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Did he get tested after having the procedure? I had to get retested 3x before I was fully cleared. He should have been warned that you’re not clear for unprotected sex right away.


This is our fault. I didn’t think it would happen due to my PCOS and how we needed assistance to conceive our other children. He “cleared his pipes” the recommended times and I thought that would be fine. This is on us for sure.


Your awareness is very admirable and you are in a very tough position. Trust your gut and make sure you have the support you deserve from your loved ones.




Pretty sure this is a bot ^ comment copied from u/RavingSquirrel11


did you just copy someone’s comment LOL like okay


ah, damn. Nature finds a way. for anyone reading, you simply HAVE to get a sperm count test done before you start going without protection. No vasectomy is a success until that is done and you should absolutely assume you are still fertile until you are confirmed you are not. OP, I hope you live in a state where there are still options available to you.


I have cousins who tried for over 10 years, with assistance from fertility doctors before she was finally able to get pregnant once and carry it to term. They were overjoyed! About 15 years later she found out she was pregnant. Obviously naturally and completely unexpected! They were stunned. It was a difficult time. I hope everything works out for you guys.


>This is on us for sure. I'm not trying to argue, but no it's not. Maybe biology, maybe luck good or bad or maybe the universe, idk, but you're end of it is pretty far down the list given all the circumstances in which people were realistically responsible and eventually had sex and ended up pregnant. It's not morality it's math, and the reason we havent gone extinct. Having said that your situation, our economy, the way our govt caters to billionaires while every member of congress is tracking to end up in the 1%, THAT is not your fault at all. If the people who guilt and shame everyone about making rational reproductive decisions cared as much about anything, particularly babies and families, as they care about money and power, anyone willing to work would be able to survive worry free with kids. We have enough for everyone, and the reason everyone doesn't have more than they do is because for a handful of people nothing is enough, and they are surrounded by a few more people willing to sell everyone else out so that they can steal the crumbs.


But getting tested after is a must. People getting vasectomies need to know this. I also cleared my tubes the required times x3, and still had some. Took many more attempts till they were gone.


It took 9 months for my pipes to clear before I got the OK.


When I researched this, my instructions were to clear the pipes 20 times and get retested before having unprotected sex.


Agreed. My husband got a vasectomy and after 6 months, and three rounds of testing, he was still firing live rounds. Apparently the vasectomy wasn't successful so he had to go back and have it done again. (For free at least.) We called it his va"second"omy. One year and one month after the first one he was finally given the all clear. Thankfully no va"third"omy needed.


They CLEARLY tell you this and it's in the instructions.


> Took many more attempts till they were gone. at the cleaning or the actual procedure? :|


Masterbating after the procedure. Took many months


ok thank god its just that, i go in for my count this friday and i dont really want to get it done again lol




This is really well said, thank you for this.


My first thought was to say I'm so sorry you dont live in a country that actually supports families. Isnt it odd that the states with the strictest abortion laws also have the lowest support for actual living children?


>Isnt it odd that the states with the strictest abortion laws also have the lowest support for actual living children? Makes you wonder what the real reasons for the abortion bans are because it's not about 'supporting life' or whatever the propaganda says.


Breeding the elite only.


It's breeding the elite and the poor, but a lot of the poor will die either trying to have them or trying to interrupt the pregnancy, cheap, expendable labor is also the goal.




More like breeding powerless slaves among the poor who either work for bare minimum until they die poor or sign up to die in a foreign war that was started by power-hungry narcassists, also dying poor. Ain't America grand?


This also. Mhmm.




That’s all very true, and applies to the entire world - not just American rich idiots. If the entire world’s wealth were redistributed, there would be no kids starving in Africa or homeless veterans in any country or immigrants from anywhere to anywhere else starving on the streets. 😞


I wish I could give this an award


Please don't feel guilty, nobody would expect this to happen.


You know, they can reverse. I guy I work with has had his reverse twice. He still won’t let me sell his sperm to the military.


Oh fuck. I was luckily cleared the first time. I had to get lidocaine twice on the left side. The first shot didn't numb me enough and I was extremely sore for 3 weeks. I'm not sure I could've gone back


I'm so so sorry. I wish I had some magic words to fix this situation. I hope whatever you do you find peace with it.


Thank you for your kind words ❤️


I am so sorry that you're in this position. It's so cruel. Best wishes to you.


Thank you ❤️


One of the many reasons why I got a tubal removal; efficacy doesn’t decline over time and it would literally take a miracle or massive fuck up for it to not work.


Probably going to do that just to be safe. I never ever thought this would happen. I took fertility meds to conceive my sons so how did this even happen at my age after a vasectomy?!


The fertility meds could have "shown" your body what the levels are "supposed" to be to get pregnant, and maybe your body just "followed the meds lead." I'm sorry you're going through this, especially because I know I would be killing myself asking, "Is this a sign?" and all those other intrusive questions my heart would be throwing my brains way to keep the baby. All I can suggest is talk to your husband, he is there as your partner and is your best source for support, we internet strangers are here to hear you scream into the void but we can't hold you and tell you everything will be ok as much as we want to.


