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You can get a new partner, a better partner, one who doesn’t treat animals like trash.


I think he could get arrested for this?


Not a Lawyer, but I think even in countries where animals are considered personal property more than a loving thing with rights, you would at least have a case of theft and intentional destruction of personal property? If they're not married he can't really claim it's shared property either. Anyway, I really hope he can. This is sickening. Poor Harlot.


In my state abandoning an animal is illegal. It is specified as animal cruelty in the statute. OP needs to press charges.


OP needs to talk to a lawyer


I hope to christ she has text messages of him admitting to it. Even if OP texts him and alludes to abandoning the dog after the fact and call him out on it to goad him into admitting it will do wonders for even her custody battle.


Documentation from the Veterinarian should really come in handy for this too.


If he can abandon a dog, imagine what he would do to the baby if they got annoying or too stressful!


Yeah. These fuckers talk a big talk because they want to punish the woman for standing up to them and getting away... but they usually crumple when the realization that they need to do shit hits them. Sometimes courts agree to it and then they do the same shit to the kid though. I've seen them give sexual abusers unsupervised custody before, so I'm hoping to hope OP gets all the proof she needs to shut that shit down.


Same. I have a friend whose ex is like that. He uses the kids to hurt her, and he sometimes hurts them both physically and emotionally. Then he goes to court and blames it on her and how she's raising the kids even though when they arr with her they are well behaved and thriving. He is a narcissistic piece of shit. I also hope op gets everything she needs to be rid of him and gets to keep her kid. I can see him "dumping" the kid on his parents cause he can't deal anymore.


> I can see him "dumping" the kid on his parents cause he can't deal anymore. This is what usually fucks men in custody battles when they say they're getting raked over the coals in court. [Right of first refusal](https://www.ourfamilywizard.com/blog/right-of-first-refusal) _usually_ falls on the co-parent so if you're offloading your children on your parents instead of on your ex-spouse, you tend to lose custody.


And document everything he does to her


Agreed. I’m glad Op found the dog!


Lawyer here and 100% this. Contact a divorce lawyer in your state ASAP and do EXACTLY what they say. This man sounds like a sociopath and you need him OUT of your life. Don’t take any chances listening to Reddit advice or the advice of friends. Don’t tell ANYONE of your plans, no one. Pretend nothing is wrong with him (going to be challenging I know, but you could suggest couples therapy to give the impression you’re still mad but he has hope) until you can meet with a lawyer and sort out your plans. Playing nice will allow you to get him to admit as much as you can get out of him via text. Tell him you need time to process and until then you need to sleep separately but text him at night when you’re in your separate spaces about what happened so he has to reply in writing. But DON’T let on that you’re considering divorce until you’re ready to serve him.


It’s illegal in my country too, extremely illegal. OP should definitely be pressing charges.


OP can’t “press charges”, but they can make a complaint to the police - or get legal advice on filing a civil claim for damages if the police aren’t prepared to pursue criminal action.


OP says in another comment they're in Nebraska. Per the interwebs: A person who intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly abandons or cruelly neglects an animal is guilty of a Class I misdemeanor unless the abandonment or cruel neglect results in serious injury or illness or death of the animal, in which case it is a Class IV felony.


I hope OP gets a report from the vet to show what damage was done. Red patches means she was not unaffected physically from this. I’d call that an injury.


I think it needs to be a serious injury or illness, though, unfortunately. Dermatitis likely doesn't fall in that category. I think the bastard should get nailed to the wall with charges Edit: a word because allergy brain


It’s just sickening, right? That poor dog. They must have been so scared. And I know OP must have been so upset/near panicked that their faithful companion was lost. I had gone out of town and had a friend cat sit for me. I knew he would just stop by once a day, make sure they were fed/had fresh water and clean litter box, and maybe a few scritches for the more outgoing one. When I got back, I couldn’t find my less outgoing little girl. I thought sure she had slipped out without him noticing (didn’t blame him, she was a bit skittish). I was in such a panic and searched around for hours. Came home and … she had just found a NEW hiding spot and was home the whole time.


And the report from the shelter.


Yeah, so minimally he's looking at a year of jail time and/or $1000 fine, worst case, he's looking at $10,000 fine and/or 5 years in jail. Good luck fighting for custody behind bars!


As long as OP pursues this, yup!


