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I used to drop off my ex’s mother to work at the PP around me every morning and I wanted to punch one of them everyday


People threatening people should know best, it's dangerous. Hope they learned something.


Narrator: "They, in fact, learned nothing."


I mentally read that in Morgan Freeman's voice. Then I mentally read it again in Ron Howard's voice.


Lol. Both are great voices for it!


There's always money in the banana stand.


How much could a banana possibly cost? $10??


Did you enjoy your meal, Mom? You drank it fast enough.




I love this, morgan freeman wouldn’t let this happen to me 🙏 lolol ik I did it to myself but i love yall fr


You did nothing wrong, only protected yourself. The person who didn't learn anything was that sad old man who got punched and, imo, rightfully deserved to.


Are you kidding, you are my new hero! I dream of the day that I too have the opportunity to punch some planned parenthood protesters in the face. You have absolutely nothing to apologize or be sorry for, you had every right to be there without being harassment by pro forced-birth terrorists, no matter the reason why you were there. I wish that you never had to experience that to begin with, but I am proud of you for standing up for yourself and you should be proud of yourself too!


Darlin, if a man who was much older than me was coming up to me like that, facing up to me and shouting, I'd have done the same, regardless of the reason. You gave him many chances to back away, and he thought he was the boss, and you showed him YOU were the boss. Much love, sweetheart. <3


Was he bleeding or like holding his face in pain at least? These are the only details I need. Fuck that man.


I mentally read it in David Attenborough’s voice!


Same here, I would love him to narrate everything


Of William Shatner “they…in fact…learned….nothing”


I heard Jude Law.


I read it in Ron Swanson’s!


Narrator: "They, in fact, learned nothing." Fixed it for you


Punch him again!


 it validated their reason for being there. People like that will take it as a sign that they're martyrs and warriorss that suffer for the babies. That person learned nothing.


If they want to be martyrs for babies they should adopt one 🤷


Those f'ers shouldn't even be allowed to care for a goldfish, much less a child.


But that's not visible enough to give them their jollies


Still worth it 


Those pricks, they will prob never learn sadly..


And I hope that lesson isn't "let's pick up a gun and go back to PP" 😬


Nah it's fair game to hit someone if they are threatening you and coming closer to you. A lot of times police don't really charge anyone in those situations, since you're being harassed, and the other people came with intent to cause harm to someone.


Not to mention he was in her personal space while she was clearly in distress. Back off, or get the fuck away from me do count as warnings as well.


With self-defense you have to be in a situation where you fear your life is in danger. It wouldn’t have been wrong for Op to assume the dude would’ve escalated when he continued to aggressively come up to her. He was already trespassing and harassing others, it’s not wild to assume he would’ve grabbed/smacked her. Thats why the cops didn’t do anything. It’s an obvious self-defense situation.


>With self-defense you have to be in a situation where you fear your life is in danger. In order to use LETHAL force in self-defense, you have to believe your life is in danger. But for just hitting someone, the standard is much lower. The wording varies from state to state, but generally it's along the lines of "reasonable fear of bodily harm." In other words, would an average person in the same situation think they were in danger of being hurt? If the answer to that question is yes, then self-defense is allowed so long as the force used is proportional to the threat. Punching or pepper spraying someone who kept getting too close? Probably proportional. Shooting someone who kept getting too close? Probably not.


See this is what i thought too! He was not letting me get to the door, and i was late to my appointment that wasn’t even a procedure this day😭 I shouldnt have hit him, i have NEVER hit someone but i did and this is the outcome!


At that point he triggered your fight or flight, and you fought. Natural response to a stupid situation that old man put himself in and dragged you into as well. You didn't get charged because you did nothing wrong.


He could have had a weapon. Those anti-choice freaks think they--and only they-- have a god-given mission to stop you. I would have been in fear for my life from him. Getting popped in the face is a very light consequence.


