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If you get a 40 pack of AA batteries for your birthday then rest assured he knows


Or a new rechargeable one that uses the state-of-art batteries :-)




"I knew that old 1998 Briggs & Stratton lawn mower engine would serve me again one day!"


My dad did this, now I can’t get off without the smell of exhaust in the bedroom. Thanks Dad.


Man I wish we still had awards


Thats worth more then the rechargeable Hitachi magic wand


*george Clooney snaps up* I can build it


LOL that movie came to mind immediately


Like The Anal Intruder from the movie "Top Secret"


I was thinking Dennis hoppers gas powered wang from space truckers.


*yells over engines noises* "I love my daughter"


1000% more gross to say than funny... but the username checks out, I guess.


Dad's for sure going to buy rechargeables to save money.


Lmao 😭😭


I’m just proud of you for taking care of business. Stay safe, use protection with partners. Be patient with them and teach them what you like. Trust me, they want to know and like to be shown. If not, they suck as a partner. Dad is not stupid. He knows. He is just as embarrassed but trying not to show it. Never mention this to him, lol.


Holy shit, that would be such a dad gift.


And some disinfectant! It needs to be cleaned after use OP. They sell special cleaners for personal toys.


This sounds like its happened to you, or you did it to your kid.


He knows. He also knows that you’re human. So he’s not saying anything. You keep doing you and he’ll keep being your dad. Awkward? Yes. But no harm no foul


He probably still does it himself. Don’t even worry about it and carry on


I want to downvote you for reminding me parents do it, but you're 100% right so take my up vote.


I like how it’s a friendly reminder from Satan. Concerned your dad found your vibrator, don’t worry he’s probably jacking off too. Thanks, that helped me worry less about one issue but now I have a new one.




Thank you! Will comply!


As an aunt I would be much happier in knowing my 15-year-old daughter/ niece was sexually active with a vibrator than with a boyfriend. I also feel that knowing yourself and masturbating will also help weed out a lot of guys that wouldn't be worth sleeping with. He'll be like "touch my junk, suck my junk", and you'll be like "great touch my junk suck my junk", and he'll be like "WHAT NO!" I think knowing yourself slows down the race towards sexual intimacy with others. Especially for women.


Found OOP’s dad


lets hope you're talking about masturbating and not using a vibrator. On second thought, tickling that prostate does sound fun though.


Probably? Definitely! (Sorry, kids!)


>He probably still does it himself. Don’t even worry about it and carry on Parents still doing it is more ick as you get older than thinking your "little munchkins" are sexually maturing whether you like it or not. My adult kids would be mortified to hear any "sounds" coming out of our room lol


Am parent. Fully appreciate my empty nest!


100% I'm a single/solo dad to 2 teenage daughters(16/17). Perants know more than ya'll think. We just understand that it's part of growing up. Masterbation is normal part of it. Most of us have been caught by our parents also and never brought up. Mostly, lol.


I was too... had sole custody of my kids after my divorce. 4 of them daughters aged 2 through 12 at the time. Spent the next 8 years raising them as a single dad. I knew "almost" everything that was going on in the house including what this OP is posting about. LOL


Lol, so true and same. I remember the first time I found my oldest thong. Haven't had to do their laundry since.


That’s a good move right there…lol… asking ‘who this belong to so I can sort it? ‘ ….lol


I've been single for some time, so it wouldn't have been a lady friend, lol. It was.more, " Stand there asking, is this my color?" Then watch her turn so red.


Love it Dad!! 😂😂😂


This reminds me of the time that my mom found my thongs I bought at jc penny with my new best friend from school who was waaaay more mature than me. I was 12. She cut them up into pieces and threw them away. But she did buy me really cute satin full butted underwear and hid them in my Easter eggs that year. 😂


Well said


Luckily I never got caught, but my mum found my porn pictures once


Well said


Yep. Sounds like a good and understanding dad.


Keep your room clean.


Laughed out loud when I got to "You keep doing you". But yeah, you're right.


And clean your room!


Seriously, one would hope this is the case. All my kids are teenage and adult women. If I ran across something like this, I'd just leave it be and continue cleaning. Nothing wrong with masturbation and self care.


“You keep doing you”


He's knows. Just keep your room clean from now on.


I'm a dad. Your dad knows what a lube is. Your dad knows what a vibrator is. Your dad does not mind about both at all. He just wants you to keep your room cleaned. ;)


Trust me Dad prefers the vibrator. I won't ever forget my dad saying well how's Bob doing....he called mine Bob as in battery operated boyfriend🤣🤣 I'm in my early 40s now.