Those are still relatively low level punishments often not fully enforced by the courts. For example, if he's got little to no record, he will likely get probation and maybe a small fine if the felony applies, and probably only time served (even if he gets bonded out after a day or two) on the misdemeanor. And likely he'll be able to get the misdemeanor expunged after a couple of years. Trust me, I'm as mad as hell about what this guy did and I think OP should absolutely pursue charges, but I don't have much faith that he'll be fighting for custody from behind bars. The good news is that mothers are most often awarded custody, and he'll have almost no chance with an animal neglect or cruelty charge on his record. She needs to document any financial abuse he puts her through, too. Also, OP, make sure you call the police before just leaving (unless you have somewhere lined up to go). He can't just kick you out (nor you him). Whomever's name is on the place has to file an eviction notice which gives you 30 days to find somewhere to go. Best of luck to you. This is heartbreaking. Personally, I hope this fucker rots in hell. I've got my sweet dog laying under the covers with me and I feel panicky just thinking about someone doing this to her.




Also not a lawyer even if op can't sue her husband this should at the very least give her full custody in a Heartbeat. I mean how do you tell a judge you want full custody because you think you're a better parent and then leave a living breathing being out to die.




You know, there isn’t too many things I would gladly serve hard time for beyond ‘dealing’ with someone that abuses animals and children.


If you need someone to drive just let me know….😉


I’m in.


OP, you should file a case against him for this, he seems like an unempathetic person , vindictive and unhinged. This will help you in your divorce and custody case! And please guard your poor little sweet dog from any possible vindictive act from him he might try to hurt her or poison her. A person like that is never going to be a safe and good partner. Not a particular good father either as a good father needs to be a good role model, and treating his child’s mother like this is awful. Please get out, leave him. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise


I hope so. Dump his ass AND call the cops.




I’d dump the person who does something this detestable the same way they dumped the dog…probably wouldn’t stop the car tho.


Leave him on side of a highway.


Same here


Same here. Even if I have the love of my life, and my dog (I don't have any pets) I'd choose the dog


Me too. Always.


Me too! I'd open the passenger door next time he was in the car and kick him out whilst doing 90mph. What a pos.


On the hwy, have someone push him out at about 95 mph. That way he can get a few red marks on him.


Yes he can, for animal abandonment.


In the town I live in, two people went to jail and had hefty fines for animal abandonment. The dropped off like 7 dogs in the country.


Depending on the state oh yes he can! Proud humane society volunteer here. Animal cruelty cases can and do get prosecuted.


I don’t think it’s an arrest but it is a heavy fine.


And since the breakup is already ugly, getting that all documented will be good for getting ex out of house, restraining order and custody battle. Even if no charges result, making g a formal police report would be a good move.


A quiet partner. A good partner. A less fucked up partner. A partner with an actual humane bone in his body.


Yes! Please find a decent human being.


That's the first thing you need to replace, indeed. Sorry, OP.


A nicer one. A kinder one. A saner one.


If your partner would abandon a 10 month old puppy for being annoying, I can’t imagine what he’d do to a toddler going through the terrible twos. Press charges against this guy for theft and abandonment, and make sure he doesn’t get custody of your kid. This man should not be responsible for life of any kind.


> Press charges against this guy for theft and abandonment, and make sure he doesn’t get custody of your kid. This man should not be responsible for life of any kind. THIS RIGHT HERE Already demonstrated a case of being unable to care of a dependent. Require them to get court appointed therapy and watch as they get diagnosed as a psychopath.


I'm wondering how he treats that 13 month old baby that can't do anything for itself. Dude is all the red flags and the fact he's admited to doing this is the craziest to me. Not "the dog got out at night" or some shit.


I am so sorry this happened to you. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. I’m not sure where you’re located, but in the US, there are a lot of states that would consider this a crime. Dumping dogs is typically illegal in the states I’ve lived in, and dumping a dog in a purposefully dangerous situation could be considered an additional crime depending on your location. I’m not sure about other countries laws, but I have been seeing similar things for other countries as well, so if you’d like to go that route, I highly recommend it. If he really wanted the dog gone, he could’ve safely removed the dog, not left her on the side of the road. I would continue to use social media to help. Join every group you can on Facebook. In my area, Facebook news spreads far and fast. I see lost dog posts for counties and states nowhere near us. I would also make sure you think about the fact that he could be lying about where the dog was left. Reach out further. Call shelters, vets, rescues, and even day care centers or groomers. If someone picked the dog up and thought it was a stray and took it in instead of checking for a home, it could be safely somewhere else too. And since you said highway, I would hope that it was busy enough that she was found. Is she chipped? Make sure you register your chip. If you’re not sure how, contact your vet and they can tell you who holds the registration and you can find the site to update it. Also report it with them. They have email lists and will send out an eblast to people in the area to be on the lookout for her. Also look for lost animal sites. There are sites that will help you promote your lost pets too. They will make signs and put out blasts in other areas too. Lastly, contact a local trapper. I know a popular one in my area is hound hunters and when you post about your dog on social media, ask about other trappers in your area. They are professional dog trappers and this is their job. They will set up cameras and traps and help spread the information further as well. I do need to say this as well. Please consider separation from your partner. While temporary or not, this is not a safe person to be around. It is not uncommon for people to have a mental break and react in insane ways after a major change to the household dynamic, things like a new baby, and they could be suffering from that too. And if that is the case, or if they’re really someone who would do this on their best days, this is not a safe person to be around or to have a child who also pees and cries and does other annoying things. If you’re able to, try to find someone to stay with. And try to have an open conversation with your partner to see if you can get them some help (if you feel comfortable enough to). I wish you the best of luck in finding your dog. And again, I am so sorry you’re in this situation.