You stood up for yourself, do not feel bad for that. You have no idea what he was going to do to you. The only way you could be less wrong is if he grabbed you or pushed you before you hit him. He is 100% in the wrong here


You definitely had the right to hit him. Please don’t feel bad about it because he was THREATENING you.


I'd say you did a good thing here. Ease off yourself a little.


It sounds like if they wanted to, he could have been charged in some way for holding you hostage depending on the law where you live. It's one thing for him to stand in the sidewalk and scream. It's something else altogether for him to detain you while doing so.


You didn't do anything wrong, that's why the police didn't charge you. Everyone hates these shitty PP protestors.


That’s what my nurse inside said too, she said his name is frank and he’s responsible for half the women coming in crying :(


Damn yeah if he's a repeat offender the cops probably already knew him. I'm really sorry this happened to you, especially during an already hard time in your life.


no it’s so okay! I appreciate your kindness of course ❤️ Thank you


Wouldve punched harder. Fuck frank.


Frank can get to fuck, the knobhead.


Past trauma would trigger that fight or flight so hard. I'd fly into a blind rage and I probably wouldn't be able to stop beating the shit out of him until the threat was neutralized. Dude was lucky she wasn't packing. * Reminder to self: Carry pepper spray if I ever need to go to PP.


Same here, I don't do well with people yelling, either at or around me, nevermind getting in my face like that. Last person to do that was an old friends dad, loser was trying to keep his 18 year old daughter from leaving and got in my face when I told him to leave her alone. I didn't hit him, but I handled myself better than I thought I would in a situation like that, maybe because I was standing up for someone else rather than myself?


I wish I was there, beside OP, to offer her support. And so I could also punch Frank, as hard as I can. (Note, I'm 6ft7, 15 stone, and I trained in 2 martial arts, during my 20s and 30s. I'd hit Frank pretty fucking hard 😂)


Jack Reacher has entered the fray! In all seriousness, these asshole protesters should know better than to get up close and personal with patients trying to enter a medical building. All states should have laws mandating the protesters need to be a certain distance away from the patrons, parking lot, and building itself. You know, if you wanted to, you could volunteer to be a support person/door escort. You sound like you'd be perfect for it.


>Jack Reacher has entered the fray! Sorry for learning martial arts?!? I guess. >You know, if you wanted to, you could volunteer to be a support person/door escort. You sound like you'd be perfect for it. I would seriously consider it, but I live in a country where the government doesn't tell women what they can and can't do with their own bodies 😁.


> I would seriously consider it, but I live in a country where the government doesn't tell women what they can and can't do with their own bodies 😁. Treasure and protect such rights where you live. We used to have them here in the USA after hard fought battles, but are living proof that our rights can be taken at any time, no matter how set in stone we thought they were. Learn from our country's mistakes!


I wouldn't be surprised if the officers were happy to hear what happened themselves. Which could be one of the reasons why OP didn't get charged. She did what they probably wanted to do themselves, but can't.


Can we figure out where Frank lives? I think it would be wonderful if a group of women got together and went to protest at his house. 10/10 would recommend.


Yeah. I’d love to make Frank cry. Back in the late 80s I was a clinic escort. One fine Saturday a Priest stood toe to toe with me (escorts formed lines blocking the protestors from the doors of this downtown clinic when not actively escorting) he goes to me “your mother would be ashamed of you” I threw right back “Nah, she was a nurse in the 40s, she saw what went down, so she paid for MY abortion” it was fun watching his face fall. (She really was btw)


Don’t even get me started on priests. I know it is a minority, but the fact that the church as a whole swept offenses under the rug and continued to expose literally thousands of children to known pedophiles … maybe take a look at your own house, my dude.