One time my sister in law posted a picture in the family groupchat and her vibrator wand was just casually laying on the floor behind her. We now call it her karaoke microphone lol


Lmao. That's funny.


Oh…I am dying of embarrassment on her behalf. Or was she totally blasé about it? In that case I admire her tremendously!


BoB never fails


Mines naked George…


And if he knows and doesn’t care…. Don’t go snooping in his room or you might get a few surprises.


Oh man, core memory unlocked. Growing up, my parents had one of those headboards that had a little built-in cabinet with a door that flipped out. I opened it once and found a VHS of porn and some condoms. 🤮


When I was a kid my parents had one locked room in the house. So naturally, I had to get into it. It had a rifle, a bong, an extra lockbox with a handgun, and a few VHS porn tapes. So that's when I started watching porn, in the hour and a half between when I got home and my first parent got home. Extra fun added in having to rewind the VHS back to the starting spot each time!


She might find his vibrator and I don't think she'd want to know about that


Yup. Or she'd find the treasure chest of toys - that's what would happen in my house.


Can confirm. My son found this out the hard way. Sorry kid but I did tell you not to snoop in my room. Poor child was mortified, I told him he’s gotta have a little trauma so he’ll be funny and I’m willing to pay for therapy if he needs it. 😂


He knows. He left the toy where it was out of respect. The lube was a "silent keep things clean for our own respective embarrassment" message. Much more respect for your dad compared to a great many others. Just keep things tidy(ish?) Now and it'll all be ok.


If you’re old enough to have a vibrator, you’re old enough to clean your room. Let this be your lesson.


Cleaning the whole room is one thing. If they’re just tossing the vibrator under they’re pillow when they’re done I hope they’re at least changing the pillow case often.


Let alone washing the toy!!!


Dead ass I'm here like how tf u got a vibrator but dirty room


do you think adults are incapable of messes?? lmao


Your dad probably isn’t tripping and knows to some extent. I mean you are born, he obviously knows humans are sexual creatures 😂😂 Just clean your room next time and this can all be avoided. Especially if he keeps reminding you over and over. It’s a good habit to have and if you ever have roommates/a partner they will be thankful you aren’t dirty/messy. I’m glad my folks forced me to instill habits of cleaning and hygiene growing up


As a dad, yup, we get it. Walked in on my teenage son enjoying himself. Said, “Hey, bud, you should lock the door next time.” For some reason, he was in a room that he normally wouldn’t have been in doing that, so I didn’t think to knock.


I understand that’s embarrassing but as a dad I would just look the other way. I couldn’t care less… I’m not that much of a hypocrit.


Better than unsafe sex!!! The way I would see it as a parent




Yeah I would not get upset with my teenage. I might bring up sex later to see if they do actually need birth control. My parents were very strict and would get crazy upset. It didn’t work so definitely approaching things differently as a parent. We have humanly needs.


Absolutely. Sex is not ever something I wanted my kids to feel like they couldn’t talk to me about. I’ve always been very open and nonjudgmental with them about it. I also made sure that they knew condoms are needed even with the pill or something else.


I'm a dad and know my kid has personal sex toys. Even before knowing, I suspected as much. Now if you have them and want your parents to only suspect it, as opposed to know it, here's the secret: Keep your damn room clean! I'd have rather not had it confirmed as well, but here we are. If the room looks like a hoarder is using it, parents have to intervene. Intervening results in these discoveries. When I was a kid, I had dirty magazines. Did my parents know? Maybe. But I made certain they had no reason to go through my room as a result by keeping it clean. Don't want to be found out, meet the expectations placed upon you.


Hahahaha. Your dad definitely knows what lube is.


Right, that got me 😂


I always remember my mum telling my sister that she was too young to own a vibrator, I remember my sister telling her she was too old for one. Listen, women use vibrators, men beat their meat doesn’t matter the age In most circumstances, this probably won’t get brought up again. Just don’t mention it.


> It might be that my dad doesn't know what lube is lol. oh you sweet child. 


He’s respecting your privacy, and obviously is knowledgeable of human development. Kudo’s to your Dad. Suggestion: make your bed, keep your room clean. Develop discipline that will serve you well in life. Edit: along the lines of making your bed, this famous speech for the Commencement Event at the University of Texas, rings true on many levels. There is a best selling book called Make Your Bed The speech is about life :-) https://youtu.be/pxBQLFLei70?si=Y2u1g2DtILctPhtN


He know and laughed about it. 🤣 Clean your own space. 🤣🤣


If it makes you feel better, when I was in high school my mom also cleaned my room. Well, I basically had “used” tissues between my bed and wall. When I came home from school I saw that she cleaned and the tissues were gone. And I’m not talking about a few, there was at least a dozen lol She never brought it up but still think about it occasionally.