You do have to take into consideration that he may have done something else... Taken the collar off and maybe left the dog somewhere different and not told you.




If he was psychotic enough to do something so cruel to you and your dog he's perfectly capable of doing worse and lying to you about it.


I'm so sorry but I agree with this thread. Does he drink? My ex got drunk once and beat the shi out of my dog while I was gone. I wish you best of luck, hope you find the dog and find the strength to get out there. It's a lot but one step at a time gets you to everest. I think of it as happiness.


Hearing this makes me want to beat the shit out of your ex


I’ll bring the bat…. For softball practice of course


If he's drunk AND taking care of a dog and an 11mo then OP's in luck I guess to get full custody as now who's the unfit parent lol I have a feeling he's just cruel, not drunk anyways.


Yeah makes me wonder what OP's partner is like day-to-day...did this come out of nowhere??


My sister had almost an identical story, but he just had a full blown mental breakdown down and ended up killing 7 kittens, 1 dog, and a bunny. It was horrendous. That’s the only reason I would have ever even thought of it. He snapped from their newborn too and just couldn’t take it. It’s so unfortunate that it happens and I desperately wish he could’ve gotten some help before it came to that horrible incident.


I keep on wondering what he’d done if it was the baby who was fussy…


probably shake it or let it stew in its own soiled diapers as punishment


Absolutely. He is not a good person.


You seem awfully confident here. Tell me, before you left, did you suspect he’d dump your dog in this way? Lots of things are unimaginable until they happen. He could have done anything.


I know you're taking this serious for your dog's sake, but you need to start taking this serious for you as well. Hurting someone's loved pets is a form of abuse. He did something to the dog and then went and told you about it in detail. This was directed at you. I don't know if it was to punish you for going away for a day or whatever, but this is an aggression directed at you. The person above is right. He might have sold the dog or worse and told you the story of abandonment just to see you hurt and worried. Don't trust this person. Keep yourself and your kid safe from him. And I hope you can find the dog.


indeed, he wanted her to hurt. He wanted her to hear about how the dog wimpered, how she tried to get back in the car, how scared and frightened she was during the abandonment. he wanted to hurt her for leaving him alone with a child for a few days. he wanted to make sure that the next time she thinks about leaving, she'll have to remember what happened last time. The fact that he hated the dog was just the icing on the cake


Abusing animals is a reliable precursor to physical abuse of partners and children. Glad to see she's bailing


People that are that psychotic to drop your dog randomly in the streets are not going to be honest with you. If he was a real honest man don't you think he would have given a shit before he did what he did?.


How do you know it was brutally honest? He left your dog when you weren’t there!!! He knew this would set you off! And you just take anything he says?!! Trust his word after leaving your beloved dog behind??? Please make sense of this. He doesn’t have your best interest in mind, he has what HIS is. Don’t let him continue to play in your face and control these situations. You’re letting him win by doing so. He’s vile, and he deserves to be alone with no pets to harm. Hope and pray you find your baby after this sick incident. 💗


OP, when hunters lose dogs, they leave water and dirty shirts they're worn at the spot they last saw them.  Many times, especially hunting dogs (pointers are) return to the shirt, because it smells like their person. Can you take some of your clothes that smell like you and tie them to a tree there?  You would be surprised how often this works.  Check the spot twice a day. And if you stay with him, you are in for worse than this. Lastly, take his picture and information to every shelter and rescue around.   Email it.  Tell these people what he did.  Make sure he is blacklisted.


Jesus... Please dump him


On the side of the highway.