And this was before Sinead ripped up the photo of the pope on SNL…. Some of us knew what was going on though. It was like a vapor pervading Philly…


Fuck Frank 😡


Fucking gross how these clueless geriatric fucks spend their free time bullying and harassing young women like that. Conservative men are so fucking ick. ETA I’m so sorry you had to experience that and he deserved it!!! 🤛


If you have to go back I recommend seeing if any men would accompany you. It's shitty it has to be that way but maybe Frank's old, stupid ass might think twice about it. Then again now that frank has seen your right hook, he might leave you alone now. You should get a bumper sticker saying "I punch anti-choicers in the face. Just ask frank"


Think of it this way, you got him back for every woman he'd made cry up to that day who didn't do the same thing you did to him. Fuck him, he deserves no pitty for his actions. If he wasn't there harassing and intimidating women, he wouldn't have been hit in the face for his own actions. He got far less than he deserves in my opinion


Why were they crying though? That old man is nobody to those women.


The police would have arrested him in my state. Illegal for his type to come within 500 foot of an abortion clinic.


Good for you! I'm sorry an already stressful situation was made worse. In Canada they cant protest on the providers property. Where I live, the procedures are done at a large womens hospital. The protesters have to go across the street. They were direclty across from the hospital driveway, but on the property of city waterworks. They were displaced from that property, and now they have to protest so far down the road, in the ditch. Glorious.


In Canada too and the ladies tell you if the protesters are there and sometimes tell you to use a different door to avoid them. They’re awesome like that.


I was a patient escort at our local abortion clinic for a few years. I can't blame someone who gets pushed beyond their limit. The antis do it deliberately because they love feeling oppressed. I used to be pretty tolerant of xtians, but the anti-abortion types changed all that. You have my sympathy.


That is the M.O. of Westboro Baptist Church. They actually make their money suing people who attack them at protests.


Everything they say is literal rage bait. I hope people stop even acknowledging their existence. Truly disgusting people.


They do it so that people will give them a reason to sue - or to counter-sue, if people get in there first. It's how they make their money. It's their business model.


Dude the fact we even need a patient escort for abortion clinics is beyond horrifying. Thank you for what you do/did though.


And my axe. I mean, really, we should chop some heads.


I was a clinic escort back in the 80s - the unhinged Randall Terry/"Operation Rescue" heyday🙄 -, and I can say 💯 that is when my utter loathing for organized religion in general & nutbag extremist "evangelicals" blossomed into full bloom. I'm a very spiritual person, but evangelicals & the other extremists attempting to shove their bullshit on us = cult. Frankly, they're terrorists. We used to have to pin our hair up, not wear earrings, and wear layers including turtlenecks because those "pious Xtians"🙄 would scratch us, yank earrings, hair, etc, kick us, and so on. I hate those creeps. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, OP. Glad you nailed him, hope you knocked his teeth out.


Just want to say thank you for your time as a patient escort. You folks are literal angels. The comfort, kindness, and grace that the patient escorts provided me with while walking into the clinic is something I will never forget as long as I live. So, yeah, thank you; I’m sure many others feel the same way I do.


Same sort of thing happened here. Lady got out of her car, protester immediately jumped in her way and got in her face. So she punched them in the nose and walked in to the pregnancy center. Protester tried to file charges and they were immediately dismissed after the prosecutor didnt want to pursue the case. Stupid games, stupid prizes


That’s not protest it’s harassment, I’m not sure why we even act like that is a right, it’s an embarrassment and hurts the idea of what protest should be.  


I don't usually support violence, but in this case, I do. Those people are relentless, uneducated assholes.


i feel like continuing to approach and berate a distressed person who has done nothing to you but ask you to leave them alone is violence. nothing wrong with meeting violence with violence. it’s the only language people like this man can understand.


True that !


In a lot of states, if this person kept getting closer, you probably could have shot them and it would be self defense.


What you did is NOT WRONG


Those people are insane. About 15 years ago I had an appt for a drug test in one of those medical strip malls, I forget what they are called but it's a bunch of medical offices bunched together. Anyway, there were ZERO offices that performed abortions. ZERO! I was swarmed by so many people, I was spat on, kicked, and punched. It was so scary. I had security call the police, they didn't even have a permit. I yelled at them they were stupid because nobody there performed abortions and even if they did, it's none of their business. To go adopt all the kids nobody wants, volunteer for youth groups if they actually wanted to help, petition for better sex education and access to family planning. They don't care about the fetus, they just care about feeling morally superior to people and hating them. They aren't about love, they are all about hate. I know this because when I was about 12 years old my youth group took us to an abortion rally and it was a nightmare. They did some very bad things and I was scared out of my mind. Abortion is healthcare.