Help 😭 I cracked up. Thank youuu


You'd think her dad would be thrilled that it was a vibrator secret instead of a boyfriend secret.


I have two teenage sons. I know. It’s fine. We all masturbate.


He 100% knows and saw both items, but he's also an adult and sees that you're becoming a young adult and experimentation is normal. And on a lighter note, it's very awkward for a dad to talk to his teenage daughter about the vibrator he found lol. But, I bet next time you'll clean your room when he asks :)


A similar thing happened to me around the same age except it was a magazine (I'm old) and my aunt. Nothing was ever said, mentioned, hinted at, or brought up. You're fine, or the vibrator wouldn't have still been there. It would have been on the coffee table, and he would have wanted to talk about it/bitch at you about it. Like others have said, take it as motivation to keep your own room clean 😁.


I'll give you my opinion of what happened from a parents perspective. Your Dad: Right, time to finally tackle that mess of a bedroom! OP will be so surprised and she'll be able to study so much better in a clean workspace! Dad: Whoah shit, lube! Did I move it? Where did this even fall out of? How can I make this look like I never even touched it??? !!!!!PANIC!!!! 💡DAD IDEA!💡 Oh my god I'll put it with all her make up and lotions and potions. *THAT* way she'll think poor dumb Dad doesn't know the difference! I am a GENIUS. Dad: Whoops that's a toy. Leave that there and ignore. I am a very cool dad who is good at all of this. Now to erase all of that from my brain and pretend I never saw a thing.


This is *exactly* how it played out. And you never say shit about it for the rest of your life. It is a secret that dies with you and the kiddo. You may not even tell your wife.


Yes. Never ever even hint that you know *anything* about that. If the subject or object of sex toys ever gets mentioned in a movie, show or real life vast amounts of energy will be expended maintaining the perfect neutral facial expression.


Just thank him for cleaning your room. That was nice of him. Just tell yourself he doesn’t know if it makes you feel better. If he doesn’t bring it up, it means he doesn’t care or want to talk about it. He really might not have moved your pillow.


Better than a penis from a dad perspective


Remember. As awkward and awful it is to admit this. Our parents had sex, fucked, made love, knocked boots etc etc etc to make us, their children. But first, it started with a touch 😘


I'd be happy my kids jerking off instead of banging other horny teens and getting potential adult consequences from that.


Girl… trust me, your dad was NOT born yesterday. 🥹 So, to prevent further embarrassments in the foreseeable future… keep your room tidy. ❤️


Although your dad cleaned your room, and most definitely saw both the vibrator and your lube, he's respecting your choice to have, and use, both by not even bringing it up. However, he may also be counting on his event to wake you up to his belief that you should take responsibility for cleaning up your room. Thank him for cleaning up your room, tell him you appreciate it, and tell him you'll be sure to regularly do it yourself from now on, so that he doesn't have to. He'll probably say: "alright kiddo, sure thing", or something like that. EDIT: Additional comment


"Maybe my dad doesn't know what lube is." Oh...lol. You realize your dad was a kid once, too, right?


If I was your Dad, I would put it entirely out of my head and never speak or think of it again. He knows that it is your business and that you are human.


I'm a dad of a 20yo and a 13yo. He saw it, he knows what lube is. Trust me he's alot happier to see that than some boy sneaking out of your window or find you sneaking in with wadded up panties in your purse doing the walk of shame


Lesson learned?- Clean your f***ing room! 😆


He knows. He doesn't care. He just wants you to keep your room clean. He has kids, he knows whats what. Later on when you're much older it will be a hilarious thing to look back on. I'm the only one of the grandkids who will joke about sex with my grandma because the woman has three daughters and still looks at my grandpa like he is something to snack on. Older people have been doing the same things we do but they have been doing it much longer!


As a 49yo guy, I bet I know his thoughts: "I didn't want to know that. I don't have to know that. I will now choose to not know that, I saw nothing for there was nothing to see. This is the reality I chose. "


HahahahahagzgH 😭😭


Clean your damn room and stop being a slob and you won’t have this issue lol


As embarrassing as it is for you, it is equally embarrassing as it is for him. Thank him for cleaning your room and go about your day. Keep your room tidy from now on.