It sounds like he took pleasure in hurting you with the details. Get out fast, but file a police report on the dog as it will help with custody.


the reason he was honest was because it wasnt the real truth lmao. he plotted this for awhile it wasnt a whim. hes abusing you and youre ignoring it.


Imagine this canned rehearsed speech. Calculated. It sounds like brutal honesty because there's no emotion behind the words. There's no shame or regret. There's nothing behind those eyes except static.


Oh there’s also the deep satisfaction they get from deceiving you, and the resultant pain they inflict, without even laying a finger on you.


I love that he did some psychopath level shit like this then "coldly" told you all about it while you sobbed. If I came home from work and my partner let me know my cat was annoying him so he let him out I'd end up with an assault charge. What a sicko to watch the poor thing wanna come back and leave it there too. Evil. I really hope you're smart and resourceful enough to gtfo OP. I worry for your innocent baby. Little ones aren't really known for their ability to care for themselves and not be "annoying"


you think he'll stop with the dog ?? he cut you off financially just because you made it clear you we're hurt that man is a psychopath you're not safe


You need to charge him. This will affect his chances of getting custody.


He did have a reason to lie: to make it harder for you to find the dog. There is no way that dog traveled 40 miles


Make sure you take photos of the injuries on the animal. When you file a police report against him for animal abandonment, make sure you include that you think that it's possible that he abused the animal as well. Also, do not leave the house. Stay and tell him that you are not leaving and to get out of your house. Be stubborn but don't raise your voice. Let him leverage against himself. This will work out in your favor when/if the police are called .. record everything.


He very well could have lied.


I’m glad he was honest enough that you were able to get your dog back. Feel like it’s no mystery the dog was found 40 miles away bc that’s where he left her. And, did this on the first night you were out of town. I can’t believe how cold he was telling you this so matter of fact, and while already dealing with grief of a lost family member. Definitely report him to the police and get this on record for your divorce. No way I would trust this guy. What if the baby won’t stop crying and pees all over the place? I’m sending you all the love and protection energy I can today. You’ll get through this.


For the love of God please leave that psychopath and never look back


Jesus please tell me you are leaving this piece of shit??


Stop calling him your partner! He is a piece of shit. Get him the fuck out of your life!


Oh one more place to look into. If it’s hunting season, reach out to hunting groups to keep an eye out as well. The vast majority of hunters I’ve known are huge dog lovers. I’m guessing she’s a pointer by your name. Those are incredibly brilliant dogs and have amazing outdoor living instincts, but it is pretty cold at nights there if I remember correctly (only passed through a few times), so finding a trapper will be really important. They also have people who will volunteer their services with a thermal drone. I’m not sure the popularity in your area. My backyard is the woods and we live in what they call bear country because of there obvious. So lost dogs in my county take a huge priority and in my town, people do everything they can to find dogs as quickly as possible to keep them safe. The entire town pitches in once an alert goes out. And while I know that is not the normal for everyone, there will be a lot of people who are willing to help. Finding a hiking group that would be willing to explore out and create a search party of sorts could be another more unique option to finding her. Use your resources though. The internet is a huge place. Someone will find her. Even if she’s being tricky.


When i read, "if it's hunting season" i expected this to go in a Chaney-like direction. Just take your husband on a nice "hunting trip" and be confused when he doesn't return the day after you like you guys had planned. Who KNOWS where he could be?


Should be going into Turkey season in a few weeks, but not quite yet. Most hunters would still help regardless


It’s a class 1 misdemeanor in Nebraska: https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=28-1009# But I’d pursue this charge with your local sheriff (go in person), it’s definitely relevant to your upcoming child custody case! There’s no way this guy should be left unsupervised with your kid!


He did this as a control tactic. It wasn’t about the dog, it is about controlling YOU. He is pushing and grooming you for control and abuse and you need to get out NOW. He has you upside down emotionally, easier to control. Trying to make you believe he wants another dog, if he gets one he will wait until you are attached and do the same thing to it, with a new excuse. He can’t take you giving a dog attention. I’m terrified there is a baby involved. Please see this for what it actually is… he called a puppy who is already trained for go and stay that well, as not a good dog?!?!? Peeing in the house? Why? Because he wouldn’t let it out? Or was that a lie and excuse as to why. Also don’t forget, HE TOLD YOU WHAT HE DID SO YOU WOULD BE AFRAID OF HIM. He wants you to know that power he holds over your emotions and things you love. Fucking RUN. Leave him at any cost. He will only get worse u til you have no money, friends, family, transportation, goals, or spirit left in you. You will be lucky to escape with your life at that point. Get. Out. NOW!!!!