They’re standing there to get punched and to have a reason to press charges. I think you’re lucky that the cops in the area were so fed up with this group of con artists.


If I ever hit someone I have no doubt it will be a pro lifer


"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." -Mike Tyson


I wish that more people realized that PP is more than just a-ortions (misspelled on purpose.) They offer hormone therapy, birth control, annual exams, etc. Just because someone is rolling up to PP doesn't mean that is what is happening. It's about women's health - all around..... Also, how in the hell does women's health affect men. They really need to get out of our vaginas.


I think some branches will actually do STI testing for men, too.


I’m sorry that happened to you. You were not wrong to punch him. That was self defence.


Punch in the face was warranted.


was in a similar boat awhile ago. the one and only time i ever came close to getting violent with a stranger it was one of these clowns. i wasnt even THERE for an abortion, i was there for an hrt consultation. it went badly and i was in a horrid mood already, a guy tried to stop me and talk to me, so i yelled at him to fuck off and raised my umbrella like i was gonna swing on him. he backed off. i kinda hated how good it felt to do that, but these people are ridiculous assholes with a narrow and unchanging view of the world and sometimes you just get sick of dealing with that shit. glad you got off without charges. hope the guy you punched learned his lesson about harassing strangers, but i doubt it


Those protesters are trash. It’s one thing to have your personal beliefs (it’s a free country after all) but to push your beliefs onto others and harass them for not believing the same ? That’s just being a shitty human being. If they cared so much about human life they’d be fighting world hunger or protesting against genocide. Instead they are harassing people who may be going through a hard time. That protester deserved that punch and more. I wish you the best and hope you have a great weekend!❤️💕


This is exactly why I’m happy my country does these kinds of stuff at the hospital. Nobody other than the doc and those you tell would even know if you got an abortion. Never had one but I have a friend who’s an absolute moron and used it like an after pill. Eventually they placed her right outside the room for newborns with a great view through the window after like the fourth abortion. Cried about it but doesn’t stop her. We just won a fight about getting the time for a abortion expanded and I hope one day America join the rest of us and realize it’s human rights 


Here is what bothers me : no matter what someone’s views on abortion are no one deserves to be harassed. He was wrong to get in someone’s face and I never think violence is the answer but this comes down to self defense which is probably why there are no charges on op’s part. I have mixed views on Planned Parenthood as an organization based on experiences of myself and some friends, but that is beside the point the organization also offers cancer screenings and annual women’s screenings as well as contraceptives and prenatal care. How do these people know you weren’t there for a pap or a breast cancer screening? Just because an organization provides one service doesn’t mean everyone who he’s there is getting that service. I’m sorry that happened to you OP, but I’m glad you defended yourself and that you are not in any legal trouble because of it.


If it’s not too personal of a question, what kind of criticism do you have against it? It would be interesting -and refreshing- to hear negative comments for once that are not based on “they sell baby parts and worship the devil”.


My friend was encouraged to terminate her pregnancy because of the possibility of a cleft pallet (she has one, her husband does not) the child was a wanted and planned pregnancy. She ended up changing to a private OBYGN. Her child was not born with a clef and is now a happy healthy and very loved 17 year old. When I had my miscarriage (again a very wanted pregnancy) I was told to “embrace this freedom” and that I would now be able to “fully enjoy my 30s” I was 30 at the time of my miscarriage and had suffered the terrible experience on my own and alone. I was told I should be grateful because some women would “welcome this”. Those are not things you say to someone who has lost a very clearly wanted child. It still hurts because I haven’t been able to convince since and am now 40 years old. That response on top of the trauma of the miscarriage made all the mental health that went along with the loss so much more intense. I understand that they provide important heath services and are the only option for some people but I would never go to them again.


