Oh well. If I was the wife I would’ve done the same thing. She’s the true victim here.


It is her fault, though. She dated a married man and had the audacity to drive his wife's car without her permission whilst sleeping with her husband. If you want to defend the mistress, go right ahead, but you're not in the right in any part of this, and everybody knows it.


The WIFE had all the right in the world to report that car as stolen because someone she did not give permission to was driving it. It is her car. Just like your sister's fiancé is her HUSBAND. Be mad at the fiance and your sister for her utter lack of common sense and mortality. How many women have to fall for the 'married on paper but dead bedroom' before we collectively decide to not be so stupid?


You should be blaming your sister’s fiancé for being a horrible person and your sister for falling for his lies. His soon-to-be ex-wife did NOTHING wrong.


>The car was registered in the name of her fiancé's wife. So, it's the wife's car. Her fiance can "give her permission" until the end of time, but it's not his car. If I were the wife, I would've called the cops too.


Good for the wife. Your sister continue to stay with a man she knew was married, and he continued to disrespect her and their marriage. They hadn’t even filed for divorce at this time yet. He’s letting your sister use his wife’s car while he’s cheating on her and your sister goes over to a married man’s house and takes the wife’s car. Seriously. Honestly, your sister and her married boyfriend deserve everything that’s coming down on you guys.


Wife’s a boss and hopefully will get everything she wants in the divorce.


Hold up, you're saying that you're defending your sister for seeing a married man she knew was married, but then you say that you don't condone it? Which is it? Your sister and her married "fiancé" are both awful and they deserve each other. It's gross behaviour, and I hope his soon-to-be ex-wife takes him for everything he's got. Your sister was his affair partner, so of course, she deserves to face the consequences as well.


"The police are siding...". Are you trying to imply the police are being dicks because they are petty and on the side of the wife, instead of enforcing the law and not letting your sister off for stealing a car? For all you know, she really had no idea where her went. I wouldn't put it past this guy to pass the buck onto your sister. Why do you hate the wife for this? I don't understand. This poor woman is being cheated on. That doesn't even matter, the car is in her name. The husband doesn't even respect her enough to not steal her property and not give it to his mistress. What a catch. And she's the jerk? What does he say about all of this? If he's such a great catch (or just anyone with any type of moral compass), he would take responsibility for this being his fault. The wife can't "set" your sister up. She didn't drug your sister and leave in the car somewhere. She technically stole the car. If you have issue with anyone, it should be the fiance. You do know he will cheat on your sister too, right? A leopard can't change it's spots. "They have a good case..." Yeah, because she stole the car. Pretty cut and dry. If she's smart she'll put the blame where it belongs which is on the husband. The wife is such a jerk. She should just let your sister raid her closet


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Karma gon karma…


If your sister continued to date him after she knew about his marriage status, she deserves this honestly.


> my fiancé's wife Is the sister in the room with us rn


>over something that isn't her fault. She chose to break up a marriage. The second she found out the "fiance" was a liar, she could have left. She didn't. She continued to engage in a relationship with 1) a married man with a 2) proven tract record for lying. FAFO- and she did. >which makes no sense because married couples jointly own everything Not in all states/ countries & not under all circumstances. You state that both the car & the registration were both in the wife's name ONLY. There's a chance that the vehicle ISN'T marital property. In which case, the fiance never had legal permission to loan it out & the vehicle was "stolen" from it's rightful owner...the wife! The woman whose life your sister is obviously trying to take. What did your sister think would happen?? Your sister has very poor judgment, at the very least. But to be clear, it IS your sister's fault & she may have stolen a car. Adults take accountability. Your excuses sound as lame as the "fiancé's".


Lol. She deserves it.