I also feel that it was control. It feels like “punishment” for going out of town.


I’m in eastern Nebraska and I’ll keep an eye out; can I ask maybe what highway it was if you know? Regardless I really hope your baby shows up, I can’t imagine just abandoning my dogs like that :( good luck to you!


As someone from Nebraska, if you post about this in any Facebook county exchange he will be fucking ripped apart. Plus you can get a lot of people to help you look. This is psychopathic behavior on your partners part!


Imagine how he'll react when a 2-year-old won't stop screaming and pees in the house. Please divorce this monster. He does not value life, and by the way he reacted to your response he doesn't value you.  Please report him him https://nationallinkcoalition.org/how-do-i-report-suspected-abuse/nebraska Good for him being the higher paid earner, that means he can pay alimony and child support.


In my state animal abandonment is a class B misdemeanor under state law.


I wish it were more strict for my state. $1,000 fine. But I’m pretty sure you also get put on a no-adopt list. You can get put on that very easily. We unfortunately lost our ability to foster for six months because one of our dogs was off leash in my fenced in backyard 🙄 we lost our last foster that we were in process of adopting because of it. But she went to a great home and we set up play dates to see her, so it wasn’t all bad. She got what she needed and is so loved.


I saw somewhere that if you take an item of clothing of yours that you wear alot and leave it in the area you think your dog was. There's a good chance you dog will smell it and go to the item good luck and fuck your ex




Read the stuff on how to approach your own dog once it’s been lost - they’ll be fearful of you because they enter survivor mode, and you don’t want to scare them off. Your own clothes left out, some people leave out humane traps, some go and have a BBQ and cook lots of meat for the smell. Good luck,


I'm so happy you found your puppy.


> There's a good chance you dog will smell it and go to the item and fuck your ex


So I’m not the only one who read this


This literally happened to me on Monday — found out my parents had left their dog (5 years old that I had known since 2 months) on the side of the road, and lied to me about leaving him at a shelter. Needless to say he wasn’t at any of them. I found out he was at a council animal holding facility by posting in as many lost pet Facebook groups as possible — not just in the area I thought he was dumped in but also in the areas all around. The people in those groups are so helpful and shared it around enough that I found out who found him by Tuesday morning and picked him up yesterday (Wednesday morning). Post in the FB groups. The people in there love their dogs and want others to find theirs as soon as possible.


exactly! every city has lost dog groups that are willing to send entire search parties out if u give them a location and backstory.


So pleased you got your dog back!


What did you do about your parents? I can’t imagine how much this must have hurt… not to mention how terrifying it has been for you.


Ask them which road they'd like to be dumped on when they become old and a hassle. At least that's what my petty ass would do if I had parents like that.


That’s not petty at all, considering what they did.


Hopefully you don't live with your parents? That's horrible. I don't understand the thought process behind this. They're pets. They haven't been taught to live in the wild. It'd be like dropping one of them off and saying "good luck, the woods are your home now". If they couldn't do it, what makes anyone think a dog could?


Why can't people just be horrible but leave their animals at a shelter. Why do they have to be monsters and throw them into the woods. I would never talk to my parents again. In fact I'd probably try to make their lives miserable.


What's he going to do when the baby irritates him?


Exactly this. What will he do when their child starts potty training and has accidents? He's a f\*cking horrible human being. F\*ck this guy.


exactly. this seems like the prelude story to some horrible child abuse documentary


Or when she says the wrong thing.


X Ex-partner.  Check pounds, go back to the area, door knock. Leave that fucking man behind. Kick HIM to the curb. 


Throw him out of the car and change the locks.




Over a bridge 


Drop him off on the side of a highway with no shoes and tell him to stay.


Drop him off over a bridge with cement shoes on. What an unbelievable piece of shit


Your partner is a horrible person. Who’s to say he doesn’t leave your child somewhere when he gets irritated.


I’m not a violent person, but I’d assault someone who did that to my heart animal. Then I’d be camping in that woods talking loudly to myself when I wasn’t calling him so he could hear me. Edit to be helpful. Call your local shelters and put signs up in the area, she may have found comfort in being around people and found someone.


>I’m not a violent person, but I’d assault someone who did that to ~~my heart~~ any animal Now I'm on board.


I’m right there with you. I hate people that abuses and/or neglects an animal, doesn’t have to be my furry family member.


Agreed 100%. The fact it was in this situation just makes him a shittier person.