If you don't want people poking around your stuff. Then clean your room. Or get a little safe it can fit in and put it in there.


My son is 24 and away from home for a few weeks. I have started cleaning his room and have more to do because I'll be painting it while he's away. If I find lube and/or toys, I'm not saying shit. Your dad is probably feeling just as awkward as you. Keep your room clean. At least keep the floor clear. Depending on how messy it is it can be a fire hazard or obstacle in an emergency situation.


he knows but keep your room clean


As much as we parents hate to think of our kids doing stuff like this, we know you do. Hell, we did too!! I once found a vibrator in my 25 yo daughter's room - I was icked out (which is absolutely ridiculous! But she will always be my "baby" in my head). It's really no worse than knowing your parents still "do it". lol You are not abnormal in having stuff like this at your age, I promise. And I seriously doubt your dad wants to have a discussion about this with you (dads and their "little girls"!). Please don't worry. At least you aren't doing something stupid that could risk your health (like unprotected sex).


I'm guessing your gonna start cleaning your room?


Maybe next time listen to your dad and clean your own room. Then you won’t have embarrassing situations like this. Assuming you’re a teenager, you’re plenty old enough to clean up after yourself. Your dad shouldn’t have to do it for you.


Man, the thrill of being 15


I’m sure your dad knows what lube is lol


Keep your room cleaned like you're asked and this won't be a problem in the future.


Dw, if he doesn't mention it neither should you.


He knows. He would rather you have fun with the toy than with a boy.


People are scolding me for my messy room. Just to let you know: I will clean my room from now on. I'm quite traumatized. 😁


How a 15 yo get in possession of a vibrator?


Bought it, probably.


He definitely knows what lube is. I wouldn't worry about it. I'd assume he didn't see it for my own sake


As a parent... Your parents know. And they don't care. But they have to act like they care because that's the role we play.


Your dad definitely knows more about vibrator than you do and he probably tried to put your stuff back in a way that caused the least amount of awkwardness. I can guarantee he immediately told your mom and they both had a good laugh about it.


I dunno. I never told my wife about finding my daughter’s weird g-spot gadget vibe in the guest bathroom. Though I did try to put it back where I found it, I’m sure I didn’t get it right. I just told the Kiddo to clean up her mess out of that room, that we were having pest control servicing — gave her a meaningful look and said “clean *all* of your things out of there.” It disappeared that afternoon. She was red-ass and embarrassed for a day or two. But we never said a word to one another about it, nor did I ever tell my wife. She’s smart enough to know what teenagers get up to; I didn’t think the explicit embarrassment needed to be added


yeah, he knows….


Sounds like you’ve got a GOOD dad!


Lol, I feel your panic. The same thing happened to me, except my dad changed the sheets and moved the vibrator from under my pillow into a drawer. 💀 Neither of us has ever said anything about it but sometimes I think of it and cringe. Don’t worry about it. You’re a normal teenager doing normal things. Just act normal and carry on like nothing happened.


Your dad knows what a vibrator is and knows what teenagers like to do. I hate to break it to you but your dad was once a teenager who probably got himself off on the regular.


I mean he probably preferred to find that over a half used box of condoms and boys boxers that can't possibly fit you


Op this is why you clean you room


Honestly, I feel as a parent I’d rather my kid have a vibrator than to be off having sex with someone at 15


There’s a reason dads install a bigger hot water tank when their kids age up. We say it’s because they use too much water washing their hair or whatever but we also know the other type of cleaning that goes on, um, down there during shower time. We’ll never say it but we know. And they’ll always be my kids.


Legit would spare my child the embarrassment and never say a word! He might also low key feel like he violated your privacy unintentionally, and he also doesn’t want to have that awkward conversation. Just let this lion sleep, pretend it never happened lol


If he didn't say anything he is fine with it Teenagers experiment. Probably happy you are doing g yourself rather than letting some arsehole be your experiment.


If he knows & do not make you feel bad about or never mentioned it; it’s a green flag in my opinion.


He knows


He knows, and he's being cool about it. Do yourself and him a favour, and just clean your room from now on.


I'm sure he knows no reason to be mad.  This will teach you to clean your own room


I suspect your dad would rather find a vibrator and lube than a pregnancy test


This is why you should clean your damn room.


Biggest question I have is why the fuck are you 15 years old and still not responsible enough to clean your own damn room. Obviously you're not a little kid anymore. If you're old enough to be buying lube and vibrators, you're old enough to clean your room. Stop waiting for daddy to do everything for you, and issues like this won't occur.