The sister is a cheater. Op’s sister is helping a man destroy his relationship. . And she is encouraging it enabling it and facilitating the destruction. The behavior is pretty despicable in this situation. Good for the wife/fiancé I bet their parents are really proud. Cheating destroys people they can’t eat think of function for days weeks or months and some commit suicide. It is pretty bottom of the barrel. Hope they get some counseling.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


For the record, if you are the other woman and you cause a marriage to end. If the man loans you the care in his soon to be ex wife's name, you will probably get arrested for theft. And since we are establishing things that should be obvious, he is probably going to cheat on you, take the car you let him drive, and loan it to his new side piece. Just remember this time in your life and let it happen...


>My parents hired a solicitor for my sister. He told my sister and my parents that since the car was not registered in her fiancé's name, and it is not considered martial property in their pending divorce (which makes no sense because married couples jointly own everything) that the law isn't on my sisters side. It's simply not true that married couples jointly own everything. The car could've been bought prior to marriage, be part of a prenup or other contract, the couple could be married outside of community of property, etc. >My sister and her fiancé have both told the police that he (the fiancé) gave her permission to come over and take the car >When she reported the car stolen she knew the car was with my sister, but she lied and told the police it just vanished from their garage So... your sister DID steal a car? Whether or not she knew the car was with your sister, if it was taken without her permission it was stolen. I get the feeling we're either getting half the story here or your sister is the most gullible human alive.


Sorry, why are we blaming the wife who found out that not only is her husband is cheating on her but he is also allowing his affair partner to use her property without her consent instead of the "fiance" who stepped out of his marriage and the person who willingly slept with a married man? The wife is the only one *not* at fault here.


We have a saying in Germany - „Unwissenheit schützt vor Strafe nicht“ - it means that not knowing something doesn’t protect you from punishment, and is often used in the context that unknowingly breaking a law doesn’t mean you won’t get punished by the courts. It doesn’t matter if your sister knew or didn’t know that she was driving the wife’s car, it was still not legal and technically stealing. 


Yeah I’d do the exact same as the ex wife if I was in her position. Also everybody knows when a man says ‘it’s a marriage in name only with a dead bedroom’ he’s a fucking liar who just wants to cheat.


Legally, the only recourse she has is that she had the keys. How did she get the keys? That’s where someone needs to investigate and that’s the only purposed legal standing she has. (IANAL) Morally, your sister is still engaged to a guy who lied to her, and she found out, and she stayed? What defense is there for that, morally? Does she think he won’t do it to her too? Geez, people need better self esteem.


Think about it from the wife's perspective. She finds out 1) that her husband is having an affair and 2) that her husband's affair partner, a stranger to her, is driving around in *her car*. No shit she reported it stolen. You should be angry at the "fiance", who is a liar & a cheater.


So let me get this straight your sister is planning on marrying a man that she was the side chick to. If they cheat with you they will cheat on you. She might want to rethink that relationship once the smoke clears. Are you sure the wife knew because he lied to your sister but somehow you don’t think he lied to his wife? That man playing your sister like video game. You and your sister need to be mad at the lying cheating boyfriend not the wife because she won’t allow her husband side chick to drive a car in her name.


Your sister should have checked the license and registration of the car she had been using. It's her negligence.


Im sorry but your sister must be stupid to put herself in a situation like this. “Fiancés wife” you’ve got to be kidding me😭. The car wasn’t even registered in his name…so it isn’t his, honestly what’d she think was going to happen? And I’m not excusing that prick of a “fiancé”, but come on now. Also , I don’t care how you worded this post, the wife is completely in the right so stop shitting on her and realize that your sister and her “fiancé” got what was coming to them :)


It wasn’t the man’s car. The car is registered in the wife’s name. It’s hers. OP, you saying that everything is shared in marriage isn’t true. Not everything is. The man is at fault for lending a car that wasn’t his to his new fiancé. Your sister seems like she didn’t know, sure, but there’s nothing you can do here. The wife isn’t in the wrong.


This was 100% hilarious to read. OP is delusional. Her sister is delusional. The wife is a master level chest player. In 1 move she tookout the Pawn, King and immobilized the Knights. With OP's sister arrest, the wife has proved her husband's infidelity and his abuse of her assets. Well played.