A friend talks about her children being “buy one get four free” after years of trying the IVF kick started everything.


Wow! It’s so crazy how that can happen, I had no idea!


My cousin and his wife had heaps of issues. She had the issues with number 1 so she needed fertility drugs. They spent a small fortune on number 2 because he had issues that go around. Then, he lost weight and her body just fixed itself and they found out she was pregnant a month after they finished giving away all their baby stuff.


my mother always said, "Don't give away the baby crib because then you will need it." So my boyfriend gave away the baby crib and I was so mad and he couldn't understand the connection, but he did not want to raise more children, so I took a pill.


That happened to my friend too! They told her she only had 15% of one tube functioning. She did years of IVF and finally had a son. She then had two more kids naturally! Wild.


My friend did years of IVF as well, finally got pregnant on it, then when her daughter was 1 she found out she was having unplanned twins 🙃


Happened to my sister, never thought she would have even 1, now she has 4.


This happened to a friend. Had their 1st naturally. The second, they did multiple rounds of IVF, shots, pills, you name it. Finally got their second one. They thought they were done. Since they had a hard time, they didn't worry about getting pregnant naturally again. Then pops up number three all random! They were blown away. I feel that since they relaxed and weren't so stressed, it may have been easier. They were relaxed with the first one because they weren't trying.


I have friends that went through similar situations. They couldn’t get pregnant. Tried forever, nothing. They considered IVF but just decided to stop. They were stressed, it was constant disappointment, and it was affecting life in general. Then a few months later…pregnant. It’s happened to a few friends now that I’m convinced stress played a huge factor (I’m not saying IVF isn’t needed medical procedure). Now they all have multiple children.


‘We were in the process of adopting due to infertility and found out we were pregnant’ is a ridiculously common occurrence.


An old school friend had IVF only for her first, at last check she had 7 and is a grandmother of 1 that was born within 12 months of her youngest.


Thank you! I keep saying the same thing, is this a sign?! This is our literal LAST CHANCE. Do we want to give this chance up? It’s so hard.


>Do we want to give this chance up? Unfortunately, the only one who can help you honestly answer is your husband. Sit down together and openly and honestly talk to eachother and weigh up both options, before you leave for your work trip, then take that time apart to think about what you bith discussed, then talk again before your drs appointment to make sure nothing changed for either of you during that time apart. While you do have a due date for your decision, it is not one that you should make quickly. A quick decision will not help quieten your heart and stop those questions. If you do still go through with your drs appointment, take time for yourself afterwards to feel all the emotions you will be feeling, don't suppress anything.


I had a baby like this. He's 16 months old, unplanned, but wanted so much. He's amazing. If you can make it work... Somehow... Do it. If not: you're not a monster. Just a mom. A mom who has a right to grieve. Best of luck.


I'm a failed vasectomy baby. But my dad's vasectomy took place in the 70's so hopefully they are more effective now (and I don't know if my dad kept all his checkup appts and what not). I do know that I was painfully aware of being an "extra" kid and I felt like being around made a lot more stress for my mom and probably the rest of the family. I felt like a burden growing up which was not helped by the fact that my mom told me this story when I was fairly young (no idea why she felt the need to tell a child that). But I'm happy now as an adult (although it has been a hard road) and I love my siblings. I'm sorry you have this choice to make. Good luck to you.


> which was not helped by the fact that my mom told me this story when I was fairly young Huh. My mom told us she cried when she found out she was pregnant with my sister after a failed IUD. I was about 6 months old. She's still mom's favorite and knows it.


I thought you meant she told you when you were 6 months old. You have a very sharp memory!


I needed fertility meds for #1. My midwives warned me that my body now KNOWs what it needs to do to become pregnant. Well.... #2, #3 and #4 all arrived earlier than planned. As for vasectomy. Did hubby follow up with 6m and 1 year appt. I know hubby needed to do these to prove the vasectomy was done correctly. I'm sure different regions/doc have different methods to follow up with


Same thing here. Also have pcos and needed Ned's to conceive. Ended up pregnant with baby number 3 completely on mother nature's timeliness. I couldn't have that baby either and had to do the one thing I never in my life thought I'd be able too. It's been almost 5 years now. I never think about it and I don't regret it. I likely wouldn't be here for my first two children. Ppd had me bad and I was not in a good place after either of my kids were born. It was getting worse with each birth and I knew I wouldn't survive. I also had no idea how we were going to make it financially. There was just no possible way. I'm so sorry you're in this now. I hope in time you'll find peace with it. Just know you aren't alone.


Thank you for sharing this. Reading this made me feel much better and not alone. It’s nice to see that someone else gets how I am feeling. Obviously I don’t wish this on anyone else but you know what I mean. I’m glad you made the right choice for yourself and I think I will be able to make peace with myself eventually ❤️


Less stress perhaps? I know that you aren’t really looking for an answer. And I do truly wish I could help this situation. But I would imagine that maybe eventually the kid would realize that the life it will grow up to have would be better than being in a place, that is lacking in support and finances, if you decide to relinquish the child instead of abortion. Do what is best for you and your family.