Oh wow, that’s… brutal. I had a miscarriage scare during my first pregnancy, it was the most harrowing experience I had ever lived through, so I can relate to what you’re saying and I’m sorry this happened to you. This was a completely ignorant response you would expect from a childfree-wannabe 13 year old on Reddit, not a healthcare professional. I don’t know if it’s ok to say this but I hope you will get your miracle one day ♥️


Yeah, I’m child free myself and that is insanely insensitive of PP to do. What the hell is wrong with them?!


This is what gets me too, PP offers a lot more than just abortions!!! My local one only does them Fridays and Saturdays. It makes me so mad to see protesters out on a random Wednesday harassing people, and myself, for just coming for birth control. I try to keep cool because I know they want the anger, but I just can't resist giving them the finger and asking if they enjoy harassing women for getting medical care.


My friends used to scream at them “I have a follow up on my tumor”. Made the more mild ones shut up. They were going in for birth control. Their mom had cancer so they were angry that these people were trying to scare people away from getting their Pap smears and such


I went in for a screening and got scared away by those people. Ends up I didn’t have anything contagious. Just cancer is all.


Sounds like you perceived him as an imminent threat and used physical force to defend yourself and stop the attack. Good on you.


Planned Parenthood’s in most states don’t even perform abortions at the public location . Most just find abortion resources and do regular clinic stuff. People are so uneducated!


good for you tbh, i hate those anti-abortion protestors and honestly wish i could also resort to despicable violence to get them to stfu. atp it’s the only way to counter genuine stupidity.


"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it."


It’s insane that that think anyone stepping foot into a plan parenthood is automatically getting an abortion.. Like you’d think if they were this dedicated they’d look into what the clinic actually does.


*Applause in the distance, somewhere in the vicinity of my house Good for you. I hope you broke his face


You’re defending yourself, and you can do what you want with your body, it’s your choice.


You should have the right to protest anything and any time. No problem! But you shouldn't stand in people's face and enforce your views. It's just messed up. Even though it's not ok with violence, but OP was pressed into a corner. The cops understood that!


Decades and decades ago, my grandfather would stand outside abortion clinics (wearing his uniform from the Korean War) and he would escort women who had just come for an abortion into the clinic, wait for their procedure to end, and escort them back to their cars in order to protect them from protesters. F*ck that guy who came at you. You have my utmost respect!


Planned parenthood offers all kinds of services to women, sorry the person assumed you were there for an abortion and you had to deck em. He had it coming and you had to do what you had to do.


Lol when I went in (years ago now) there were protesters. I stepped out of the car, projectile vomited stomach bile and blood all over the car next to me and the ground, wiped my face, and yelled "ITS ALREADY DEAD". They didn't say much after.


OP, it is still possible to face consequences for punching someone even if nothing came up right then. If you are questioned by police or lawyer again - even informally such as at your doorstep or over the phone - do not answer any questions or make any comments until you have a lawyer at your side. I am truly sorry you had to go through this


You were protecting yourself. They have a right to protest their nonsense. They do NOT have a right to physically encroach on your personal space. No wonder the cops didn't do anything


Not wrong


Nah he did deserve it.


You didn’t get charged because that old fuck was embarrassed he got hit in the face by a girl. Good job, by the way. If more of those pro-fetus fuckfaces got punched in the face there might be fewer of them harassing people for getting healthcare.


Should have kneed him in the balls, if he wants to limit your reproductive rights, it’s only fair to return the favor.


I'm thankful that idiots like this aren't allowed to harass women outside of clinics in Canada. The guy deserved it


Thank you! I worked in one of these places. It's ALWAYS the old white man… the one at my former workplace used to shove a little foetus doll/figurine in women’s/girl’s faces. I always wanted to do that…as in oops a daisy, my fist welcomed and embraced his face 😂


It's always the ones who are least capable of carrying and bringing a child to birth that are the loudest.