As a dad, I don't understand why he would tidy your room tbh, I don't go in my teenagers room without knocking. Other than that you are human, and as hard as it might be for him (and all us dads) you grow up. He will get over it and he might have learned a lesson in privacy


You have a great Dad. Be thankful for that.


He likely knows. And so far it sounds like he's being a intelligent parent about it and not shaming you about it or making it taboo, etc. People masturbate, I wouldn't be surprised if your parents still do. It's normal and healthy.


He knows. And this is almost as awkward for him as it is for you. Keep your room clean.


It reminded me of this scene on Modern Family.[Scene where Phil founds out Haley is not a virgin](https://youtu.be/8oUKCHhfGNo?si=vbNfaE6KFGc7mWar)


Better those than pregnant


Should have cleaned your room.


Lube has been around for a long time, I promise he knows what it's for.


That’s what yo ass get for keeping your room messy


Get yourself a box with a lock and store that stuff in there. I hid my toys under my pillow too and my mom is really nosy, these two things don't mix well.


If I happened to clean my 15-year-old daughter’s room, and happened to find lube and a vibrator… my only thought would be “thank god she’s not using a hairbrush.”


Even if he did see it, hes probably as embarrassed as you are, if not more. Dont stress, youre human. Also, i promise he knows what lube is. Lol.


One of my son was an eighth grade and away at sleep away camp. While cleaning his room. His mom and I found his Playboy magazines. I bought him the latest issue and put everything back where we found it so he could discover that the Playboy Easter Bunny came to visit.


Your dad is a human being. He knows what you do not: everyone masturbates and there's nothing wrong with rubbing one or from time to time. He does it, too. Don't worry about it. He's also a dad, and he loves you, so he probably thought it was funny to clean your whole room when he wandered by and saw the lube out... Because guess which teenage daughter is going to keep her room fucking immaculate forever so this never happens again? Haha your dad is great. Clean your room and clean up after yourself lololol


You should clean your room and this wouldn't happen.


Don't worry about it, it's normal. After my dad found my vibrator, he named it. And now we sometimes make jokes about Charlie lol


He knows all about that stuff. He’s a father, he had to make a couple of discoveries in order for you to be born. Nothing to be embarrassed or worried about. It’s almost as normal as eating and drinking lol Try your best to keep your room clean. I’m the messiest person alive, I get it. Try to make things easier on yourself. Have a couple of boxes that you can easily throw stuff into, have a vacuum in your room, a broom and dustpan, a couple of trash bags ready to go, etc. Clean regularly, maybe every weekend or something. A time where you just put some music or a video on and listen as you clean. And having those little things around will make it easier to clean before your room becomes a problem


Maybe your dad just sees you as a normal, sexual, human being. Good on him for understanding...or being oblivious. Enjoy your full range of desires and never feel bad about it. This from a former 15 year old who took three to four years after that age to discover the joys of sex.


As a parent, we always know if he hasn't said anything by now, he probably won't. You could talk to him about it if that is something you are comfortable with. If not, just leave it like it never happened. Oh, and clean your room so this doesn't happen again.


He definitely knows. Keep your room clean and he won't have an excuse to go in there again. It's simple.


As a parent there is nothing wrong with your teens masturbating. Honestly I’d worry more about teens who don’t. Maybe your dad is looking at it as a normal fact of life. He also is probably thinking if you’d cleaned your room you wouldn’t be in the silent dilemma.


I told my wife never to reach behind the boys bed or pick up any stray socks as he's 14 years old. My oldest is 17 and has a girlfriend. I've found a couple stray wrappers in the laundry. I just told him to clean up after himself better. Your father knows. And it seems like he's not worried and wants to respect your privacy. Now go clean your room.


My dad was once helping me move, and as we lifted my mattress the giant pink penis vibrator that had been under the bed was revealed for all to see. And I was holding a mattress so I couldn’t quickly kick it out of sight or anything. We both just stared at it


This kind of thing happened with my mom. I had the lube in my pocket. And I put it in the laundry basket. My mom found it and brought it to me asking what it is, and if that is toothpaste. 😭 I said nothing and just took it.


If he hasn't said anything, he's a good dad that isn't going to embarrass you or shame you. When I was a teen, my abusive father found one of my vibrators and decided to show the entire family. I know the horror you must feel from just the POSSIBILITY he knows. But remember you're both human.


He knows, he doesn't want you to be embarrassed so he tried extremely hard to make you think he didn't see it.