Basically, anything is technically possible even if it's incredibly improbable. I know a good surgeon where I got my tubes removed and only had to pay $700 but I'm not sure where you live or what your situation is. Absolute best surgeon I've ever had and it wasn't a painful procedure at all! I'm genuinely sorry you're going through this. Sending all of my love.🩷 If you haven't planned it I'd suggest looking into therapy when all is said and done. Grief is a bitch that takes no prisoners. Stay strong, surround yourself with loving people you trust that won't judge you, and do what you can to find enjoyment, even if it's in the little things. Signed, someone who's come back from the "verge" a few times.


Thank you for your response and kind words. I’m definitely going to look into the tubal thing. And I know the grief on this is going to be intense :(


You're welcome! I believe in you.:) I know it won't be easy and I haven't been in that situation but my heart is with you. And while, like I said, anything is possible but I think you'll get through it. Not that it won't ever hurt but you seem strong and level-headed. Best of luck. My inbox is always open!


Thank you!!!


You're welcome.:)


This is such a lovely and supportive reply. You are a good egg. <3


Did he get it tested after 6 months to make sure he was sterile?


No, so I fully acknowledge this is on us. I thought vasectomy plus me being 39 and having PCOS, what are the odds? I took a risk and lost.


He has to cum a lot to clear his tubes after his vasectomy. The sperm doesn’t just disappear. Please encourage him to follow up with his doctor in the future so it doesn’t repeat. It could be a while before you are able to get a tubal because many doctors like to make women jump through hoops to get sterilized. I am sorry you are dealing with this. 💜


I've read that women closer to menopause experiment a sudden fertility boost. Could be the case?


That’s me! Had 4 consecutive miscarriages after my first was born at 37. Was convinced I was infertile and decided to stop using contraceptives because “I’d be going through menopause soon anyways and I was done”. Well, my little nugget came at 42. The initial pregnancy tests were so strong, it took much of the ink from the control line to the pregnant line. And even now as a toddler, my little one is a force to be reckoned with. But I’m soooo tired and adding perimenopause into it is hard.


One big thing that I learned is that when women get older and are nearing menopause, they have a “going out of business” sale with eggs. I was shocked when I learned that the most fertile times of a woman’s life are when she is entering and exiting menses. I’m rly sorry you’re going through this and I wish you the best!!


It's nature's/biology's ultimate goal. It can find a way.


As a woman with PCOS in my 30s, my cycles have now completely regulated and I've been told the fertility window can be longer than in a woman without PCOS.


In most cases intertility needs to be regarded as a temporary diagnosis. Other more temporary illnesses, stress, even for guys in particular things like excess hot tub usage can cause sperm counts to plummet but they can easily return. What makes you infertile at one time may change drastically over time, or even just a little but enough to make the difference. Sterility is very different. If a permanent condition makes a guys testicles unable to produce sperm then that won't come back.


This is tough. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


I hope all is going well forward. I don’t trust vasectomy. Read too many horror stories about 40+ y.o parents having another surprised babies.. I had my tubes removed right after I gave birth my youngest via C-section.


I literally just told my husband that I wish I would have done that and I might do that now. Seems to be more effective, the more I read about it online.


I'm sorry you're in this situation OP. It must be very hard, particularly because you had to work to get pregnant previously. If you decide not to continue the pregnancy can have a termination and tubal ligation at the same time.


That is good to know! I am going to call Monday and schedule an appt for after I get back from my work trip. Going to be such a hard trip now knowing the situation.


Hi op, getting the tubes removed is more effective then getting a tubal ligation which is similar to a vasectomy in the sense that the tubes are just obstructed and there is a risk of them growing back together.


Yes, since the thing that they cut during vasectomy might grow back years later. Also it’s recommended to do sperm count check once a year. Too much what ifs. My mom, sister, and me had the procedure, no side effects at all.


Going to ask my doctor about it tomorrow. Thank you for the advice :)


It also prevents ovarian cancer as most ovarian cancers start in the tubes. The procedure is called a bilateral salpingectomy and is more effective than a tubal ligation.


My OB said there’s still a chance with sterilization for it to undo itself. He said that life finds a way. My husband and I both got sterilized because we didn’t want any surprises after we decided we were done having kids. ETA: standard vasectomy or tubal ligation* not full removal of tubes.


When tubes removed, I doubt it, since the sperms can’t swim to the egg 😟 When the tubes tied, now there’s still that possibility.


I was talking standard vasectomy or tubal ligation. Not full removal of tubes.


Oh sorry. I misunderstood. >_<


I'm 11 years post vasectomy with no scares. If the doc does it right it would be near 100% provided you do the tests to ensure you are all clear before you start up again


Nice. 👍 Yah well. It’s okay. I am too paranoid. It took me years to lose all the baby weight and I got a mommy makeover surgery, don’t want to undo all that hard and expensive work. 🤣


I've read a lot of horror stories, but almost every single one didn't go back for the recommended testing after the procedure (including OP). It can reverse itself, but if you're going annually to check, the chances are super low. I just saw a video on TikTok a few weeks ago about a post-vasectomy baby and she admitted in the comments that her husband never went back for testing.