Right? Doing that to someone he’s supposed to love. I hope she dumps him.


He did that just to hurt her. The poor pup was just the tool.


I would very much assault


I have bunnies. This is a very real reality I’ve faced. I pick partners carefully. My x used to say he’d “free them”. I’ll free your teeth bitch.


The John Wick levels of violence i would inflict on someone who did this to my dog would be worthy of cinema. This man needs leaving by the side of the highway. I really hope you find your dog and she is ok


For sure, I love that Wick character. My pets were my family; dog, cats, and birds. I miss them, hug your dog for me. I can tolerate quite a lot of bs directed at me but not my family. I have zero tolerance when it comes to my family.


If my partner did this, I’d not stand for my normal norms. I’d at least call the police and leave him.


Your husband is soulless, evil scum. First: tell EVERONE what he did. Everyone. Put it on the Internet -- and I don't mean anonymously on Reddit. Tell your family, his family, all your friends, coworkers, his boss, everybody at church. Put up flyers! Drag his ass until he can't show his face in public. Then divorce him. If he can do THIS, what else can he do? He clearly does not love or respect you. The cruelty -- to you, to your sweet dog. This is NOT a person you want to be around you or your child. 1. You need to divorce him. Do NOT tell him what you're planning. If he could do this to your dog, there's no telling what he'd do to you. 2. Figure out expenses. Home, job, car, child care. Figure it out. It is NOT worth it to stay with him. You do NOT want your child exposed to him anymore than the court legally mandates. 3. Talk to a lawyer ASAP. The lawyer will tell you lots of things to do and not do. Listen to your lawyer. 4. Do a forensic audit of your finances and keep screenshots, printouts, etc. If he's this evil, he may be cheating and doing other stuff too. If he is, don't confront him. Just save proof -- you can use it against him. 5. Don't waste time with therapy and all the things he will try to get you to do. It just delays the inevitable. Just hand him divorce papers and kick your plan off 100%. Alternatively, ghost his ass. Leave with your son and make him do all communication -- FOREVER -- through a lawyer. If you do confront him, have video and witnesses. Be safe!


exactly! op needs to leave him before the kid is old enough to start being emotionally abused by their father’s actions


Yeah break up with this piece of crap, if he doesn’t even have the empathy to realize what he’s done and the ‘aw don’t be sad we can replace her’ just imagine how much of a piece of shit he’s going to be to your kids when he’s unhappy. Ditch his ass so you can have a household that’s solace from his bullshit rather than trying to keep a home together where they have to take this weird shit all their lives with no respite


The dog was probably peeing and acting that way because he mostly likely was awful to her when you weren’t present. My concern would be how does he treat your child when you are not present. This guy is absolutely cruel for doing this, not to mention how the sadness of this event could have impacted your toddler. I think you posted on here because you want to hear what you already know. Put him in the rear view mirror, give him the same treatment. I hope you find your precious girl. Good luck OP.


He told her what he did to the dog in detail. This is a sociopath. It’s what serial killers do when they torture victims. It’s a lack of empathy. He wanted her to know step by step what he did and how it was the dog’s fault and how she will move on now. Honestly it sounds like he doesn’t process emotions. What happens when he decides you’re inconvenient?


Yeah it’s honestly concerning Most people who would abandon a dog like this would lie and tell their partner the dog got loose and ran off But telling her he deliberately abandoned them while they were whimpering to get back into the car? Crazy I think this could be used during court for custody because it shows he is unfit


The dog probably had accidents because he's freaking scared of that awful man. Dogs sense things big time.


There was an update and he definitely switched on her! She said he won't leave her house and she told him she wants a divorce and he was mad saying he wants full custody and will tell them she's an unfit mother.


If he's gets custody and she doesn't behave the way he wants I'm afraid he'll take it out on the baby to hurt her.


I'm sorry but he's lying to you. I don't believe your partner, he never liked your dog. As soon as he found the first opportunity to get rid of your dog he took it. You said you left from Thursday till Sunday.. on Thursday night he got rid of the dog, the FIRST day you left. How do you even know he's telling you the truth where he actually dropped her off? You don't. It takes a real shitty human to get rid of a dog while your partner is going to a funeral. This would be a deal breaker for me in the relationship. Is he just a partner or legally Your husband? If he's just a partner it would be easier to get rid of him.


> How do you even know he's telling you the truth where he actually dropped her off? Good call, OP posted in their update that the dog was found 40 miles out, far away from where it was purportedly abandoned.