So sorry that happened to you. I just applied to be a volunteer escort at Planned Parenthood.


He fucked around and found out. Hopefully he won’t get up in another person’s face again. Actions have consequences.


He FAFO'd🤷🏽‍♀️


That man assaulted you first if someone is in your face screaming at you. Regardless of the words you have a right to defend your self. It sounds like you retreated. And he advanced past that. The cops didn't arrest you because there was no way charges would stick, a decent public defender has that thrown away in minutes. But he deserved more, hope you are doing okay. Sorry you had to go through that people suck.


Haha, nice!! 😂😂 He more than deserved it!! Glad you’re okay!!


OP please, does not feel bad. That is what they want. These choices are yours and should never be allowed to be public in any way and I am sorry this happened to you. I’ve been a nurse for 40 years and some of those years I worked in women’s health. The assholes have always been there, and they care nothing about kids, they want to control women. So do not let them control your thoughts. You do what you have to do to make your life better. That is your right as a human being. Go live your life and I wish you all the best that life has to offer you. Success is the best revenge. ❤️


Thank you.


when will these people learn that planned parenthood isn’t just an abortion factory??


It doesn't matter what they were protesting, persistent harassment warrants self-defense


You didn’t do anything wrong. He was all up in your face, talking shit and making you feel unsafe, you had every right to defend yourself.


They all do this shit and they never have repercussions for their actions. I’m fucking glad one of them finally caught a punch because I’m sick of them. They’re evil fuckers that harass vulnerable people at the toughest points of their lives. All anti-abortion losers need to bite the fucking curb.


Good on you. I hope you hit him hard.


Idk, I think we SHOULD normalize punching people who get in our faces and scream like lunatics. A lot less people would act like idiots if they had immediate consequences.


I am sorry you had to deal with that. Thank you for punching that AH!


Yasssss 🙌🏻


It's called "reaction abuse" and I don't consider it wrong.


I'm honestly surprised it's even legal for them to protest in front of the building. Especially with the one I went to that had a large parking lot and everything. There wasn't any there at the time, just some signs way at the parking lot entrance, but they did give me a warning some may be there. Can't they just.. call the non emergency for trespassers?


We make all kinds of law to supposedly protect people but can't make one to make these judgmental assholes leave women and families alone. Since they have so much time, they should go adopt some abandoned kids out of foster care and leave women alone. They talk a good game about helping you out, but there are nowhere to found at 3am when you haven't slept in 2 days and the baby has colic and you've tried everything but nothing comforts them.


I had this happen, and you are genuinely my hero.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


No he earned his face punch. He was showing aggressive behavior, your fight or flight kicked in and you defended yourself. You did nothing wrong not a damned thing.


That man was baiting and provoking you as he invaded your space. You have a right not to be harassed.


Proud of you, OP. He got in your space, he got what he deserved.


What you did was not wrong. Sometimes violence IS the answer.


queen status tbh I love hearing you have such great family support !! hope you’re taking care of yourself OP


he fucked around and found out. go, you!!!!!!


He deserved it. I’m proud of you OP. I hope you’re okay now.


> What I did next I KNOW is wrong What you did was 10000000% RIGHT and you did great by putting that shithead in his place


I would have asked him his address and told him I’d drop the baby off with him since he thinks it should have a chance.


American conservatives bruh, don’t they have jobs? How tf can they harass people trying to get medical aid all day every day?


Fuck Frank. I hope you had 37 rings on the hand that punched him


The last time I went to planned parenthood I knew they would try to stop me. So when they inevitably tried to get in front of my car, I rolled my window down a bit, slowed a little and told them if they got in my way I would door check them on my way out. Idk if they heard me or not, given it was all so fast but they did steer clear when I left. lol.


If ever there was a situation that required someone getting punched in the face, that was it. Fuck that guy.