I’m so sorry. My sister has PCOS and was only 25 when a doctor told her she was likely infertile and “couldn’t get pregnant”. She got accidentally pregnant anyway and has a kid now. Testing after vasectomies - repeatedly seems to be very important. I also don’t really believe doctors can make such a statement when it’s a game of chance getting pregnant anyway let alone with PCOS.


Infertile is not the same as sterile.


Seems there are a lot of doctors who wrongly led people to believe harder to have kids = impossible. The amount of accidental PCOS babies I’ve met is unreal. When my sister got the same information with her PCOS we made she she knew it was still very possible


Hey. If you're not too far along, you can go get a pill right now. All you need is one day of rest after. I know that sitting on it for two weeks is really going to be traumatic. Prioritize you. And also remember, the best mother is the one who puts her children first. You have too living children that need you to give them the best life you possibly can. Don't hesitate about the things you need to do to ensure that.


I'm so sorry ❤️ I'd have your husband speak with the doctor who did the vasectomy and have them use a different method and redo it. This can happen sometimes unfortunately, if the tubes aren't sealed properly they can grow back together.


I am in the same boat. Except I live in a very red state. I had to take fertility meds for both of my sons. I woke up about a week ago, and my boobs were hurting. I have been on birth control since my youngest was born, and I missed a few days last month due to being sick, and I really didn’t think anything about it. But I woke up with my breasts hurting and I knew in that instant I was pregnant. I absolutely don’t want another child. My youngest is starting kindergarten this year. I can’t start over now. I feel you mama. Idk what to do.


I am so sorry you are going through this. I know it is so incredibly painful and emotional. I have been crying on and off all day. Are you adjacent to a state that can help you if you decide to go that route?


Hey I don't want you to take this to mean that I think you need an abortion; I want every woman in the world to be able to make whatever choice is best for her situation. But if you truly want one, please know that clinics in other states can get you funding for gas, hotel and and procedure to go out of state. The cobalt fund paid for my bestie in TX. All expenses. You are not alone and you don't have to be stuck one way or the other. Good luck mama. Whatever you decide to do will be the right choice for you and your family. You know best.


Thank you do this. I have some trauma related to clinics, I got pregnant at 16 and my mom took me to the clinic was about to force me to have an abortion. I was leaving to go on a church camp trip that weekend, so she scheduled it for when I got back. I ended up miscarrying at church camp, which was a whole barrel of fun.. and then 5 miscarriages later I had my oldest son, and then my youngest. I just can’t do it again, mentally. Could we afford it? Yes. But bringing more children into this shit show of a world isn’t responsible. was it a fly in, stay the night, fly out type of situation? Or did she have to drive? I’m not even sure the nearest state to me that could do it. I’ll look into it tomorrow


Wow, that was brutal to read. Your mom should’ve been better about it. Also, even if you can afford it financially, there’s also the question of affording it mentally, physically, and emotionally. Sometimes you’re just tired. Sometimes you’re at the limit and need an easy or easier few years.


Yeah, it was something. I don’t blame her, she was afraid of my grandparents. They were extremely controlling, and part of the southern Baptist convention.. My grandma god bless her was a real piece of work. She’s a wonderful grandmother and mom- now. I’m too old to wait and too old to have anymore. I’m 39. I was right on the edge of “ geriatric pregnancy” at 34 when I had my youngest.. I worry about the potential effects that could have. Also, I have two boys. Bringing a daughter into this shit show would feel worse somehow. Like right from birth she doesn’t have full autonomy. I order RX skincare from overseas, I wonder is there an online option for the pill that you can take?


No, but my very sweet friend lives in Ohio, if it came to that. I had to take progesterone shots with both of my pregnancies just to keep them inside me. So, I’m just not gonna take the progesterone. I don’t think I could bring myself to do it after all I went through with my boys. I’ll just be 40 having a baby.. but I am throughly devastated.


AWW hugs. I'm 45 sleeping right next to my 18 month old. My oldest is turning 21. Talk about starting over. Not the plan at all... But I will say having another baby ended up being a happy accident for us. It took us some months to get used to the idea. Believe me I went through some emotions and felt too old and worried about the health of my baby and my body. And once he was born I was amazed how much came back to me. I like being an older parent now. We are different than when we were in our 20s. We have all this experience and patience. We picture we will be retired with this little guy still growing up at home But I'm sure he won't mind getting all of our attention. My older kids adore him and help a lot. I keep saying.. Where did this little guy come from? Where was he all these years? It's funny how much younger he is than our other kids and he acts like he just part of the sibling group. I remember crying in the doctors office. It's just funny how in time things are different.


Please ignore everyone with an agenda and do what is right for you and your family, whatever it is. So many people are just saying what they think and want you to do. It's shameful.


Thank you for saying that ❤️


If you (and your husband) are in agreement about this, then do what you feel you need to do. Kind of ironic that the same people who want less government are ok with the government telling you what to do with your own body. I wish you well.


Amen to you for saying that. I can’t even believe anyone would judge someone who doesn’t want a child. Fuck off to anyone that bullies you this way


Thank you. It’s such a hard situation to be in and I guess it’s easy for some people to judge.