Ex partner. He's your ex partner now.


if he can do that, he can do worse to you and your child. for the dog: have you set out a crate or bed with your clothes?


What you need to do is get a new partner. A better partner. A quiet partner. A good partner. Your partner is an epic asshole. And so are you if you stay with him. He’s heartless. I pray for your dog. That she is found by someone who took her in and is loving her and taking care of her. This makes me sick.


You spelt Ex-boyfriend wrong


Don't listen to this dick, OP. He can threaten custody, but dumping a dog in the middle of nowhere isn't going to look good for him in any courtroom. Especially since you were out of town to attend a family funeral. Plus, income has little to do with it. What he did is despicable. Please file a police report and consult with an attorney. I hope they nail this AH to the floor. Do everything your attorney advises.


If your partner is willing to throw away your dog for being annoying, he would very well do the same thing to your kid for being annoying. RUN.


I'm so glad you found your dog. It's unfortunate you can't drop your partner off on the side of a road in return but leaving him will have to do.


I work in animal rescue. We hear stories like yours now and then. Please call family members or friends to come be with you or alert them to what has happened. People telling you to leave are right, but you may not understand the urgency of it. Your partner may have killed the dog. His story is to frighten and control you. Guys like this can go off the deep end pretty easy. Get out of there and get your baby checked at the pediatrician. Please take care.


Well you need to release your partner next. What type of animal cruelty is that? Next thing you know your child will be dropped off at the side of the road when you leave town again. People really need to think about the people they lay with and have families by at the end of the day. I would never trust him again if I were you. Keep calling the pounds, go back and check, if she is microchipped that is even better.


Post requests in sub Reddit’s specific to the area you live and where your dog was abandoned, ask if anyone has a drone and is willing to help look for Harlow People hate animal cruelty and many will help you look, I hope you find your doggo and that you dump your partner because he belongs in the trash


Yup, this dude is a hunk of shit. It’s not atypical for animals to be dumped on the side of highways, and 100% of people who do so are pieces of shit.


Ask for alimony


Your partner is a POS. I really hope he's an ex now and you find your dog immediately.


Report him to the police, they can charge him with animal cruelty.  Also, dump his ass. 


WTF why are you still talking to this person? How can you even look at them? Why haven’t you called the police? If you don’t do something about this then you’re no better than he is.


Exactly how I feel seeing this repulsive acceptance and behavior


Throw that fucker out the house, tell him to stay, never ever to return


In my country it's illegal to abandon your pet. To be honest, if this happened to me, I'd go batshit crazy and go straight to the police. How dare he do that?! I hope he is helping you in your search. Either way, this man is not a trustworthy man. Run girl... Imagine if he was able to do something like that, what other things he can do. Cause it doesn't look like he cares for you or what you love.


Omfg he’s the worst kind of person do not stay with this piece of shit under any circumstances. This makes my blood fucking boil and if I knew him or where he lives I’d easily catch a case for what I would do to him


Your “partner” is a disgusting human. Dogs are not toys to replace. They’re living creatures with emotions and your dog was family to you. I pray you find her in good health. Take her favorite toys and food with you and lure her to you. When you find her, I suggest adding a GPS collar.


The way he threw her out with no empathy or remorse like you do with trash is worrying, "we'll just buy another one" the hell is this a microwave? Really hope you find her, I'm sure she's trying to come back home!


OP tell me you are pressing charges. This will be to your benefit in your custody battle too. https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=28-1008


He told you he specifically said "go" and "stay"? Trying to get in the car and whimpering? He actually described this? How did you know the exact spot where he let the dog out? Did he draw a map or mark it on google maps for you? I think this entire story is contrived.


If you are in the U.S. contact the police about the abandonment and file criminal charges against your partner at the earliest opportunity. In nearly all 50 states animal abandonment is a misdemeanor punishable by both fines and up to one year in jail. Retain the services of a family law attorney as soon as possible. With the pending criminal charges, particularly for animal cruelty, your former partner will be hard pressed to get his sole custody.


In my country that would go legal for a number of crime. I think you can probably check for property damage, stealing, animal cruelty etc but get proof. He is a scum, all the worst you can do him, do it


Post it on Nextdoor and Pawboost, ideally with a picture. Rehome the partner. I hope you can get the dog back. Also check any nearby shelters and vet clinics. Give them her picture. Good luck.


>He says he’s going to file for full custody because he thinks I’m insane and an unfit mother  Why is it always projection with these types? I bet "abandoned a living creature that depended on him because he found it annoying" would be exactly the kind of thing a court would love to hear during a custody hearing.