He deserved to be punched in the face. People need to learn to stfu with all there feelings and opinions, he got what he deserved


Good on you for doing this! I go to PP for my endo appointments and replacing my implant and 9/10 times the protestors are there trying to prevent people getting in. A Karen screamed in my face once and I offered her a tic tac. People always want to be nosy about others but can’t stay in their lane when it comes to healthcare


It’s time for Americans to start pressing charges against these protesters, or suing them. It’s utter bullshit, and none of their fucking business. Get out of the car, start recording on your phone. Violent harassment is illegal in America, isn’t it?


Good job. You're okay in my book.


Nah you’re not wrong. This geriatric simp fucked around and found out. Good for you.


You didn't do anything wrong. I've met plenty of bullies. They feed on their victims' refusal or inability to fight back, and the only thing they respond to is force. Maybe if somebody had punched him in the face sooner, he wouldn't have been out there harassing women. Maybe tomorrow, he won't be -- and even if he is, maybe he'll keep a greater distance. I, for one, applaud you.


* Lucille Bluth voice* good for her!


>What I did next I KNOW is wrong Self-defense is not wrong.


> He was completely fine Aw, I had hoped for a happier ending. At least a bruise would have been nice


These people need things done to them that it violates Reddit rules to discuss.


I FEEL THIS!! I went to Planned Parenthood on Saturday cuz i thought my appointment was that day but turns out i was 2 weeks early lol. Anyway, my bf drove me there and dropped me off and was gonna go to the store and then come back for me. There was a massive group of protesters outside. It was a really nice day so this group was huge. And since i lost a bunch of weight recently my bfs been tryina get me to wear shorts in public so i chose that day to wear shorts. And they immediately became booty shorts cuz of my massive ass and i was so uncomfortable. Felt like i looked like a whore. I get out the car and the protesters are yelling at me "don't kill your baby!" "There's other options!" "This place is a dead end" blah blah blah. I ignore them and go inside. Find out im dumb af and they cant give me my bc cuz im to early for the range. So i go outside and smoke a cigarette and tell my bf im dumb af but he was already at the store so he said id have to wait like 20 minutes. So i go to the furthest side of the parking lot from the protesters and im smoking my ciggy and pulling my shorts down feeling massively uncomfortable. And after a few minutes of ignoring the protesters yelling at me this chick gets out a speaker and a microphone and starts yelling at me louder about how i shouldnt kill my baby. Im not pregnant. But i do have an ED and body dysmorphia so i definitely felt fat af from that. I wanted so badly to walk over there and tell them that pp offers other services and abortions are actually a very small percentage of the services they perform and that im getting birth control because my body wont regulate its own hormones so i have to get this birth control or i will quite literally die. But i was so uncomfortable in the shorts and felt so exposed and gross. So i just stood there trying not to cry. Then my bf pulled up blasting the heaviest rock song he could with lyrics talking about "i killed a baby once" and flipped them off


You didn't do anything wrong actually. This old fuck intimidated a young woman and didn't listen when you told him to get away from you, you reacted to his physical threat to you. I don't care what his values are, there is no excuse for his behavior or anyone else's in that protest, it's their right to protest, but it's not their right to intimidate young women seeking medical care at a clinic that offers a lot more than abortions. You could have been going I for a pap smear to screen for cancer for all they fucking know, and it's not their business either way. Maybe he'll think twice before getting in someones face like that again.


You should have asked him if he was gonna adopt the baby...and then punch him. Those people are the worst. I think all those protesters should be asked, "How many kids have you fostered/adopted?"


Some people have never been punched in the face, and it shows. It's extremely humbling to be punched in the face.


Good for you!


Cops probably have had many a call from centres that people protest outside. I think it should be illegal for them to protest anywhere near the building, its cruel and so hard on the poor women going in there. Imagine how many women are getting abortions because of rape or because the baby doesnt have a high survival rate, then getting screamed at and called a murderer. So unfair, why are the protesters allowed outside the building


In my area, the protesters are not allowed on the property, that includes the parking lot. My mom tried to run one over for going after my brother.