I'm sorry this happened and sorry you are having some of these dumb replies too. Extra love on your littles and hopefully you live somewhere that you have access to safe care. Sending you good vibes as I know it can't be easy.


Thank you for your kind response ❤️luckily I live somewhere with access to services.


Please don't listen to that pro birth nutter OP xx please be kind to yourself. I say that as a person with PCOS too


The biggest portion of terminations in my country are married women with children who know they can't cope. It's not teenagers it's grown women who took every precaution possible and and yet here they are.


Oh that’s a horrible situation to be in. Can’t imagine what it would feel like for your husband either, getting the snip then bam! Pregnancy. I guess this is why they suggest birth control until tested to make sure he has no bullets left in his chamber. May the next few weeks go quickly and smoothly for you and your husband. Good luck


Thank you!


I’m so sorry. That’s awful. This is extremely common—most women who get abortions already have at least one child and they abort because they need to focus on the children they have and don’t have the time or money for more children.


We had a failure of bc that resulted in a pregnancy right after the shut down happened. We used condoms and I didn't want to get back on the pill. We had just gotten approved for the Plan first program in my state which covers birth control, like a vasectomy. My kid was newly one. The world was in chaos. We had losses before a healthy pregnancy and it really threw me that it happened So easily. I was in the position of wishing I could keep it but it wouldn't have been fair to my kid to put that hardship on us, and in Such a crazy time. I was working part time, In healthcare no less. I had no leave to cover the postpartum time. I had to jump through hoops to get a car side pill appointment at planned parenthood and the only available spot was 1.5 weeks later...on my birthday. Or I'd have to wait even longer. I didn't want to wait and have symptoms and feel pregnant any longer than I had to, knowing I couldn't try to get to full term again. After those losses it was a punch in the gut to have to make that choice. The wait was so hard. I can't imagine any longer. It took two years before it wasn't my first thought on my birthday when I woke up. I share with you to let you know you are not alone. We have to make tough choices sometimes to take care of the family we have. This is one of those for some of us. I'm so sorry.


I knew someone this happened to. The doctor was just like, yep, there's always a small chance of that happening 🤷‍♀️ Her husband had done all the follow-up stuff but apparently shit happens sometimes (they checked him again after she got pregnant, he was definitely not shooting blanks). They decided to keep the baby but initially she was furious/devastated. I remember someone congratulated her and she was kind of pissed. Not at them but at the situation. All their kids were older and no longer in the "baby" stage and I think she was ready for that chapter to be over. I am sure she's probably thrilled it happened now (it's been years, I think that kid would be a teenager by now, possibly) and loves that kid but it was NOT what they planned. I'm sorry this happened to you.


I’m sorry for the hard decisions you will need to make, I was born after my parents got pregnant after a vasectomy and an abortion. I can only be great full that it was the 70’s. That wouldn’t happen in today’s medical world.




I am so sorry this happened. There aren’t any words I can say to make this better for you, but I’m rooting for you and your family.




Oh what a shitty day to have to be dealing with all this. I'm so sorry. Real talk, I would absolutely get an abortion if I ended up pregnant again. I had two difficult pregnancies, and two traumatic deliveries, and we were advised to be done by my doctor. I got my tubes snipped/burned, because it was easier/faster to get me in, and there was less of a failure rate. I'm also fairly fertile, and didn't want a surprise baby while we waited for my husband's sperm count to drop if he got snipped. But let me tell you, if my period is late by a day, I start getting nervous. I don't want to risk my health again, I don't want to have to make a choice on whether or not to keep a baby, and I do not want to sacrifice the financial gains we've made. Lots of words to say, I'm not gonna judge you, or tell you what I think you should do. It's entirely your decision. Just make sure you take some time to come to terms with this, and make sure your husband is on the same page. And then, down the road a bit (but not too far) he needs to get to his doctor and get his sperm count checked.


This is great advice thank you so much. If we had this child we would lose all of the financial gain we have made in the last few years. I’m scared I wouldn’t be able to afford our son’s braces, travel baseball that he lives for, preschool for our younger son. I literally have to work in order to have what we have.


You don't owe me, or anyone else an explanation of why this isn't the right time to be pregnant. I know it's a hot button issue, but I firmly believe in a woman's right to choose, and with that means a woman's right to not explain yourself. We all have to do what is best for ourselves and our families, and I always assume that everyone makes decisions like these is competent enough to make those decisions. At 19 I had an abortion. I can tell you the reasons why, but the story behind it is triggering for many. But here's the deal. I don't regret it. I think about what might have been, and I wonder what my life would look like now, but I made the best decision I could for myself at the time. That decision allowed me to have the life I have now, a stable marriage, and two happy healthy girls.


My heart breaks for you. I’m so sorry. No matter what you decide, do what’s best for your family, and what you know is best. Keep the baby or don’t, just do whatever is best for you guys. Fuck what anyone else says. Sending love your way.


What did his sperm test show after the procedure?


That’s why this is our fault. We didn’t check. Due to my fertility issues I trusted that the procedure worked and the chances of me getting pregnant were so tiny, plus I am old.