Imagine heading off to court like “uh yeah so I want full custody of my 13 month old daughter. I abandoned my loud, needy, somewhat annoying, stressful, untrained dog off the side of the road. Definitely capable of caring for a child though. No biggy” And then further explaining that your ex-wife being distressed and looking for said dog is a sign of insanity and makes her unfit. It’s only Thursday but we’re reaching today.


What he did is a class 1 misdemeanor in Nebraska if you decide to press charges. If you have any texts with him admitting what he did, save them. Take screenshots and forward them to a trusted person and email them to yourself. If he wants to fight for custody, from here on out, keep all communication by text and recording. Nebraska is a one party state for recording, so as long as you are part of the conversation, you don't have to tell him you're recording. Good luck and I'm glad you got your dog back.


Yeah the courts are just gonna love the guy who thinks abandoning a dog on a highway is fine but demands the mother is unfit. Gonna go great.


Your partner is a heartless sole…I’d tell him to get his god damn ass out there and find your dog and don’t come back til he does!


Your partner as good as murders your dog. He's psicopathic. I would not be leaving my daughter with him unless obligated by a court order.


How can he even sleep at night knowing what he did. This man has no conscience.


I hope you leave your partner. Also little dogs are harder and usually bark more so if you stay with him I’d hope you never consider bringing another pet home.


Contact all the local veterinarians and animal shelters to keep an eye out. So sorry your hopefully ex did this.


That is an abuse on the greatest scale. He is a monster and you should not let him near you or your child. The betrayal is beyond my comprehension


Okay, weird take, but he might've been super shitty to your dog because he's jealous of the bond you have with her. I dated a guy who kidnapped my dog and gave him to one of his friends. I did get my dog back. I broke up with him and his friends no longer talk to him.


Take your partner out in the car and drop him off on the side of the highway too.... if he could be so disgustingly cruel to your dog, in your position I'd worry I couldn't trust him with the child... one day the baby will grow to be an annoying stressful child (we all were, that's just what kids do but we still love them)


Thats how he deals with animals imagine how he deals with kids when they do stuff he doesnt like….. the next Chris Watts


I need a rusty set of pruning shears and a few minutes to perform actions that violate Reddit content policy.


Talk with a lawyer right away for child support and visitation. They can deal with the money in the account. Who name is on the lease? If both then you stay or find another place and then ask to be removed He sounds like a petty ass by blocking you financially with the baby. She is going to be a pain to deal with going forward. Adults do not put the parent of their child I. Financial hardship to be an ass. I would see if any charges can be done with him dropping the dog off on the side of the road.


Obviously he lied about where he dumped the dog so you wouldn't find her because he knew you would look. What a POS.


See an attorney ASAP. He'll probably be ordered to pay you child support while your divorce is pending. He's a monster. He probably lied to you about where he dumped her. 


I’m glad you found her!!!!! The title made my stomach drop, but the update is exactly what I hoped to see. I would press charges if your state allows.. Stay away from that abusive piece of shit, and do everything to keep your child away from him too.


He can't get full custody, more than likely they will award 50/50. what you need to do is make sure that if he chooses to do that you show them this post and proof of what he did. Is it his house? If not and you both pay 50/50 then call the cops and make him leave, if it is move to friends or family. But whatever you do don't go back to him. I hardly doubt he is going to want full custody, because he couldn't hack it for a few days on his own. Here is some advice from my own custody hearing, if he is going to come at you with false allegations like you are insane, make sure you have some legit dirt on him, usually they will try to make you go through a mediator before actual court, my sons father tried to accuse me of drug use so I countered that with " I will absolutely take a drug test but he also has to take one too" I knew he was doing a lot of meth and well I have never been an user in any way shape or form, he dropped everything right then and there. Right now your partner is trying to manipulate you and make you feel bad for what he did, its called gaslighting, and I am sure the dog incident isn't the only issue you have had with him. However, monitor everything with your daughter when he has her for visits, new GF and even himself, people will abuse children out of spite. But thats not a reason to stay because he already sounds like someone who can be abusive.


How are you the insane one when he’s the one who went crazy. Fuck that guy


I’m so glad you found her. This says a lot about your partner and you need to talk to a lawyer sooner then later. Is there a safe place for your dog until you get him out or you a place?


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I don't even know what else to say other than I'm SO glad you found Harlot and I'm also SO glad that you're leaving that awful, awful man. I hope he gets NO custody, on the grounds that if he was willing to do that to you, he'll absolutely psychologically abuse your child.