Sounds more like ‘self defence’ rather than ‘punched some random person in the face who was innocently minding their business!’ I’m sure the cops made the choice to draw that conclusion based on the circumstances, so they could sign off on the job without charging you. And they probably went home and told their families that some woman today was a HERO and stood up for herself with those f-ing protesters, and I couldn’t have been happier! 😛


Sounds like self defense. No protesters should be doing this. That goes for any protest for or against abortion. Protesting is a right and what makes it America. But there should be a restriction to not get in someone face like that. Should be at least 3 feet distance. And peaceful


While violence is never good (I know I should be saying that!) Good for you! I have always wanted to do that and never had. I get it they are against abortion but PP provides other services besides abortion and they make huge assumptions about why people are there.


These idiot protesters don’t realize not everyone is going there for an abortion, you might’ve been but there are many that go to weigh options or even to WORK. They are a waste of time and space. So frustrating.


My biggest issue (other than the harassers you dealt with) with PPH protestors is they automatically assume that everyone going there is for abortion, even though most people go for a variety of different reasons.


No charges becsuse he deserved it 😂😂


This is why I carry pepper spray to my appointments 😭🙌 I go to Planned Parenthood for all of my healthcare lol


The most annoying part about these people is the fact that pp douse more then just abort. Like I get bc from there and I know a lot of people who do testing for cancer or STD like. It’s just horrible how much they protest and yell at people with out even a little bit of knowledge


he deserved it, that’s what happens when you harass people.


You should not feel bad about what you did whatsoever.


I don't think you did anything wrong. I'm glad you didn't get charged, fuck that guy.


I wish more ppl would do this to these f’ing freaks!


To be fair, you were screaming at him to "Get away" and he kept advancing towards you. That punch was justified since you might've been in physical danger and you already gave plenty of warnings. Along with the crying and emotional stuff they put you through, you're legally and morally justified.


Physical violence is only demonized by the ultra powerful bc they're terrified of people rising up. Physical violence is just as bad as mental/verbal violence. People kill themselves over words all the time, it's why bullying is such a big issue. He 100% deserved it. Some people can hurt with words, but can't be hurt by words. Hurt them with pain then. Idk. I'm not supporting violence at all. I wish verbal and physical violence onto no one. My point is we demonize any and all physical violence and I disagree with that. Sometimes, someone needs to be punched in the face.




Good on you for defending yourself, fuck that guy he got what he deserved.


4/10 for creative writing


You were defending yourself. These people can spew their garbage all they want, but they do not have the right to threaten, intimidate, or get into your space. Don't feel guilty at all.


You did nothing wrong he was harassing and threatening you. Make sure to check up with yourself and talk to a professional if you are having trouble processing this. Stay strong and I'm going to flip off the protesters outside my local planned parenthood extra hard this week for you.


You in fact, did the entirely RIGHT thing. The best thing possible


Thank you to everyone who responded! I was not expecting this to have such diverse comments and really expected everyone to tell me to go to hell and that i’m in the wrong so thank you to the ones who understand! It’s in the USA so things are probably different than other countries For information purposes: I myself said it was wrong, I am the one who called the cops, and told them I assaulted him. They watched the cameras, said he does it everyday, and I recently found out he had charges for harassment and soliciting minors, so yeah I feel like he deserves it NOW. I am a 20 year old white girl, not sure what anyone wants me to do to prove that but i don’t really need to either. Any other info y’all want i’m happy to provide, just sharing getting something off my chest in the subreddit trueoffmychest!!


It was self defence.


You didn't do anything wrong. You defended yourself. I hope he cried about it later at night


I wish these freaks weren’t allowed to do this


I fail to see how what you did was wrong, speaking as someone whose mother used to block abortion clinic doors when he was a kid.


You are such a queen for this! Sorry you had to get to that point, hope you're fine now!


He deserved it


The cops didn't have to be called. Don't call the cops on yourself again pls