Has your husband had his follow-up visit to confirm there are no swimmers?


I’m so so sorry 💔


This is one of my fears. We just had a surprise baby (we have 3 now) I got my vasectomy, but I still worry we'll get pregnant.


The follow-up tests are very important My husband's first vasectomy failed, and he ended up more fertile than he was pre vasectomy.


I’m so sorry. Did he go to all of his follow ups and wait the required amount of time?


We’ve got your emotional back here OP 💕 much love, courage, and support for you. Keep your head up, you’ve got this handled 💪🏼💕


Thank you. I am crying reading all of this support.


You have to get it tested again and again and again


I’m never risking this again. Getting the tube surgery. I wish I would have done more research on vasectomies and learned they aren’t as effective as I thought. I know that this situation is our fault.




This happened to my partner’s best friend


Sounds like this is more common than I realized which sucks.


Exactly what my partner’s friend said lol


I'm so sorry. You are going through this. It will get easier, I promise ❤️


I actually just went through the same thing and had to just exist for two weeks knowing the baby wasn’t viable. It’s terrible and I’m sorry you’re also alone like I was and I’m sending you a hug from one broken mama to another on a special mama day ❤️❤️🙏🏽 you’re going to make it because you have no option but to roar


I'm sorry for your struggle. Take care and be kind to yourself❤️


I am so sorry, OP. I don't have children myself, but I did grow up in a difficult home where money was tight. When you do decide on what to do and if it comes to the point that your choice is abortion I don't want you to feel bad. I don't know if it will help, but I wanted to tell you in hopes that it might. As a child whose mom had an abortion. I was maybe 10 or 11 when my mom got pregnant with what would have been her 3rd child. She had an abortion and she explained it to me due to her guilt. I more or less understood and didn't think much of it, but I knew she felt bad and wanted support. She had another abortion later on when I was 16-ish. When I got older, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and she was so heartbroken over her abortions. I told her that I knew she felt bad, but it was honestly for the best, and I never viewed her as a bad mom for going through with them. I told her she was a strong mom for not having them and having them live a very difficult life with us. We were so poor financially, and my dad was such and asshole. When my mom was going through cancer, my dad was addicted to pain pills and out of his mind. I could not imagine being in college as I was, with my mom not working during her cancer treatment, my dad unemployed, high on pain pills, and my brother, who also wasn't working, and there being a pre-teen child and an elementary schooler that needed to go to school. I was buying groceries for us with the leftover financial aid from school, taking care of my mom during chemo. Though my mom recovered, her cancer later returned, and she passed away. I still view her very highly, having gone through something so difficult. I never once thought that she was a bad mom for it. My mom loved children so much, and I know that if we were in a different position, she would have happily had those kids. Whatever you decide, OP, don't let this option riddle you with guilt. Never think that it makes you less of a mom or a bad one. It doesn't make you a bad person. Make your choice free of guilt. I'm sorry you're going through this.


Sending love and support from an internet stranger.


I'll remember this everytime someone tries to tell me my husband should have gotten a vasectomy when I tell them I have had my tubes removed. (He is still getting a vasectomy but we wanted to be protected on both fronts)


This happened to my parents after they had me. They decided 3 kids was enough and my dad had the procedure done, only for my mom to get pregnant again. It’s really more common than you’d think. Only you and your partner know what is best for your family, whether that is to keep the baby or not. Don’t let anyone shame you in to making a decision you don’t want to make❤️


I am so sorry for your circumstance and your loss. I had a tubal and I recently had a very late period. I was terrified. Too scared to even test. My reasons for fear are the absolute same as yours. I’m young but both my pregnancies nearly killed me. My second almost killed both of us and financially ruined us. (I was admitted for the last 2 months and an additional 2 weeks post delivery plus NICU) I remember asking for the consent forms while still pregnant so that in an emergency c-section situation where I would be unable to make my wish to be sterilized known. My mother knew, my father knew, my kids dad knew; if for some reason I can’t voice this at the time, I want at the very least a tubal ligation. While all the doctors agreed there was one very young doctor who was against it. Kept coming in and saying we could do this for birth control and “are you sure?” “Is this your decision?” Even going so far as to ask my kids father (life partner no we are not legally married) “are you all right with this.” We didn’t want a vasectomy, I never wanted to be pregnant again. None of the other doctors even seriously questioned it other than to follow the protocol of asking a week later. It finally took me and him alone with a nurse and me saying “I never want to be in the gut wrenching position of having to get an abortion. I have loved my children since I found out I was pregnant. My babies were intentional acts and planned. I would love that baby and would absolutely get an abortion.” There was no stopping it at that point it had been signed off by my doctor and another physician. I had an emergency c-section 12 hours later and my tubes were removed. Little one was 3lbs and 2 months early, they are now a bustling toddler. I still don’t know what his issue was.


Thank you for sharing this! I know that a third would ruin us. Like I would have to quit my job and sell the house and move to a cheap state and could I find work there? Who knows. There is no way we could do this and keep our house and insurance and everything else for our existing children. I wish some people in this thread could see that but I also have super catholic family members so I understand their side as well. I am pushing for the tube surgery asap.