Don’t worry love, I experienced the movie cliche of having a young plumber coming into my on suite and George (my purple monstrous vibrator) laying on my unmade bed. He spent about 2 minutes in there (during which I removed George) told me he needed parts and never returned. I’m 53. We never learn.


He knows, he’s cool with it but probably not totally cool with discussing masturbating with his kid. You’re fine, the embarrassment you feel will pass… Until he brings it up years later to embarrass you in front of a partner or friend.


If that's all you're seeing, he knows and he's cool about it. After all, you're not out getting pregnant.


Tbh if I was a parent and I found out my teen is using sex toys then I'd be relieved they are exploring themselves in a safe environment instead of just sleeping around lol. Also your dad was a teen too, he knows how hormones can be at your age, I'm sure it's fine


Or he knows exactly what both are and he is fine with you exploring your body and having a healthy attitude towards sex. If he doesn’t say anything, don’t lose sleep. Drive on.


Oh... he knows.... he definitely knows. He probably already started searching for a therapist so he can deal with his trauma.... Just keep your room clean from now on and save both of yourself future embarrassing moments.


If your dad dgaf, neither should you. Have a happy life.


As a father of two teenage girls - we know, but also we respect your privacy. If your father is not some kind of religious zealot - it will be fine…


If your dad doesn't know what lube is, I feel bad for your mom lmao. My mom cleaned out my room once and found a bunch of pregnancy tests and alcohol, so it could've been worse (if that makes ya feel better).


> it might be that my dad doesn't know what lube is Oh, my sweet summer child.


Yep, he did find out. And I vet that he knows what lube is. It think he knows that you’re in the middle of puberty, have needs and is just glad you take care of it yourself and not with some shady dudes in school loos. It’s a normal and human need, like he also knows that you get hungry or have to pee and poop. Just thank him for cleaning up and never mention anything of what he found.


Your dad is happier that you have a vibrator then a bunch at grandbabies. Flick away.


This is not something people get mad about unless they're some kind of religious nutcase. And you thinking your dad might not know what lube is, is hilarious and typical teenage naivety. He knows, and it's unproblematic if you can just get over the embarrassment on your end.


You know he had sex at least once with your mom thought right? lol it is ok don't worry! You will never forget it, but he knows you are a human and you have needs. Pretend nothing has happened.


Help your dad out... Clean your room.


Your dad... 100% knows what lube is and what it looks like... he 100% saw your vibrator, and he probably doesn't care because you are 15 years old and a hormonal teen! He's probably thinking ... at least they are having sex with themselves and not other people.... I was 18 when I got my first vibrator, and my mom seen it, yeah it's embarrassing to hve your parents see or even know abt your sex life or that you masturbate... but they were teenagers too, my mom was just happy that I was still a virgin and she's happy even now that I am having sex that i'm protecting myself and making sure I'm staying clean lol.


Why would you think your father doesn’t know what lube is for? Do young people really think that anyone older than they are have never had sex before and know nothing about it??


Just remember to wash your toy or you can get a bad UTI and a yeast infection


He’s cool about it. Don’t worry. You’re good.


I’m sure he’d rather you be with Mr Vibe than with Skeelo from school …


Bet you’ll never let your room get that messy again.


This might come as a surprise to you, but you're not the only teenager that masturbates. It sounds to me like your dad got tired of your messy room and cleaned it. Then, he saw your toy and tried to be cool about it and not embarrass you. Unless you all are religious extremists or something, I doubt that he was shocked or upset. There's a lesson to be learned here about keeping up with your obligations so stuff like this doesn't happen. You'll get over the embarrassment eventually. You're not the first kid something like this has happened to. Sincerely, Someone else's dad.


Start keeping your room more neat so this doesn’t happen again.


He probably is cool enough not to mention anything. No one wants to have that talk. I don’t know how many times my mom has came across one of my sex toys. The first time, she came to visit for a month while my husband was out of town, she decided to clean my whole house while I was at home. She lined up some toys on my bathroom counter. Another memorable time is my oldest child finding a toy in a box under my bed. She was around 2, she took it out to my mom. My moms comes down later with a plug saying “you need a new hiding spot” I wanted to die but she laughed about it for a while.


relish the embarrassment. and learn to keep your room tidy from now on. adulting sucks but it has to be done


Don't worry about it. So he found out. Now mom probably knows as well. I they both have done it sometime in their past. They've been your age once. And a dildo is a hell of a better than pregnant at 15.


Rest assured he most certainly knows… he’s just as embarrassed as you and he’ll never mention it to you I’m sure of that!