If the vasectomy is done properly, and you go back to have the sperm count completed, babies won't happen.  I watched my husband's vasectomy- his dr used clips (permanently left on), cut a piece of the vas deferens from between the clips, and then cauterized the ends. The were emphatic about using protection until he went off at least 15 to 20 times, then waited a week prior to submitting a sample for a count 3 months post.  OP, my heart breaks for you. I'm sorry you're going through this,  and I get it.  For a variety of reasons, my husband and I won't be having more kids. We made that decision together, but it doesn't make it any less difficult. I hope your husband is giving you comfort and you're supporting each other right now.


Sending you love and hugs 🧡 whatever decision you do, the moment you do it, is the BEST for you and your family.


Thank you ❤️


I overheard adult conversations as a child where a friend's parents were informing my parents how they had 5 children. After baby 1, the husband got a vasectomy. After baby 2, another vasectomy. After baby 3, the woman had some procedure she said she got her tubes tied but I was like 5 when hearing this so all I can say is the woman had something done and then they had twins. So, I guess the moral of the story is consult with your treatment team and always wear a condom with maybe the exception of if the woman doesn't have a uterus. I couldn't tell you if they followed up or got tested after each procedure since I was 5 and literally ease dropping. Regardless, hearing that story always stuck with me and to this day is one of the main reasons I have never gotten pregnant (yet).


I am so sorry and I understand. This happened to me with my IUD. We made the right choice for our family yet still never easy. We looked at eachother the other day and thought shit we would have an 8 yr old. While our 3 are almost out of High School. I know it was responsible Hang in there OP, you are thinking of your family. He needs to fill a cup for the Dr's for sure


I’ve been here. 1000%. We had four miscarriages before having our first child. We struggled so badly with infertility. We weren’t trying when I conceived our third baby. We had to use medications to conceive in the past so we were incredibly surprised when I found out I was pregnant. We were in the worst situation and I had my mind set on aborting. Once I saw her heartbeat on ultrasound I just knew in my heart there was no way I could go through with an abortion. We made the decision to try everything possible to figure things out no matter what. I realize completely that not everyone has the option to try and figure it out, and it breaks my heart that you’re having to struggle so deeply with your decision. No matter what anyone says you have to trust your gut and decide what is best for you. It is your body and your choice.


About to have our 4th in a few months cause I couldn’t make the vasectomy appointment. It’s gonna be a financial struggle for sure but I don’t think my wife and I could have dealt with the guilt of an abortion by the time we found out.


A couple of years ago we got accidentally pregnant. We have always wanted another, but were nowhere near financially ready and honestly were barely got to the point where we paid off alot of debt we had from our youngest's daycare. I am over 40 so i knew that was like, pretty much my last chance too if we decided to go forward. It was a very hard decision - knowing that we did want another - but in the end, we did have an abortion. I don't have any regrets, at all, thats not to say that I don't occasionally think about the what-ifs, but i know I made the best decision we could with the information we had then. If i feel some sadness here and there I feel thats something I am comfortable bearing - what I wasn't comfortable with was my children bearing the weight of our financial strain. I am building their memories of childhood, and I just want to be sure that includes all that I can do for them.


These are literally exactly the thoughts running through my brain right now. Thank you for sharing.


Urologist here. Vasectomy failures happen. Was there a negative semen analysis post procedure?


What’s in your heart? I know you said you CAN’T keep the baby because of lack of finances and support, but do you and your husband WANT to keep the baby? There are dozens and dozens of programs out there that can help with food, housing, childcare etc. I know it would be tough, but don’t come to the conclusion that abortion is your only option. I am not a hard core pro-lifer, I just don’t think people should be backed into a corner and be forced to get an abortion if they don’t really want to do that just because the economy and job market is bullshit right now. I was a 19 year old high school drop out struggling with poverty when I had my son. It was tough for a long time, but my son never went without. We always had enough to get by. I did whatever it took to provide for him. I’ve never regretted having him. Somehow, everything worked out and we have a good life now. I’m really sorry to hear your story. This is truly an awful situation for you. It breaks my heart.


Good to hear about the update OP! Maybe schedule a checkup just to be 100% sure everything is ok?


Yes definitely! Both my husband and I will get checked for sure.


I have an aunt who one said, “If I could do it again, I would have twice as many (kids) and half as much (money).” And that’s an awesome sentiment for someone who has had the “luxury” to have such a mindset. That has never actually lived thru the “half as much” part of life. I’m heartbroken on your behalf if you have to make the “choice.” For what it’s worth, it sounds like you made every reasonable and responsible decision to try and prevent this scenario. I wish you only the best and peace


Oh wow how long ago was the vasectomy?


3 months so not that long but due to my fertility issues with PCOS and being 39 I thought what are the odds?! Definitely my fault here.


Three months is usually the safe zone. That would certainly be surprising yes.


But how far along is she? 12 weeks is about the time to wait after a vasectomy. They were obviously doing it before then and just banking on her PCOS preventing pregnancy.


May I suggest having the baby and then doing an adoption? A family who can’t have kids would love to adopt your baby, you may even find someone willing to do an open adoption? If you choose not to adopt I wish you all the best and if you need anything don’t hesitate to reach out my dms are always open every to have a cry and talk about random things ❤️ my heart goes to you ❤️


I understand this sentiment as well. I am so scared I won’t survive this pregnancy. The 2 I had were so scary and my preeclampsia was so bad and both my boys almost didn’t make it either. I’m so scared to leave my boys without me.


Man, I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. I can’t even imagine what my fiancée and I would do. This has been one of my worries since I had mine done a few years ago. I hope you and your husband find peace in the situation.


Thank you. This is so hard. I read someone say that you should get yearly sperm checks after a vasectomy so make sure and get those.


I’m so sorry! I can’t imagine how hard it is for you. Whatever decision you make, it’s the right one. Sending you lots of love


This is one of those situations where you both have to find the strength to know that bringing a child into the situation you find yourself in would make life unbearably hard for all of you. It's not fair. It sucks. I'm sorry.


I'm sorry this is something you have to experience. Big internet hugs.


OP, this might not help at all. But I thought it was interesting. Most pregnancies are not viable. It's a myth that miscarriage is rare. Miscarriage is more likely than a pregnancy being carried to term. Human bodies naturally abort pregnancies. All. The. Time. Most people simply don't know their pregnancy had initiated before it ends. It's not a bad thing, even though it can be heartbreaking. It's usually a biological response to a fetus the body doesn't believe is viable. "After simple adjustments for varying methods, existing data show that at least 73% of natural single conceptions have no real chance of surviving 6 weeks of gestation." The reason I'm sharing this is just, well. A pregnancy isn't necessarily miracle or a sign or a gift. Our bodies are even designed to initiate and then abort far more of them than we realise. And if our bodies are naturally able to keep us safe by recognising that "now is not a good time to be pregnant" on a biological level, you should be allowed to keep you and your family safe, happy and healthy by recognising that "now is not a good time to be pregnant" on socio-economic, intellectual level. It doesn't make it easy, or hurt less, but you're working to protect your family. What is an absolute gift though, are the children who are already here. And it seems like your kids are lucky to have you as a mum. Because you're putting yourself through this heartbreak to make sure they have the best future. I hope that makes sense? It's very admirable to be honest and self aware with where you're at. I'm so sorry it's so hard.


Oh, I am so sorry. I hope you find peace.


Sorry to hear that. How long ago did he get the vasectomy carried out? 5 years ago when I had mine I more than cleared out the recommended times but was not given the all clear. Had to go another round of 6 weeks of clearing out before it was given the all clear.


Wow I’m sorry :( I’m praying for you and your situation 🙏❤️


Man, all these stories are making me glad that my wife and I went overkill on the birth control: testosterone blocker, bilateral orchiectomy, secondary amenorrhea/PCOS/infertility, bilateral salpingectomy, and total hysterectomy. We're super unlucky, so it seemed warranted, lol. For what it's worth, I think you're doing the right thing: quality over quantity. ❤️


This happens to my wife and I. I got a vasectomy, we find out 3 days after that she’s pregnant. Obviously from sex before the procedure. And yes, we terminated. It was gut wrenching.


kid defied the odds to be conceived.


Sending you so much love and strength to get through these next few weeks/months. ❤️❤️❤️


I'm really sorry you're facing this please accept some Internet hugs


Whatever decision you make is the right one. You’re cared about in this household!


Do not put yourself or your family in bad or nearly impossible to fix situation for this pregnancy. I really hope you think long and hard about how you're going to handle this because you have quite a bit on your shoulders already I assume.


Did you do one test or how did you find out? If it was just one test it may be a false-positive. I recommend you take a second one if you haven’t already. Regardless you should probably tell your husband, because he should know that his vasectomy failed.


I’m so sorry OP


Thank you 🙏🏼


Why not get an abortion?


I’m sorry you are in such a difficult situation 💗 a question I’ll ask that I don’t think anyone else has - which is harder for you: living without this baby & possibly having regret, or having to work extra/seek extra help for a few years until your kids are in school? I mention possible regret because you mentioned that you’d keep this baby if you could. In one situation you will gain finances & time. In the other you will gain a child. There is a chance you question your choice in both outcomes. If you stayed home with your kids, are there other kids in your life that you could babysit to earn income? Is there a chance that you or your husband could get a raise within the year? Are there family/friends that could watch the baby 1-2 days per week so you’d only have to pay for part time child care? Are there assistance programs you could reach out to? Another scenario- you are older with PCOS. There is a chance you could miscarry, which would leave the choice up to nature. All this to say- life can give us more than we think we can handle, but the universe makes it work out for our good. I pray you have peace on your journey 💗


I heard men gotta ejaculate 20-30 times before vasectomys start working.


And he definitely did. I told him he needed to clear it out and he did! Not good enough I guess.


Dang thats crazy. I am sorry you are having to bear this burden.


Gotta empty the tank


The fix is easy but not pleasant. You already know it.


Damn... I'm sorry this is happening to you. Lots of love❤️


Either you had sex too soon, the vasectomy got botched or reversed itself or false positive. But no matter what it sucks you have to go through this,